However, due to the magical operation of a certain Life Card Master, the Life Card Association has already stipulated that there should be no more than three cards in the deck.

And [Resuscitation] is also an original spell card and a skill of Dawn Continent.

This [Resuscitation] of my own was born after using a skill on Alice, and Alice herself has not learned this skill yet. Theoretically speaking, it seems that Alice can also use a [Resuscitation] on her body.

Shen Sui had some obsessive-compulsive disorder in playing cards in his previous life, and he always wanted to play three of these cards.

"Should I find someone to brush [Revival]? Let me get multiple [Revival] cards..."

Shen Sui touched his chin and thought.

So, where can I find a life card master from the same world? If you find it, how can you let the other party's soul card learn [Resuscitation] without exposing yourself...

Chapter 21 Life Card Trading

The effect of [Fire Witch Horzewell] is definitely enough to make her a core card.

But Shen Sui had countless ideas in his mind, but he could never determine how to win this main axis.

Burning blood?

Wouldn't it be a bit too underworld?

Shen Sui thought as he took out the unnecessary life cards from the deck.

The duel exam has been passed, so these life cards that make up the number have no value in the deck.

You ask, how dare Shen Sui add irrelevant cards to the deck? Aren't you afraid of getting stuck?

Of course Shen Sui is not afraid, because the effects of these life cards are surprisingly similar, such as the remaining three cards among the original twenty cards:

Card name: [Meaningless murmuring]

Category: Spell Card

Star rating: 1 star

Effect: This card can only be activated during your own main phase. This card will be removed from the duel and you will gain 1 soul point. After that, you will draw a card from the deck.

(This is the card that Alice got by talking in her sleep at night. Shen Sui is curious why this can lead to spell cards.)

Card name: [Useless Coal Ball Elf]

Category: Follower Card

Star rating: 1 star

Effect: During your main phase, activate this card by discarding it from your hand, and you draw a card from your deck.

(This is the follower card Alice obtained from a bad guy's castle when she burned it down. Because it had no fighting power, Alice let it go.)

Card name: [Malicious Gift]

Category: Spell Card

Star rating: 5 stars

Effect: Once per round, select a life card from the deck and add it to the opponent's hand to activate, allowing the opponent to choose one of the following effects to activate:

①You draw two cards from the deck;

②Show the cards in your hand and ask you to choose a life card to get.

(A spell card obtained from Alice's transaction with a noble.)

Except for [Malicious Gift], these meaningless cards with no side effects in the original deck are simply magic cards used to streamline the deck and increase the number of cards.

You can't say it's strong, but you can never say these cards are weak. Under certain conditions, their effects are definitely far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Shen Sui left the [Malicious Gift], packaged and uploaded the remaining two cards and some direct damage spell cards that Alice obtained from the storage box to the online store.

This time Shen Suixue was smarter and no longer marked the price of his cards based on the recommended selling price.

[Useless Coal Ball Elf] and [Meaningless Whispering] are both very useful cards in specific circumstances. Shen Sui is both priced at 5,000, aiming at those target users.

Direct damage spell cards are priced based on the number of supermodels.

Most of the direct-damage spell cards that Shen Sui obtained from the fishing treasure chest were supermodel spell cards. Although the supermodel values ​​varied, they were enough to make the prices of these cards exceed the recommended selling price.




Shen Sui's cards are being uploaded one after another, and his bank account is also sending reminders that funds have arrived.

Except for the first two 5,000 cards, which were slightly delayed, all the remaining cards were purchased almost as soon as they were uploaded.

No wonder I didn’t see many cards in the online store. It turned out that they were all instantly sold.

Even those two meaningless cards were bought after a delay of several minutes.

"Comfortable!" Shen Sui stretched.

After this wave of sales, Shen Sui's bank card deposit reached 50,000, and he no longer had to worry about any shortage of funds in a short period of time.

He even had spare money to upgrade the duel instrument.

The time flow rate regulator is a very small application. On the right side of the homepage bar, it displays the current time flow rate ratio, which is the default 1:8, that is, 1 day has passed in the real world and 8 days have passed in the soul card world.

Click on the controller interface of the regulator, and the slowest time flow rate can be adjusted to 1:1. In this case, the time flow rate in the real world and the soul card world will be synchronized, and both sides will spend the same time at the same time.

The fastest can be adjusted to 1:16, which allows the card master to quickly swipe the card in a very short time. However, at this time flow rate, the text on the homepage jumps very quickly, and you may not have time to enter the command.

The most conspicuous part of the controller is the paid recharge button, which allows you to purchase the duration of use.

After selling a wave of life cards, Shen Sui's available life cards dropped to thirty-one.

According to the regulations of the Life Card Association, a professional life card master's deck is limited to 40 cards, no more or less, otherwise he will not be eligible to participate in the official competition recognized by the Life Card Association.

