I asked you to play the dungeon, but you are here to raise the BOSS?

Chapter 167: Does demonization make you stronger or weaker?

[The game has been loaded. I wish you a happy game. ]

Because this is a trial version, there is no face-shaping and image selection process.

After a short black screen loading, Lin Xuan found that the character he controlled was standing at the foot of a barren mountain.

There were no stars or sun in the sky, only a red moon hanging high.

The moonlight was like blood, and the light fell on the earth, shrill and cruel.

There was a winding mountain road not far away, and there were faint creepy roars and the sound of wild beasts tearing prey.

"No task prompts?"

Lin Xuan took a look and found that the interface was simple and messed up.

There was only a blood bar at the top.

Below the blood bar, there was a white stamina bar.

At the bottom was a green experience bar, which was currently empty.

Although the blood bar and stamina bar were full, there was no numerical indication.

Well, something like Dynasty Warriors.

Lin Xuan controlled the character to turn around and found that there was a layer of air wall blocking the way down the mountain, so he could only go up the mountain.

"That's fine, the Wushuang game is also quite interesting..."

Anyway, it's just a game, there's nothing much to think about, Lin Xuan directly controlled the character to walk up the mountain road.

I don't know who I am, and I don't know where I am, I just know that I want to kill a lot!

Lin Xuan walked more than 20 meters, and a beast covered with bone spurs jumped out of the bushes on the side.

"The first monster?"

Lin Xuan stopped and looked down.

The beast's eyes were bloodshot, and a faint black gas emanated from its body.

Looking at its body shape, it looks a bit like a wolf, or maybe a bigger dog.

"Awoo! Woof!"

The beast also saw Lin Xuan at the same time, roared a few times, and pounced on him.

"Is this a wolf or a dog? Can it speak foreign languages?"

"Forget it, just call it 'wolf dog'."

Lin Xuan controlled the character and kicked the wolf dog on the head.

The wolf dog screamed strangely and thrust its head forward.

The bone spurs hurt him, and with a "hiss", Lin Xuan saw that the blood bar above was reduced by a quarter.

I don't know if it was poisoning, curse or other effects, but the blood volume continued to decrease.

Lin Xuan hesitated and stepped back.

The wolf dog let out a strange roar, jumped into the air, and bit the throat of the character controlled by Lin Xuan.

Blood splashed and the screen went black.

[Your mission has not been completed yet, reborn, my warrior! ]

[Player status evaluation...]

[The player's current vital signs are good, welcome to take a break and continue to explore and challenge. ]

"After all this time, this is not a Wushuang mowing, but a soul game?"

"It's still a soul game that needs to clear the whole map?"

"The first small monster at the beginning, you bring your own soft hedgehog armor..."

"And, it's probably 10% pain simulation?"

Lin Xuan frowned, feeling a little speechless.

With his current cultivation, if he travels back in time, it would be easy to kill the wolf dog.

But the character he controls obviously doesn't know any wedding dress magic skills or Nine Yin Manual.

His physical fitness was also very poor, and he felt that he was at most a junior warrior who had just ridden a horse.

Lin Xuan was already somewhat unaccustomed to such a weak state.

As a result, although he could see the flaws of the wolf dog, his physical reaction and strength could not keep up.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms could be used, but without internal strength, it could not exert its power.

If he hit the bone spur, he would bleed.

"Forget it, let's change our thinking..."

After resurrection, Lin Xuan looked around and found a big tree that looked good near the birth point.

Control the character to climb up the tree and break off a thick branch.

Then, he found a stone on the ground and sharpened the front end of the branch.

Lin Xuan thought about it, put the tree spear behind him, and walked up the mountain road in a swagger.

"Awoo! Woof?"

The wolf dog happily ran out of the bushes, jumped into the air, and bit Lin Xuan's neck.

In a flash, Lin Xuan stretched out his right hand behind his back and stabbed the wolf dog's throat with a spear.

Vital attack!

It is estimated that there is also a tearing effect.

The wolfhound whimpered a few times, green blood flowed from its mouth, and it fell to the ground motionless.

A white light floated out from it and gathered on Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan saw that the experience value at the bottom moved, and it increased by about one-fifth.

"Not bad, it seems that this game has a lot of freedom, and you can use local materials..."

"The monster's AI is not very high, at least this wolfhound is stupid and doesn't know how to play any tactics... huh?"

Lin Xuan pulled out his spear, and suddenly a trace of vigilance arose in his heart.

In the bushes not far away, there were several bloody red spots, gathering rapidly.

The next moment, four wolfhounds took off and pounced on Lin Xuan...

[Reborn, my warrior! ]

"... Death experience reset? Okay, or expert mode..."

