I asked you to play the dungeon, but you are here to raise the BOSS?

Chapter 294: A village full of famous generals, we are here to see the boss

Halfway up the mountain, two dark black beacon smoke rose into the sky.

The mountain wind is strong, but the beacon smoke still gathers and never disperses, appearing extremely clear under the clear sky.

You can vaguely hear the rolling of horse hooves in the distance, and the sound of military bugles reaches your ears.

"Huh? The flames of war?"

Ah Qing looked up at Fengyan, looking a little excited: "We in Liangshan are quite professional, we have even prepared such things."

"After all, it is a force that can influence the world. Didn't the Liao Kingdom be destroyed in the book? Don't really think of it as a bandit..."

"It seems right."

Ah Qing blinked: "In this case, if you, the big boss, are so careless, does it count as playing tricks on the princes?"

"You really know how to use allusions..."

Lin Xuan glanced at Ah Qing angrily: "If I am King Zhou You, are you Baosi?"

"Hee hee, the illustrious Zongzhou, Bao Si will destroy him. He is beautiful and has more abilities than me."

"It's okay for Xuannv to praise Bao Si..."

Lin Xuan was too lazy to say anything more, so he reached out and patted the tiger's head from the air: "Everyone else has already prepared their battle formations. Let's hurry up and get you a fat pig for dinner tonight."

This time he broke through the barrier mainly to see the strength and adaptability of the generals guarding Liangshan, and to see the loopholes that existed.

By analogy, it is equivalent to a military exercise without prior notification.

In terms of attitude, you still need to be more serious.


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, the two white tigers cheered up, turned into two afterimages, and dragged the carriage towards the front of the mountain road.


The mountains in front of the third pass eased, and the terrain was quite open, enough to accommodate thousands of people fighting.

At this moment, the "dong dong dong" war drums on the pass kept beating, resounding through the sky.

Fully five hundred elite cavalry came out in armor and blocked the pass.

Directly in front are four generals guarding the gate, standing high on their horses, lined up.

The coach in the middle is a middle-aged man in his thirties, with bright eyes and splayed eyebrows. He is wearing a bright silver armor and holding a steel gun with an iron point. He is majestic and looks like a god.

Half a horse behind him followed a young man in green in his early twenties.

The young general's lips are painted with vermilion, his eyes are like dots of paint, and his face is like a pile of flowers. He is a bit more delicate than ordinary women.

But his momentum seemed heroic, capable and brave.

Just like the legendary Lanling King Gao Changgong.

On the right is a man in his thirties, riding a bay-red horse and holding a sword with a green mark on his face.

On the left is a young cavalryman who looks very handsome and elegant, holding a white pear flower spear.

The four of them faintly exuded an aura that could split mountains and waves, and seemed to be much stronger than the five hundred elite cavalry behind them.

"Hebei Lu Junyi, this hero is here to invite you."

Seeing the two figures of Lin Xuan, the coach took the lead in stepping out of the crowd and blocked them with his spear.

"It turns out to be Yuan Wai Lu."

Lin Xuan looked at the green scarf on Lu Junyi's head and nodded slightly: "I've admired him for a long time."

Lu Junyi is known as the "Jade Unicorn" and his force value is quite strong.

If you don't consider Master Fa, he should be regarded as the number one master of Tiangang Disha.

This guy is a rich man and a high-ranking official in Daming Mansion in Hebei Province. He has a lot of wealth and a handsome appearance.

Originally, Lu Junyi had identity, status, and endless money, so he had no interest in going to Liangshan.

It's a pity that Lu Junyi's wife, Jia Shi, is a playful person, and she dislikes Lu Junyi for not being very playful.

So this woman had an affair with the housekeeper early on and tried many new tricks.

After eating the marrow and understanding its taste, the two of them immediately felt that Lu Junyi's presence was extremely annoying.

Liangshan only sent people to contact Lu Junyi twice, and Jia was overjoyed and sold Lu Junyi without hesitation.

