I asked you to play the dungeon, but you are here to raise the BOSS?

Chapter 323: Your Mingzun was beheaded, the emperor will wear a robe

"Their fight is over."

The mountain man's blood-red eyes gradually turned back to their original blue color: "It's time for you and me to decide the winner."

"The winner hasn't been decided yet?"

Ah Qing curled his lips and inserted the green bamboo stick back into his waist at random: "Then you kill me with your sword."


The mountain man's huge body still stayed in place, holding the heavy sword motionlessly: "How did you do that?"

"Originally, I thought it would be enough to kill you, but later I realized something was not right."

Ah Qing smiled and said: "Actually, you have died a long time ago, right?"

"You...you saw it?"

"The bones and flesh were peeled off, the internal organs were dug out, and everything in the body was gradually replaced. In the end, only the soul of the 'Old Man of the Mountain' and this cursed armor were left."

"If you want to maintain this state and become the so-called agent who transcends life and death, you need to continuously consume your sect's belief in gods, right?"

The corners of Ah Qing's lips raised slightly: "I guess I can't hold on any longer, so I found Fang La and wanted the Han people in the Central Plains to believe in your god."

"God's messenger cannot stay in the world forever."

The old man of the mountain said in a low voice: "In order to spread the faith of the gods, sometimes you need to pay a little extra price."

"It's up to you. Anyway, you understand that you are going to die soon."

A Qingxiang's shoulders slightly raised: "Lin Xuan said that death is the most important thing. Bragging before death, saying some dirty words, etc. are all forgivable."

"Hmph! We have obviously transcended life and death long ago..."

The old man of the mountain seemed a little confused: "Why are you still given the concept of 'death'?"

"I don't know if there are any masters who transcend life and death, but your state is far from that."

"It's enough to kill everything that makes up your body."

Ah Qing said calmly: "Of course, if you insist on saying that the soul is gone and the body and soul are destroyed, it is not 'death'. That's up to you."

"We don't use such strong words."

The mountain man's voice was trembling: "May I ask how you can transcend life and death?"

"I don't know, I'm not beyond life and death..."

Ah Qing thought for a while: "However, when your will can be assimilated with the entire universe, I may not be able to kill you."


The mountain man was silent for a moment and sighed softly.

In the next moment, his mask, armor, robes, and even his huge body collapsed silently, turned into powder, and disappeared into thin air.

Only a sword and a shield were left, falling alone on the ground.

"The material of this sword and shield is quite good, much stronger than Gao Qi's double blades."

"It's a good idea to feed it to the mirror so it doesn't go to waste."

Ah Qing bent down and held the sword and shield in his hand, feeling that he was very calculating and thrifty.


"The leader of the thief, Fang La, has been entrusted with the title. I will not kill anyone who surrenders!"

Huang Rong inserted the golden sword back into her waist, picked up the door knife, and signaled Wu Song to lift Fang La's body and walk forward.

According to convention, Fang La's head should be hung on the battle flag at this time, which would be more shocking.

But this was Huang Rong's first time encountering this kind of thing and she had little experience.

Coupled with some nervousness, I started a little faster and split Fang La into two pieces, including his head.

There is no time to find someone to sew up Fang La's body now, so we can only make do with it.

Well, next time you encounter a similar scene, you will learn a lesson.

"Hey! That bird saint of yours doesn't have martial ethics. Seeing that he couldn't defeat our Liangshan heroes, he went to find an old ghost to take advantage of him."

"After struggling for a long time, it was finally split into two pieces by Brother Huang from the Sa family."

Lu Zhishen trotted up to the dragon's head, lifted the dragon's head with both arms and said, "If you continue to resist, your fate will be the same as this bird dragon."

"This, this, this..., the Holy Duke actually passed away, and Master Fa Hai... also passed away."

"What are you thinking about? Let's avenge the leader together!"

"Wait a minute! Maybe it was Mingzun who died just now..."

"This... Ming Zun, who has great supernatural powers, died in the hands of this demon... this Liangshan Star Master. How can we avenge him?"

"That's wrong! Didn't the leader say that once the Ming Zun descends, both heaven and earth will be burned, making him invincible?"

"The leader must not have lied to us. When the Mingzun God descended just now, it was indeed as bright as the sea and the whole world burned, just like what is described in our teachings..."

"Then the problem is even bigger... Since Mingzun appeared, why was he beheaded by this witch?"

"Could it be that this demon... this fairy is descended from the Jade Emperor?"

