I Asked You To Pick Up Rags, And You Picked Out Nuclear Bombs?

Chapter 73 Big Trouble! Go And Invite Su Yun!

Lieutenant Colonel Zheng Jianfeng, Criminal Police Captain Lao Hong.

I have great admiration for this instructor Huang from the military region.

On the one hand, the other party is a senior.

On the other hand, the other party’s achievements and international recognition in the field of cryptography.

To convince a group of arrogant foreign experts, Teacher Huang is the only one who can do this.

A group of people hurried to the interrogation room.

Because there was no pause along the way, Teacher Huang looked a little tired.

However, he remained speechless, with a calm and calm expression on his face.


Then the interrogation room door was pushed open.

Pang Guangda was pulled up and squatted in the corner.

Officer Hong pointed to the computer page and introduced.

"Teacher Huang, come and take a look..."

"This page has three trial and error opportunities. After three opportunities, the page will be automatically destroyed and our location will be locked in reverse."

"We have interrogated and there is no hint of the password...it is a dynamic password."

Teacher Huang: "..."

He remained silent.

The calmness and calmness on his face was very reassuring.

Teacher Huang sat opposite the computer, typing on the keyboard with both hands.

He didn't rush into trial and error...

Instead, use your own professional level and knowledge.

Reverse the page...

That white page with nothing on it.

The previous garbled appearance appears again.

"This is a URL that comes with its own program."

"It can be seen that the person who designed the website is very skilled."

"People who can memorize these procedures are also very powerful..."

Teacher Huang spoke and praised the website designer and Pang Guangda at the same time.

Of course, he said this.

It's just recognition of genius from a cryptography perspective.

Zheng Jianfeng asked: "Teacher Huang, look...how should we solve it now?"

"The list in this website is very important."

"Thousands of victim families are involved..."

Hearing this, Teacher Huang nodded, with seriousness on his face.

He began to push back step by step.

half an hour...

The first pushback is over.

A code appeared that had been calculated countless times in my mind.

Click, click, enter the password!

Display error!

That red warning makes people panic.

The first time, it failed.

Teacher Huang said nothing.

Then he took out his briefcase...

Take out a diary inside.

Open the densely packed various records above.

Ten minutes later, Teacher Huang started to push back again.

He took advantage of the second counterattack for forty minutes!

Obviously, Teacher Huang is also cautious...

For the second password calculation, Teacher Huang used the computer out of caution.

Multiple units, multiple algorithms...

Zheng Jianfeng and Officer Hong stood behind and watched.

Densely packed, sometimes numbers, sometimes letters.

Some of these are esoteric algorithms in advanced mathematics.

I can't understand it at all!

In the end, even this algorithm has become a collision between letters and symbols.


Zheng Jianfeng and Officer Hong swallowed hard.


High intellectuals are terrible...

Fortunately, Teacher Huang was invited today, otherwise, they really wouldn't know how to start.

Da da da……

After a few minutes of silence, the keyboard sounded again.

It’s still that all-white white page.

The input box is flashing.

Teacher Huang started his second input attempt...


Everyone took a deep breath and tensed their nerves.

The moment the enter key is pressed...

Display error!

Another scarlet warning!

Everyone's eyes widened and they didn't dare to make any move...

Wrong the second time...


Teacher Huang took off his glasses frames.

It can be seen that there are dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

Is this password so difficult to crack?

Officer Hong stepped forward to comfort him: "Teacher Huang, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

Teacher Huang shook his head.

There was a hint of difficulty on that old wrinkled face.

He said: "This password is not simple."

"I can vaguely touch some..."

"After two attempts to push back, I discovered that this input box contains a virus..."

"That is, when you enter the password 123, the virus in the input box will tamper with your password, changing 123 to 345!"


What the hell...

As soon as Teacher Huang said these words, everyone was not calm.

What kind of magic code is this?

Are there still such perverted viruses in the world?

Teacher Huang added: "Since then..."

"If you want to decipher it correctly, you must not only ensure the correctness of the inference, but also calculate and guess what number the virus input box will change your password to."

"The tampered numbers need to be changed again..."

"And when you enter the changed password again, the virus input box will come into play again..."

It goes round and round, like a Tai Chi diagram.

At this moment, Zheng Jianfeng and Officer Hong were completely unable to hold their nerve.

What the hell, who designed the password?

So complicated!

Teacher Huang stood up and looked several years older in just over an hour.

"The password can only be entered incorrectly once and countless times..."

"I think this is my last chance, I can't try it casually again."

"You guys should think of other ways!"

Officer Hong: "..."

Even the leaders in cryptography have retreated.

Who else can I look for? ?

Zheng Jianfeng touched Officer Hong's arm.

"Lao Hong, I have a bold idea."

"Little brother Su Yun, are you asleep now?"

Officer Hong:? ? ?

He opened his mouth.

I want to refuse, but I have no reason to refuse.

Combined with the many previous accidents...

At this time, it’s not surprising at all to think of that kid!

Officer Hong was still a little dazed: "I guess I haven't slept yet..."

"That guy is a night owl."

"Then let's go find him!"

"That kid is very evil, let him try it!"

Anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor.

What if a miracle really happens to that kid?

Not to say……

Are there only one miracle and countless miracles?

That kid Su Yun has shined many times.

Can't help but explain.

Under the suggestion of Zheng Jianfeng.

Teacher Huang followed them to take a look at this young man who could shine and be hot.

He was curious.

Why when mentioning this young man named Su Yun?

There is light in their eyes!

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door of the resettlement house, and a crowd of people crowded in.

"Brother Su Yun, you haven't slept yet!?"

"Come out and do a favor..."


Su Yun yawned.

Youzaiyouya came to the interrogation room.

Once inside.

Pang Guangda was squatting in the corner and dozing off.

Smell danger...

His eyes widened for a moment, and his whole body shivered.

As if begging for mercy: "Brother! I really don't know what the password is!"

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