Shen Sui thought sadly, he still quite enjoyed dueling with these friendly classmates, but according to his high-intensity dueling status today, the other party would probably withdraw from the competition tomorrow.

The college PK competition must be held on the first day, but students who have no hope of qualifying are allowed to withdraw from the competition on the second day. After all, for them, the PK competition is already a meaningless game, and it would be too torture to force them to stay. .

Shen Sui thought like this and turned around and walked towards the dormitory. Although today's duels were all crushing, many problems were exposed, and the deck still needs to be optimized after returning.

Looking at Shen Sui's leaving figure, Liang Hui looked at the students on the ground who seemed to have had their souls sucked out, and the wrinkles on his face trembled: "This... Director Wu, ahem, this is just a comparison between students. A special way of communication…”

"Hahaha, it's a duel, not a fight." Wu Ziqin waved his hand, looked at Shen Sui's back, and said, "This student's name is Shen Sui, right?"


"Which world is his soul card?"

"Dawn Continent. World No. 1." Liang Hui didn't hide anything. Even if he didn't say it, the Exploration Bureau could still adjust the files.

"World No. 1..." Wu Ziqin mused, "In this duel exam, there are a total of 137 people in the country who have chosen World No. 1. Sixty-eight people have successfully passed the duel exam. Currently, the soul cards are still alive. How many more are there?”

He was asking the secretary behind him. Since there were so few soul cards in World No. 1, the Exploration Bureau paid great attention to this data.

The secretary heard the sound, lowered his head to inquire, and quickly gave the answer:

"There is only one person left, named Shen Sui."

Chapter 55 It’s time for a hearty duel!

When Shen Sui got up the next day, his first step was to check Alice's status and found that they were almost approaching Payinjia Lake. Calculating the time, they would almost reach Payinjia City tonight.

Fortunately, I should be able to catch up.

Under the new competition system, the PK competition will be held for a total of two days. At 5 o'clock in the evening on the second day, the standings will be settled, and then the top ten will automatically be qualified for the duel, and then the Exploration Bureau will assign you the corresponding duel coach. , conduct a qualifying duel on the third day. As long as the dueling coach gives a qualified evaluation or you simply defeat the dueling coach, you can qualify for the qualifying stage.

Shen Sui checked the current standings.

First place: Shen Sui, 27 games, 27 wins, 100% winning rate

Second place: Song Feiyu, 25 games, 25 wins, 100% winning rate

Third place: Gu Yong, 24 games, 20 wins, winning rate 83.3%

Song Feiyu?

Are there such strong students in Tianyi College?

Shen Sui immediately became interested. He clicked on the online forum just opened by the college and took a look at the comments under the standings. He wanted to see information about Song Feiyu, but instead he saw the students arguing about him.

[Damn it, Suishen is still awesome. How did he win 27 games? Isn't he tired? Moreover, he still won a complete victory. He was worthy of being the strong one who defeated the fifth-level life card master in the entrance exam. ]

[Awesome ass? Do you know how he played these 27 games? I saw it yesterday. He blocked a few students and kept dueling with them to increase the score. These are all his defeated generals, so of course they can kill them with explosive force. ]

[What? Can I find someone to repeat the duel with in the PK match? ]

[Personal testing is OK. ]

[Then can I just find a friend to keep playing games? Guaranteed to rank first on the list in one day. ]

[You can try it. By the way, the authorities are now focusing on fraud. If it is found that there is collusion and fraud after reviewing your grades, it will not only be as simple as expulsion, but you will be sent to the hospital. ]

[Forget it. But those students who were blocked were really unlucky. They should all be relatively weak people, right? Otherwise, how can you get a 100% winning rate? ]

[I also saw them, they are not weak. There is a guy named Yu Wenyuan among them. I had a duel with him and lost miserably. I heard that he even participated in the Tianxuan Cup and won the top eight. ]

[Trivia: The winner of the Tianxuan Cup is the God of Sui, and he defeated Yuan Youxin, the fish fry monster. ]

[Holy shit, even if that old god didn’t block the door, his PK results wouldn’t be bad. Why did he block Yu Wenyuan and the others? ]

[I know. I heard them say that Suishen's [Star Super Magic Circle] will be on the banned card list next month, so I'm so happy. ]The nickname of this comment is "bow down and dig out the moon."

