I asked you to play the dungeon, but you are here to raise the BOSS?

Chapter 289 New copy, are monsters coming in groups?

Deep in the Blue Star Madai Islands

As the sun sets, the calm sea surface is sparkling and glittering with the afterglow of the setting sun.

"This sleeve is still closed, I don't know if it works, just try it together..."

Lin Xuan, wearing a windbreaker and sunglasses, sat on a huge coral reef, quietly staring at the sea.

Under the operation of the mysterious skill, his appearance and temperament changed accordingly, and he looked like a white strong man two meters away.

After making sure that nothing was missed, Lin Xuan circulated his spiritual power, exerted the magical power of the world in his sleeves, and gently spread his sleeves against the wind.

The light blue light rolled through the air, and a cubic water area with a length, width and height of 20 meters disappeared silently in Lin Xuan's eyes.

A shocking valley appeared on the sea surface. This was the space left in the sea after the water disappeared.

The next moment, the surrounding sea water boiled, and a huge wave of tens of meters was raised, hitting the middle.

The sea water advanced rapidly, and the valley collapsed and disappeared.

Then, several tens of meters high sea waves collided head-on, and the dull roar echoed between the sea and the sky for a long time.

The sea roared, and waves that were enough to smash the cruise ship madly bombarded in all directions.

"It seems to have nothing to do with the type of sleeves. I'll try short-sleeved T-shirts later, and the sleeveless vests will be fine..."

"My current spiritual power is 850 points, and there is about 8,500 cubic meters of space when it is fully expanded. Now there are 8,000 tons of seawater, which almost fills the space."

"Well, I can't feel the weight of these 8,000 tons of seawater at all, and there is no extra consumption."

"It's worthy of Zhen Yuanzi's magical power. It's much more powerful than I originally imagined."

Lin Xuan looked inward for a moment, nodded with some satisfaction, and pressed it casually.

When the violent waves came to a position more than ten meters in front of him, they were suppressed by the power of heaven and earth, like a tamed pet, and immediately became calm.

After testing, Lin Xuan found that the core of the sleeve is the power of space, which is equivalent to using magic power to build a small world.

The difficulty lies in maintaining the stability of the small world.

In other words, the deeper the magic power, the larger the volume of the small world will continue to grow.

After the small world is successfully built, as long as you don't install things like black holes that will destroy the space, it shouldn't be a big deal to put other ordinary things.

In other words, it should be possible to put 8,500 cubic meters of gold...

Eight thousand tons of sea water doesn't look very impressive, probably only a few standard swimming pools.

But if it is changed to gold, the total weight will exceed 160,000 tons.

This number is a bit scary.

Lin Xuan is not sure whether the whole world can gather so much gold reserves...

Of course, this is just a simple storage function.

If you capture people or confiscate the opponent's magic weapon, it should involve a spiritual power competition, and the requirements for the small world will be higher.

Lin Xuan currently has no enemies on Blue Star, so he won't find trouble to capture someone to practice.

I'll test it again when I enter the dungeon...

"That's it..."

Lin Xuan waited for an hour and found that the space in the small world was still very stable, so he waved his sleeves again.

The small world interfered with reality, and the sky and earth above the ocean were covered by it, and a hole with a diameter of 50 meters appeared.

Eight thousand tons of seawater poured down from it, like a river hanging upside down.

The sea surface, which finally calmed down, set off an amazing wave again.

This magical power is quite convenient for storage.

Even if you fight with others, if thousands of tons of seawater suddenly hit you, ordinary masters will definitely not be able to withstand it.

If you change it and change it to gold juice...

It can be fragrant and frightening.

Well, if you don't care about your reputation, you should be able to do a lot of tricks.

Of course, it's not very useful when you meet a master like Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Unless the purpose is to disgust the other party...

"Oh, it's not bad to catch fish with this method..."

Under the impact of the huge waves, the big fish were dizzy and floated to the surface with their bellies turned upside down.

Lin Xuan looked around, picked up a tuna weighing two or three hundred kilograms, and returned to the deserted island.

This size should be a yellowfin tuna, right?

In a few seconds, Lin Xuan had finished processing the tuna and skillfully made a fire.

In a moment, the fish meat was roasted and exuded a rich burnt aroma.

The fish oil kept dripping on the fire, making a light "puff" sound.

"Stealing half a day of leisure in life, the best taste in the world is pure joy..."

Lin Xuan took off the fish meat, took out the seasoning that had been prepared long ago from his backpack, and leaned on the reef beside him with some comfort.

Eating fish while watching the sea, although a bit lonely, it is also a unique experience.

"Ring, ring, ring!"

Just after eating and drinking, the satellite phone in Lin Xuan's backpack rang with a rapid ring.

"Hello, teacher, how do you know that I just caught a big fish weighing more than 200 kilograms?"

