Then I saw the two minions on his field were like paper, swallowed up by the surging lake water.

A beautiful big fish appeared on his field.

[Fish King·Payinjiade], Spirit Value 2000.

No, what the hell is this to liberate the minions on my field?

What the hell is this effect?

Don't panic! Don't panic!

7800-2000, only 5800 damage, I still have 200 life points.

"Then," Shen Sui drew another card from his hand, "Pay 1 soul point, and normally summon [Alice's Mare] from my hand."

[Alice's Mare], Star 1, Spirit Value 200.

"Fuck!" Some viewers couldn't help but burst out with swear words, "The cards are so good?"

"Nonsense, I drew four cards in the first attack turn."

"Pay 2 soul points, 5 soul points, and cover two spell cards on my field."

Shen Sui didn't waste any words and covered both cards on the field.

Then he entered the battle phase.

"Now, it's my turn to attack." Shen Sui has already smelled the taste of victory.

"Let the rebellious witch Hozewell on my field attack the fish king Pa Yinjiade on your field!"

Alice raised her sleeves.

"At this time!" Feng Lindu drew out his hand and shouted, "Activate the effect of [Mutated Zombie Type 7] in my hand! It can be activated when the opponent's minion attacks, discard it from the hand to activate, and make this attack damage 0!"

"It's useless!" Shen Sui didn't indulge Feng Lindu.

You actually said that I don't have enough ability? Then I don't need to save face for you.

Many fans?

What's wrong with having many fans?

Duelists win by dueling!

"At this time! Activate the effect of [Cursed Doll·Abigail] in the graveyard! When you activate the card effect! Make your card effect invalid, and then special summon Abigail to the field!"

Abigail, reproduce!

"Abigail's effect is activated. Since I don't have any other puppets on the field, I take 2,000 damage."

"You should be thankful." Shen Sui looked at Feng Lindu. He was always petty. If you taunt me, I will taunt you back. "There is no follower card in my graveyard that can be removed, otherwise this attack would have been over!"

{Shen Sui, HP 6,000→4,000}

"Alice! Keep attacking!" Although the name of the Witch of Disobedience card is Horzeville, Shen Sui is more accustomed to calling her Alice.

Alice smiled cutely.

In this form, she is just a third-level magician, and her only means of attack is a fireball.

But this is a fireball that can cause 5,800 damage!


The fireball hit the fish king Pa Yinjiade hard. The poor fish king was sent away by the fireball before he figured out where he was.

Then, the aftermath of the flames surged towards Feng Lindu.

The real burning sensation made Feng Lindu groan in pain.

[Feng Lindu, HP 6000→200]

"It's not over yet." Shen Sui pointed at the white pony on his field, "Let my pony attack directly!"

The pony snorted happily, rushed to Feng Lindu with happy little steps, then turned and jumped, kicking Feng Lindu.

Feng Lindu was kicked out directly.

His HP also dropped to 0.

He lost.

Not only did he lose to Shen Sui, a new student who had no rank yet.

He was kicked to death by a horse's hoof.

Insult, for Feng Lindu, this was a complete insult.

At this moment, whether it was the audience, the referee, or the dean and teachers of Tianyi College, they all looked at this scene in disbelief.

They never thought that Feng Lindu would lose.

This fucking duel exam was not intentionally reducing the strength of the deck!

This is a fifth-level card master in his prime.

And it is Feng Lindu, a fifth-level card master who has recently become strong and has the ability to challenge the championship.

This is Feng Lindu, who everyone in the country is looking forward to winning the championship!

How dare Shen Sui!

Liang Hui has already seen the future of his own academy being rushed by Feng Lindu fans.



However, what he didn't expect was that the audience behind him, who should be Feng Lindu's fans, stood up at this moment and applauded excitedly.

"Wonderful! Although this duel is short, it's fucking wonderful!"

"This is a real duel! Damn! In comparison, the national competition is fucking garbage, all boring duels!"

"Come on! Don't be discouraged! Brother Feng. Victory and defeat are common in the military! Keep working hard in the finals!"

These lovely audiences have never been fans of a specific person.

They are fans of the card duel.

Shen Sui looked at the audience unexpectedly and felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

It seems that the domestic competition is not that bad.

Just for this group of lovely audiences, I will punish those insects severely!

Chapter 74 Using the suffering of others to create my own bliss

Feng Lindu walked towards his rental house with an ugly face.

"What? You lost?" Chai Dasheng said in disbelief, "I asked you to keep your trump card, but I didn't ask you to keep it so thoroughly?"

He definitely wouldn't believe that Feng Lindu would overturn and lose to a freshman who had just entered the Duel Academy. His brain automatically gave him a reasonable explanation.

"Stop talking. How is Yang Lijuan's battle intelligence analysis? I need a detailed battle analysis report. In the next few days, I will be in retreat to prepare for the finals." Feng Lindu did not explain too much to Chai Dasheng , he can't say that he actually didn't hold back at all, but was defeated by the young man named Shen Sui in a head-on confrontation, right?

Although this incident was very embarrassing, fortunately, the Exploration Bureau promised itself that it would not release the video of the duel before the finals.

