"Hey? Can't we resupply here?" Alice asked doubtfully.

Shen Sui told Alice roughly what he had just heard.

He had already observed with his eyes that a riot had already occurred on Blue Star. It would be absolutely irrational to get involved at this time.

"You can't blame me for this!" Alice said confidently, "You were the only one on the dock at that time."

Shen Sui glared at Alice: "Maybe it's because you were on the spaceship."

Alice puffed her cheeks angrily: "Then I'll leave?"

Shen Sui couldn't help but chuckled when he saw Alice's cute puffy look.

"Okay, okay, I won't joke with you anymore." Shen Sui smiled and shook his head, saying to Alice, "Let's go directly to the next planet for supplies. I don't believe it..."

Since Shen Sui had already determined the general direction, there was nothing to say.

Alice drove the spaceship and flew towards the ultimate destination.

Along the way, she randomly found a planet called Kulun to stop.

Still doing high-altitude resupply at the space station.

This time, Alice finally didn't encounter many accidents.


No major accidents.

Alice looked at the two staff members who were tinkering with the machine in front of her, and showed a helpless expression.

Maybe because there has been no spacecraft passing by for too long, the supply equipment on the Kulun planet is a bit old and outdated.

Alice saw that they couldn't fix it for a long time, so she directly helped them repair the equipment.

Overall, the resupply process was quite smooth.

After bringing enough supplies, Alice set off again.

This time, they were going straight to the battlefield.

In general, the Interstellar Federation is much smaller than the Arunta Empire.

Even if it takes to cross the entire Interstellar Federation to rush to the battlefield on the front line, it is much shorter than the time Alice sailed in the Arunta Empire.

In addition, after the resupply was completed, Alice once again used cute magic to turn the spaceship into a killer whale.

Then, under the command of Alice, the master, the killer whale carrying a group of people rushed towards the destination at a very fast speed.

As the battlefield got closer and closer, the surroundings began to change dramatically.

Alice's most intuitive feeling was that there were more and more stones around the spaceship.

Many of these solid stones floating in space were the products of planetary shattering.

But if they were broken naturally, there would be few such small ones.

When Shen Sui saw these broken stones, his expression became serious: "Get into combat mode, Alice."

Alice naturally understood this truth.

These are definitely planets that were broken because of the war.

I don't know what happened to the original star on the planet at that time.

Shen Sui thought so.

After crossing this asteroid belt, Alice finally came to the edge of the battlefield.

The so-called battlefield is just a broad concept.

There is more than one battlefield between the Arunta Empire and the Interstellar Federation.

Soon, Alice saw the battle situation in the distance.

An Arunta Empire armor with brilliance surging in the darkness was shuttling among the starships of the Interstellar Federation.

Its speed and power can easily smash these starships.

However, it has no interest in these targets.

Its real target is the planets that the interstellar fleets are desperately protecting.

It can feel the vigorous vitality on the planets.

That is the smell that makes it intoxicated.

I want to destroy it!

I want to destroy this planet!

It has destroyed countless planets on this battlefield.

But how can the pleasure of smashing those uninhabited planets be as refreshing as smashing a planet full of vitality?

"No! Stop it!"

On the flagship of the Interstellar Federation Fleet, the fleet commander showed a desperate expression when he saw the place where the final weapon rushed to.

Because of the attack on the planet by the Arunta Empire before, the fleet was forced to gather the residents of each planet.

And the planet that has been locked as a target is where those residents live temporarily.

However, at this time, it was also targeted by the final weapon of the Arunta Empire.

However, compared to its big brother Typhon, this ultimate weapon still needs a little preparation to destroy a planet.

However, when it finished its preparation, it was surprised to find that:

The planet in front of it seemed to have disappeared?

It saw a huge fat orange cat sliding to the side with its limbs.


Chapter 697 The mecha rebelled!

What the hell?

The mecha driver looked at the scene in front of him and was completely confused.

He had fought with the Arunta Empire in the east and west, and he was also well-informed.

But this kind of planet turned into a giant cat to avoid his attack was the first time he saw it.

For a moment, the driver thought he had hallucinations.

