I asked you to play the dungeon, but you are here to raise the BOSS?

Chapter 165: Xiao Kai is not a big deal, Huang Yaoshi is shocked

[This instance is rated as perfect. Please choose one as the instance reward. ]

[1. Permanently leave the reincarnation space and completely control your own destiny. ]

[Note: The current bound plane of the reincarnation is the Water Margin instance. If the reincarnation chooses to leave the reincarnation space, the reincarnation space will stop interfering with this plane. ]

[2. Specify a weapon, magic weapon or other object that the reincarnation has held at the end of the previous instance. ]

[Note: This item can be stored in the storage space of the reincarnation. Once this reward is selected, if the same object exists in the instance that the reincarnation experiences later, it will automatically disappear and be considered to be obtained by the reincarnation. ]

[Choosing artifacts, immortal artifacts, or props such as the imperial seal may cause some impact. ]

[3. Conduct a lucky draw. 】

"I definitely won't choose the first one... I was discussing with Brother Lin yesterday about what to do when we go to the Water Margin plane."

"As for the second reward, according to Brother Lin, it's 'not too high in the upper limit, not too low in the lower limit', it seems so-so."

"No! Where can I choose the artifacts or immortal artifacts? At most, I can choose the Dragon Slaying Sword, which doesn't seem to be of much use..."

Huang Rong tilted her head and thought for a while: "Let's choose the third one and give it a try."

[Successful selection. ]

[There are a total of one thousand reward balls in the prize pool. Reincarnators can choose one of the numbers 1-1000 and will receive the reward. ]

The light flashed, and a large number of colorful and jumping light balls appeared in Huang Rong's mind.

The colors and sizes of the light balls were completely different. The largest one was as big as a palace, and the smallest one was only the size of a grain of rice.

"... Is it necessary to draw a prize?"

Huang Rong looked at the jumping light balls and felt a little dizzy.

After hesitating for a long time, Huang Rong gritted her teeth and said, "Choose number 617!"

This number was told to her by Zhang Sanfeng when she met him in Wudang Mountain.

It is said that the founder of Emei said it himself a hundred years ago.

But the embarrassing thing is that although the other party gave this number, he did not tell how to use it.

Huang Rong didn't know whether it was right for the occasion at the moment...

Besides, Huang Rong had just searched for a long time and couldn't see where the light ball "617" was.

Well, the biggest light ball looked very unusual at first glance, and she also wanted to open it to see what was inside...

After weighing it over and over again, Huang Rong decided to trust herself and try her luck.

[Choose successfully, the reincarnationist will receive the reward number 617. 】

"What is this? Xiantian Gong?"

"The one from Wang Chongyang? That thing is not very powerful? It should be worse than Lao Huang's Nine Yin Manual, right?"

Huang Rong closed her eyes and felt that there was a light golden book in her mind.

The three characters "Xiantian Gong" were written on the cover of the book.

"Oh, no, there are two symbols in the middle."

"Qian three links, Kun six breaks, is this the meaning of Qiankun in the Eight Diagrams?"

"Xiantian Qiankun Gong? Is this martial art more powerful than Xiantian Gong?"

A thought flashed through Huang Rong's mind, and she turned the first page by herself.

"First move: Qiankun Wuding!"

There were only a few patterns on the page, and a few characters that were a hundred times older than oracle bone script.

But as Huang Rong's spiritual consciousness swept through, countless vast and mysterious martial arts insights poured into her mind.

It seemed that the great way of heaven and earth was contained in just a few strokes.

"Hmm? This character... is this the first batch of characters created by Cangjie?"

"Is this martial art... so ancient?"

A flash of enlightenment flashed through Huang Rong's mind, and she silently turned the pages.

Heavenly fire, heavenly cycle, thunder and lightning...

They are all ancient and vast moves, seemingly ordinary, but contain the principles of heaven and earth.

Huang Rong vaguely felt that these moves even surpassed the cage of the Nine Yin Manual.

After reading the sixth move "Reversing the Universe", the second half of the book was firmly glued together.

