【Unlike the isolated Dragon Island, the Elf Forest is in the heart of the Dawn Continent. It is unrealistic to completely isolate it from the outside world. 】

【For this reason, the elves have arranged very strict defenses in the Elf Forest to prevent foreigners from entering the Elf Kingdom without the elves' introduction. 】

【However, today seems a little strange. 】

【After they entered the Elf Forest, they did not encounter any interrogation and walked into the heart of the Elf Forest unimpeded. 】

【Aina frowned and said strangely: "It shouldn't be, Yadi and the others usually patrol this area, why haven't they been seen for a few days?" 】

【Alice also noticed something wrong. 】

【Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out from the dense forest on the side and rushed straight to Alice's face. 】

【Alice reacted very quickly and subconsciously released a fireball. 】

【However, the moment the fireball touched the other party, it scattered into a spark. ]

[With the light of the fireball, the group finally saw the attacker's face clearly. ]

[This is a huge bug with a strange shell and sharp mouthparts. ]

Chapter 155 Fire Element Queen Lina

["Be careful!" Anna and Aina both stood in front of Alice at the first time. ]

[Although they had never seen this strange bug, they could feel the danger of this bug. ]

[Alice did not show off. She has never been a person who likes to show off. ]

Ah, this...

Look at what you are talking about?

Shen Sui looked at Alice's self-evaluation and couldn't suppress his desire to complain.

Don't like to show off?

Look at what you did in the past! Alice!

If you don't like to show off, who did it for the fourth-level magician to confront the God of Sin head-on?

But thinking carefully about what Alice did in the past, Shen Sui unexpectedly discovered that Alice didn't deliberately make trouble most of the time. Her actions of actively seeking death were often done to save her friends.

In order to save Anna, Alice went to stir up the entire City of Sin.

In order to save Harley, Alice took the initiative to start the wrong war.

When it does not involve her friends and people she cares about, nor does it involve her own hatred, Alice will be timid and never show off her strength.

Especially after Anna was cut off from the connection with the Holy Grail of Sin by the Holy Sword of Athos and truly mastered the power of sin, Alice behaved more steadily.

If explained by the game, Alice at this time is the kind of task NPC that will not run around, will not cause trouble for you, and will even help you at critical moments.

Although the Broken World Worm has a tough shell, the ordinary Broken World Worm is only a seventh or eighth level monster after all. When facing a strong person who is much stronger than it, it still has no power to fight back.

Anna and Aina acted at the same time and easily solved this kind of worm.

【"Break Worm! It's a Break Worm!" Andori yelled, "Why is there a Break Worm here?!"】

【As one of the summons of the Dusk Bishop, Andori once followed you to participate in the battle to strangle the Break Worm. 】

【This battle took place outside the world and is little known. 】

【But the Elemental Queens are very clear that the great Dusk Bishop once saved the entire world. 】

【The powerful figure of the Break Worm, who can break space with just a wave of her hand, is still a scene that Andori can't forget. 】

【Andori explained the horror of the Break Worm to Alice and her group. 】

【"Break Worms are social creatures." Andori said to the group, "It will never appear alone."】

【"When you find a Break Worm, it means that there are already many similar bugs in this world." Andori secretly looked in your direction, "We are in trouble."】

【The moment she saw your figure, Andori's anxious heart suddenly calmed down. 】

【The powerful Bishop of Dusk still silently watched the world. 】

【He would not sit idly by and watch the world being destroyed by the Severing Worms. 】

【After listening to Andori's story, Alice was shocked. 】

【"No! We must stop these worms!" Alice said without hesitation, but she knew that her strength was not enough to face such a terrible event. 】

【We must let Claude recover as soon as possible. 】

【Alice thought anxiously. 】

【If Andori did not lie, the only person in the world who could solve this problem was Claude. 】

As Andori said, once the Severing Worms appear and enter a world through a gap, they will continue to pour in.

It is extremely difficult to completely kill all the Severing Worms that invade the world. As long as one is missed, it will continue to attract a new nest of Severing Worms.

Therefore, in the DLC, few players are stupid enough to spend a lot of time and energy to completely kill these bugs.

The best way to easily and permanently resolve the Sunderworm crisis is to find a safe place, attract the Sunderworms here, and then induce them to gather together and summon the legendary Sunderworm Queen.

Then defeat and subdue the Sunderworm Queen, and let the Sunderworm Queen order the remaining Sunderworms to leave this world.

Well, it is indeed once and for all.

But it is a bit difficult for the natives of the Dawn Continent.

The premise of doing this is that there must be an existence that can defeat the Queen of the Broken World.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that I am the only one who can do it.

[“But… where do these Broken World Worms come from?” Andori said strangely. ]

[But soon, her doubts will be answered. ]

[The elemental queens who are helping the elves fight against the Broken World Worms in the elves have sensed Andori’s arrival. ]

[Because the war is urgent, only the Queen of Fire Element Lina came to greet them. ]

[“Wow! Wow!” Lina circled around Alice again and again, “Girl! I see the future of the Fire Element in you! Are you interested in signing a contract with me?!” ]

[“Lina!” Andori stared at the unruly Queen of Fire Element. Among all the Queens of Shen Sui, she is the most mischievous. ]

[And, as the ruler of the wood element, Andori naturally doesn’t get along with Lina. ]

[Lina naturally sat on top of Alice's head. She had already taken a fancy to this seat and had already regarded Alice as her contractor. ]

[Andori rolled her eyes and laughed, "If you make a contract with others casually like this and the master finds out, it will be bad." ]

[Lina looked up and said very confidently, "The master is the master! The contractor is the contractor! The two are different!" ]

