I asked you to play the dungeon, but you are here to raise the BOSS?

Chapter 383: Tianwu Baolun, the warriors heading to Japan

An unknown island deep in the East China Sea

In the corner of the island, there is a low grave.

The grave is unremarkable, just a simple sandbag.

There is no tombstone or stone decoration.

There is not even a single weed within a radius of hundreds of meters.

With the passage of time and the erosion of wind and rain, the sandbag has been worn flat and unrecognizable.

At this moment, invisible waves emanated from the grave.

The strong wind blew away the grave on the grave, and the ground cracked, revealing the tomb chamber made of ten thousand years of black ice.

The vast dragon power exploded, and the ten thousand years of black ice, as hard as gold and iron, silently turned into dust and disappeared.

The five-clawed golden dragon phantom was cross-legged, and the clear dragon roar resounded through the world, revealing the figure of Ao Xue wearing colorful feather clothes and long hair to her waist.

"Flowers bloom and fall, dreams leave no trace, a hundred years of smoke and clouds, a blink of an eye."

Ao Xue gently exhaled a breath of suffocation, staring at the sea thoughtfully: "Who am I?"

A girl with a delicate face, skin whiter than snow, and a noble demeanor was reflected in the sea, exuding an unspeakable temptation from head to toe.

During the long retreat, she had deduced the six great demon crossings to a degree that even Bai Suzhen could not imagine.

Finally, she merged with the Tianwu Baolun and entered the realm of gods and Buddhas of "Alaya Consciousness".

"Don't think about it for now. This time I came out of retreat a few days later than planned. I should go and inquire about their news and go to meet them as soon as possible..., huh?"

Just then, a large fishing boat came in the wind and waves and sailed from the other side of the island.

"It's better to find someone to ask..."

Ao Xue's mind moved slightly and closed her eyes.

The sound of Sanskrit sounded, and the Buddha's light flashed, outlining the treasure wheel beside her.

The dragon girl's appearance has not changed at all, still delicate and stunning.

But even if ordinary people see her, they will not leave any trace in their minds.

After practicing Tianwu Baolun, Ao Xue is not as socially anxious as before.

But if conditions permit, she is still reluctant to reveal her true identity.

"Boss, there seems to be a... woman on this island?"

The sharp-eyed sailor saw Ao Xue on the shore and hurriedly called the captain.

It is the duty of all ships to rescue the distressed in the sea.

After all, there are unexpected events in the sky, and people are in danger at any time.

In this extraordinary plane, people who make a living by the sea can see giant whales as big as building ships from time to time, and strange fish that can easily crash into ships.

No matter how experienced the sailors are, they dare not guarantee that they will not capsize.

After forming this routine, saving others is also saving oneself.

"Little girl, do you need help?"

The captain who hurried out looked at Ao Xue with some doubts, but still asked.

In his eyes, Ao Xue was just a girl with ordinary appearance and no sense of existence.

Standing alone on the edge of the island without a boat, he looked like a poor wretch.

But he looked calm and composed, and there was no trace of water stains on his clothes made of excellent materials, as if he was out for an outing.

Thinking of all the weird legends on the sea, the captain was also a little alert.

"Thank you, captain, no need to help."

Ao Xue said softly: "May I ask, is there anything strange recently?"

"Strange things?"

The captain was stunned for a moment: "Speaking of which, when I was fishing in this area before, I often saw mermaids, but I have rarely seen them in the past two years. It seems that the entire mermaid tribe has taken refuge."

"Mermaid? Can you make dragon silk that does not get wet in water and mermaids whose tears turn into pearls?"

"Well, the mermaids in the East China Sea are very famous. I heard that In the Tang Dynasty, a great poet named Li wrote a line, ‘The moon shines brightly over the sea, and the pearls weep’, which refers to mermaids. ”

“A few years ago, some young people heard rumors about mermaids and went to experience them. But they all came with high hopes but returned disappointed.”