The reason why Shen Sui left nine blank cards was to prepare for Alice's trip to Modena City.

Whether Alice wants to make trouble or not, Shen Sui himself wants to make trouble in Modena City.

The city that I worked so hard to build in the game back then has become a city of sin, and it is also the burial place of my lover Vivian in the game. Anyone would be angry.

Shen Sui, you have to purify Modena City.


The God of Sin?

Humph! If you dare to jump out, you will only become a follower card, and a follower card whose main body is dead!

Since you want to make trouble, the number of life cards you get is definitely not small. Shen Sui must leave enough space to accommodate these new cards.

He even thinks that nine empty spaces are too few.

But there is really no way. He has to use all the remaining 31 cards, and he really can't squeeze out a drop.

However, he still hasn't thought of another way to win the main axis. Perhaps the next trip to Modena City will give him this answer.

However, [Fish King·Payinjiade] has become the shape of Shen Sui.

Shen Sui modified the effect of Payingard according to his own ideas, making the effect of this minion card more in line with the main axis of the Flame Witch.

Card name: [Fish King·Paingard]

Category: Minion card

Star level: 8 stars

Effect: This minion is considered a derivative on the field. ① During your main phase, you can release two minions on the opponent's field and special summon them to the opponent's field;

② As long as this card exists on the field, all derivatives on your field cannot be released.

Spirit value: 2000

Giving you a powerful minion with a spirit value of 2000, are you happy? Surprising? !

Originally, Shen Sui planned to fix the spirit value at 2200 to pay tribute to a wave of turtles and bad beasts, but unfortunately there is a liberation and cost recovery system in the fate card duel. If you send an 8-star monster to the opponent, the opponent may be very happy. When it is your turn, you can directly release and recover the cost. The cost of one round is directly increased from the original 16 soul points to 24 soul points, which is really cool.

Considering that he might need to use this card to remove the opponent's low-star followers, in order not to help the enemy, Shen Sui could only add an effect to limit the opponent's release of the derivatives to restore the cost.

After checking the effects of the life cards in the deck and making sure that they were all satisfactory to him, Shen Sui was free and picked up the duel instrument to take a look at Alice's actions.

[Alice is on the way to the City of Sin...]

It was finally quiet for a while.

Shen Sui sighed.

But he knew that this was the calm before the storm.

When Alice arrived at the City of Sin, bloody storms would sweep across the entire Dawn Continent.

Modena City! Your master is coming back!

At this time, Shen Sui's mobile phone, which had just been inserted with the SIM card, lit up. It was a call.

The other party was a staff member of Tianyi College. The content of the call was very simple, but it was also very important to Shen Sui:

"Student Shen Sui, your coach is in place. Please go to Building 302, where she is waiting."

"Not a transfer?"


As a professional life card master in the Soul Card World in the Dawn Continent?

It's so rare!

Shen Sui's eyes lit up.

Someone who can help me swipe the card with the same name has appeared!

Chapter 22 College PK Competition

When Shen Sui came to the classroom, there were already people here.

Duel College, the name has the word "college", but except for the fortune-telling branches of those well-known universities across the country, most of the duel colleges exist as youth training bases for fortune-telling clubs.

Even so, considering the cruelty of the career path of fortune-telling duels, the state has mandatory regulations that duel colleges must have cultural courses and need to set up several majors for students to choose from.

Shen Sui was stunned when he saw someone, and subconsciously thought that this classroom was used for classes.

"Classmate, is this a teaching building?" Shen Sui asked uncertainly, he was not very familiar with Tianyi College.

"Yes." The person who answered him was a beautiful girl.

Her hair was casually draped on her back, frizzy and dry, and she didn't look like she was suitable for regular care.

Her face was also a little tired, and it looked like she had stayed up late last night to do something.

The girl's outfit was also very casual, a white shirt with a pleated skirt, black stockings on the right foot, and white stockings on the left foot.

Originally, Shen Sui thought that the girl had dressed deliberately, until he found that the white stocking was worn backwards...

No... This is too casual.

But even so, the girl's foundation is surprisingly good, because even if she is so casual, and there are so many DEBUFF blessings, she can still give Shen Sui a feeling of beauty, and it is still much more beautiful than the standard.

"You are Shen Sui." The girl said Shen Sui's name, smiled and stretched out her hand to Shen Sui, saying, "My name is Xinyuan Tanchun, your life card duel coach."

"You live a small life?" Shen Sui asked subconsciously, "So young."

The woman chuckled, lifted her hair at the temples, and said: "I am a genuine Chinese. As for being young, that's natural! I'm only 20 years old this year, two years older than you. But I didn't expect that there would be a candidate in World No. 1 at this age."

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