Lin Xuan took a look and found that it was Xu Yuan's call, so he answered it.


Xu Yuan was stunned for a moment: "What fish? Bah! Where are you? Is it convenient to talk?"

"On an unknown island in the Madai Islands."

"I'm the only one within a few nautical miles, so it should be convenient to talk."

Lin Xuan looked at the campfire: "This fish is really big, do you want me to take a photo for you?"

"...No need, why did you go there?"

"Didn't Sister Yuan take half a month off during the last mission? I didn't have anything to do, so I just went out to relax."

Lin Xuan was a little confused: "Didn't she give you a holiday?"

"I..., hey, teachers are regular employees. They don't have so many random vacations like you. I'm exhausted every day."

Xu Yuan sighed: "Let's not talk about this anymore. Did you just say that you were in the Madai Islands?"

"Yes, can't you guys check my location coordinates?"

"That process is very troublesome, and you have to apply for permission. It's easier to just call and ask directly."

"Okay, what's the matter?"

"A vortex of demonic energy has appeared in the Xianghu Province area, and its intensity is extremely exaggerated. Now emergency arrangements have been made to evacuate the surrounding people and the military department has taken over."

Xu Yuan simply described: "Yuan Hua would like to ask you if you are interested in going to the scene to observe."

"Xianghu Province? Isn't that the designated place where monsters descend?"

"Yes, the situation this time is very special. It should be a super powerful monster that wants to tear apart the space and come from here."

Xu Yuan's voice was a little heavy: "Judging from this performance, the upcoming monster should have an S+ or even SS rating. It can be regarded as the strongest monster we have encountered in Daxia so far."

"A SS-level monster wants me to participate? Do you think so highly of me?"

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, wondering if he had been exposed.

"No, the CEO has already arrived at the scene, and he is personally responsible for dealing with the core monsters."

"But this time the situation is quite special. In addition to the core monsters, there are hundreds of weaker demonic energy fluctuations."

"The National Master has seen the scene and determined that these demonic energy fluctuations belong to the same batch as the main demon and should arrive at the same time."

Xu Yuan pondered: "Maybe these weaker auras were subordinates, disciples, family members or other similar relationships of the core monster before becoming possessed by the demon."

"Oh, I probably understand. This time is the BOSS's mechanism for summoning minions?"

"...You can understand it this way. This time it is indeed a bit strange. It stands to reason that monsters in the past basically lived alone."

"We are so weak, we shouldn't be qualified to deal with the main monster, right?"

"Theoretically, since we are participating in the operation, if we encounter the main monster, we will definitely take action."

"But according to the assignment, we are setting up defenses in Tianhe City this time and are responsible for intercepting the soldiers who break through several layers of encirclement nets. They belong to the outer periphery of this operation."

Xu Yuan comforted him: "Don't think too much. If it really is our turn to deal with the main monster, it will probably be bleeding. Everyone should participate..."

"Okay, I'm quite enthusiastic from what you said. Let me come over and take a look."

"Well, I remember there should be an airport in the capital of the Madai Islands. You can go directly to register and someone will arrange the fastest return ticket for you."

"When you arrive in Daxia, the airport there will directly arrange for you to go to Tianhe City."

"The time is not particularly urgent. According to the calculations of the National Master, it will take at least half a month for the monster to forcefully tear apart the space."

"If it takes up your vacation time, the company will calculate the compensation based on the specific circumstances of the task."

Xu Yuan sighed: "But the atmosphere is a bit stiff right now, let's wait until this matter is dealt with."

"That being said, I still have a sense of community..."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Well, let's wait until I get here and we can meet each other."

In order not to appear so purposeful this time, he went through the formal procedures for traveling abroad.

After the plane landed, we found a holiday island to spend a few days on.

The previous ten days have been consumed.

If it takes another half month for the monster to arrive, then Lin Xuan has already completed the next round of copies.

As long as you pass the assessment, you can leap over the dragon gate and become an immortal in one fell swoop. Your strength will definitely be far greater than it is now.

Even if you just clear the dungeon, you should still have one or two more trump cards in your hand.

In any case, procrastinating a little longer would bring no harm to Lin Xuan.


Xianghu Province·Tianhe Basin

Lin Xuan spent a day coming to Tianhe City.

Yuan Hua, Xu Yuan and the little girl Su Xinyue have been here for most of the day.

Yuan Hua applied for an off-road vehicle.

The four of them exchanged a few simple greetings, and Xu Yuan drove the off-road vehicle to the point where the monster was expected to arrive.

The sky that used to be clear blue now turned dark red, like thick blood plasma.

In the middle of the sky, the space is constantly tearing and collapsing, rolling up clouds all over the sky, turning into a huge bloody hurricane, exuding a terrifying and chaotic atmosphere.

The energy of heaven and earth is chaotic, as if the end of the world is coming, which looks shocking.