No matter how Huang Rong thought about it, it didn't move at all.

"Aren't you allowed to read the rest?"

"Forget it, half of the book is fine. Brother Lin said that you can't force anything."

"It feels like even if you only practice these six moves, it should take a long time."

Huang Rong exhaled a breath of depression: "I have to go back and merge Lao Zhang's internal force with the Nine Yin Qi. There are still many things to do."

[The copy is settled! ]

[The reincarnation will automatically return to the original plane in five seconds. ]

The sea breeze blew, mixed with the fragrance of flowers.

From a distance, the island is lush and green, with a ball of green, a ball of red, a ball of yellow, a ball of white, and a brocade of flowers.

"Back to this broken place again..."

Huang Rong curled her lips and stood up: "Such a big island, but it's so deserted all day long."


Someone snorted softly on the treetop.

A tall and thin figure fell silently and appeared in front of Huang Rong.

The newcomer was wearing a green cloth robe, with a strange appearance and lifeless face, like a zombie.

"Daddy, it's okay for you to wear a human skin mask when you go out, but why do you wear it when you return to Peach Blossom Island?"

Huang Rong sighed: "I also saw an old... old woman this time, who also wore a mask all day long, are you addicted to it after wearing it for a long time?"

"Daddy just returned to the island."

Huang Yaoshi was stunned for a moment, took off the human skin mask, revealing a thin and handsome face.

"Oh, you went out? Did you provoke an enemy, and you are afraid that others will recognize you?"

"Nonsense, who in this world can I, Huang Laoxie, be afraid of?"

"Then why are you wearing a mask? Are you afraid that if you look too handsome, the little girl you seduce will be heartbroken?"

Huang Rong chuckled: "Someone told me that middle-aged people often feel good. What's the word for it? Oh, yes! Mensao!"

"What a mess!"

Huang Yaoshi snorted: "Have you been daydreaming for another year?"

"What do you mean by daydreaming for a year! Even if it's just a dream, it's actually true!"

Huang Rong was very dissatisfied: "Besides, I'm very powerful now, you know?"

"It seems a little different from before."

Huang Yaoshi glanced at Huang Rong and didn't care: "Did you learn anything powerful in your dream?"

Huang Rong's current internal strength cultivation has far surpassed that of Huang Yaoshi.

But whether it is Tai Chi magic or Jiu Yin Qi, it is important to hide it deeply and not reveal it.

Huang Rong has also reached the state of returning from reality to reality, and she looks almost the same as before...

"A powerful thing? I haven't really mastered the most powerful one yet. I can't control the strength well and can't use it randomly."

Huang Rong thought for a while: "By the way, dad, someone has seen your Luoying Shenjian Palm and made some changes for you. I think it's much more powerful."

"Shameless talk!"

Huang Yaoshi laughed angrily: "Dad, stand here and don't move, and you hit me with the Luoying Shenjian palm modified by someone else. As long as you make me dodge a little and raise my hands to block, we will be considered inferior to others on Peach Blossom Island."

"But the one I used to hit you was also the Luoying Divine Sword Palm..."

Huang Rong was a little speechless: "After all, it's our Taohua Island's martial arts."

"...That means that my old evil skills are not as good as others!"

Huang Yaoshi snorted: "Let me see with all your strength!"

"I'm a little embarrassed that you're like this..."

Huang Rong sighed: "I can only use three moves, dad, be careful! You can use other moves too!"

"Let's see if you have this ability."

Huang Yaoshi nodded and stood with his feet straight: "Okay, let's take action."

"Falling flowers and flowing water."

Huang Rongqing scolded, Tai Chi created two movements, Yang palm came out first, and slapped Huang Yaoshi with abundant palm power.

"This is...? The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

It felt like Huang Rong struck out with a palm, and the palm force was like the roar of an angry dragon, pressing down overwhelmingly.

As the wind from his palm touched his body, Huang Yaoshi couldn't help but his eyelids twitched and his heart trembled slightly.

Although, the moves in front of him told him that he was facing an imaginary and real Luoying Shenjian Zhang.