[After that, Lina circled around Alice again. She was more and more satisfied with Alice's talent. ]

["I smell the countless possibilities of fire in you!" Lina opened her arms and cheered loudly, "Girl! You were born for the element of fire! Great! Great! Let's ignite this world with me and avenge Madam Vivian!" ]

["That..." Alice raised her hand and was about to explain her relationship with Claude, but Andori interrupted Alice's explanation quickly, stood in front of Alice, and asked Lina. 】

【"What's up with these world-breaking bugs?"】

【Lina's good mood just now was gone: "They came out from the Nature Sacred Tree. They seem to have found this world by following the power of the Nature Sacred Tree."】

【"Huh? Led here by the Nature Sacred Tree?" Andori's eyes widened. 】

【Lina crossed her arms, sat on Alice's head, sighed, and said: "Actually, this matter has something to do with us."】

【"We?" Andori knew that the "we" Lina was referring to was all the elemental queens. 】

【"With the support of Fremea, we planned to use the Nature Sacred Tree to communicate with other worlds, to see if we could contact the master's body. It was also because of this that the Nature Sacred Tree was contaminated with a few eggs of the Severing World Worm, and then you knew it."】

【"You are so stupid." Andori looked up, "It's okay if Fremea doesn't know, but you have fought in the outside world with the master, don't you know the existence of the Severing World Worm?"】

【"I should have noticed it, but I was distracted by other things at that time."】

【"What could make you forget such a crucial thing." Andori couldn't understand. 】

【"It's the signal of the mistress Vivian."】

Chapter 156 Vivian's Candlelight Phantom

Vivian's signal?

Not to mention Andori, even Shen Sui was stunned for a moment, he almost jumped out, but when he saw Alice who was curious, he suppressed the impulse in his heart.

"The mistress's signal?! Is it the latest?" Andori asked anxiously

Although many elemental queens have chosen to return to the Elf Forest, all of them are firm supporters of Vivian. In their minds, Vivian is the only mistress. Even the Elf Queen Fremea cannot shake Vivian's position in their hearts.

Therefore, when Andori heard the news about Vivian, she was even more excited than Shen Sui.

Oh my God!

As long as Vivian is back, this bastard master can't hang her on the ponytail so casually!

Lina nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes. It's the signal we received recently. However, we have no way to determine whether this is the mistress's body or the mistress's candlelight phantom."

Candlelight phantom?

Shen Sui certainly knows this.

This is Vivian's life spell.

It was a gifted spell she comprehended when she was a little girl selling matches, in the cold winter, nestling in a corner full of snow, lighting matches one by one and imagining a better life.

Each match represents a future and life.

When Vivian lights a match, a clone will appear in the world that others cannot distinguish between true and false.

This clone will follow the trajectory set by Vivian and live out its life. Vivian does not need to make any complicated settings for it, just design a general life trajectory, and the rest is the content filled in by the world itself.

The candlelight phantom is like a false signal, deceiving the world and making it think that such a person exists. When the world finds that within the range set by Vivian, the people around have no memory of this person, and the whole world has no trace of this person's existence, it will spontaneously fill in these contents.

So, in the eyes of everyone in this world, this person is real, people have all the memories about him, and you can also find traces related to him in reality.

It's like a blind person whose brain is deceived. Although his eyes are blind, his brain still creates vision. This blind person will never feel that he has lost his eyesight, because there are real images in his mind.

The most powerful point is that Vivian can use the candlelight phantom to directly create a person. The deceived world will fill in the person's past experience according to Vivian's settings and implant it into the memories of the people around him. No one will notice that he is a false existence in their minds.

Slightly inappropriately speaking, it is a man-made group spell that is real enough like the Mandela phenomenon. However, unlike the Mandela phenomenon, people have clear and real memories about this person.

Vivian easily avoided the targeted killing of countless gods by relying on this spell. During the Ragnarok event, the gods in the sky killed countless Vivian and Claude, but these were all false individuals created by Vivian using the candlelight phantom.

When Shen Sui confirmed that Vivian had been to the real world, he suspected that the original Shen Sui in the real world was a candlelight phantom fabricated by Vivian.

This Shen Sui has real evidence of existence, people around him have very clear memories of him, and there are detailed records of him in the official archives.

His disappearance is also reasonable, with a clear motive for suicide, a very clear surveillance track along the way, and the characteristics of all candlelight phantoms: disappear without a trace after disappearing.

However, one unreasonable thing is that according to the Exploration Bureau, Vivian's diary appeared more than 300 years ago, and Vivian couldn't have fabricated such a candlelight phantom named Shen Sui 300 years ago.

The most important thing is, how did Vivian know that Claude Modena's real name was Shen Sui?

Another feature of the candlelight phantom is that Vivian is never afraid of others knowing that she has such a spell.

This is a real fraud.

You clearly know its existence, but you will still be deceived by it.

Andori also fell silent.

If Vivian really used the candlelight phantom to create a Vivian, then most people in the world would not be able to tell whether she was real or fake.

Let alone the signal, even if you saw Vivian with your own eyes, you might not be able to confirm whether she was Vivian's real body.

Shen Sui remembered that in the game plot, Paris once joked that the Vivian in front of him now might also be a phantom of the candlelight phantom, right?

Then there was a short side storyline in which Vivian proved that she was real.

Shen Sui had a way to tell, but that would require standing in front of Vivian to check the attribute panel.

In the game, the mark of the love contract is unique and cannot be simulated by the world. As long as he looked at the attribute panel, Shen Sui would know whether the Vivian in front of him was real.

However, the most urgent thing now is not Vivian's signal.

The Broken World Worm has invaded.

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