The next morning, Chen Chu barely recovered his mobility. Although he was still sore, the pain was much relieved.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to sign in.

"Sign in successfully. Congratulations on getting an S-level part. Collect 100 S-level parts to synthesize a random S-level item or skill."

The sign-in reward is also random, it depends on luck.

However, Chen Chu did not ask for too much. After breakfast, he took the globe and the mural of the Disciple Rules and walked to the classroom.

Other classes had already started morning reading, and Class 7 was still noisy.

It was not until Chen Chu appeared at the door that the people in Class 7 calmed down and returned to their seats.

Although they were very unhappy with Chen Chu, their bodies were particularly honest.

After all, the last time Chen Chu used his teacher's dominance, the impression was still fresh in his mind.

Chen Chu walked to the podium expressionlessly and put down the globe and the mural of the Disciple Rules.

"Why does he bring a ball so early in the morning?"

"Playing with a ball!"

With a few words, everyone laughed.

Chen Chu frowned slightly, and following the sound, he saw the little guy who had just made fun of him sitting in the last row, leaning on his seat with his hands on his head, his legs dangling on the table, looking carefree.

After reading the student information for an afternoon through the teacher's eyes yesterday, Chen Chu already had some impression of everyone in Class 7.

This guy is called Li Yiyang, one of the more difficult characters in the class.

His family is indeed rich and powerful. From other teachers, I learned that he is the kind of person who has to give face to both the black and white worlds.

Twelve major demerits in three months, three serious warnings, and one probation.

The probation was because of beating the teacher.

If it were anyone else, he would have been expelled ten times, but this guy is still in the school, which shows how powerful his background is. The school dare not do anything to him.

Sorry... you have run into trouble today!

Chen Chu's eyes turned cold, staring at Li Yiyang and said: "Li Yiyang, come out with me!"

Li Yiyang didn't move, and still said casually: "Who do you think you are? You ask me to go out, and I will go out? Then I will lose face?"

Everyone looked at Chen Chu with gloating.

Why choose Li Yiyang? Isn't it asking for trouble?

The first head teacher of Class 7 was beaten by Li Yiyang.

Zhou Feng smiled bitterly. He finally liked Lao Chen a little bit, but now he is in trouble.

Li Yiyang is really not a good person.

There are only a handful of people in the class who dare to challenge Li Yiyang, but these people are just watching the show, so naturally they will not help Chen Chu.

Not only Zhou Feng, but the other practitioners were a little worried, for fear that Chen Chu would be stunned.豁! Li Yiyang suddenly got up and smashed the seat on the wall as soon as he shook his hand, and his eyes were on fire. Then his eyes glared at Li Yiyang coldly: "How can you talk to the teacher like this? You have read so many books, but you don't even know how to respect teachers!?"

Li Yiyang's originally vicious look suddenly became awed, and then he lowered his head and remained silent.

Seeing this, Chen Chu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It worked.

[Name]: Li Yiyang

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 15

[Status]: Dislike learning, awe (lasting 24 hours), reflection (lasting 24 hours)

[Bad habits]: ... negligible

[Talent]: None

[Learning efficiency]: -177%

[Overall evaluation]: Forget it.

Everyone in Class 7 has sneaked to the door of the classroom to eavesdrop.

"Explain to me what respecting teachers means?"

"Speak!? Why don't you speak? Weren't you quite capable just now?"

However, everyone only heard Chen Chu's voice.


What the hell?

Even if they didn't fight at this moment, given Li Yiyang's temper, he would have started cursing long ago!

Someone stepped on

The student who was peeking out from the high window while sitting on the table could not help but shout, "Fuck!"

"What's wrong?"

"What's going on outside?"

Everyone asked hurriedly.

The peeping student thought he was seeing things, rubbed his eyes and looked again, then looked as if he had seen a ghost, and said in astonishment, "Li Yiyang is being scolded there, and he doesn't talk back!"


"Aren't you bullshitting?"

"Can Li Yiyang be scolded!?"

"If you don't believe me, look for yourself!"

Others stepped on the table and looked out from the high window.

I saw Chen Chu with a cold face, questioning continuously, and Li Yiyang lowered his head and dared not speak.

In a trance, the high window was full of stunned faces.

∑(っ°Д °;)っ∑(っ°Д °;)っ∑(っ°Д °;)っ∑(っ°Д °;)っ

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