Her voice fell.

Surrender is the right given to players in the fate card duel.

Even professional players can surrender when dueling in professional competitions.

However, in general, due to professional ethics and fear of being criticized by the audience, few people have surrendered in professional competitions in recent years. Look at Xu Tianzhi, who surrendered in the duel exam and has been blacklisted until now. This duel exam is not a professional competition.

However, in this kind of private competition, surrender is a very normal operation. After all, many times the opponent's field is laid out, and if there is no means to clear the field, not surrendering is a pure waste of time.

Combined with what Wang Ming said, all victims died after being tortured cruelly in spirit. Shen Sui guessed that the opponent might have the ability to prevent the victim from clicking the surrender button.

Is it a duel instrument virus, or the influence of extraordinary power?

Shen Sui became more and more interested. I really lack this kind of power to prevent the opponent from surrendering.

The most worrying thing for the unhuman deck in the duel is that the opponent will not let you have fun.

Just as she was thinking, Shi Ruoyi had already raised her hand and pointed to her own field: "Pay 8 soul points, activate the spell card [Pain of Bliss] from my hand."

"Once per turn, select a [Suffering] minion from my deck and add it to my hand."

Shi Ruoyi unfolded her deck.

"I choose to add [Suffering Messenger Abdu] to my hand."

The moment she caught this card, Shi Ruoyi showed a look of victory.

She looked at Shen Sui and said, "Look, this is my trump card, little brother."

Shen Sui narrowed his eyes.

Because Shi Ruoyi's Suffering Messenger has a star rating of up to 14.

It seems that he has encountered a 14-star minion card for the first time in a duel.

"Activate the effect of [Suffering Messenger Abdu]."

Shi Ruoyi activated the effect of the card in her hand.

"Liberate the three [Suffering] minions on the field. Special summon the minions to the field!"

"The messenger of suffering~! Let the whole world listen to the holy voice of the Bodhisattva!"

Shi Ruoyi shouted loudly.

Her voice was pious and excited, as if she was not summoning her minions, but her master, the master to whom she could dedicate everything.

Accompanied by Shi Ruoyi's summons, a dark shadow appeared on the field.

The next moment, Shen Sui saw a kind old man in red clothes smiling and walking out of the shadows.

Kind and harmonious, as if he was an old man sitting at the entrance of the village and chatting with you.

However, Shen Sui felt some strange power from him.

And it was the moment when this messenger of suffering appeared on the field, the entire duel field seemed to be shrouded by some mysterious power.


Shen Sui narrowed his eyes.

He sensed a power trying to invade his body.

His skill automatically triggered and captured this power, and completed the analysis and feedback to Shen Sui.

The official plug-in is really useful!

Shen Sui couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the production team of "Dawn Link". If it weren't for this plug-in that automatically releases skills, Shen Sui might have been hit just now.

Although with the blessing of a bunch of BUFFs, he would not be in any trouble even if he was hit.

This is a kind of spiritual power. After hitting the opponent, it can hypnotize the opponent, making him subconsciously forget to do some things, and will amplify certain sensory stimulations.

Is this the way to make the opponent forget that he still has the option of surrender?

Is this also the way to amplify the opponent's pain to torture the opponent?

Shen Sui was a little disappointed.

I thought it was something more high-tech. He can do this.

Shi Ruoyi didn't know that the power of the messenger of suffering had no effect on Shen Sui at all.

She was already immersed in the fantasy that Shen Sui tried his best but was tortured to death by herself.

Oh my God, what a wonderful scene this would be.

"Activate the effect of [Suffering Messenger Abdu]." Shi Ruoyi couldn't wait to activate the follower effect, "Once per round, the opponent will receive 1,000 points of damage."

A black shadow appeared behind Shen Sui, and the dark shadow directly penetrated Shen Sui's chest.

Shen Sui felt a strange pain.

If it is amplified by power, this pain will be unbearable.


Shen Sui shook his head disappointedly.

No, this method.

If it is only to this extent, it is not a dark duel at all.

Chapter 133 Let you taste the real dark duel

"Is it only to this extent?" Shen Sui said disappointedly.

The scene that was expected to be Shen Sui's painful wailing did not happen, which surprised Shi Ruoyi.

After hearing Shen Sui's words, Shi Ruoyi was even more confused.

What did he mean by that?

And why did the damage of the Suffering Messenger fall on him as if nothing happened?

Could it be that the other party has a better pain tolerance?

"If it's only this level, I'm very disappointed." Shen Sui raised his head, his eyes flashing with a strange light, "Moreover, this power seems to be only applied to the other party? So you believers of suffering only enjoy the process of others suffering, and never torture yourself?"

"What are you talking about?" Shi Ruoyi felt a strange sense of fear in her heart, as if the other party could kill her at any time.

"You are so cowardly." Shen Sui said coldly, "You didn't even fight a duel with your life at stake, but you still used the duel to deprive others of their lives."

"It would be fine if you took the same risk, but you just hid behind the supernatural power and enjoyed the pleasure of torturing others? Cowardly and timid, mean and shameless."