He rubbed his eyes and took another look.

He found that the planet in front of him still looked like a giant orange cat.

What a ghost!

The driver cursed in his heart.

He was indeed a professional warrior. Even in the face of such a weird scene, he quickly regained his composure.

The Star-Breaking Blade in his hand slashed towards the fleeing orange cat again.

No matter what the other party looks like, his mission is to destroy the planet in front of him.

Even though he has some complaints about this order in his heart.

But as a professional soldier, he unconditionally obeys any order of the general!

Powerful power burst out from the body of the star-destroying mecha he was driving.

The huge and exaggerated star-breaking blade emits an astonishing light in space.

The star-breaking blade is a weapon developed by the Arunta Empire specifically for destroying the enemy's planet.

Limited by the size of the mecha, its appearance is actually similar to the ship-slashing sword.

The size is also similar.

It is almost impossible for a weapon of this specification to achieve the effect of cutting the enemy's planet with one sword.

The principle of the star-breaking blade is essentially to destroy the balance of the planet's gravity and let the planet self-destruct in the imbalance of power.

Just when the third blade of the mecha was finally about to fall on the escaping planet, the driver suddenly found that his mecha was out of control.

All the commands he issued to the mecha could not get effective feedback.

"Number 8! Number 8! What's going on over there!"

The strange behavior of the mecha on duty immediately attracted the attention of the Arunta fleet in the distance.

However, the only answer they got was noise.

Then, they saw the mecha that had just paused started to move again.

Just when they thought it was just a short daze, they found that the other party had switched weapons.

"Damn it!" The commander of the fleet saw the behavior of the mecha and roared angrily at the communicator, "What are you doing? Why do you want to switch weapons? Your mission is to destroy the planet! Repeat! Your mission is to destroy the planet!"

However, the other party was not listening to him at all.

While speaking, the weapon in the mecha's hand had been switched to a ship-slashing sword.

The edge of the ship-slashing sword, high-energy particles emitted a faint blue light.

Around the mecha, the fleet of the Arunta Empire has gradually taken the initiative on the battlefield.

As a newly emerged force in the last few hundred years, the Interstellar Federation can fight back and forth with the Arunta Empire at the strongest combat power level, but its foundation is still far inferior to the Arunta Empire, which has been passed down for more than a thousand years.

This has led to the fact that only the main force of the Interstellar Federation can withstand the offensive of the Arunta Empire.

There is a huge gap in the number of main forces between the two sides.

Some people always say that the contemporary Arunta emperor is a man who likes to show off his achievements. In order to maintain the majesty of the empire, he spends a lot of money every year to support a huge army.

But it must be admitted that such support almost caused the Interstellar Federation to collapse directly under the first wave of the Arunta Empire.

What happened on this battlefield also happened on other battlefields.

The top leaders of the Interstellar Federation had actually predicted that the first wave of the Arunta Empire's offensive would be very fierce.

They even withdrew the civilians in the war zone in advance.

But they never expected that this wave of offensive would be so fierce.

Except for the main fleet where the Enterprise was located, which successfully withstood the enemy's attack, other fronts collapsed at the moment of the battle.

In the end, the speed of the collapse of the battle line actually caught up with the speed of the evacuation of civilians and industrial equipment.

When Alice came to this battlefield, the Arunta Empire was about to complete the siege of the Enterprise.

As long as the main fleet where the Enterprise was located was eaten, the Arunta Empire would have won most of the war.

"This is too much!"

Alice looked at the enemy who had been controlled by her zombie doll virus and frowned angrily.

As long as there are people, there are interests.

As long as there are interests, there will be war.

This is inevitable.

So Alice can fully understand the occurrence of war.

However, fighting is fighting, why deliberately killing civilians?

People are completely powerless.

This is what Alice hates most.

Alice, who originally just wanted to take the Enterprise away and didn't want to get involved in this war, was directly angered by this behavior.

She raised the magic wand in her hand.

"Go and kill them all."

As soon as Alice gave the order, the mecha controlled by the puppet virus rushed towards the fleet of the Arunta Empire like an arrow.

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