Zhu Yeqing led Su Yun to the edge of the cliff.

Then, the two of them were very powerful, and the other was a snake...

Everyone stared at each other.

There was such a tacit understanding that no one spoke.

The fat man was making a lot of noise, but fortunately Zhuyeqing didn't understand that he was scolding him...

Standing on the edge of a cliff.

It is better to be afraid alone than to be afraid of everyone...

Fatty Wang Fan acted mischievously and adjusted the camera to focus on the bottom of the cliff.

--【Fatty! you wanna die! 】

——[Ugh...I'm dizzy! 】

——[Damn, this cliff is so steep...]

——[Family, are there any crowdfunding people who can fuck Fatty? 】

——[I’ll give you a piece! 】

Su Yun looked at the green bamboo leaves in the grass next to him.

Zhu Yeqing: "The man is in the cave on the edge of the cliff."

"I was bitten... Now I'm unconscious and can't run away!"

Su Yun: "..."

It’s unclear what exactly caused the bite.

However, it is conceivable...

As much as animals are afraid of guns, they hate spies.

Moreover, it seems that the animals on the mountain are very spiritual.

I know those spies are not from China.

Therefore, if you take action, you will not show mercy...

Su Yun asked: "How should we get down?"

I really admire these spies.

In order to complete the tasks assigned by superiors, he did not hesitate to risk his life.

But any normal person would not choose to live on a cliff, right?

No wonder Brother Zheng Jianfeng and the others couldn't search.

Hearing this, Zhuyeqing took Su Yun and the others to find thick and strong vines...

Su Yun glanced down and there was indeed a cave.

"Fat man, put the camera down."

"Go and notify Brother Zheng Jianfeng that he has been found!"


Wang Fan had no objection and transformed into a flexible little fat man.

Tie up the vines.

Take Chang Wei out of his trouser pocket.

Su Yun walked down the vines.

——[At this height...don't let anything happen...]

——[Holy shit! If you fall from this height, you will definitely suffer a powder fracture! 】

——[Unfortunately, I can’t see Brother Su’s heroic appearance! 】

——[Brother Su is really almighty, an almighty hexagonal warrior, right? 】

——[If you are not convinced...]

Su Yun followed the vine with one hand and quickly slid down.


A cave came into view, just big enough for one person to enter.

Without thinking much, Su Yun walked in slowly.

Several snakes squirmed out...

There are cobras, cauliflower snakes, bamboo leaves and green...

It’s hard to imagine that these different species of snakes could come together.

Several snakes appeared but did not attack Su Yun.

Leading the way, he waited until Su Yun saw the figures who had fainted from the poison.

There are three agents in total.

Without exception, they were all bitten by snakes on the ankles...

Currently comatose and unconscious.

It seems that the poison is not serious, just coma and dizziness...

Out of habit, Su Yun took stock of the environment inside the cave.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

Three beds, three chairs, plus some precision instruments.

No need to confirm, no doubt a spy...

the other side.

Fatty Wang Fan was so eager to catch up with Zheng Jianfeng and the others.

Inform: "Brother Zheng, my brother has found the spy!"

Zheng Jianfeng:? ? ?

Everyone, look at me and I at you, with disbelief on their faces.


Has Su Yun found the spy? Are you sure you're not kidding?

They have been searching the mountain for almost half an hour, right?

We haven't even found the secret agent's hair yet. Have you found it again?

It's not scientific...

Zheng Jian's face was full of disbelief and he said, "Fat man, aren't you and brother Su Yun picking up rags?"

"Where did you find the secret agent?"


Wang Fan couldn't tell exactly.

Thinking of Su Yun's words to persuade him, he immediately said: "Brother Zheng, I picked it up!"

"Those spies were accidentally picked up by my brother!"

Zheng Jianfeng:? ? ?

Everyone:? ? ?

Listen, is this human language?

Picked it up! ?

You can pick up rags, you can pick up corpses, you can pick up arsenals...

Okay, I recognize all of these!

Damn it, you can even pick up a living person! ?

Zheng Jianfeng wanted to scold his mother.

However, when I think about the Su Yun brothers, they never take the ordinary path.

"Let's go! Go take a look!"

Fatty Wang Fan led everyone to the cliff.

Looking at a vine tied to the tree.

It can be confirmed that Su Yun has gone down...

Zheng Jianfeng shouted: "Brother Su Yun, are you down there?"

"here I am!"

Su Yun's voice immediately came from below: "Brother Zheng, I'm going to tie the vines for you, please pull it!"


A whole company of people.

I watched helplessly as a foreigner was pulled out of the cave under the cliff.

For a moment, the atmosphere was strange...

Everyone felt as if they had eaten an Ollie, it was extremely uncomfortable!

——[People are more infuriating than others! 】

--【Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard! 】

——[Brother Su, please accept your magical powers! 】

——[Be a human being, please Brother Su, be a human being. 】

——[Wan Duzi, Brother Su is too curled up, there is nothing he can do about this curl...]

——[He rushes to do the work of the police, he rushes to do the work of the police dog, and he rushes to do the work of the soldier! 】

——[Let him continue to do this, and there will be a crisis in the country asking for employment! 】

The first beautiful country agent was pulled up.

Followed closely by the second, third...

All three people were dragged up.

Still in a coma.

Fat Wang Fan didn't know which muscle he had cramps.

Bang bang bang...

Three people, one after another came up with a big mouth.

Zheng Jianfeng looked gloomy and said, "Go and notify the medical soldiers and ask them to revive him!"

No matter what.

For humanitarian reasons, these three people cannot die yet.

At present, the military has been stolen and how much intelligence has been stolen.

We also need to learn from these three people...

The agent was found.

In the cave under the cliff, there was no movement.

What happened?

Zheng Jianfeng shouted: "Brother Su Yun!"

"are u there?"

"Do you need us to go down and help you!?"

Su Yun replied: "No need!"

He was using excess vines to pack and tie up the secret agents' precision instruments.

Inside, there is a lot of information and so on...

There is a drawing.

Su Yun glanced...

He found.

On this drawing, encrypted language is used.

A language used exclusively by secret agents.

Generally, normal people cannot understand it.

But, Su Yun is such a loser...

You can clearly identify what it means at a glance.

"It turns out that there is more than just the Iron Regiment..."

The beautiful country dispatches spies that go deep into various military regions.

Divided into ten batches…

They are located in, southeast, northwest...

Wherever a place is removed, someone else will immediately take its place!

"It seems that this time I can give him and them a pot of food."

Because it was a venomous snake on the mountain that bit the three agents.

Quietly, the toxin spreads rapidly...

The three agents had no time to react.

Important information, instruments, plans and design drawings...

All laid out on the table.

Su Yun was unceremonious.

Everything, pack it up and take it away...

at last.

After everything was sorted, I surprisingly searched under the bed.

I discovered that there was a hidden compartment under the bed board.

There happens to be a noble and gorgeous black box hidden inside...

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