After the meal, Wang Xu was very tired.

Wang Xu's mother didn't know what was going on. Seeing that Wang Xu didn't go home and called to ask, Chen Chu helped to evade the question.

At noon, the meal was delivered and it was found that Wang Xu was especially caring and had added several more dishes to the meal, filling it up.

But Wang Xu had no appetite at all and was hesitant to eat with his chopsticks.

"Eat quickly!" Chen Chu picked up a chicken leg and put it on Wang Xu's plate: "Maybe this is your last normal meal."

Wang Xu couldn't hold it back and burst into tears.

"Woo woo woo ..."

"Old Chen, I don't want to go to jail!"

"If I go to jail, what will happen to my mother?"

"How will she live alone in the future!"

"Woo woo woo woo ..."

She really broke down in tears, tears streaming down her face.

"You deserve it, you are so naughty!" Chen Chu curled his lips: "If you really go to jail, don't worry, I will bring my classmates to see you every year!"

Wang Xu cried even more sadly.

"Cry your ass off, eat." Chen Chu glared and said: "Cry after you are full, and you haven't gone to jail yet! It's not too late to cry after you go in."

Chen Chu ignored Wang Xu and ate when he was supposed to.

Let you kid!

But Chen Chu didn't have much appetite, so he ate a few bites and didn't eat.

He was already angry with Wang Xu.

Wang Xu never stopped crying, and Chen Chu was annoyed when he heard it, and he calmed down in his heart.

"Okay, okay, we haven't come to a conclusion yet! Stop crying." Chen Chu changed the subject and said, "If everything is fine, will you still dare to be naughty?"

"How dare I!" Wang Xu said with tears and snot.

"Then study hard and go to class when you go back!" Chen Chu said in a deep voice, "Did you hear me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I will definitely study hard when I go back."

"Listen while eating, I will help you analyze it." Chen Chu folded his hands and thought for a while and said, "In fact, what Director Sun said just now has a certain element of scaring you."

"Yeah... yeah..." Wang Xu wiped his nose, picked up the plate and ate. After all, he didn't eat anything in the morning and was still worried, so he must be hungry.

"And I think that given the degree to which our country values ​​talent, and that you have already achieved variant disguise, plus you are young and have great development potential, I think they should protect you. Besides, your behavior was subjectively to teach the fraud gang a lesson, and objectively it was the fraud gang that spread the virus, not your direct behavior... Overall, it is unlikely that you will go to jail."

"But, but what about the economic losses!?"

"That was what Cambodia said, who knows if it is true?" Chen Chu shrugged and said, "Besides, even if it is true, they can't even take care of that place, it's a mess, and they may not be able to take care of you. What's more, our country is one of the five great benefactors of the United Nations. Cambodia wants to reason with us?"

"Haha... You think too highly of Xiaojian..."

In fact, Chen Chu was just talking nonsense, nothing more than comforting Wang Xu.

Wang Xu didn't understand these things, anyway, he believed everything Chen Chu said now.

The two stayed in the office for the whole afternoon. At about 4:30 in the afternoon, Sun Guoming walked into the office, looking a little tired.

Chen Chu and Wang Xu stood up quickly.

Sun Guoming took a breath and was about to say something, but suddenly stopped and asked Wang Xu to go out first, because someone was watching.

Chen Chu asked cautiously: "Director Sun, should everything be alright?"

"I don't know whether to say it's alright or not..." Sun Guoming frowned and said incomprehensibly: "The virus made by this kid seems to be very abnormal?"

"Let's put it this way..." Chen Chu said with a smile: "If the source code and variant code of the virus he made are not provided, no one can crack it for the time being, and this time may be within the next five to ten years, or even longer, because he has put some theoretical things into practice, and at present, Scorpion Baba is the only one."

"No wonder." Sun Guoming frowned: "I was wondering why the people above were arguing so much."

"Arguing?" Chen Chu was stunned.

"I informed the higher-ups about this matter first, and they asked me to suppress the news and not to reveal a single word, and then held an emergency meeting..." Sun Guoming hesitated for a while and said: "It seems that the representatives of the Cyber ​​Security Department, Cyber ​​Technology Department, Cyber ​​Research Department, Strategy Department, Electronic Weapons Department and major network giants are all... protecting people while snatching them away...



Unexpected but reasonable.

After all, these departments are closely related to the program, and they are all aware of the strong technical foundation of the "anti-fraud" virus. Naturally, they will find a way to recruit it into their own ranks as soon as possible.

"They have been arguing for an entire afternoon, and no one is willing to let go." Sun Guoming frowned and said, "There is no conclusion for the time being, but the person should be safe. The higher-ups have already ordered that the matter about this kid needs to be kept completely confidential, and all personnel involved in related events need to sign a confidentiality agreement."

Hearing this, the big stone hanging in Chen Chu's heart finally fell to the ground.

"What happens after that! ?" Chen Chu asked hurriedly.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Sun Guoming rolled his eyes unhappily: "This kid directly alarmed all the major departments, and all the people discussing were all big shots. This kind of meeting is confidential, how can I get any information!"

"I have issued a death order here, and there must not be any accidents, and the other party's absolute safety is guaranteed. "Sun Guoming said in a deep voice: "After we get out, I will send someone to secretly protect this kid 24 hours a day."

"If there is any situation on your side, let me know as soon as possible and I will respond accordingly."


Wang Xu also received special treatment.

Sun Guoming personally watched him write down the confidentiality agreement, which frightened the child so much that he thought he was signing a death penalty confirmation letter. His face turned pale and his body was shaking.

After he recovered, he realized that he was fine and got in the car to send him home directly.

Fortunately, no one asked where Wang Xu learned it from, and they just thought Wang Xu was a genius.

On the way, Chen Chu repeatedly warned him that he must not reveal anything about today's events to anyone.

After explaining the seriousness of the matter, Wang Xu nodded repeatedly.

After sending Wang Xu to After returning home, Chen Chu finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had been on edge almost the entire day, but fortunately, the final result was safe and sound.

And to some extent, this is actually an opportunity. After all, Wang Xu, at such a young age, has attracted such great attention, and it is from various important relevant departments... It depends on whether this kid can grasp it in the future.

After Wang Xu returned home, Wang Xu's mother felt that something was wrong with Wang Xu's appearance, and hurriedly walked up to Wang Xu and asked: "Wang Xu, what's wrong with you?"

The tension of almost the entire day was suddenly released at this moment. Wang Xu burst into tears again, crying and wiping his tears and said: "It's okay, it's okay..."

Do you look like you're okay! ?

It was the first time that Wang Xu's mother saw Wang Xu collapse like this, and she was a little anxious and at a loss: "Were you bullied by others? Let mom take a look, are you not hurt? ”

“No, no…” Wang Xu had already signed the confidentiality agreement, so he dared not say it out loud. However, he could not find a way to vent his emotions at the moment. He paused for a moment before saying, “Mom, our class teacher praises me all day long, saying that I am too tortured. Now I don’t know whether I should dare to move or not…”

Wang Xu’s mother was stunned.


Your class teacher praised you a few words and you were so moved!?

This child really doesn’t take praise well…

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