He also used some connections to arrange a charge of rebellion for Lu Junyi.

After robbing the execution ground, Lu Yuanwai had no choice but to change his position from a senior member to a bandit leader, which is disappointing.

As an aside, there are many women described positively in Water Margin, but few of them are reliable.

In addition to Jia, Pan Jinlian, Yan Poxi, and Pan Qiaoyun are also considered beauties.

But Hongxing, who moved forward bravely, cheated on her, and treated each of her first wives more unscrupulously than the other, and in the end they all killed themselves.

It can be seen that fairies do not distinguish between eras.

"Your Excellency has gone straight through three levels single-handedly. You are an unparalleled hero in the world."

Lu Junyi felt a little uncomfortable when Lin Xuan looked at him, and coughed slightly: "But I have the important responsibility of guarding the gate, and my duty is to draw my sword against you."

"This man is so rude."

Almost at the same time, Ah Qing's somewhat annoyed voice sounded in Lin Xuan's mind: "What does it mean to work alone? Can't he even see a living person like me?"

"Maybe I mistook you for a horse..."

Lin Xuan glanced at Ah Qing and said leisurely.

"...That's unreasonable!"

Ah Qing blushed and said, "Teach him a lesson later."

"I know, I'm quite vindictive..."

"Hmph! Someone else messed with me first."

"You're welcome, Councilor. Today we are here to learn the amazing skills of all these heroes."

Lin Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "How do you plan to compare with others?"

"I rely on my riding skills to compete with Your Excellency."

Lu Junyi's immediate kung fu is unparalleled, but his foot fighting skills are no better than those of Lu Zhishen, Wu Song and others.

No matter what the person's purpose is, after all, he has broken two levels in a row.

If word spreads, it will greatly damage Liangshan’s reputation.

In this situation, Lu Junyi went all out and did not dare to make any excuses.

"It doesn't hurt to compete with other members on their riding skills."

Lin Xuan said calmly: "But I don't have a horse."

After these three levels, they are mountain soldiers, infantry, and cavalry, which are quite distinct.

"This is easy to handle."

Lu Junyi said loudly: "Xiao Yi, give your horse to this hero."


The young general in green agreed loudly, got off his horse and said, "I'm the prodigal Yan Qing. This hero invites you."

"Let's forget it, other people's horses are too inconvenient."

Lin Xuan thought for a while, took off the reins of Dabai on the left, turned over and rode up: "I'll just ride this tiger and learn some tricks."

There were two big white tigers, one male and one female. The male was slightly larger, so A Qing called him Dabai. The tigress is Erbai.

This title was intuitive and clear, so Lin Xuan followed suit.

"...Since it's a competition of riding skills, it's natural to ride a tiger."

Lu Junyi was a little speechless, and pointed to the weapon rack on the pass: "There are also some weapons prepared in the pass. I wonder if the heroes are in need."

He has experienced many battles, but he has never seen anyone riding a tiger during a fight.

Lu Junyi was a little confused about his routine because he played his cards so unconventionally.

If you don't ride a nice horse, what kind of tiger are you riding?

Do you think you are Zhao Gongming, the God of Wealth?

"Weapons? I won't bother Yuan Wai Lu."

Lin Xuan turned around and looked at Ah Qing: "Please lend me your green bamboo stick."

Although the current battle does not involve human luck, the golden sword itself is too sharp.

Lin Xuan had no intention of actually splitting Lu Junyi in half.

If you really want to take action, you have to allocate some energy to suppress the sword energy.

Might as well change a weapon.

"Ah? That's okay..."

Ah Qing hesitated for a moment and handed the green bamboo stick to Lin Xuan with some reluctance: "I finally found such a handy stick. Don't break it."

"There's something about this stick... it shouldn't be broken."

Lin Xuan swung it a few times and felt the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth flowing between his fingers. The quality was no less than the dog-beating stick he had seen before: "If you really break it, I'll give you a new stick."

"...I'm afraid you won't be able to pay for it."