The captain of the ship smiled a little strangely: “It’s a good thing that there are fewer mermaids. It’s too harmful to the body to encounter them, so it’s better to see them less.”

“What do you mean?”

Ao Xue was just asking casually, and didn’t expect the captain to give any news about Lin Xuan, so she wasn’t disappointed.

"There is a young man named Zeng Aniu in our village. He was also fishing here a few years ago. He met those mermaids and was bewitched. He went to their nest and stayed there for half a month."

"Alas, when the young man came back, he had lost more than 40 pounds, had a lot more white hair, and looked half dead."

The captain sighed, "Several years have passed, and the young man trembles all over when he sees the sea."


Ao Xue was stunned for a moment: "How could this be?"

"I heard him say that the male-female ratio of mermaids is seriously unbalanced. In order to reproduce, they can only trick others into visiting them."

"As the saying goes: wine is a poison that penetrates the intestines, and sex is a steel knife that scrapes the bones!"

The captain coughed: "If someone accidentally enters it, it's really enviable... No, it's really miserable!"

"Anything else?"

Ao Xue looked at the captain with a beaming face and was a little speechless.

Over the years, the enemies and friends she encountered were all respected and powerful.

Most of them also valued their status, and rarely spoke so freely.

As a result, the dragon girl hadn't heard such down-to-earth words for a long time.

She was a little uncomfortable.

"Huh? Oh, right, you are definitely not going for that, are you planning to do business with the mermaids?"

"That's fine, but it's too difficult to meet mermaids right now. And mermaids don't seem to be interested in human things."

"Those I know who have had contact with mermaids have all worked hard for half a month, and they will send them some corals, pearls, silk and other things, and they can live comfortably for half their lives."

The captain shook his head and said, "It would feel weird to take their things, just like that."

"...I have no interest in mermaids."

Ao Xue politely declined, "Are there any other strange things recently?"

"I heard that there are many strange things on the island of Dongying, but the court has lifted the ban on sea trade. If you are found to have been to Dongying by the court, you will lose your head. I don't know whether those rumors are true or false."

The captain's heart moved: "Oh, right! Speaking of strange things, we encountered one when we came here."


"Go southwest, there is a big island called Haitan Island about 20 miles away from here. Before the ban on sea trade was lifted, those caravans going to Dongying often Rest on that island."

"We just passed by there and saw a monster on the shore that was about the same size as a tiger and covered in fire. The monster was also weird. It screamed a few times and disappeared in the blink of an eye."

The captain scratched his head: "Although there are many strange things in the sea, it is the first time I have seen a monster that emits fire."

"It is about the same size as a tiger? How did that thing run here? Where is the little phoenix?"

Ao Xue's eyes flickered and smiled: "Thank you very much. I don't have much silver, so I will catch some fish for you?"

"Hahaha! Little girl doesn't understand. The fish here are hiding in the deep sea. Although they are valuable, they can't be caught in the net at all. We can only try our luck in the front."

The captain laughed: "Unless you are also a fish, you can run into the deep sea."


The sailors on the deck heard it and laughed loudly.

"If you want to catch a few fish, you don't have to go into the water."

Ao Xue smiled slightly and took off.

"Little girl..., huh? Oh my god! You...you! You can fly?"

The captain was so surprised that he almost bit his tongue. Looking at Ao Xue flying in the air, his eyes almost popped out.

The sailors were also stunned, and they were dumbfounded.

"Besides flying, you can do something else."

Ao Xue stretched out her delicate hands and patted the direction of the fish.

The ethereal and vast palm power fell far above the sea.

The sea was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly exploded, raising a tide of more than 100 meters high.

The tide rose to its peak, stagnating in the air like amber, solidifying like a magnificent work of art.

"You you you...you...what on earth..."

The captain seemed to have a cramp in his tongue and became incoherent.

The scene in front of him completely overturned his three views.

"You show me the way, I'll give you a catch, and we'll settle the cause and effect."

Ao Xue smiled and said, "We just met by chance, so I won't mention your name."

