"It's not a stone, it's a building."

The lunar rover approached the suspected building, and its top resembled a cone type with what looked like a launch hole on top. Other than that, it's all walls, not even a door.

"How can there be buildings on the moon, built by other countries?"

Li Hongfeng put his eyes on Zhuode, and said with a hint of inquiry, he did not think this was a masterpiece of aliens.

"I don't know, I've never heard of this stuff since I became an astronaut."

Zhuode shook his head and jumped off the top of the building. Although the external structure and color were very similar to lunar soil, it was extremely hard and could not be seen for the time being.

"Take a picture first, and talk about it later."

The moon belongs to the unclaimed territory, and it also belongs to all the countries on the Blue Star. If a base station is to be built here, other countries need to agree, but Li Hongfeng has never heard anything about this building.

Lao Lin nodded and walked forward, ready to take a closer look at the building. It was a bit like the dome structure of a European-style building, with a pointed spire on it. This was why Li Hongfeng suspected Zhuode. Prussia was one of the European countries.

Lao Lin no longer observes the top, but observes how this building can be built on the moon. Such a hard material is not like concrete, but a bit like metal. But what kind of metal it is, I can't see it for the time being.


Looking along the wall of the building, you can see a gap about two fingers wide, and the soil at the edge of the gap has some traces of turning outwards. It is very strange that this trace appears here, and the formation of such traces is large. Probability is formed when something comes out of the soil.

Lao Lin walked around this gap and found that there were two finger-wide gaps next to the walls of the entire building touching the ground, and almost all of them had traces of soil eversion.

"Old Li, bring a detector here."

Lao Lin shouted to Li Hongfeng, who was taking pictures in the distance, in the communication channel. When Li Hongfeng heard this, he hurried to the side of the lunar rover and went to a probe to come out and hand it over to Lao Lin.

This is a miniature mechanical spider detector, which is extremely flexible. You can also see in the movie that most of the detectors are similar to the shape of the spider. Lao Lin put the mechanical spider on the edge of the gap, gave it an order with the controller, and the mechanical spider moved and climbed in.

Zhuode also finished taking photos. The three of them sat next to the mysterious building and looked at the controller in Lao Lin's hands. It was dark for a while, the screen began to light up, and the walls of the building were whitish. As the mechanical spider advances, the picture also begins to change.

Something resembling a glass warehouse appeared under the white wall, but Li Hongfeng could see at a glance that it was not ordinary glass, but a transparent gem or something, with some impurities in it. Internal stains. There are some strange objects inside, a concave disk-like, neatly juxtaposed and attached to the glass at a 360-degree angle.

"What is this?"

Zhuode asked, but Li Hongfeng and Lao Lin both shook their heads in silence, no one knew what it was. Going further down, there is no difference between the cool white walls and the buildings exposed on the ground, and the walls are also cool white all the way to the bottom. There is nothing else.

Lao Lin controlled the mechanical spider to surround his head again, and pulled the mechanical spider out for recycling.

"It's not something that humans can currently build on the moon, it's like being dropped."

Li Hongfeng carefully read the situation and speculated that through the measurement of the mechanical spider, the building is more than 30 meters high, and no country can build such a building on the moon.

"It's kind of like a sentry tower."

Zhuode said thoughtfully, he has seen a lot of science fiction movies. In order to detect Blue Star, aliens usually build a forward sentry tower on the moon.

"You mean this is a forward tower that aliens built on the moon to observe Blue Star?"

Li Hongfeng asked, he obviously also knew what the advance sentry tower was, but it was still too far away for people, and Li Hongfeng couldn't believe it for a while.

"Lao Li, have you forgotten about 28 years?"

Lao Lin said in the one-way communication channel that Zhuode could not hear, he thought the two were just silent.

Li Hongfeng was shocked by what Lao Lin said, and what happened a few years ago resurfaced in his mind. This is a top-secret piece of information. No one knew about it except the astronauts and the high-level executives of the headquarters who were observed in space at that time.


This is Li Hongfeng's second year as an astronaut. He is considered a little qualified when he is just starting out. At that time, he was not carrying out the moon landing plan, but the maintenance of the Huaguo Space Station. There were five astronauts with him, and Lao Lin was the one of them.

When the space station moved to the aphelion, he and Lao Lin were inspecting and maintaining an equipment point. Suddenly, a red light lasing came over. All the instruments in the space station failed, and the alarm sounded. Li Hongfeng also saw it in a panic. I don't know how far away, there is something similar to a battleship floating there, roughly 13 kilometers long.

He pointed at the thing to show Lao Lin, but the battleship suddenly disappeared. Although it was only a glimpse, Lao Lin also saw the whole picture of the thing. It was an alien battleship, there was no doubt about it. The moment the battleship disappeared, the instruments of the space station were all restored, and the alarm sound was silent.

This time, the contact was lost for more than a minute and 30 seconds. The command center on the ground was quite frightened. The space station, which had been reporting its work well in the previous second, suddenly lost contact, which attracted the attention of the high-level executives. Fortunately, it was just over a minute. Communication has been restored. The space station also captured a blurry photo the moment the battleship left.

Several other astronauts also saw the battleship, but after returning to the ground, the high-level officials personally ordered that no one had seen this matter, let alone mentioned it. No one knows why, but they can only follow orders, and this matter is sealed up.

The more Li Hongfeng thought about it, the more he felt that the battleship at that time might have stayed here, and that strange red light might be the sentry tower.

"Go, go back, and report the situation here to the headquarters immediately."

The three hurriedly packed up and followed the signs along the way to return.

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