Ah Qing curled his lips and leaned back: "Forget it, if it breaks, let it break. It's all God's will anyway."

"Please invite Mr. Lu."

Lin Chong Ce Hu came to Lu Junyi and raised his green bamboo stick: "If the other heroes want to take action together, it is okay."

"If I can't match your martial arts, they will take action."

Lu Junyi pulled the reins of the horse: "Your Majesty, please."

The horse raised its front hooves, neighed loudly, and looked at Dabai provocatively.


Dabai was furious and glared at Lu Junyi's horse, revealing its mouth full of white tiger teeth.


The horse suddenly realized that it seemed to be provoking the tiger. It was frightened and involuntarily clamped its tail and backed away.

"...You cowardly beast, this tiger won't bite you, so there's nothing to be afraid of!"

Lu Junyi was greatly embarrassed, hit the horse's head with his hand, and cursed.

His horse is called "Teng Yun Ju". It can run like a soaring cloud, and its momentum increases greatly when it encounters enemies. It can often take the lead, making it an extremely powerful horse.

But no matter how splendid the horse is, it is still a horse.

I was still scared when I saw a tiger.

Realizing that his momentum was decreasing, Lu Junyi did not dare to neglect, and quickly grasped the iron-pointed steel gun and shook it with all his strength.

The big gun vibrated and emitted a sharp buzzing sound.

With a gun in hand, Lu Junyi's original gentleness disappeared.

His whole body was filled with a sense of power and blood, just like those peerless warriors sweeping across the company.

"Excuse me, please."

Lin Xuan was interested in taking a look at Lu Junyi's shooting skills and turned slightly.

He was basically involved in the world of martial arts before.

The martial arts plane prefers an internal force system. Masters basically choose ritual swords or bare hands. They feel that battlefield weapons such as guns are too inconvenient.

As a result, there are not many marksmanship skills in the martial arts plane, and it is basically reduced to a gaudy genre.

Lin Xuan has only met Tang Bohu, a gun master.

It seems that there is a master named Li Ruohai in the Huang family, and his marksmanship is very good.

But the fate of that man was not good either. He was punched to death by the magician Pang Ban.


Lu Junyi let out a clear whistle, twisted his body, and with the help of his waist strength, thrust out the spear without any tricks.


The extremely violent gunfire unfolded.

The Teng Yun horse neighed, and the ground under the horse's hooves exploded like a pool of water.

Countless fist-sized gravels splashed out in all directions, making harsh sonic booms and hitting Dabai.

"It's really fierce!"

Lin Xuan flicked the green bamboo stick, swung the steel gun away, and flicked his sleeves.

The gravel that shot up exploded in the air and turned into a cloud of stone powder.

Li Yuanba's big hammer is exclusive to the novel.

On a serious ancient battlefield, guns should be considered the limit of cold weapons.

There is no separation between gun and boxing. To a certain extent, marksmanship can be seen as an extension of the fist, maximizing power.

With a gun like Lu Junyi's strength, he might be able to hit a tank directly!

"Come again!"

Lu Junyi shouted loudly, his body suddenly stood up, and the spear was brought down.

Lin Xuan raised his brows slightly, raised his green bamboo stick one level, and slashed out with sword energy like mountains and waves.

Lu Junyi groaned, fired the steel gun into a huge arc, and flicked the sword energy.

The spear and sword clashed, splashing huge sparks, which fell to the ground and continued to burn.

The sword energy then brushed across the spear body, causing the entire steel spear to buzz.

In an instant, the front half of the steel spear turned red, as if the steel had been repeatedly hammered after being heated red.

A burnt iron smell spread from the spear body, making it even more tragic and domineering.

The huge impact force was transmitted from the spear, passed through Lin Xuan's body, and fell on Dabai.

Feeling the infusion of Lin Xuan's energy, Dabai hurriedly took advantage of the situation and stepped on it, directing the spear force into the ground.


The ground within a radius of two feet collapsed.

