These are all cards that have been obtained. Cards such as [Star Abyss White Dragon·Qishala] that cannot be obtained due to incompleteness are not counted.

Zero One's follower card was not obtained either, because Shen Sui had no direct relationship with her, and Alice's favorability with her had not yet been cultivated. If you want to directly obtain Zero One's follower card, you may have to wait for Qisala to return completely and obtain it through the relationship of Soul Card Qisala.

With so many extra cards at once, Shen Sui temporarily fell into a difficult choice.

The next identification duel is crucial to his career planning. Only after passing the referee's identification can he qualify for the qualifying tournament.

Shen Sui fiddled with his deck.

According to the output of Alice's life card, his blank cards are definitely not enough. Anyway, there is still a lot of prize money for the champion of the Chosen Cup. After the identification duel is over tomorrow, he will add a wave of blank cards.

And with the cards, better sales channels are needed.

The official store is definitely not allowed to go, the price limit is too harsh.

Well, when Bu Pei comes back from Beijing, I will ask him about other channels for selling fate cards. As a person who purchases banned cards, he should know some special channels. As long as it is not against the law to send him to jail, it will be fine.

Shen Sui looked at the deck in his hand. This was his habit when he was thinking deeply.

He needed to clarify the composition of his deck for today's identification duel.

In fact, according to his strength, it did not take much effort to get the duel coach to recognize his strength.

But Shen Sui wanted more than just recognition, he wanted to win.

If there is no heart of victory, then the duel is meaningless.

Chapter 68 Inspirational Players and Despicable Me

The coaches of the identification duel are announced publicly.

And in the new rules of the Exploration Bureau, the identification duel and all subsequent rank and promotion matches are open to the outside world. Passers-by can apply for reservations through specific websites and enter the venue with numbers to watch the duel. All duels are recorded and uploaded to the official website of the fate card master professional identification for public disclosure after the duel.

This rule, to a certain extent, refers to the idea of ​​the Judgment Document Publicity Network, allowing everyone to participate to the greatest extent, avoiding the previous cheating behavior of using the undisclosed attributes of the professional system duel.

Shen Sui searched on the official website and found the name of the coach who was dueling with him today.

Feng Lindu, a fifth-level fortune-telling master.

It turned out to be him!

Shen Sui knew the name of this fortune-telling master. Like Xu Tianzhi, he was a star professional player in the Magic City, but he did not belong to the Tianyi Club, but to another fortune-telling duel club in the Magic City.

Feng Lindu was not actually stronger than Xu Tianzhi in terms of strength, and he was far behind in the results of the competition. He belonged to the bottom of the first echelon of fifth-level fortune-tellers.

However, in recent days, Feng Lindu's popularity on the Internet has surpassed Xu Tianzhi, and he has even become the center of attention of the entire network, just because his experience is so inspiring.

Feng Lindu was born in a mountain village in the northwest. His family was poor. He barely finished high school with the help of the whole village. He decided to become a fortune-teller because others said that fortune-teller duels could make money.

He failed the duel exam for high school graduation, but he still refused to give up his dream of fortune-teller duels. In the end, he broke into the mixed amateur arena with his passion. For this reason, he left his hometown and came to the Magic City with super high consumption.

For five years, he worked while participating in various amateur competitions. It often took him three months of working to barely buy one or two suitable fortune cards.

After years of hard work, he finally obtained the qualification to upgrade from amateur to professional.

Because he was an amateur player turning professional, Feng Lindu could not directly jump to the next level through the ranking competition, but started from the first-level fortune-teller and worked his way up step by step.

However, since becoming a first-level fortune-teller, Feng Lindu seemed to have undergone a transformation. His duel style gradually became sharper, and he gradually opened up the situation in the professional arena. He also made great progress in the promotion competition and finally became a fifth-level fortune-teller.

Not long ago, Feng Lindu participated in the Silver Moon Wuji Cup and became popular on the Internet.

This is a Class B national competition, and the minimum requirement for participating is a fifth-level fortune-teller.

And the fifth-level Feng Lindu counterattacked and killed high-level fortune-teller in the Silver Moon Wuji Cup, and finally rushed into the finals triumphantly, attracting much attention. His previous experiences were also dug out, and then there was a round of explosion.