Lin Xuan frowned as he looked at the black screen.

The monster's IQ may not be high, but its reaction is still very sharp.

Hearing the howl of a companion before death, it will gather quickly and attack the enemy...

Hmm? Is it really attacking the enemy?

Lin Xuan thought about it and decided to try again.


While thinking, Lin Xuan climbed the tree and broke off branches, and made two tree spears with ease.

He waited for the first stupid dog to die.

Then, he pulled out the tree spear, ran more than ten meters away, and lay on the ground.

Soon, four wolfhounds gathered and looked around vigilantly.

After a while, the four wolfhounds seemed to be relieved, surrounded the stabbed wolfhound, and started to bite it.

"This world view is really weird..."

Lin Xuan approached lightly, raised the tree spear, stabbed into the gap of the wolfhound's neck spur, and stabbed the wolfhounds one by one.

The last wolfhound seemed to have noticed Lin Xuan's appearance, but it was only concerned with eating big mouthfuls, not even raising its head.

Seeing the wolfhound so cooperative, Lin Xuan naturally would not be soft-hearted and gave it a good time.

Very good, two levels.

It's about the power of two horses...

"It feels that these beasts have increased their strength and speed after being demonized, but their intelligence is lower."

"In that case, did they become stronger or weaker after being demonized?"

Lin Xuan controlled the character to walk up the mountain road, and after stabbing a few more wolfhounds to death without any danger, he encountered an extremely huge two-headed bear halfway up the mountain.

Lin Xuan stabbed a few times and found that the tree spear could not break the defense...

Then he was chased by the two-headed bear for three miles and fell into a pit of poisonous snakes, where he was bitten to death by a group of poisonous snakes with tumors on their heads.

After resurrecting, Lin Xuan found himself back to level one.

After repeating the previous operation and killing all the wolfhounds, Lin Xuan threw a stone at the left head of the two-headed bear from a distance.

Then, he led the furious two-headed bear in circles and led it into the pit of poisonous snakes.

The poisonous snakes had a strong sense of territory and decisively fought with the two-headed bear, biting blood holes on the two-headed bear.

Then, the furious two-headed bear bit them one by one and tore them into two pieces.

Lin Xuan watched for five minutes and found that all the poisonous snakes were dead, and his level reached level three.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the two-headed bear also fell to the ground weakly, killed by the poison.

The light of upgrading flashed again, and Lin Xuan reached level four.

[The player has been playing for 175 minutes and will be automatically disconnected in 5 minutes. Please find a safe area to log off. ]

"Safe area? Doesn't this game have a save point?"

Lin Xuan looked around and climbed up a tree...

[The player has been tested for three hours. The player's current vital signs are very good and there is no risk. ]

"After playing for several hours, I feel a little tired."

Lin Xuan took off his helmet and exhaled, feeling a little tired.

Somewhat similar to his state after practicing the Nine Yin Manual and meditating for a long time.

Lin Xuan's mind moved slightly and he opened his personal panel.

Sure enough, he found that his skills improved by one point and his spirit improved by two points.

"It should be the first time to play this kind of simulation game, and the pain simulation is too hellish, so it can have a training effect?"

"It is also possible that the blood moon in that copy and those demonized creatures involve some mental pollution."

"Fighting this kind of pollution for a long time can also train mental strength."

"But I have the talent of 'all methods are not confused', and I am immune to this kind of thing. Can I also train it..."

"Hmm? What should a normal tester look like?"

Lin Xuan was slightly startled, thinking that he was completely immune to the effect of fear.

Not to mention that mental pollution is ineffective, even if he is bitten to death by a wolf dog or bitten by a poisonous snake, there is no fluctuation in his heart.

If the data monitoring is uploaded...

Lin Xuan is not sure whether the doctor will fall into contemplation and have some research desires when he sees that his fright level has been 0 for a long time.

After all, under normal circumstances, a young person should not be so steady as an old dog.

Lin Xuan thinks that in order to reduce trouble, when he is attacked or thrilling in the future...

It is better to cooperate with the internal force to promote it and let the heartbeat and pulse change accordingly.

As a master of the inner family, it may be difficult to show a steely will and fearlessness.

But it is quite easy to pretend to be afraid.

"Now that the Qi is formed, I can practice as I please, and there is no need to go to the training room."

"The visualization of the ancient giant elephant has been completed, and there is not much benefit in continuing to visualize it. Now I am mentally exhausted, so I might as well go out and relax in the afternoon."

Lin Xuan simply recorded his game experience, marked the behavior logic of several monsters, and left the office.

There is nothing to do recently, so I will combine work and rest, play the game for half a day and rest for half a day.

Try to complete the first chapter of this game before the new copy opens...

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