"Breaking through space will produce a huge suction force. According to measurements, the demonic energy is basically absorbed in the bloody hurricane area. Our location should be safe."

Yuan Hua looked at Lin Xuan and Su Xinyue: "But it is still not recommended to stare at the whirlpool for a long time. If you feel sick or something, you should say it in time."

"I know. I feel fine now. Thank you, Sister Yuan."

Lin Xuan nodded to express his gratitude.

"Well, I'm fine too."

Su Xinyue looked a little horrified: "I didn't expect that these monsters are so powerful that they can forcefully break through the space barrier."

"Hey, yes! Every time I see this thing, I feel that humans are still too small."

Xu Yuan patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder: "Xiao Lin, life is short, enjoy it while you can."

"Most of the monsters that descended are in human form. It is speculated that they lived as humans before they were possessed by the devil."

"Although possessing the devil can improve strength, it will also reduce intelligence. Generally speaking, the strength of the improvement is not too high."

"So, they had the ability to kill you with one blow before they were possessed by the devil."

Yuan Hua glanced at Xu Yuan with some disdain: "It's just you who are insignificant, not humans."


Xu Yuan was stunned for a while, and sighed: "I feel very happy to hear your explanation, which shows that there is still hope for us humans."

"With less waste, there is naturally hope."


Xu Yuan spit out a bubble, sat on the grass in silence, and quietly watched the slowly rotating demonic energy.

"Senior, can you see the source of this demonic energy?"

Lin Xuan sat aside and felt a faint mental fluctuation. It should be Su Xinyue's transmission to the rat spirit.

After thoroughly mastering the Dao Heart Demon Cultivation Method, this level of mental communication can no longer be hidden from him.

In the current situation, the conversation between a man and a rat should not involve any privacy between girls, so it's good to listen.

If this rat can really call her adoptive father and third brother...

That's pretty awesome.

"Of course I can't see it. I'm not a fairy. Besides, even ordinary fairies can't trace the laws of space in this way."

After a while, the voice of the rat spirit sounded: "Why do I feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

Su Xinyue pointed to the space that was constantly cracking in the sky: "Is it because of that?"

"That must be wrong, but it shouldn't be that thing..."

The rat spirit hesitated for a long time: "Forget it, I can't tell what's wrong, just pretend nothing happened."

"If the owner of the evil spirit comes, are you sure?"

"Although this pressure is not as strong as the monkey and my third brother, it is better than the ordinary Arhat Bodhisattva. It's probably enough."

The rat spirit calculated: "Even if I attach to you , I should be able to only slightly contain him. "

"It's getting more and more difficult."

Su Xinyue was a little embarrassed: "It's mainly because I'm too weak, and I've dragged down my seniors."

"Don't underestimate yourself. Under my training, you must be one of the best masters of the younger generation."

The Rat Spirit pointed at Lin Xuan: "Look, you see that boy is good-looking, but he is definitely useless. If we really fight, he can't take a single move from you. How do you say that? Oh, right! Silver-plated spear head."


Su Xinyue's eyes lit up: "I see that classmate Lin looks mysterious, and I always feel that I can't tell his true strength."

"Hey, what's there to worry about?"

"Although that boy does look very hidden, I also I really can't tell his..., huh?"

The Rat Spirit was stunned for a moment: "Is the breath-hiding method in your world so powerful?"

"I don't know..."

Su Xinyue said innocently: "I can't even tell Sister Yuan's strength."

"That Yuan Hua is very flashy, at most he can only beat five of you, he is totally vulnerable."

The Rat Spirit snorted: "That fat guy surnamed Xu is even worse, he can probably beat two of you, he is really a waste."

"...Then what am I?"

"Hey, you have only practiced with me for two months, it is not easy to improve to this point."

"Don't feel pressured, practice well. You can beat that fat guy in less than a year, and you can teach your Sister Yuan a lesson in two years."

The Rat Spirit pondered "That kid surnamed Lin shouldn't be much stronger than them, right?"

"I don't know. But when classmate Lin was assessed as a martial artist, he should have been a high-level martial artist, which is pretty impressive."

"You are almost a great martial artist, why are you still worried about a mere high-level martial artist?"

"Even if he has another fate, even if he really becomes a young master, it doesn't count."

"Huh? It's still not right..."

The rat spirit still sounded a little puzzled: "I can't even tell the true and false of a mere master now? Did my brain break down when I came here?"

Su Xinyue: "..."

"Why do I feel that this rat spirit is stupid..."

"It's stupid, but it's amazing that he's so stubborn."

Lin Xuan was speechless and shook his head secretly.

"Old Yuan, Old Xu, you are here. Oh, you brought three new colleagues."

At this moment, the void shook, and a handsome young man appeared among the crowd.