"It may not necessarily be the Jade Emperor, but it could also be Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun... Bah, bah, bah! It might also be the Queen Mother or the Goddess Nuwa. In short, he is bigger than Mingzun..."

"Oh my god! What a slap! Run for your life!"

"Fang La's dog thief deceived us with his nonsense, and he will die a good death!"

The Mingjiao soldiers could not see the shadow of Emperor Yan Shennong and did not understand the whole incident.

But Fang La invited Mingzun to come to the world, and he tore apart Liangshan's military formation with just a single move, and moved freely among thousands of troops. This was witnessed by tens of thousands of soldiers.

Seeing the majesty of God Fang La, he rushed towards the Liangshan Formation with arrogance...

All the soldiers of Mingjiao were in great spirits and were ecstatic.

Those with more flexible minds have already begun to consider dividing up the spoils. The celebration party is ready.

But Fang La, who had never been more handsome than a stick of incense, was cut in half by a sword from the most gorgeous handsome woman in Liangshan.

You can add incense directly.

What's even more frightening is that the one who was killed by this sword was Fang La, the descendant of Mingzun...

What does this mean?

This shows that the Mingzun everyone believes in is actually a waste, and he can't beat a beautiful girl from others.

Thinking of this, all the Mingjiao disciples suddenly felt their faith collapse, and the morale of the army declined to the extreme.

Speaking of which, this kind of army that adheres to sectarian beliefs is indeed brave and fearless, and is not afraid of life and death.

But the disadvantages are also obvious.

As long as the leader of the sect dies, the faith of the believers will suffer a huge blow.

This situation is also extremely fatal to the morale of the army.

It was much more serious than the death of the general of an ordinary army.

Just like the Yellow Turban Uprising in the past, when the great sage Zhang Jiao was alive, the Yellow Turban Army was extremely brave and dominated the world.

But once the so-called omnipotent "Huang Tian" died, the morale of the Yellow Turban Army immediately collapsed, and their combat power was not as good as that of ordinary bandits.

Any general with a name can easily use the Yellow Turban Army to increase points.

The disciples of the Ming Cult are not much better than the Yellow Turban Army, and they are already thinking about changing their masters.

Unknowingly, many people looked at Huang Rong with pious eyes...

The major sects usually don't like to compare their combat prowess because they are not part of the same system, so they have to brag about their own strengths.

But now that Ming Zun has both been killed with a sword, the strength of both sides is clear at a glance.

It shows that this Mingjiao has no future at all, and the various posthumous benefits promised are definitely just a big deal.

It is better to cut your losses quickly and switch to another company.

"Trash! They're all trash!"

Seeing the panic-stricken looks of the soldiers around him, Prince Fang Tian calmly trembled with his hands and feet, and shouted sternly: "Come here! Kill this witch quickly to avenge the Holy Duke!"

Fang Tianding was Fang La's eldest son. He was granted the title of Crown Prince, commanded Hangzhou Ning Haijun, and was granted the title of King of Nan'an. He was the first successor to the Holy Dukedom.

Seeing his father show off his great power, he invited Mingzun to come and become the true chosen one, and his momentum reached the extreme.

Fang Tianding seemed to see the victory of the war, saw the Ming Cult take over the entire world, and saw his father succumbing to his injuries and passing away in his prime.

Then he reluctantly took over as the emperor, with three thousand beauties in the harem, singing and dancing every night, and by the way, his achievements surpassed those of Emperor Qin and Han Wu, becoming the first emperor of the ages.

When Fang Tianding was seriously considering whether he should imitate Qin Shihuang and search for the elixir of immortality.

Suddenly the scene changed and it became like this.

If this continues, let alone becoming emperor, I will be lucky not to be Lingchi...

After experiencing extreme ups and downs, Fang Tianding's mentality completely collapsed and he lost most of his sanity.

All he could think about was killing Huang Rong quickly and becoming the emperor himself.

Well, if you want to be an emperor, even the lamest and stupidest emperor - just be the emperor.

Even if it’s just for one day.

"Prince, be careful!"

General Li Tianrun and General Si Xingfang quickly led their soldiers to protect Fang Tianding.

"You still call me Prince?"

Fang Tianding was furious: "My father has passed away, and I...I am the emperor now!"


Li Tianrun and Si Xingfang felt that what Fang Tianding said made sense: "I will see the Holy Master at the end."

Different from the aloof status of Fang Qifu, Shi Bao, Bao Daoyi and others...