"Great God, spare my life! I... uh, I don't know the real man, please forgive me!"

The captain of the ship suddenly reacted, his face turned pale with fear, and he knelt on the ground in a hurry and kowtowed.

"Great God, spare my life!"

The sailors also woke up from their dreams, and knelt down in a panic, kowtowed like pounding garlic.

To be able to raise waves of more than 100 meters, it should be a fairy's means.

What else can I say when I meet a fairy...

Even if the fairy doesn't bother to kill them, but just lets them go.

Just this 100-meter-high tide can easily smash their fishing boats into pieces.

"Leave quickly after fishing, there should be a heavy rain in three hours."

Ao Xue said no more, and his body turned into a residual shadow, which disappeared in a flash.

At the moment her figure disappeared, the magnificent Buddha's light suddenly exploded on the sea.

The solidified huge tide was reflected by the Buddha's light into gold, and then evaporated.

Countless stunned fish and shrimps fell down with a crackling sound, floating on the sea with their bellies turned upside down.

The sky became gloomy, and there was a dead silence between the sky and the sea.

"Boss... Boss, what did you say?"

The sailors were all stunned and looked at each other.

"Hurry up, catch the fish quickly! Didn't you hear the gods say that it would rain heavily? The sky is going to be cloudy!"

The captain bit his tongue, grimaced in pain, and shouted.


The sailors looked at the sky, and they were a little nervous, and they all got busy.

In any case, this was a day with a full load.

It was also the day with the most abundant harvest in their history.

"Was that a human or a fairy just now..., huh? What does that girl look like?"

"In that case, that girl must be a fairy. In that case, I have been doing good deeds over the years, and even the fairies are moved?"

The captain looked at the direction where Ao Xue disappeared, and secretly decided to go back and work hard with his wife.

Maybe he can even have a fat boy.


Haitan Island


The sky was full of fire, and the fire unicorn roared and spewed out extremely hot flames.

There was an obvious sword mark on its chest, and blood and fire kept oozing out and dripping on the ground.

"Heavy rain and strong wind!"

A handsome and gentle long-haired young man clenched his teeth and kicked his legs continuously.

In the sound of muscle and bone shaking like thunder, the long-haired young man's legs poured like heavy rain, and his legs were as fierce as strong winds.

"A pirate and a weird fire demon dare to offend me!"

"Go to hell!"

The one fighting them was a green-robed warrior wearing armor and looking angry.

The green-robed warrior cursed while swinging a strangely shaped long sword, slashing at the Fire Kirin and the long-haired youth.

Although his sword skills were not very strong, each sword exuded a strange and demonic aura.

He took the initiative in a few moves, making the Fire Kirin and the long-haired youth exhausted.


More than ten meters away, stood a girl with short pink hair and a panicked face.

The girl seemed to want to say something, but seeing the ferocious look of the green-robed warrior, she closed her mouth again.

"Chaos slash! Die!"

After a few more moves, the green-robed warrior roared in anger: "All of you give me gold coins!"

The strangely shaped long sword suddenly burst into a terrifying white flame, exuding a vulgar and obscene aura, as if it was going to make the whole world fall into evil.

"So powerful..."

With a muffled groan, the shadows of legs in the sky dissipated, and the long-haired youth fell beside the Fire Kirin, revealing a helpless bitter smile.

The white flame exploded again, sweeping towards the two without hesitation.

"Big fire? What's wrong?"

At this moment, a clear and pleasant girl's voice sounded, clearly reaching the ears of the three people and one beast.

"Woo woo!"

The Fire Kirin was stunned for a moment, with a look of ecstasy on his face, shaking his head and wagging his tail desperately.


The next moment, a distant and crisp Sanskrit chant sounded, and Ao Xue's figure suddenly appeared in front of the Fire Kirin.

The index finger and thumb were connected, and the other three fingers were slightly bent and placed on the chest, forming a mysterious seal.

This was the wheel seal formed when the Buddha Shakyamuni first preached in the ancient times.