But my precious daughter just used this thing to achieve a powerful and unparalleled effect.

Huang Yaoshi felt that when faced with Hong Qigong's unparalleled Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he was only under such pressure...

Without thinking too much, Huang Yaoshi gave a light drink, activated his internal energy, and gently flicked out his right palm.

One palm comes out, and a thousand palms are born!

The mid-air was like falling flowers, with palm shadows in all directions.

The palm power was like a sword, changing layer by layer, blocking Huang Rong's powerful palm.

Since his daughter's palm skills were comparable to Hong Qigong's, Huang Yaoshi had nothing to think about.

When Hong Qigong takes action, Huang Yaoshi will not stand still and let him hit him.

That would be beaten to death.

"Rong'er, be careful! If you can't accept it, retreat...huh?"

The two palms met, and Huang Yaoshi's chest felt tight. He felt as if he had been hit by a blue whale, and his face turned pale.

Huang Rong is now a real Tai Chi master.

If it were transformed into Tai Chi's vigorous form, it would be no less powerful than the bombardment of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu.

Although Huang Yaoshi's self-created internal energy is also very powerful, it is not as powerful as the peerless skills of Zhang Sanfeng and Huang Shang.

Now he felt contempt in his heart, and when he slapped it down, his brain was buzzing from the shock.

"The flowers fall away."

The shadow of Tai Chi under Huang Rong's feet flashed, and the Yang pole gave rise to Yin, and the palm force became gentle and soft, as if stepping on the void in the air without any force.

"The reversal of yin and yang?? What kind of internal power is this!"

Huang Yaoshi was so shocked that he quickly took a wrong step and stomped on the ground.

Using the Whirlwind Sweeping Leaf Leg, Huang Yaoshi rose into the air and floated far away like a leaf rolled up by a strong wind.

In mid-air, Huang Yaoshi flicked his right hand three times.

Three thin strands of energy shot out at the same time, touching the edge of Huang Rong's palm, dissolving the Tai Chi soft energy.

"Flowers fall without a trace."

The energy of yin and yang merged into Tai Chi. Huang Rong stretched out her little hand as white as jade and pressed it in the air.


Huang Yaoshi retreated sharply, exhaled loudly, and used his palm power to split the air.

The two palms collided in the air. Huang Yaoshi groaned and broke a large tree behind him that was as thick as a person.

"Daddy, do you believe me this time?"

Huang Rong flicked her hand, and the returning energy of yin and yang filled the void, dissolving the overflowing impact energy.

If left alone, the shock wave would pass by and the nearby trees would wither in a few days, and they would have to be used as wood for burning.

"...Are you really my daughter?"

Huang Yaoshi let out a sullen breath, his expression extremely complicated.

"Of course."

Huang Rong giggled and said, "I'm better than you now. If I weren't your daughter, why would I recognize you as my father?"

"...There is some truth to this. This is indeed what my daughter, Huang Laoxie, should say."

Huang Yaoshi was greatly reassured and pondered: "How much strength did you use just now?"

"About seventy percent."

"Then you should be number one in the world now."

Huang Yaoshi's old face turned red: "Is there still a shortage of people in the 'Dream of Reincarnation' you mentioned? Daddy also wants to go in and have a look."

"Okay, I can take you there next time. I have some martial arts to show you this time."

Huang Rong's cheeks flushed slightly: "By the way, let me tell you something, don't be angry."

"Hahaha! My daughter, Huang Lao Xie, is the best in the world. I am so happy that I can't wait to be angry."

"It's not that..."

Huang Rong whispered: "My daughter is married in there. Well, I will take daddy to see him next time."

"How ridiculous! How can my daughter, Huang Lao Xie..., huh?"

Huang Yaoshi was stunned for a moment, and his voice was a little hesitant: "How good is that man's martial arts?"

"Anyway, I can't beat him."

"... Let's talk about it next time we meet."

Huang Yaoshi sighed: "For this kind of thing, let's not talk about being well-matched, at least we have to pay attention to mutual consent. We can't just stick to others because they have high martial arts."

Huang Rong: "???"

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