The two of them are the direct members of the prince's family, and they are both prosperous and devastated by Fang Tianding.

Although in the current situation, Fang Tianding immediately claimed to be emperor, which was somewhat unfair.

But these two people were too lazy to dwell on this small issue.

"The demon girl must have been exhausted from her battle with Father. Now she is just bluffing."

Fang Tianding pointed at Huang Rong with a crazy expression: "I order you to cut that demon girl into pieces as soon as possible! Anyone who takes off the demon girl's head, I will make him...his mother's 'King of Side by Side', hereditary Don’t be afraid, let’s rest together with our country!”

"The last general takes command!"

"The Imperial Army obeys the order and follows me to attack!"

The two looked at each other, got on their horses, led two thousand guardsmen, set off billowing smoke and dust, and galloped towards Huang Rong.

No matter what Fang Tianding thought, what he said still made sense.

Fang La killed many Liangshan sergeants this time and must have been on someone else's blacklist.

Even if they surrender, the entire Fang family will definitely be liquidated by Liangshan.

As Fang Tianding's close confidants, they would probably follow suit.

Instead of just sitting around and waiting for death, it is better to take a gamble and gain wealth through danger.

Well, back then, Han Xin was not decisive enough, so he was played to death by Empress Lu.

"Those who stubbornly resist will be killed without mercy!"

Looking at the smoke and dust billowing in front of her, Huang Rong frowned slightly and slashed hard in front of her with her knife.

The sword energy fell, and the ground cracked open a few feet away, revealing a half-meter-thick crack, which was shocking.

"Kill! This witch has run out of oil, lamp..., hum! We will serve our country loyally, and we will never retreat as long as we advance!"

Looking at the cracks in the ground, Li Tianrun's eyelids twitched and he subconsciously changed his words.

As if he felt that what he said had no confidence, Li Tianrun slapped the horse on the back in anger.

The horse jumped over the gap lightly and rushed towards Huang Rong like lightning.

"It's hard to persuade a ghost who wants to die..."

Huang Rong muttered, and struck Li Tianrun to death with a knife. She jumped up into the air and slashed down with the big knife.

The blood-colored knife cut through the void and split Si Xingfang, who was following behind, into two pieces.


A group of guards roared loudly and followed closely behind.

The dragon turtle's phantom appeared, exuding real-like coercion and crushing it in all directions.

Whenever the attacking cavalry touched the phantom of the dragon turtle, they would be thrown far away as if being blown by a hurricane.

Huang Rong narrowed her eyes slightly and raised the heavy sword again.

The sword light is like a tide, heads are rolling, blood is raining down, and the sky and the earth are red!

"Kill! Kill that witch quickly!"

Fang Tianding mingled among the guards and looked at Huang Rong who was approaching with a pale face: "Why are you standing there? Why don't you kill her! Go quickly!"

I don't know how many people have been killed, but the golden armor on the girl's body is already covered in blood, and the heavy knife in her hand, which is like a door panel, is also full of gaps.

But the aura on her body became more and more terrifying, and it was like a bloody storm when she walked.

Under the lock of the opponent's energy, Fang Tianding did not even dare to turn around and leave.

He had a subtle premonition that the moment he turned around, it would be the end of his life.

"Old Huang, I will teach you another move."

Looking at the hundreds of prince's personal guards who rushed towards him, Huang Rong turned back and glanced at Huang Shang: "What is the softest thing in the world? What is the strongest thing in the world?"

The next moment, the surrounding area was shining with blue light out of thin air.

The ethereal and mysterious Nine Yin Qi, like the silent spring rain that moistens everything, traps all the enemies in it.

It suddenly exploded like a raging sea.

Between heaven and earth, there was a dense sound of explosions.

And the sound of their hearts bursting!

Hundreds of Mingjiao masters with excellent martial arts skills all vomited blood and fell to the ground, dying.

"Old Huang, do you understand?"

Huang Rong smiled sweetly and looked back.

"Master, my disciple realized this trick the year before last."

Huang Shang twitched his beard and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Master, for breaking through life and death and breaking through the realm of heaven and man."

"Sister Huang is so amazing!"

The green sword light flashed, and Ah Qing's body turned from virtual to solid, and appeared behind Huang Rong: "I am stupid and can't understand your move at all."

"Go away! People like you are so boring..."

Huang Rong's pretty face turned red, she glared at Ah Qing fiercely, and walked toward Fang Tianding with a big knife in her hand, somewhat embarrassed.

