The bookstores in Yanggu County are called used bookstores.

As the name suggests, it is a shop where many used books are stored.

The store is not a century-old brand.

But the advantage is that it is spacious and bright, has a wide variety of books, and is in a good location.

It still attracted many readers.

A small half of them are new books, and the majority are second-hand books collected by the shopkeeper.

The store's main focus is study materials and notes from previous imperial examination candidates.

There is a dazzling array of things to see and do.

Students who have not yet achieved academic status often like to come here in groups to pick and choose.

If you get a title, you can sell your old notes for a small amount of money.

The value of this thing is directly related to the imperial examination results.

Generally speaking, after becoming a Jinshi...

Booksellers are willing to purchase previous study materials at high prices.

If it is the top three Jinshi, or even the notes of the number one scholar...

That would be extremely popular.

Well, of course I am talking about second-hand goods that were excerpted and printed by others.

The real No. 1 scholar's notes will not appear in such a small place.

After all, in the eyes of many literati...

The number one scholar is Wenquxing who has descended to earth.

Even the used pen, ink, paper and inkstone are stained with the scholar's literary spirit.

It can be used as a family heirloom!

"Shopkeeper, do you have any... that kind of... Kung Fu training book?"

Huang Rong glanced at the bookshelf and found that they were all serious books on the Four Books and Five Classics. She felt a little impatient and walked to the counter and asked.

"What kind of Kung Fu? Oh, I understand."

The shopkeeper is a fat man in his forties.

He thought for a moment, put down the novel in his hand, and looked at Huang Rong with a smile: "Sir, do you want to read it?"

"My eldest brother wants to see it. Let me take a look together."

Huang Rong didn't take it seriously and pointed at Lin Xuan behind her.

" two brothers, are you going to...practice Kung Fu together?"

The shopkeeper was obviously a little shocked and stammered.

"Isn't it possible?" Huang Rong was a little displeased: "Are you sure? Give me a guarantee, don't worry about my mother-in-law."

"Oh, there are some!"

"Guest sir, take a look at this book. It's selling well."

"There are some postures..., uh, you two brothers should be able to do it together."

The shopkeeper opened the drawer, took out a thin book, and showed a strange smile.

""Illustrated Explanation of Dongxuanzi's Thirty Styles"?"

Huang Rong looked at this weird name and was slightly startled, then subconsciously opened the title page.

The dragon is tactful, the swallow is in the same heart, the luan is dancing, the somersaulting butterfly is, the white tiger is soaring, the wild horse is leaping...

Then, one by one, incredible postures came into her eyes.

Half text, half illustration.

The painting is quite sexy.


Huang Rong was stunned, her little hand mechanically flipped through the album, and her mind went blank.

"Shopkeeper, you may have misunderstood."

Lin Xuan sighed, closed the book, and handed it back to the shopkeeper: "What I want to buy is martial arts skills! Not this kind of skills."

Looking at Huang Rong, she looked like she was dead...

Lin Xuan was also speechless and had no choice but to help.

After all, these are his teammates, brothers and sisters.

What if this girl is hit too hard and awakens some strange attributes...

It doesn’t feel good either!

Lin Xuan's motives this time were simple, he really wanted to practice martial arts...

Even if I can't buy a martial arts book, I won't go back with a copy of Fangzhongshu.

In his previous life, he had a few portable hard drives.

Be well-informed, knowledgeable, and knowledgeable in hundreds of schools of thought!

I have no interest at all in Liu Beishu, which is about popularizing science.

Too low-level!

"Practice martial arts?"

The shopkeeper was a little confused: "Looking at the way you dress, you are also a scholar. Why don't you come to our bookstore to practice martial arts?"

"Is it weird?"

"...It's not strange, it's not strange!"

The shopkeeper thought carefully and took Lin Xuan to a dusty corner.

Then, he opened the cabinet door and pulled out a book box.

There are about ten books in the book box, all of which are pictures of martial arts practice.

These are some martial arts atlases that I accidentally bought into the bookstore a few years ago.

