②As long as the follower has a rose mark, the follower is not affected by other effects;

③At the beginning of the opponent's turn, the opponent can choose to skip the card drawing phase and the battle phase to remove all rose marks of the follower. If so, the follower loses effect ① until the end of the turn;

④Once a turn, you can remove any rose mark of the follower to activate and gain X soul points (X is the number of marks removed * 5).

Spirit value: 4500


Fairy Rose, from the world of Soul Card No. 10.

It is a world of beast control, where birds, beasts, plants, mountains, rivers and even disasters may become spirits that can be driven by humans.

On the card, a gorgeous girl is bathing in a sea of ​​flowers.

Even if you just peek through the card, you can feel the girl's aura.

You can hardly imagine that this girl is actually a rose.

It's just...which part of the rose has become so big?

Fairy Rose is a legendary existence in World No. 10. Unexpectedly, it was put into the card library of the Exploration Bureau. Shen Sui was very curious about who was so generous.

Until Ye Qing told him that this was the legacy of a Chinese fortune-teller.

After her death, she donated all her fortune cards to the country, and this Fairy Rose was the most precious one among them.

"Then is it inconvenient for me to choose this card?" Shen Sui was a little embarrassed.

"It's not inconvenient." Ye Qing said, "I don't think that big boss would want his card to lie in the card library of the Exploration Bureau forever. She is also a pioneer in promoting the fortune card duel competition in China. In her words, it would be a pity if these follower cards could not come alive in the duel field. We listed her as a reward, but we haven't found the next owner of this card until now. In this sense, the Exploration Bureau is the one who owes it."

Shen Sui looked at the card in his hand and felt like he was accepting inheritance.

He didn't expect that his first 15-star follower card was not obtained from the Dawn Continent, but from reality.

Can the follower card come alive in the duel arena?

Then I'll give it a try reluctantly.

Shen Sui thought to himself and inserted the card into his duel instrument.

Cards like this that have no owner can be directly inserted into the duel instrument and written.

Due to the existence of this mechanism, some vicious people have also been born.

If there are more card scammers in China, then in the United States, where the life card trade is prosperous and the life card price is high, there is another profession-card hunter.

This card hunter is a very pure one, who obtains the opponent's cards through duels.

Of course, they don't use life card duels.

It's American duels.

Chapter 116 Real women are so troublesome

Modu Duel Training Hall.

The Exploration Bureau's public relations are very good. At the moment when all kinds of black materials of the Life Card Association were exposed, no one paid attention to the major events that happened in the Magic City Duel Training Hall that could affect the direction of the entire real world.

On the way out of the dormitory of Tianyi College, Shen Sui's eyes were full of news about Xu Tianzhi.

After all, it was a local player who achieved such an excellent result. Tianyi Club spent a lot of money on various publicity.

Congratulations to Xu Tianzhi for winning the Guangzhiming Duel Invitational Tournament were hung in every corner of the academy.

On the way to Shen Sui, the passengers next to him were discussing Xu Tianzhi's victory enthusiastically.

At this moment, if Shen Sui could read the air a little, he would probably think, would it be bad to defeat Xu Tianzhi at this time?

Unfortunately, Shen Sui has never been a person who would talk about human feelings in duels.

Duels are zero-sum games.

Unless it is a forced draw caused by the effects of some special cards, there is always a winner in general.

Shen Sui does not want to be a loser, so he can only trouble his opponent to play the loser.

Not to mention that Xu Tianzhi is only a champion of Class B competition, even if the world champion stands in front of Shen Sui, Shen Sui will not consider whether it would be bad to win him.

I am fighting for the champion.

With this thought, Shen Sui raised his leg and stepped into the duel training hall.

There will only be post-match recordings for the qualifying tournament, but no live broadcasts.

But it does not prevent the audience from coming to the scene to watch the duel.

"Shen Sui! Come on!"

Shen Sui was a little surprised to hear someone cheering for him, and looked over curiously.

Tang Lili was carrying a bag, and she waved her hands hard to let Shen Sui see her, but unfortunately her height only allowed her hands to be exposed to the crowd. If it weren't for Shen Sui's sharper perception under the power enhancement, she would have almost thought that someone was cheering for her in the void.

"You actually came to cheer for me." Shen Sui looked at Tang Lili, who had regained her vitality, and said with some surprise.

"Of course!" Tang Lili looked up, not knowing whether she was proud or because she had to look up to see Shen Sui's face, "My card is still in your hand. I must always remind myself to become stronger and then take my card back from you!"

"You said that as if I had taken your card away." Shen Sui couldn't help but complain.

"Hehe, actually I'm going to have my third career qualification match today." Tang Lili said the truth embarrassedly, "When I saw you coming, I guessed that you were probably going to have your final qualifying match, so I came to take a look."

"The third game? Did you lose the second game again?" There are a total of three opportunities for professional recognition duels, and you only need to get recognized once.

Tang Lili curled her lips in dissatisfaction: "The instructor said that my deck is too gentle and not suitable for professional competitions!"

Shen Sui smiled.

When will the identification of a professional life card master be measured by whether one can compete in competitions?

Those guys from the Life Card Association really deserved to be caught.

"Wow wow wow! It's Xu Tianzhi!" Tang Lili suddenly looked behind Shen Sui and shouted excitedly.

Also excited at the same time were the customers in the duel training hall. When they heard that Xu Tianzhi was coming, they all put down their work and ran to the door to watch.

There were also those who continued the duel indifferently.