The audience at the scene may spread the news, but Feng Lindu knows that as long as he does not admit it, his fans will automatically help him clear the ground without the evidence of stone hammer.

At such times, just remain silent.

Feng Lindu touched his dueling instrument.

Sure enough, I am not strong enough!

He looked up into the dark alley.

As long as he wins the final, everything will be fine. Endless wealth will come to him from endorsement ads, peripheral income, and he will even be able to buy his own villa in the magical city where every inch of land is precious.

"Is this really good?" Suddenly, a person's voice came.

Feng Lindu was startled and looked around. He saw a fat man leaning against the oil-stained alley wall, looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

"What?" Feng Lindu took a small step back.

"I watched your duel today." The man walked towards Feng Lindu, "Your soul card has been tortured so much by you. Is this really good? For your own benefit, to torture someone who should have Good life man.”

"What are you talking about?" Feng Lindu smiled reluctantly, and then showed an expression of anger and hatred, "Also, who are you? Am I familiar with you?"

"Ah, I'm just a passing duel enthusiast." The man spread his hands and said, "Some people can't stand you guys who deliberately use time adjusters to cause suffering to soul cards in order to obtain more life cards and soul card forms. ”

"Hmph! Let's not mention that I have never done such a thing." Feng Lindu laughed angrily. He loosened his collar and said, "So what if I did such a thing? Is it illegal? Soul Card Follower said It is real, but can he affect reality? What I do to him is similar to what a game player does to the control character.”

"You guys, don't you really think of the soul card followers as your friends? They are just cards!"

After saying that, Feng Lindu turned around and left here in a hurry as if fleeing.

The man stood there, silently watching Feng Lindu leave.

Jingle bell bell.

The melodious ringtone of mobile phones echoed in the claustrophobic alley.

The man answered the phone.

"I, Wang Ming." The fat man said briefly.

"Wang Ming, how's the investigation going?" A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Wang Ming withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked out of the alley. As he walked, he told the phone his analysis: "Using other people's suffering to create my own bliss is the method of followers of the Suffering Bodhisattva."

The Suffering Bodhisattva is one of the rulers of the No. 8 soul card world, and one of the culprits of several major incidents in the real world that year.

"Guessed it. For those fate card masters who ignore the lives of their own soul cards, the selfish rhetoric of the Suffering Bodhisattva is really attractive. As long as they continue to instill the concept that the soul card world is just a game, they can make them Those frustrated life card masters tortured their soul card followers without any psychological burden. "

"So, General Administration, do we really have nothing to do against them?" Wang Ming asked unwillingly.

"Did they break the law?" Zhang Fang, who was on the opposite side, asked calmly, "After all, the soul card followers are individuals from another world and are not protected by the laws of our real world. Otherwise, how could the followers of the Suffering Bodhisattva seize the opportunity to fight in reality? What about spreading the idea of ​​suffering?”

"However, I always believe that this behavior is incorrect."

"So, you just want to punish them? Just because they use means to torture people who may only exist? And the evidence you can produce is just a lot of text."

Wang Ming was silent.

"In recent years, there have been more and more fate card masters in China with similar behaviors, and they are becoming more and more common." Zhang Fang said quietly, "Why do you think it is?"

"Ordinary Life Card Masters can't find any hope of getting ahead in the domestic competition environment. If they want to compete in high-level duels, they must have a large number of Life Cards to avoid the increasingly abusive ban card review of the Life Card Association..."

"Isn't that right, Wang Ming?" Zhang Fang's laughter came through the phone, "We may not be able to deal with those fate card masters, but we can eliminate the soil where they were born. As long as the environment is improved, those A selective life card master will not do things that break the bottom line of human nature just by reading the words."

"However, not everyone is moral. This kind of thing can indeed bring a lot of life cards..."

"No, Wang Ming, you have to understand that the reason why those people tortured their soul cards so unscrupulously is because they know that in such a competition environment, even if these things are exposed, the audience can understand their behavior. "

"But if the environment gets better, do you think the audience will tolerate their behavior?"

Zhang Fang's question made Wang Ming fall into a brief silence.

"Okay, you should hurry back to the academy. I am more worried that the idea of ​​the Bodhisattva of Suffering will spread to the student group, which is the main battlefield you should pay attention to. I also have to deal with the affairs of World No. 1 here."

"Is there something wrong with World No. 1 again?"

"Yes, the soul cards of seventeen employees died inexplicably, and the compensation is enough to give me a headache." Zhang Fang paused, and said with some gloating, "But we are lucky. Almost all the soul cards of World No. 1 in the United States died in the City of Sin. They lost contact with World No. 1 all of a sudden and are frantically looking for the fortune card masters of World No. 1 all over the world."

"It's not easy to find a fortune card master in World No. 1." Wang Ming's mind flashed Shen Sui's appearance.

"It's okay. In the United States, you can ask Xiaorizi and Universe for people."

While Zhang Fang was worrying about the compensation, Shen Sui was also having a headache.

He looked at the words on the duel instrument and fell into deep self-doubt.

Oh my god, Alice, is she a magic idiot?

Chapter 75 Alice is serious and studious

Since he had won the duel, there was no need for the duel coach to give Shen Sui any comments. He automatically qualified for the qualifying tournament.

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