With a poor background, inspirational experience and excellent results now, he has become the representative of the dream of changing fate through fortune-teller duels.

Everyone thinks that Feng Lindu will win the championship in the finals three days later.

This is a very powerful fortune-teller.

Shen Sui actually doesn't understand why this fortune-teller who is preparing for the finals would agree to participate in the student's identification duel.

But it doesn't matter, the stronger I am, the more excited I am.

Shen Sui checked Feng Lindu's information, his eyes were already shining.

This is the opponent he wants to defeat!

Judging from various competition videos, Feng Lindu's deck should be a doomsday mutation deck, which is also in line with his background. Without enough wealth to support the consumption of the time regulator, he can't choose the Xianxia Soul Card World to compete with those rich second-generation cheaters.

The rich rely on krypton gold, the poor rely on mutation, this is an eternal truth.

After watching Feng Lindu's game, Shen Sui had a little idea about the next duel and began to build a more refined deck.

Analysis and response to opponents is also a test for a professional fortune-teller, which is why the coach's information is disclosed in the duel. Of course, don't expect the benefits of this information gap in the ranking and promotion matches. The opponent's information is completely confidential to you, and the opponent can even analyze your deck.

After doing all this, Shen Sui returned his gaze to the fortune-teller column, looking at the fortune-teller that has not been downloaded yet.

His lofty ambition to tidy up the competition field to Bu Pei was not empty talk, and he has already started to prepare.

Shen Sui will never tolerate someone insulting the word duel, especially since the fortune-teller duel is the only thing in reality that is related to his previous life.

If you want to make a name for yourself in such a stinky domestic competition environment, the foundation of the deck must be sufficient.

System 1: Magic Apprentice + Resurrection + Star Super Magic Circle/Andrew's Staff.

System 2: Flame Witch + Fish King + Vivian's Matchbox + Rebellion.

System 3: Rebellious Witch + Dusk Saint's Guardian.

Not enough, not enough!

Shen Sui's eyes fell on the card [Toll].

What [Rise the Price], [Toll], [Give Me Money], etc., are all cards that increase the opponent's fees. Can I use this as the core to form a system?

These cards should also form a set of auxiliary systems. Although Alice has not yet swiped out the corresponding new form, considering the various unscrupulous behaviors Alice made when selling gems, he has no doubt about the existence of this new form.

But... Alice, how did you do it?

Shen Sui looked at the information of the spell card [Give Me Money] on the duel instrument and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

The appearance and name of this card are so flawed, but the effect of this card is too...


Card name: Give Me Money

Category: Spell Card

Star: 1 star

Effect: Can be activated in the main phase of the opponent's turn, causing the opponent to pay 5 soul points.


A simple sentence, but it highlights a sense of violent toughness.

There are no prerequisites, just force the opponent to pay five points. Don't underestimate these 5 fees, it can directly block the opponent at a critical moment.

The most important thing is that this card does not have one turn.

This means that if Shen Sui has a card that is linked with it, he can use the chain to drain the opponent's soul points during the opponent's turn.

Despicable! It's really too despicable!

Inserting the sorted deck into the duel instrument, Shen Sui temporarily put aside other distractions.

He needs to sort out his mood and face the next identification duel.

"Student Shen Sui." A familiar voice appeared at the door of Shen Sui's dormitory.

Opening the door, it was Wang Ming, the duel assistant who bought [Great Healing] from him.

"Student Shen Sui, long time no see." Wang Ming smiled at Shen Sui, "I'm here to take you to the duel."

"Senior, you don't need to come all the way here." Shen Sui said, "I know the way."

"In fact, the situation is a bit complicated." Wang Ming smiled bitterly, "If I don't come to take you, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter the venue."


"Feng Lindu's fans heard that he had a duel here, and they all came to watch."

"Ah this..." Shen Sui said to Wang Ming, "I'm really a little worried now."

"It's just that there are more spectators, there's no need to feel psychologically burdened." Wang Ming comforted.

"I'm worried that I won't be able to leave the venue later. If I win the duel, those fans shouldn't tear me apart, right?"

Well, my concerns are unnecessary.

Wang Ming looked at Shen Sui, who was talking nonsense, and said speechlessly.