"Kill! Kill! Kill quickly! What are you waiting for!"

Fang Tianding stared straight at Huang Rong's petite and exquisite body, her body trembling like a rocker.

"Hey, there's no one around you anymore."

"It means there aren't many people who are willing to be your father and son's leeks."

Huang Rong smiled: "So, it's your turn to die now."

"Witch! You are talking nonsense!"

Fang Tianding had no time to pay attention to Huang Rong's words, and said incoherently: "No! There must be a mistake somewhere! I, I am a dignified prince, destined to be the supreme one in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, how could I die here!"

"Are these your last words?"

"You! No, no! Yellow Star Lord, you, don't kill me!"

"To be honest, I'm a little disappointed with how you look like this."

Huang Rong sighed: "You're going to die anyway, why don't you imitate Xiang Yu and the others and have a bit of character? It's better to be like your father if you can't."

"Nonsense! I am the Ninth Five Supreme Being, how could I die!"

"I am the emperor, can you be my prince?"

"That's right! As long as I am the emperor, you can be the regent!"

Fang Tianding thought for a while, with a look of pleading in his eyes: "If it doesn't work, I can still make you the queen, okay?"

"Let go..., hum! When you are about to die, your thoughts are quite beautiful."

Huang Rong was stunned for a moment, then angrily raised the door knife and slapped it hard.

Amidst the extremely dense sound of bone explosions, Fang Tianding's whole body bones were shattered, and he collapsed on the ground like a rotten bag, wailing again and again.

"Why is Brother Huang so soft-hearted?"

Lu Zhishen strode up to Fang Tianding, knelt down and looked at it for a moment, and said suspiciously: "It will take at least a long time for this guy to die after taking this blow."

"This girl did it on purpose."

Huang Rong snorted: "You have offended me, and you still want to die happily?"

Lu Zhishen: "..."

"This time Fang La went against the grain and deserved what he deserved."

"Lord Yellow Star is the proud daughter of heaven, the true dragon and heavenly daughter. We are convinced and willing to lead everyone back to surrender."

Shi Bao, Bao Daoyi and others discussed it and knelt down one by one.

Now that the emperor is dead, the prince is dead, Ming Zungui doesn't know whether he is dead or alive, but it has become a joke anyway.

As a result, Mingjiao is no longer as simple as falling into pieces. It might just disappear...

Although they have some ambitions, they are really powerless in the face of this kind of society.

As the saying goes: once you think of surrendering to the enemy, the sky and the earth will be widened in an instant.

"Isn't it a bit unfair for you to be surrendered like this?"

Ah Qing looked around, took a yellow robe from Bai Suzhen, and put it on Huang Rong: "It's cold, Your Majesty, put on some more clothes."

"Oh, why did you prepare all the yellow robes secretly?"

Huang Rong complained while buttoning her buttons: "You guys are really hurting me!"

"...It looks like you are quite skilled in this posture."

"This kind of thing always has to be done for show."

Huang Rong raised her chin arrogantly: "It would be someone else who would be even more hypocritical and would have to give in three times."

"My body is not as honest as yours..."

"Very good! I will remember your words."

Huang Rong nodded: "I want to see if you are honest or not in the future."

Ah Qing: "???"

"These are troubled times, and a great disaster is coming."

Huang Shang was a little uncomfortable listening to this, and coughed, "If we want to restore the country from danger, we should work together and put the world first. We can't do the same as before."

"Mr. Huang, how dare I not obey you?"

"I will do my best until my death!"

"The second boss is very smart and has both virtue and talent. If she becomes the empress, she will be better than the Zhao family emperor who is obsessed with playing with things."

"That's right! Let's follow Brother Huang to Tokyo and seize the throne. We will live happily there and don't have to suffer the bullying of those dog officials anymore."

"Tie Niu, shut up..."

Hearing Huang Shang's words, Song Jiang, Wu Yong and others were overjoyed and expressed their loyalty.

Everyone with a discerning eye could see what Lin Xuan and Huang Rong were planning.

But these two did it, but they just refused to make it clear, and they always stopped.

This made the leaders impatient and in a dilemma.

Seeing that Huang Rong finally started to have a sense of ceremony, everyone was relieved and began to consider the change of identity from a bandit leader to a court official.

Well, Huang Rong's legitimacy this time is actually quite high.

Even if it is not as good as those ancient emperors, it is definitely far better than Zhao Kuangyin.