Just now, when Lu Junyi urged his horse to strike, the stone ground could still blast out pieces of rubble, which shot everywhere.

But now, with such a step, the flat bluestone ground was completely turned into flour-like dust, pressed together almost solidified.

"Woo woo!"

Dabai was startled, and shook his tail subconsciously, with shock in his tiger eyes.

Am I so powerful?

"Come again!"

Lu Junyi let out a long roar, and his eyes became extremely calm.

His movements were extremely strange, just like a ramen master shaking the dough.

The burnt iron-pointed steel gun also twisted like cooked noodles, dancing with layers of flames, erratic.

The ever-changing gun power was fully unfolded, and the iron-pointed steel gun suddenly smashed in the air.

The shadow of the unicorn flashed, and the big gun seemed to break through the laws of physics and rebounded, turning into a spiral force, stabbing at Lin Xuan's wrist holding the sword.

"That's it."

Lin Xuan held the green bamboo stick horizontally and swung it heavily.

The abundant sword energy turned into a green shock wave, slashing towards Lu Junyi's waist.

A sword was slashed out, and the extremely urgent whistle sounded all around.

Under the continuous air explosion, the air around was flowing rapidly, emitting a luster like water ripples.

"Not good!"

Lu Junyi's eyes condensed, and he suddenly bent down, swung his gun sideways and pushed hard.

The sword energy "swish" and cut through the steel gun, cutting the gun into two pieces.

Half of the red-hot steel gun fell to the ground, splashing a puff of dust.

The next moment, Lin Xuan's green bamboo stick swung back, and the majestic and unpredictable sword energy was swung out again.


Lu Junyi couldn't get up in time, so he had to use the half-broken gun to make a slash.

The steel gun shattered!

The sword energy paused for a moment, and then fell towards Lu Junyi who was almost exhausted.

"Save people! Attack together!"

The shadow of the green rhinoceros appeared like a rhinoceros.

Yang Zhi, the green-faced beast, appeared beside Lu Junyi with a purple gold Bagua knife in his hand and slashed with a knife.

The sound of metal interweaving rang out, and the golden blade light intertwined with Lin Xuan's sword energy.

The void was torn apart, turning into a shock wave that spread out in all directions, knocking Lu Junyi off his horse.

"The swordsmanship of the former Golden Knife Linggong is indeed the best in the world."

Lin Xuan nodded and put down the green bamboo stick.

"Why is it so fierce..."

Yang Zhi was shocked, and forced himself to suppress the blood surging in his chest and abdomen. He threw down the Eight Diagrams Purple Gold Knife, hugged Lu Junyi and retreated.

"I'm sorry!"

Yan Qing took a step forward, and his figure suddenly flashed in front of Lin Xuan, and chopped down with a palm.

"This set of palm techniques has not been used for a long time."

Lin Xuan stretched out his left hand, exerted the power of square and circle, and slowly pushed out the move of seeing the dragon in the field.

The heaven and earth shook, and a loud dragon roar sounded.

Seeing the dragon in the field is mainly for defense, not attack. Once it is performed, it is like a solid wall in the air.


Yan Qing felt the opponent's extremely strong palm power filling the void.

Before the palm power arrived, he almost suffocated.

In great shock, Yan Qing's figure suddenly turned from real to virtual, and appeared behind Lin Xuan as if shrinking the earth, and punched Lin Xuan's lower back with a cannon punch.

"Your move is quite insidious."

Lin Xuan smiled faintly and pushed his palm back.

The air wall, like a copper wall and iron wall, passed Lin Xuan and slapped Yan Qing like slapping a mosquito.

The sound of the air force colliding suddenly sounded.

Yan Qing screamed strangely, and his body flew forward several feet like an arrow and hit the ground.

The moment he landed, sweat gushed out of Yan Qing's pores all over his body.

In an instant, his clothes seemed to be drenched by heavy rain.

"Are you coming again?"

Lin Xuan turned his head and looked at Yan Qing's face, which turned pale in an instant, and smiled.

The young man looked very weak and couldn't stand it at once.