"What are you talking about?" Shi Ruoyi was furious after being scolded by Shen Sui, and the fear in her heart made her even more irritable.

"Don't talk nonsense." Shen Sui snorted coldly, "Is your turn over?"

Shi Ruoyi gritted her teeth.

At this time, she even felt that Abdu could only launch one direct damage effect in one round, which was too few. For someone like Shen Sui, no matter how many times, it would not be too much!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

This guy, who has such a handsome face, devalued her to nothing.

I must torture you well!

I can't let you die so easily.

"Hmph! My turn is over." Shi Ruoyi said.

She has this confidence.

Because Abdu has this ability.

According to the information of the Suffering Poetry Society, Shen Sui has passed the qualifying tournament and officially became a fifth-level life card master.

Shi Ruoyi is only a third-level life card master.

The reason why she planned to attack Shen Sui was because of the existence of [Suffering Messenger Abdu].

"My turn." Shen Sui raised his hand and drew a card from the deck.

He just took a look and directly activated it from his hand: "Pay 5 soul points and activate the event card [Chaos] from my hand."

Accompanied by a crisp sound, as if the string of reason in people's minds was broken, the duel field was suddenly shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere.

Event cards do not need to rely on the field to exist, so after activation, they will no longer be affected by the effects of other cards, even those cards that explode the field will not affect it at all, because in the setting, neither event cards nor environmental cards exist on the field.

"The effect of Chaos, until my third turn after this card is activated, the cost of using life cards for both parties is halved, and the spiritual value of both parties' minions is doubled."

Shen Sui raised his head and looked at Abdu, the messenger of suffering on the opposite side. After the effect of [Chaos] was activated, his spiritual value did not change at all.

"It seems that your minion has a good resistance."

Under this effect, the spiritual value did not change. It could only be that there is a field in the card effect that is not affected by other card effects.

Shi Ruoyi laughed loudly: "How is it? This is great! Terrifying! The messenger of suffering who spreads suffering for the Bodhisattva!"

Shen Sui sneered: "This is my favorite minion."

"Hmph! Don't be so stubborn!" Shi Ruoyi didn't believe it at all, "You can't possibly have the means to deal with him!"

"Oh?" Shen Sui didn't comment. He activated the spell card from his hand and retrieved a multi-form minion card from the deck.

Shen Sui special summoned Alice to the field.

Then he paid soul points to switch Alice's form.

"Flames will bring truth."

"Form transformation! Arson Master Alice."

[Arson Master Alice] is the most inconspicuous of all Alice's forms.

It appeared when Alice was promoted to the fourth level, and the next moment, Alice realized the true meaning of flame protection in her obsession with protecting her friends, and was promoted to a fifth-level magician, gaining the form of Red Lotus Fire.

[Arson Master Alice], spiritual value 3000.

Of course, this is not Alice's original spiritual value, but under the effect of [Chaos], the original spiritual value of 1500 was doubled.

"Activate the effect of [Arson Master Alice]." Shen Sui continued, "Once a round, show one of my hand cards. If the card is [Arson], then until the end of the round, Alice's current spiritual value doubles, and she can attack directly."

Shen Sui showed [Arson] in his hand.

Alice's spiritual value instantly doubled, and the spiritual value reached 6000.

Alice at this moment can attack directly.

In other words, Shen Sui has the ability to end this duel directly.

He doesn't need to care about the invincible Messenger of Suffering, just attack and win.

Shi Ruoyi certainly saw this.

"At this time!" Shi Ruoyi shouted, "Activate the effect of [Messenger of Suffering Abdu] on my field!"

Shi Ruoyi's face was full of ecstasy.

She was not sure where the dangerous signal in her heart came from.

She attributed this feeling to the revelation of the Bodhisattva of Suffering to herself.

The Shen Sui on the opposite side was probably sent by the Exploration Bureau to fish.

If it were in the past, she might have wasted a little time and tortured the other party.

But now, she must end this battle as soon as possible.

"Blame it! Blame it on you for activating that event card!" Shi Ruoyi shouted excitedly, "I'll win this duel!"

"Activate Abdu's effect! Once per turn! Banish a [Suffering] minion from the graveyard to activate!"

"Destroy a minion on your field! Then inflict damage to you equal to the minion's spirit value!"

"Banned the [Sacrifice of Suffering] in my graveyard!" Shi Ruoyi shouted, "Destroy the [Arsonist Alice] on your field! Then inflict 6000 damage to you!"

Accompanied by a sharp and piercing scream, Alice showed a painful look, and then her figure shattered into the cemetery.

The next moment, a sharp hook that was sharp enough to pierce any body pierced through Shen Sui's shoulder, and a huge pulling force came, as if to drag Shen Sui into an endless hell.

"At this time." Shen Sui held the card in his hand, his figure motionless, as if this soul-catching iron hook did not exist, "Activate the effect of [Substitute Doll·Jami] in my hand. When I am damaged by the effect, discard it from my hand, making the damage I receive 0."

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