The man was wearing a spotless camouflage robe, with an AK covered with talismans on his back.

He looked elegant, but there was a cynical smile on his lips.

If he wore gold-rimmed glasses, he would be a perfect example of a "gentleman scum".

"Mr. Sun is wrong. The reinstatement of the company belongs to the old employees. I only brought two new colleagues."

Yuan Hua said coldly: "Besides, I have said countless times, don't call me 'Old Yuan'."

"Hello, Mr. Sun."

Xu Yuan knew the situation very well and nodded and bowed immediately.


Sun Zhou looked at Su Xinyue thoughtfully: "That's because I counted wrong."

"Forget it, it's not a big deal."

Yuan Hua did not dare to be too arrogant: "Does Mr. Sun have any instructions?"

"No, no, old man Wang has been nagging, so I'm going out to take a breath."

Sun Zhou said with a smile: "I just saw two little girls here, so I came to take a look."


Yuan Hua said with a straight face: "Don't call me that."

"When did I... Oh, okay, let's not talk about it."

Sun Zhou bowed to Lin Xuan and Su Xinyue: "We will try our best to solve the problem. If we can't, we will trouble you two."

"Mr. Sun, you are too polite."

Lin Xuan nodded slightly and returned the greeting.

Although this Sun Zhou doesn't look very good, he also gives people a sense of unfathomable depth.

It is estimated that this person is stronger than the weak Great Demon.

Among the opponents he has met so far, Lin Xuan thinks that only Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Guangchengzi and Juliusun Buddha can beat him.

This top powerhouse of Blue Star Xia Country is indeed not in vain.

"I can't do much."

Su Xinyue felt a little flattered and returned the greeting.


The rat demon blinked his eyes, seemed a little afraid, and said nothing.

"Hahaha, it's better if I can't do anything."

Sun Zhou laughed: "Wait half a month, when I deal with this monster, I will treat everyone to a meal."

After speaking, Sun Zhou put his hands together, bowed to Su Xinyue in an awkward way, and his body disappeared into the void.

"...Is Mr. Sun always so, so approachable?"

Su Xinyue was a little confused, blinked her eyes and asked Yuan Hua.

"He's not approachable! He's always been crazy."

"Sometimes when he makes others unhappy, he will show his proof of mental illness and let others bear with it."

Yuan Hua was also a little confused: "But logically speaking, he won't be so polite when he's crazy. Is his mental illness serious again?"

Su Xinyue: "..."

"Forget it, let's go back first."

Yuan Hua waved his hand: "Although Sun Zhou is unreliable, that sentence is still very good. You shouldn't be asked to work hard this time."

"It depends on the situation..."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Go back and let Lao Xu rest, I'll drive."



[Countdown 00:01]

[Reincarnation Lin Xuan, start the seventh round of the copy. ]

[Reincarnation currently has no new teammates, only repeated matching. ]

[Once the copy is loaded, it cannot be abandoned. In any case, if the teammates of the reincarnation die, the survivors will cancel all the benefits of the copy. 】

After watching the scene for several rounds, except for the space cracks that kept getting bigger, there seemed to be no other changes.

Until the clear space prompt sound rang, the unknown strong man had not yet landed with his younger brother.

Lin Xuan was naturally very satisfied with this rhythm.

"Let's start matching."

Lin Xuan continued to worship his hand-painted Three Pure Ones, and added another picture of Xuannv.

[Matching is successful, the teammate matched by the reincarnation is: Huang Rong. ]

[The reincarnation has completed the teammate selection, and the copy matching is about to begin...]

[The time in the copy has nothing to do with the current plane. No matter how long the reincarnation spends in the copy, the current plane of the reincarnation only consumes one second. ]

[Due to the influence of special events, the copy has been forcibly locked, and the current copy is "Water Margin Outer Chapter". ]

[Affected by the copy balance mechanism, the copy has started the spiritual energy recovery, and the copy strength has been greatly improved! ! ! The templates of some characters in this copy have been greatly strengthened! ]

The golden light bloomed, and the original font of "Water Margin Sequel" gradually turned golden, exuding a magnificent atmosphere.

"Use the item 'Reinforcement Order (Yang)' to summon a teammate of the Reincarnationist you met before. The Reincarnationist chooses: Ah Qing."

[The item is used successfully, and the teammate is selected successfully! ]

[Affected by this character, the world view in the dungeon is updated, and some high-level beings involved in the dungeon will obtain the right to descend. ]

The next moment, the original golden light of "Water Margin Sequel" dissipated and turned into a strong blood light, giving people a palpitating and terrifying feeling.

"What is this? Bringing Ah Qing in will increase the difficulty..."

After reading the prompt, Lin Xuan exhaled a breath, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Anyway, Ah Qing has been selected, and the dungeon has been loaded, so there is nothing to think about.

Since it has come, it will be safe.

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