
Loud explosion-like noises came one after another.

Lin Yuan almost punched the heads of these Xuanxu Sect disciples one by one.

Xuanxu Sect was looking for someone to assassinate him before the assessment. This incident had already angered Lin Yuan, and now Xuanxu Sect disciples came to his door.

He will show no mercy at all.

After ten breaths of time.

Lin Yuan shook off the blood on his arm and continued to walk forward expressionlessly.

The seven disciples of Xuanxu Sect, under joint attack, were wiped out by Lin Yuan in just ten breaths.

dark place.

Before the battle started, a disciple of Donghuang Holy Academy had already reported what he saw and informed the deputy dean in charge of the test.

However, the answer he received was that he was not allowed to intervene and continued to lurk and observe.

This disciple was still confused at first, but when he saw that Lin Yuan relied on the power of his body without even using his vitality, he simply dealt with the seven queens.

He suddenly understood.

It turned out that someone had noticed Lin Yuan, and believed that these Xuanxu Sect disciples could not pose a threat to him if they joined forces. They wanted to observe further, so they let it go.

"Could it be that a warrior who practices physical training is..."

The disciple of Donghuang Holy Academy who was responsible for the observation seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly felt a toothache and swallowed hard.

Lin Yuan naturally knew nothing about this matter.

Seeing that no one continued to jump out, he continued walking forward.

At this time.

A warrior who looked very ordinary and whose cultivation was only at level 1 of Tongxuan caught Lin Yuan's attention.

"This person has been very lucky recently and is about to get a four-star opportunity."

Lin Yuan was slightly startled when he saw the word chance on this person's body. He didn't expect that chance would exist in the secret assessment realm.

When the two met each other, Lin Yuan deliberately pretended not to see the other person and walked directly behind him.


He did not immediately follow the chance line to find it, but made a few circles before taking a detour to where the chance line was.

Lin Yuan knew that people from the Xuanxu Sect were not the only ones targeting him in the secret realm.

No one can guarantee that no one is following him now, so he would rather take a longer detour and pretend to discover it by accident, and he will never reveal that he can see the line of opportunity in front of anyone.

Shangguanyou and others followed Lin Yuan all the time.

In fact, he is now leading his followers to hunt down Lin Yuan, which is considered a violation of the regulations of the Holy Academy.

However, the deputy dean who noticed Lin Yuan sent a message to the disciples of Donghuang Holy Academy who were secretly watching, asking them to wait and see what would happen.

He wanted to see what this guy, whose mental strength, vitality and physical body were far superior to those of warriors in the same realm, could achieve.

If you are good enough, it might not be a bad idea to become your own disciple in the future.

Half an hour later.

Lin Yuan followed the line of chance and found a cave.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, he smelled a vague smell of blood. Not only that, there was also a relatively weak air in the cave.

Lin Yuan pretended to be surprised and entered the cave to check.

After going deep into the cave, he discovered that this was actually a peak sixth-order monster beast that had just laid eggs, the red-trained swallowing python.

This kind of monster is usually extremely powerful, with a trace of dragon power in its blood. Even ordinary seventh-level monsters are not willing to provoke them.


A few days after laying eggs, the red-trained swallowing pythons are at their weakest. At this time, they are extremely fragile, and even warriors in the Yuan Dan realm can easily kill them.

"I heard that the essence and blood of Chi Lian Swallowing Python is an important material for refining the sixth-grade Red Sun Fusion Pill. Senior Sister Yin Yin gave me a Red Sun Fusion Flower. Now the materials are complete."

Lin Yuan was overjoyed after recognizing Chi Lian swallowing the python.

He stepped forward directly and punched Chi Lian Swallowing Python in the head with a clean punch, taking advantage of the opponent's weakness to kill him in one fell swoop.

The Chilian Swallowing Python let out a howl, and its huge body collapsed to the ground.

Lin Yuan's physical strength was already strong.

In addition, the Chi Lian Swallowing Python is in an extremely weak state, and there is no chance of self-exploding the demon pill and killing both of them.

Lin Yuan quickly stepped forward to collect the blood essence. After collecting the blood essence, he realized a slightly embarrassing question.

He didn't have a suitable container to store the essence and blood. Not only that, he couldn't take away the materials, demon pills, etc. from the Chilian Swallowing Python.

He pondered for a while, then tore off a large piece of snake skin from the Chilian Swallowing Python with his bare hands, removed the snake scales one by one, dug out the demon elixir, and beat it into a bundle together with the eggs just laid by the Chilian Swallowing Python. , directly carried on the body.

Then, Lin Yuan tore off another piece, carefully wrapped the essence and blood, sealed it carefully, and put it into his chest pocket as a gift.

There is no way, the storage ring cannot be carried in the secret assessment realm.

Lin Yuan could only use this most primitive method to take away these gains.

He had just left the cave with his front feet.

The warrior he had met earlier also appeared nearby. When he saw Lin Yuanda leaving in a hurry, he immediately regretted why he had not come earlier.

He is relatively weak among the warriors who participated in the test.

Even if the good guy was intercepted by Lin Yuan, he would not dare to take the initiative and could only watch him walk away.

After Lin Yuan left.

Shangguan You was hiding in the dark. He could feel the scene just now, and anger surged up in his chest.

This was how he was at the beginning, when Lin Yuan intercepted the Ancient Bronze Palace, as well as the spiritual weapon and spiritual spring bred in the best spiritual veins.

Shangguan You gritted his teeth. Seeing Lin Yuan continue to move forward with such light steps, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.


Shangguan You ordered the followers beside him.


More than a dozen Tongxuan fourth and fifth level warriors rushed out and quickly surrounded Lin Yuan.

These warriors were all warriors that Shangguan You had forcibly cultivated with resources in recent months.

They have only one purpose.

To kill Lin Yuan in the enrollment assessment of Donghuang Saint Academy.

Lin Yuan was not surprised when he saw these people.

He had noticed that Shangguan You had also ambushed him on this road, and he had already prepared for the battle.

More than a dozen Tongxuan warriors attacked Lin Yuan without saying a word.

They were all the dead warriors trained by Shangguan You.

Because the Shangguan family knew the news of the assessment secret realm in advance, the martial arts practiced by these people were mainly fists, palms, fingers and legs, in order to be able to burst out the strongest combat power in the assessment secret realm.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan calmly dodged the attack.

He found an open space to unpack his bag.

His body was like a divine weapon, but the output of the Red Snake Swallowing Python could not withstand the siege of more than a dozen Tongxuanwu warriors.

After putting down the snakeskin bag, Lin Yuan faced a dozen Tongxuanwu warriors.

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