[Knowing the banned card list in advance, why the hell did they report Suishen’s card? Well deserved. ]

[That's what you deserve, support the explosion. ]

[Deserves it, deserves it. Where are Yu Wenyuan and the others today? I'll also block the door. ]

The students immediately became excited and reported their classmates' cards, and the report was successful. There is nothing worse or more disgusting than this.

[No need to think about it, they retired today, I have already looked for them. ]

Did you really withdraw from the competition?

Shen Sui sighed with regret.

Really, why are these people's mental endurance so poor? Isn't it just that they have lost a few duels?

After checking the time, Shen Sui put on his clothes and got ready to go out. He only estimated the marching speed of Alice and her group. In order to leave enough preparation time for himself, he had better complete the duel in the PK competition as soon as possible.

On the second day, most students who felt that they had no hope of advancing chose to withdraw from the competition, so the number of duels required to stabilize the standings should not be as exaggerated as on the first day.

Shen Sui simply stopped choosing and played from bottom to top according to the standings.

As long as I win all the top fifteen players in the standings, even if there is an emergency in Dawn Continent and he leaves midway and there are fewer games, he can still stabilize his ranking in the top ten through the relationship between wins and losses.

Clear goals make Shen Sui's efficiency very high. After all, the PK match does not require you to go to the opponent in person to invite a duel. You only need to enter the opponent's name in the duel instrument PK match plug-in, and then it is agreed. Location duel. The opponents that Shen Sui wants to challenge are all named in the standings, so there is no possibility that he does not know the opponent's name.

In one morning, Shen Sui went from fifteenth to fourth in the standings. Eleven duels were won.

After all, everyone is a student, and those who come to Tianyi Academy, even the children of aristocratic families, are not popular and are not very strong. Even with the help of elders, the strength of the deck is still limited.

In one month, except for Shen Sui, who was a loser, there were only a few students who could create a powerful deck. Shen Sui won quite easily.

After lunch, the top three in the standings remained unchanged. Shen Sui topped the list with 38 wins in 38 games, while Song Feiyu held on with 36 wins in 36 games.

Song Feiyu seemed to be following Shen Sui's way up the standings, because Shen Sui saw that many students with 100% winning rates but fewer games on the standings had their losses uniformly increased by two.


Shen Sui grinned. He knew that in this PK match, he and Song Feiyu would have a battle.

However, both parties agreed very tacitly to put the other party to the end.

Obviously no one would take the initiative to challenge the top two monsters.

After Shen Sui finished eating, he didn't stop and immediately invited the third person to a duel.

"Sui God! Please spare me! Stop reading it!"

Shen Sui's storyteller successfully drove Gu Yong to collapse.

"This is my turn." Gu Yong said miserably, "At least let me play a card."

"Ah, you didn't insert the settlement card, blame me." Shen Sui was also helpless. The chain was already activated, and it felt very uncomfortable when he stopped.

"So have you finished the chain?"

"It's almost over, there are two final effects."

Gu Yong breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally play his cards. He put his hand on the cards, ready to connect at any time.

"At this time, the effect of [Guardian of the Dusk Saint] was forcibly activated, invalidating this effect, and then I received 1,000 points of damage." Shen Sui said, "At this time, the effect of the equipped spell card [Wind Cloak] was activated. When I received It can be activated when there is combat damage or card effect damage. Send this card to the graveyard to activate and transfer the damage to the opponent, so you receive 1000 points of damage."

"Okay, let me see how many health points you have left." Shen Sui looked at Gu Yong.

Gu Yong has 900 health points.


"Ah!!!" Gu Yong held his head in his hands, he really collapsed.

“It’s my fucking turn!!!!”

"Ah... I'm sorry." Shen Sui coughed twice.

"Sui Shen, you'd better go professional as soon as possible and don't waste your time in the PK competition." Gu Yong burst into tears.

"It seems that the duel here is over." At this time, a man's voice came from behind Shen Sui.

Shen Sui looked around and saw a strange man with a handsome appearance and a confident smile on his face. There was sweat on his head. He looked like he had come here specially after hearing that Shen Sui was here.