"...Let's just leave it at that. There's too much difference between us. There's no point in fighting."

Yan Qing hesitated for a moment, sighed, and lay on the ground like a salted fish: "Zhang Qing, don't you always brag that your stone is unparalleled in the world? Today is a good time to show it to me."

"Humph! This man's martial arts are too bizarre. Most likely he is a first-class demon..."

The remaining young general snorted coldly and looked at Yan Qing: "Even Mr. Lu is not his opponent. I'm afraid that only Mr. Huang on the mountain can fight him."

"Oh, I understand."

Yan Qing nodded: "You see that others are powerful, and you are scared, so you think you can't win."


Zhang Qing was stimulated by Yan Qing. He threw away the white pear flower spear, took out the brocade bag, picked up a stone and looked at Lin Xuan: "I am Zhang Qing, the featherless arrow. Please teach me."

His stone is a hidden weapon, so it is naturally a sneak attack.

Normally, Zhang Qing likes to charge forward with his spear, fight with others for a while, and then take advantage of their unpreparedness to do something like "returning horse stone".

But the strength displayed by Lin Xuan was too outrageous...

Zhang Qing deeply suspected that if he rushed forward like this, he would be killed instantly.

After hesitating for a moment, he simply showed the stone openly.

"I have long admired my name, please."

Lin Xuan nodded.

He is not very interested in fighting Zhang Qing.

But the other party has already come, and if you refuse, it seems a bit unfair and doesn't give you much face.

When you are the boss, it is better to have a bowl of water.


Zhang Qing's face was as dark as water, he took out a crystal clear stone and raised his right arm suddenly.

Under the infusion of energy, this stone actually bloomed with five colors of brilliance, cutting out a long tail of light through the air.

The air and the stones were violently rubbing against each other, creating a breath of iron and fire and making a deafening explosion.

"This stone was hard-earned, so it would be a pity to have it destroyed like this."

Lin Xuan raised his right hand and pressed it lightly.

The surrounding air compressed rapidly, drawing the five-colored stones into it.

Feeling the huge force surrounding him, the stone trembled rapidly several times and rippled in the air.

But in an instant, the energy injected into the stone had dissipated.

The stone stopped struggling and hovered in the air, like an insect frozen in amber, unable to move.

"...How is that possible!"

Zhang Qing's eyes widened, his face full of shock.

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Qing took out two more stones and shot them with his bow from left to right.

"No rudeness!"

At this moment, a proud and clear man's voice sounded in the distance.

The bowstring was pulled out, making a thunderous sound.

The next moment, two feather arrows with blazing flames passed through the crowd like two fire dragons.

At an extremely mysterious angle, the two stones were smashed into pieces.


Zhang Qing's eyes flashed and he looked back.

I saw horse hooves rolling and dust flying. More than a hundred black armor cavalry rushed out from the originally opened pass.

The leaders were two young generals, a man and a woman. They were holding long bows and their eyes were filled with unconcealable joy.

"Hua Rong, Hua Shuang! You shot my stone to pieces, and you are still so proud?"

Zhang Qing was furious: "If you don't give me an explanation today, you will never give up."

"My little girl Hua Shuang, I came here to see the master!"

Hua Shuang glanced at Zhang Qing, walked directly to Lin Xuan, dismounted from the saddle, half-knelt on the ground and said crisply.

"Flower... please get up, flower girl."

Lin Xuan hesitated, then reached out to help Hua Shuang up.

This girl's title is too abstract, and Lin Xuan still feels a little uncomfortable when calling her.

"Huh? Wait a minute!"

Zhang Qing was suddenly stunned: "Big, big boss!"

"Otherwise, why would I shoot you with a stone?"

Hua Rong smoothed things over, dismounted, and said, "It's been so many years since we've seen each other, I miss you so much these days!"

"I also miss you brothers very much."

Lin Xuan smiled slightly and looked at Lu Junyi and others who looked embarrassed: "I have offended you just now, please forgive me."

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