This guy really has no pressure at all.

Chapter 69 Crazy enthusiasm and the commission of the director

Although Wang Ming had told Shen Sui in advance that there would be many spectators for this duel, Shen Sui was still shocked when he arrived at the venue of the duel.

The duel was only allowed to have about 20 spectators to register, but there were more than 100 people outside the venue. They seemed to be holding flags and light boards in their hands, with expectations and excitement on their faces.

You know, there are only 300 students in the entire Tianyi College.

Although the density of this flow of people is far less than the density of the crowd on the day of the duel exam at Tianyi College, it is definitely not the number of spectators that an ordinary duel can attract.

"Hey hey hey! Feng Lindu is here! It's Feng Lindu!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted, and the whole crowd became noisy. Even if the security guards tried their best to stop them, they still couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the crowd.

Following the sight of these people, Shen Sui saw a man in plain clothes waving at his fans with a tired smile.

"Come on! We must teach that arrogant woman from the Yang family a lesson in the finals!" Someone shouted in the crowd.

Looking at the lively crowd, Shen Sui suddenly felt that he, the protagonist of the duel, seemed a little redundant.

"Does Feng Lindu have so many fans?" Shen Sui said in disbelief.

"Yes. You know, it has been a long time since a non-family player entered the finals in the B-class competition. The audience has been suffering from the family for a long time. Finally, they have waited for Feng Lindu who has the hope of winning the championship. Of course, they support him strongly." Wang Ming looked at Feng Lindu surrounded by the crowd with envy.

"I thought the audience now pays more attention to foreign competitions." Many of the discussions Shen Sui saw in the competition forum were about foreign leagues.

"If the games at home are good, the audience will certainly prefer to support their own games." Wang Ming said, "After all, it is more convenient to watch domestic games in person. Watching games in person and watching them live are two different experiences."

Shen Sui actually understands this mentality. If the national football team is strong enough...

Wang Ming took Shen Sui to the small path and bypassed the crowd.

The buildings of Tianyi College are very beautiful, but it seems a bit empty and deserted because there is only one class of students at present.

Shen Sui followed Wang Ming in the corridor with the cold wind turned on. He asked with some doubts: "Isn't Feng Lindu preparing for the finals? How did he become my coach for the identification duel?"

"Professional players are paid for being listed in the duel academy. Many professional fortune tellers from ordinary families will choose to be listed in the duel academy. Of course, not all professional players want the academy." Wang Ming explained, "Since it is a list, the coach must fulfill the obligations when necessary. After the Exploration Bureau accepted the professional identification system, it classified the identification duel as the obligation of the coach. I don't know if it's your bad luck that you picked him."

"Okay. This is it." Wang Ming walked to the door of a duel classroom and knocked on the door. "You can go in."

After that, he turned and left.

This is a duel classroom similar to the classroom during the duel exam. The duel stage is on the podium, and there are pale yellow tables and chairs below.

At the gate, the security guard has not let the reserved audience in, but there are already people in the classroom at this time.

This is a white-haired old man wearing an ordinary gray shirt. The sleeves and collar are a little white due to repeated washing.

"Hello, classmate Shen Sui." The white-haired old man saw Shen Sui, stood up, and stretched out his hand to Shen Sui, "My name is Wu Ziqin, the director of the Magic City Exploration Bureau. I'm glad to meet you."

The director of the Exploration Bureau, a big shot!

Shen Sui was slightly stunned, and also politely stretched out his hand.

"Don't be nervous." Wu Ziqin glanced at his watch and smiled, "I'm just a spectator today. There is still some time before the duel. I have something to talk to you about. I heard that your soul card world is world number one?"

"Ah? Yes." Shen Sui was not surprised that the other party knew his soul card world.

"I have several exploration missions for World No. 1. Since I have not been able to find a suitable candidate, I hope you can help the Exploration Bureau obtain some intelligence in World No. 1." Wu Ziqin said, "Don't worry, these missions are rewarded. If you can help us collect relevant intelligence, all your prize money for the next year will be tax-free."

As he spoke, Wu Ziqin took out a mission commission contract, written in black and white, very formal.

Shen Sui didn't mind helping the official, and Wu Ziqin's attitude unexpectedly pleased Shen Sui.

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