The moment the seal was formed, Ao Xue gently opened his eyes.

The small universe burned, and his own consciousness merged with the universe consciousness. The vast small universe like the stars was transformed into boundless Buddha power, constructing layers of golden space, turning the magic flames slashed by the green-robed warrior into nothingness.

The space extended endlessly, turning into an attack and defense battle formation.

In an instant, the whole world was filled with glazed Buddha light and mysterious scriptures.

Distance, space, time and even dimension, all lost their original meaning.

"Oh my god! A... a secondary god also came to rob?"

The green-robed warrior was startled and jumped back in a hurry: "No more fighting, I'll give you money."

"What's the matter? Where are you from?"

Ao Xue was silent for a while, waved her hand in confusion, and interrupted the seal of Tianwu Baolun.

She only knew Huo Qilin, and had never seen the other three people, and didn't know why the two sides fought.

If it was really the long-haired young man who robbed first...

Then there was really no need for her to intervene.

"I am Nie Feng from Tianxiahui, thank you for your help."

The long-haired young man coughed and respectfully bowed to Ao Xue as a junior.

Although Ao Xue looked like a girl, Nie Feng could vaguely sense an extremely ethereal and powerful aura.

Even Huo Qilin and Xiongba, the leader of Tianxiahui, could not catch up.

Although Nie Feng couldn't figure out when such a terrifying young girl master appeared in the martial arts world...

But facing such a strong man, he didn't dare to be rude in the slightest.

"Nie Feng? Are you Nie Feng?"

Ao Xue felt the loving aura of the Virgin Mary emanating from the other party, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly: "Do you have a senior brother named Bu Jingyun?"

Since it was clear that they were going to the Qianqiu Great Tribulation copy later, Lin Xuan naturally didn't hide it and told Ao Xue all the information he knew.

So, although Ao Xue had never met Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and others, she could be said to have heard of their names for a long time.

Although Nie Feng looked a little weak and indecisive.

But this character setting is actually quite meaningful...

After all, their parents, wives, children, and friends were killed in various plots and died cleanly.

The whole process is comparable to "Death Comes".

So in the late stage of Fengyun, the positioning of Junior Brother Nie unconsciously leaned towards the female protagonist setting...

It's hard to say!

"That's right!"

Nie Feng showed a happy expression: "So the senior knows Senior Brother Bu."

"I don't know him, I just asked casually."

Ao Xue thought about it and felt that she should not get involved with the star of misfortune.

As a person outside her destiny, although she should not be affected by the protagonist's halo, this kind of thing is not auspicious...

If her destiny also becomes a "star of misfortune", then she will be in tears.

Nie Feng: "..."

"Let's get back to the point."

Ao Xue waved her hand: "Why are you fighting?"

"Just now I saw this man tied this girl to a tree... He was molesting her, and I was indignant, so I took action."

Nie Feng pointed at the green-robed warrior and the pink-haired girl hiding behind him: "I didn't expect this man to be so powerful in martial arts, and I was not well-trained, and I almost implicated Brother Qilin."

"Is that so..."

Ao Xue's face sank slightly, and he looked at the pink-haired girl: "Is what Nie Feng said true?"

"No, it's not."

The pink-haired girl was a little panicked: "The master has always been like this."

"...What is your relationship?"

"This master... uh, I took my slaves to Japan, and when I passed this island, I got off the boat and strolled around, doing some common things."

"Who knew that this guy took advantage of this master's unpreparedness and actually summoned a fire demon to attack this master, and this master almost suffered a big loss!"

Seemingly a little afraid of Aoxue's strength, the green-robed youth said unhappily: "If it was really a pirate, it would be fine, but it turned out to be another self-righteous idiot, which is even more disgusting than a pirate."


Nie Feng was stunned for a few seconds, his cheeks twitched violently, and he closed his mouth.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's forget it."

Aoxue imagined the scene just now, and her cheeks flushed slightly: "Who are you? What are you doing in Japan?"

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