Although he didn't know each other, Shen Sui knew the other person's name very well.

Song Feiyu.

"Then, come and duel with me, Shen Sui!" The other party invited him to a duel.

The opponent's face is full of fighting spirit to challenge the strong, confident and determined.

This is the first duel invitation Shen Sui has received since the PK competition began.

"Okay!" Shen Sui agreed without hesitation.

Sometimes, playing cards is as simple as that.

There is no need for the two sides to be friends or have any grudges. There is no need for other reasons. The duel itself is the reason.

The dueling instruments of both sides light up at the same time, and the invitation takes effect.

The duel begins!

Chapter 56 Are you betting on dogs? Is it such a brave thing to build?

When Shen Sui saw that the other party had the upper hand again, he couldn't hold himself any longer.

Should I go worship to Buddha to wash away the bad luck on my body?

Although it is really cool to blow up the opponent's field in the first attack round every time with the second hand.

But it would be too much to act backward every time.

There is really no need to resist pressure every time.

Next time you must shout "I'll win the first attack!" before guessing to change your luck.

"Then I'll start first! My turn." Song Feiyu glanced at the five cards in his hand and thought briefly for a while.

The reason why the duels between students are so beautiful is actually because the student decks are not as transparent as those professional players who have game videos. Even if sufficient data analysis and preparation are done before the game, the duel is still full of various things. kind of uncertainty.

This competition is the first PK competition of Tianyi College, and all the students are freshmen. Except for Shen Sui and Yu Wenyuan, who have played in the Tianxuan Cup, the composition of most of their decks has not been made public. material.

Song Feiyu on the opposite side can achieve a record of 36 wins, so his deck should not be underestimated.

"Pay 10 soul points." Song Feiyu thought for a long time, and finally drew a card in his hand, saying, "Activate the spell card [Star Soul Gamble]!"

"Both parties choose a minion card with multiple forms from their respective decks to exclude and activate." Song Feiyu unfolded his deck and took out his soul card.

? ? ?

Fuck, do you have to play so hard, exclude both soul cards right away?

We are all newcomers, and we all rely on soul cards as the core...

Shen Sui suddenly had a very bad feeling, but the effect of the card has already started, and he must exclude a soul card in the deck.

Alice was sent to the exclusion area.

"Then," Song Feiyu began to execute the second half of the effect of [Star Soul Gamble], "I will select my deck, randomly draw two cards from the deck, cover them up and select them, and I will choose one of them to send to the graveyard. If the card sent to the graveyard is a follower card, I can special summon the soul card in the exclusion zone to the field. If it is not a follower card, the opponent will special summon the soul card in its exclusion zone."

While speaking, under the effect of [Star Soul Gamble], two cards flew out of Song Feiyu's deck. These two cards appeared in a covered way, and neither party could see their card faces.

"Oh, right." Song Feiyu introduced, "You should know the concept of selection, right?"

Shen Sui certainly knew that there was no coin like the Yu-Gi-Oh in the fate card duel, but the effects of some cards did involve luck, which gave rise to the concept of selection.

The meaning of selection is to select two cards from the deck, and then you send one of the cards to the graveyard without seeing the card face, and turn over the other card to confirm. You can choose to put it back on the top of the deck or shuffle it back into the deck.

Selection is divided into follower selection and spell selection. Follower selection requires that one of the two selected cards must be a follower card and one non-follower card. Spell selection is similar. When there is no required card in the deck, the selection effect cannot be activated.

In general, the probability of selection is the same as flipping a coin, but because of the effects of sending to the graveyard and controlling the top, it will be stronger than flipping a coin in actual combat. The disadvantage is that the selection cannot be activated when there is no card of the corresponding category in the deck.

Shen Sui already felt something was wrong. After he nodded to indicate that he knew, Song Feiyu turned over the selection card and sent it to the graveyard, and shuffled the other card back into the deck.

Follower card.

"It seems that my luck today is very good!" Song Feiyu's eyes lit up and he smiled happily.

"Then! I will take the advantage in this duel first!"

"Star Soul Divination, fate is determined by heaven!"

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