Of course, some people took the opportunity to occupy the venue and started a duel. It can only be said that no matter which world they are in, there are such pure poker players.

"I didn't expect Xu Tianzhi to come to the duel training hall today." Tang Lili said with shining eyes.

"Is he famous now?" Shen Sui was actually a little curious about the reactions of the people around him. This kind of reaction could almost match the reaction of the world champion when he arrived.

"You don't understand." Tang Lili said, "It's been a long time since anyone in the Magic City won the championship of such a high-level competition. This is the Bright Duel Invitational Tournament. If the number of A-type competitions hadn't been limited, it would have become a competition long ago. Category A.”

Okay, Shen Sui can probably understand.

"I wonder if I can get Xu Tianzhi's autograph today." Tang Lili was looking for a crack that she could get through. This was not a difficult task for her.

Shen Sui glanced at Tang Lili and reminded him in a friendly way: "Then you'd better hurry up, otherwise he might not be in the mood to sign for you after a while."

"Huh? Why?"

"If my guess is correct..." Shen Sui looked at Xu Tianzhi, who had also seen him at this moment, smiled slightly, and walked towards Shen Sui, "He is my opponent in today's duel. "

"Huh? Huh?? Huh?!!" Tang Lili actually used the same pronunciation to express three different emotions, which was quite impressive.

"You and him?"

Shen Sui nodded.

"Setting race?"


"Are you going to level five?" Tang Lili's eyes widened, "Oh! Have you passed the fixed stage?"

Reaching the fifth level in the fixed stage race is an achievement that Tang Lili could not imagine.

"If nothing else, it should be."

"Damn it!" Tang Lili gritted her teeth and frowned.

"Have I offended you?" Shen Sui said speechlessly, "My promotion to the fifth level has made you so unhappy."

Tang Lili shook her head and said, "I'm just worried that my card won't come back."

"You said you wanted to win it back in the duel." Shen Sui crossed his shoulders and said, "Hey, don't even be qualified to appear in front of me~!"

"Asshole! Asshole! Don't underestimate me!" Tang Lili jumped up and tried to express her dissatisfaction by slapping Shen Sui's chin with her palm.

"Besides, you can't beat Xu Tianzhi." Tang Lily said stubbornly, "As long as you can't beat Xu Tianzhi, you can only participate in the C-type competition. I will definitely have a chance to snipe you."

Shen Sui rolled his eyes and saw that the referee was already in place. He stopped chatting with Tang Lili and waved his hands to say goodbye: "I won't talk to you anymore. Come on in the final match. I'm going to duel."

"Come on then." Tang Lili waved her hand to bid farewell to Shen Sui. She didn't want to see Xu Tianzhi overturn, but she also didn't want to see her friend lose the crucial stage race.

"Hey, aren't you afraid that I won't be able to win back the cards after I advance to level five?"

Tang Lili waved her little fist and said: "Idol will definitely stand on the most shining stage! Becoming a professional is just a small goal of mine! It's just fifth level, I will get there sooner or later!"

Shen Sui smiled. He probably admired Tang Lili and was interested in communicating with her.

Then Shen Sui heard Tang Lily screaming at Xu Tianzhi.


Real women are really troublesome.

Shen Sui suddenly felt that he was still his younger sister Ka Xiangxiang.

I don’t know where Qisha is.

When Shen Sui thought of the shy scene that Qisha was bound to appear, he suddenly felt ready to take action again.

Since Claude's power can get through.

Can my consciousness get through it?

It would be a pity to only watch the text broadcast of Keesara's shy scene.

Chapter 117 There has never been such a wonderful start

"Huh? Xu Tianzhi seems to be here to participate in the fixed-stage race? Who is so unlucky to meet Xu Tianzhi in the fixed-stage race?"

The audience discovered that Xu Tianzhi was communicating with the staff of the Exploration Bureau and the referee. At first, they thought he was about to compete in the promotion competition, so they came to watch one after another. As a result, the more I watched, the more I felt something was wrong. After asking around, I found out that it was Xu Tianzhi who had become someone's opponent in the stage race.

"Don't say that, if you can reach the fifth level in the fixed stage competition, you are already considered a master, right?"

"Yes, that's why we say he is unlucky." Passers-by commented incessantly.

And when some people recognized Shen Sui, things became more interesting.

"Holy shit! Is this the God of Sui? No wonder Xu Tianzhi condescended to come over to set up the stage match. It turns out he wants to avenge his shame."

"Sui God? Who is it?" People who didn't know Shen Sui looked confused.

Looking at the audience who were having a heated discussion, Xu Tianzhi smiled bitterly and said:

"Sorry, I seem to have gotten you into trouble."

Although Xu Tianzhi intended to get back at the duel, that was on the duel field. In private, Xu Tianzhi was still very friendly.

"I wanted to disguise myself a little bit." Xu Tianzhi said, "After all, I seem to be able to cause trouble to others easily now. But my coach insisted that I not disguise myself, saying that it would maintain the popularity."

"This doesn't sound like your coach, but more like your agent." Shen Sui complained.

Xu Tianzhi shrugged and said, "In a sense, yes."

The stardom of life card professional players is a trend in the life card duel industry throughout the world, and China is not immune to it.

Shen Sui actually hates this behavior of turning competitive players into stars.

What I want to see is the duel, not the gossip between the two sides before and after the game.

"Okay, no more words, let's get started." Xu Tianzhi lit up the duel instrument and said to Shen Sui, "Today's duel is very important to you."

Shen Sui didn't waste any words and lit up the duel instrument.

"Duel! Start!"

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