After all, this is the yellow robe that was put on by the Queen Mother of the Nine Heavens...

What words of the emperor and the laws of the ancestors are not worth mentioning compared to the Queen Mother of the Nine Heavens.

"In this case, thank you all."

Huang Rong raised her little face and nodded seriously: "I will learn as soon as possible how to be a good emperor."

When she is serious, this girl gives people a sense of elegance and confidence.

Looking at the huge blade that is constantly dripping blood beside her, the painting style becomes a little abstract...

Throughout the dynasties, there are probably not many emperors like this.

[The reincarnation has killed Master Fahai, the challenge mission "Golden Mountain Buddha" has been completed, and the dungeon evaluation has been improved. 】

【Secondary Reincarnationist Huang Rong has killed Fang La and largely destroyed the Ming Cult's beliefs. The main quest 2 has been completed. 】

【Due to special events, Buddhism and the Assassins joined the war, and Fang La was the incarnation of Mingzun Mani, so the evaluation of this quest has been greatly improved. 】

【Combining the above events, the Reincarnationists have gained a total of 4,000 Reincarnation Experience, and the Reincarnationists are currently at level 30 (4,000/5,000).】

"This is almost done..."

Lin Xuan's mind moved slightly, and he looked up at the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree: "Are you still going to play?"

This Fahai is quite subtle in the challenge quest.

Fahai's own strength is nothing, and is slightly weaker than Mingzun.

Whether it is himself or Ah Qing, he can easily kill him.

But the strength of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree is ridiculously high. This tree alone can kill all the people here...

The defense of this tree is also very dark. Lin Xuan's Lei Xi Tiandi Shattered exploded on it, and not even a white mark appeared.

Lin Xuan estimated that unless his cultivation surpassed the Golden Immortal, he could only rely on similar artifacts to exchange with the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree.

"Woo woo!"

As if it felt that there was no point in fighting any further, the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree broke away from the light of the Kunlun Mirror and shook its body suddenly.

In an instant, countless colorful treasure flowers the size of a bowl grew on the branches of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree.

The colorful treasure flowers emitted a pure light, and took the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree with a rotation, breaking through the layers of space, and shot out of the Thirty-three Heavens.

"Goodbye, I won't see you off."

Lin Xuan felt the dissipation of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree's aura and retracted his gaze.

This tree must be a good thing.

But he couldn't drive it at all, and the Kunlun Mirror couldn't absorb it.

If he kept it at all costs, it would most likely involve the cause and effect of the Zhunti Taoist, which was like a time bomb.

It's better to send it away.

Anyway, now that the space has taken over this plane, even with the cultivation of the Zhunti Taoist, he may not be able to interfere again.

As for the cause and effect with Zhunti Taoist, I will confront him when I have the strength in the future...

At present, Lin Xuan does not intend to provoke Zhunti Taoist, an old shaman with unfathomable strength and shamelessness.

It would be disgusting if he was really caught and sent to the West to chant scriptures...

"Brother Jing, let's go back too."

Lin Xuan weighed it for a moment and waved to the Kunlun Mirror hovering in the air.

The Kunlun Mirror shook, turned into a stream of light, and returned to Lin Xuan's sleeve.

"I don't know what the Queen Mother of the West is thinking? Is she taking the lead in challenging the Western Sect?"

"I still have to try to figure it out, don't be cannon fodder and be complacent."

Speaking of which, the strength positioning of the Queen Mother of the West seems to be quite subtle...

In the Conferred Gods, the Chan Sect borrowed the Qinglian Baose Flag, Wuji Xinghuang Flag, Lidi Yanguang Flag and Suse Yunjie Flag to deal with Yin Jiao's Fantian Seal.

The first three flags are in the hands of Jieyin Taoist, Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi respectively.

The last flag was in the hands of the Queen Mother of the Jade Pool.

When the South Pole Immortal went to borrow the flag, he changed into court clothes and prostrated himself on the golden steps at the entrance of the Jade Pool.

Then the Queen Mother of the Jade Pool did not show her face, but only ordered the female fairy to hand over the plain cloud flag to the South Pole Immortal, and scolded and knocked him a few words.

In folk legends, this Queen Mother was a fierce person who took off her hairpin and drew the Milky Way with a casual stroke, and evolved hundreds of billions of stars.

This is a very high-profile positioning, not much less than those leaders.

Maybe she really doesn't care about those old swindlers in Buddhism.

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