Longhai City is located near the West District.

The vegetable market is very large, and the butcher stalls are very conspicuous, with many repeat customers.

At this time, several old ladies who came to buy meat squatted on the ground with their hands on their heads and their hands trembling.

Surrounded by more than a dozen policemen, the butcher shop was blocked!

No matter what, the old aunt repented and admitted her mistake...

"Oh, comrades police, please don't arrest me. I will never play mahjong again!"

"Did my old man call the police? I really came out to buy meat, I didn't have an affair..."


The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes.

The police officers at the scene did not laugh because they were professional enough.

But the tens of thousands of fans and netizens in Su Yun's live broadcast room were dumbfounded by the real reactions of the meat-buying mothers.

——[This should be the time when the old aunt has the strongest desire to survive, right? 】

——[Why do you feel so happy inexplicably? 】

——[Sure enough, to subdue the strong "mouth" king, the policeman has to take action himself! 】

——[Hahaha, to be honest, the battle is really big, and I don’t even have any pants left as I told you earlier! 】

——[Old Aunt: I have never been so repentant in my life! 】



More than a dozen uniformed police officers, holding batons and carrying firearms on their waists, formed a fan-shaped encirclement.

Just for this battle, not to mention the aunt was scared, even a man as tall as two meters tall had to squat down and hold his head with his hands!

"Sorry everyone, it's a special situation and the police are handling the case!"

"Because you are involved in a major criminal case, all of you present will be investigated!"

Officer Hong was the first to show his ID and spoke in a calm and authoritative manner.

He has a dignity that cannot be denied.

For a while.

Several old ladies looked at each other. Their first reaction was panic. Their eyes widened and they looked at each other in disbelief.

After hearing Officer Hong's statement that they were cooperating with the investigation, they didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief and began to murmur and complain softly.

"Really, I didn't look at the almanac when I went out today, how could I be so unlucky to encounter this kind of thing?"

"If I'm upright, I won't be afraid of a slanted shadow. If I haven't done anything wrong, I won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on my door!"

"Comrades police, you handle the case and we cooperate with the investigation. Is it not too much for me to record a video and post it on WeChat? This is the first time I have been investigated by the police, so I am a little excited..."

Or it could be said that aunts are a special group that is not understood by others.

Officer Hong assigned several young police officers with good tempers and soft voices to take charge of investigating and interrogating the aunt.

After all, they look like regular customers of the butcher shop, who often come to the butcher shop to buy meat.

In the past month, if the meat they bought was stewed, boiled, or fried...

Alas... the situation will be more complicated...

I can’t care about that much for the time being.

A major criminal case involving eight people does not tolerate any sloppiness on the part of Officer Hong and others.

At this time, all customers in the butcher shop have been cleared.

Except for a few workers who were responsible for cutting and chopping meat in the store, the owner of the butcher shop has not yet been found.

"Where is the boss of your store?" Officer Hong snapped.

The entire butcher shop, including its front facade, has been completely surrounded and blocked by more than a dozen police officers.

The two men who were chopping and selling meat were frightened.

His face was extremely pale, as if he had spent the night playing with the five-fingered girl.

"Comrade police, we...our boss may be in the warehouse behind the store."

One of the waiters hesitated and stammered: "Um...can I ask, what happened?"

"You guys, did you arrest the wrong person?"

Officer Hong did not answer this.

Just in case, we sent people immediately to control the two butchers.

Come to Su Yun.

On the long wooden chopping board used to place, chop, and chop meat in the butcher shop, pieces of fresh red meat appeared in front of you.

"How about Brother Su Yun?"

"Any special findings?"

Officer Hong brought Su Yun here specifically for this purpose.

Identify the meat!

Forensic Doctor Wang also followed. He was a few steps away from Su Yun, picking up a piece of pork belly and observing it carefully.

"No problem, these are all pork." Su Yun shook his head and said seriously.

"Maybe it will be hidden in the back warehouse..."

"Let's go over and have a look!"

Officer Hong believed that the old sanitation worker would not lie.

It’s not available in the store, so it’s most likely stored in a warehouse freezer!

A few minutes later.

Officer Hong led people and rushed into the warehouse.

By chance, I saw a middle-aged man sitting on a chair leisurely playing Douyin and watching a beautiful girl dancing live.

Without saying a word, the people led by Officer Hong rushed forward in a swarm.

The middle-aged man was immediately controlled and pressed to the concrete floor.

"do not move!"

The middle-aged man was confused.

He is the owner of this butcher shop.

One second he was watching a beautiful woman dancing, and the next second he was being pinned to the ground and rubbed by the police?

"Comrade police, what are you doing?"

The boss's face was on the ground.

His hands were tied behind his back, and he was lying on the ground unable to move.

His eyes kept moving, as if he was saying, ten thousand whys.

"Let me ask you, what kind of meat does your butcher shop sell?"

"Be honest!"

Officer Hong yelled sharply.

at the moment.

The butcher shop owner was so frightened that a group of police officers rushed in and asked him what kind of meat the butcher shop sold.

"Comrade police, did you arrest the wrong person? I am just a pork seller!"

The boss looked aggrieved and said, "I didn't do anything illegal."

Don't want to admit it.

Officer Hong didn't say anything more, led his men, broke open the warehouse door, and Su Yun took the lead in searching.

There is a large refrigerated warehouse in the warehouse behind the butcher shop. The temperature is very low, which is very suitable for storing meat.

The group of people walked deeper.

The refrigerated warehouse is not big or small, it is as big as a room with two rooms and one living room, and is packed with densely packed cold meat.

By judging the size with the naked eye, one-half can be ruled out as pork.

Walking at the front, Su Yun glanced around.


When he noticed the bottom pile of meat in the corner of the warehouse with his peripheral vision, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"it is this……"

"Quick! Pull it out!" Officer Hong said without thinking.

Several people worked together to take out the basin-sized piece of meat that Su Yun pointed to and gently placed it on the ground.

"Well...Brother Su Yun is really powerful. This piece of meat is indeed not pork..." Forensic Doctor Wang asserted.

Su Yun stretched out his hand, put it on the cold piece of meat and touched it.

It is true that the surface of the meat is very hard and cold due to a layer of freezing frost...

However, the characteristics of human flesh and skin tissue could not hide from his sharp eyes.

"Officer Hong, I can confirm that this...is human flesh!" Su Yun said.


Everyone took a sharp breath.

Hearing the word "human flesh" in this environment gives me chills down my spine!

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