The old man was very busy, but he was busy all day.

In the past two days, Chen Feng has been acting like a big shot. He gets up at nine or ten every day, and thinks about what to eat today as soon as he opens his eyes, and then tells Liu Ping.

He goes to Lu Dahai's house to take a stroll, to see if he has any new goods, and buys something here and there.

Lu Dahai sighed, saying, "It would be great if you were at home every day."

Some people even don't have enough cards, and they urge Chen Feng to come over and play a few rounds.

It's a pity that although Chen Feng can play, he doesn't like to play, and he is not born with this.

In his opinion, playing cards is not as interesting as sitting in front of the bar and bragging to Lu Dahai.

Those people do have the intention of ripping off the rich, but it's a pity that Chen Feng doesn't understand.

In addition, the family was building a house, and Chen Feng was supposed to watch over it, but unfortunately he only went over to take a look when he passed by.

Then he took some freshly picked persimmons from the field to quench their thirst.

According to him, if you doubt someone, don't employ him, and if you employ someone, don't doubt him. You don't understand this thing. You just stare at him every day, and it's the same thing.

After lunch, Zheng Ping came to find Chen Feng.

"Fengzi, let's go, let's go to the county town to purchase some, and then go to Qiuling City tomorrow."

"It's the same if you stay at home, it's better to go to Qiuling to pan for gold."

Since Zheng Ping found a big deal, he is now full of confidence and is looking forward to a few more big deals.

"Okay, then I'll call Lin Nian, and we'll go in a while?" Chen Feng drank a sip of water.

"Yes, pack up, and we'll go shopping now." Zheng Ping got up and went out to call others.

Chen Feng sent a WeChat message to Lin Nian, asking him to come over with his bag.

After sending the WeChat message, the boy arrived at Chen Feng's house in less than five minutes.

After talking to him, Lin Nian said that he understood, but it was his first time to go out far away, and he didn't know what to buy.

"I'll tell you when we get to the supermarket, it's okay." Chen Feng assured him.

Soon everyone gathered together, drove two cars, and headed straight to the county supermarket.

This time, everyone went to the supermarket, and they were more familiar with the road, and the things they bought were also richer. Even Huang Fei bought a few dried sausages, ready to steam and chew them when they had nothing to do.

When they arrived at the canned food area, not only Chen Feng, but each of them also picked a can.

Didn't they say last time that whoever found a big deal would treat everyone to canned food?

This time Chen Feng was not there, and they had nowhere to buy, so they prepared everything in advance before they found the goods.

Lin Nian also followed suit and put a lot of things in the shopping cart.

Chen Feng bought a lot of snacks and candies to satisfy his cravings when he was bored.

Each of the group pushed a cart and walked to the cashier.

Now it was not peak time, and no one came to buy things at one or two o'clock, so the only cashier at the cashier was looking down at her phone.

When she felt someone coming, she put her phone away and prepared to help them check out before continuing to check out.

As a result, when she looked up, she was stunned by the full shopping carts of this group of people.

"Oh my god, why did you buy so many things? Are you going to camp?" The salesperson said in surprise.

"Haha, we are going to camp." Zheng Ping took the things in the cart to the cashier one by one and said.

Is gold panning considered camping? I guess so.

After paying for the carts one by one, the cashier felt numb. When did she take over such a big job?

How come it is busier than the evening rush hour in the most leisurely time in the afternoon?

Everyone got on the car with their things and returned to the village. Although everyone had decided to let Huang Fei replenish supplies on the way, they still packed the car full. It was a habit that could not be changed.

At five or six o'clock in the evening, Chen Feng called the old man.

"Hello, old man, do you still remember me? We drank and ate edamame together at that time?"

The other end of the phone was reminded and immediately remembered, and laughed: "Hahaha, it's you, kid, why, you want to come to my place?"

"Well, I'll leave from the village tomorrow and I think I'll reach the hills in the afternoon. Send me the location and I'll find you." Chen Feng smiled.

"Okay, okay, I'll send you the location in a while. If you can't find me when you drive tomorrow, call me again. If not, I'll pick you up." The old man said readily.

"Okay, okay, where are you now, old man?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, I'm shopping now." The old man lit a cigarette and replied.

"Then uncle, do you need anything now? When I come over,

I'll take it to you, so you don't have to make another trip."

Chen Feng is very good at dealing with people, and the old man was very happy to hear this.

"No need, I've only been here for a few days, and I've brought enough things with me, just come." The old man laughed.

"Okay, then you wait for me there, I'll find you tomorrow." Chen Feng smiled.

"Yeah, come on, I'll wait for you here." After the old man finished speaking, the two talked a few more words and hung up the phone.

"What's the matter, do you really want to go to that place? Can you do it without anyone? Can there be any accidents?" Liu Ping was a little worried.

"No, the old man looks nice, and he was alone when he was in the pub, so nothing will happen. "Chen Feng assured her.

Of course, you should not have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others.

He has already told Zheng Ping and the others that he will send them a location when he goes there.

And he will send them a WeChat message and call them every day.

If he doesn't call them, then there must be something wrong and they have to come.

The two places should not be far away, because according to the old man, the distance is only 200 kilometers, and it takes at most three hours to drive there.

About half an hour later, the old man sent the location to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng clicked it and saw it, and roughly understood where it was.

At night, Chen Feng went to bed early. At about five o'clock, they got up and packed up, and Liu Ping had already prepared breakfast for him.

"Mom, I bought you a lot of food this time. Don't be reluctant to spend it at home. Just eat it. Your son's pocket is bulging now, and you don't need this. "Chen Feng smiled while eating breakfast.

"Hey, why are you still buying? I haven't finished some of what you bought last time. How much can I eat by myself?"

"Besides, you are building a big house now, and there are so many debts waiting for you. Save some money and finish the house first." Liu Ping whispered.

"It's okay. What can you do with the money you spend? You can't even buy a few bricks. What's the point of saving?"

"Just eat it."

Chen Feng ate his meal nonchalantly.

Liu Ping looked at her son with relief and a little heartache.

Although Chen Feng didn't say it every time, Liu Ping saw all the sufferings he suffered in the waste mine.

He really became a man and could support this family.

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