It's all superficial skills.

It is roughly equivalent to the military boxing of later generations.

It is not the same thing as the so-called magical secret book.

People in the world naturally look down upon this thing.

The scholars who took part in the imperial examinations only focused on reading the books of sages and sages, and even scorned this kind of heresy, and did not bother to read it at all.

After selling it for several months, there were still zero sales.

The shopkeeper also gave up trying and put all the books away.

"This internal skill is not bad. It's useless after practicing it, but it doesn't do any harm..."

Huang Rong forced herself to calm down and pretended to be nonchalant.

"Well, I'll take this one." Lin Xuan was naturally more calm.

"This knife skill is just okay... it's quite suitable for your pig-killing knife."

"Okay, Wu Erlang has brought me a knife. Please wrap this one as well."

The two men flipped through the books, reluctantly selected two, and handed the shopkeeper two coins.

In the Han and Tang dynasties, there was papermaking but no printing. Books were all copied by hand and were expensive.

A book costs about one tael of silver.

At that time, copywriting was actually a very profitable profession.

By this time, engravings were available and movable type printing had been invented, which greatly reduced the cost of books.

A book is probably only worth one-tenth of its price in the Han and Tang Dynasties.

Of course, no matter how powerful movable type printing is, it is impossible to print some magical skills.

What you can buy with money is definitely just some mediocre martial arts.

The two books I chose are also some common stuff.

One is "Quiet Breathing Method" and the other is "Tiger Sword Skill".

The internal strength is average, and it can only be regarded as no harm to practice.

The sword skill is okay, simple and rough, like the sword skill used by the famous general Di Qing to train soldiers in the past.

The basic skills provided to Lin Xuan by Blue Star School for free are basically some methods of strengthening qi and blood, tempering muscles and bones.

It belongs to exam-oriented education, and is a targeted training based on the content of the martial artist's assessment.

There are no internal qi training methods and weapon moves.

These two books can be used for reference and study.

As for the rest of the books, they are all about hammer hands, broom legs, and chest-breaking stone magic skills...

Just looking at the names, there is no future.

Looking through the content, it is even more stupid.

Lin Xuan was originally thinking about trying his luck and found a few books on the magic of Mingzhu Tou'an.

It seems that he was just overthinking.

Most of the books that can't be sold are rotten and no one buys them.


"Two gentlemen, come often in the future."

The two bought the books, ran to the brothel, spent three taels of silver, listened to a little music, and ordered a table of wine and food.

Seeing that Lin Xuan was generous, after eating and drinking, the old procuress dressed up in fancy clothes personally sent the two out.

"This is my first time to come to such a place, hehe, I'm very happy."

After Huang Rong made a mistake, she was embarrassed to speak and buried her head in drinking a lot of wine.

Her little face was flushed from drinking, and she pulled Lin Xuan's sleeve with a smile on her face.

"Those girls are average looking, but the atmosphere is good, and it can really relax the body and mind."

Lin Xuan let Huang Rong pull his sleeve and commented casually.

There is no erotic paid plot.

Yanggu County is just a small place, and the professional ability of those prostitutes is just so-so...

Not to mention the appearance that relies on makeup.

Even the level of talent is at most the level of a KTV princess in a third-tier city.

Compared with Huang Rong, it is a world of difference.

So much so that Lin Xuan felt that he would suffer a loss if he stayed there overnight...

Well, it is not wrong to think so.

There are no protective measures these days.

If you get sick...

It is a very troublesome thing.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Huang, the reward for killing the tiger has arrived, and the county magistrate is waiting for you in the hall."

As soon as the two walked to the courtyard of the government office, the servant standing at the door hurriedly came to greet them and congratulated them.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Lin Xuan smiled and took out two silver coins and stuffed them into the servant's hand.

"Please, sir."

The servant was overjoyed and walked in front happily.

"We want to be rebels and not take advantage of the government. Once we get the money, we'll move out."

Huang Rong exhaled a breath of alcohol and said softly, "The dishes today are not as delicious as the ones I cooked."



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