The students were surprised when they came out of the theater.

When Yuan Wen came out of the theater, she was still amazed.

"This classmate He Cao in your class is really amazing! He is simply gifted!"

"If he continues to develop well, he will definitely become an internationally famous pianist in the future, and may even become the world's top existence!"

However, Deng Sijia and others finally couldn't hold it anymore and laughed.

Yuan Wen was stunned and asked with a puzzled face: "What are you laughing at? Is there something wrong with what the teacher said?"

"Teacher Yuan, in fact, the real piano player is not He Cao!" Deng Sijia hurriedly approached Yuan Wen and whispered in Yuan Wen's ear.


Yuan Wen was surprised, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"This... this..."


"Teacher Chen is so good? He can even play the piano so well!"

"Not only that! Old Chen is proficient in everything except giving birth!"

"Teacher Yuan, calm down, it's just a small scene."

Yuan Wen felt her head buzzing.

She thought Chen Chu was already very good at dancing, and even comparable to professional dancers, but she never thought that he could even play the piano to such an amazing level!

Seeing Yuan Wen's surprised expression, Deng Sijia and others felt very satisfied.

And their purpose has been achieved, which is nothing more than letting Chen Chu show more of his shining points. You know, talent is very attractive!

Since the goal has been achieved, Deng Sijia and others have no intention of staying for long.

"Teacher Yuan, after listening to this piano performance, why don't we go find a place to have a cup of milk tea!?"

Before Yuan Wen could react, Deng Sijia and others had already pulled Yuan Wen away, mainly to avoid any accidents.

Chen Chu didn't know that he had been clearly arranged by Deng Sijia and others. After removing his makeup and changing his clothes, he quickly slipped out from the backstage.

There was nothing for him to do next!

When Chen Chu just came out of the backstage, except for Yan Mao, Li Yiyang and other people and girls, everyone else was waiting outside the door.

As soon as Chen Chu went out, he said, "It's getting late, let's go home quickly!"

"Don't! Mr. He will pay for all the consumption tonight. Old Chen, don't be polite, give him a good meal!"

"Old Chen, let's go and have something exciting!"

"Anyway, you don't have to spend money!"

Looking at the expectant look on the faces of this group of little guys, Chen Chu thought it was a good opportunity to sit down and have a good chat with his students.

"Okay! I have a very exciting project here!"

"What project?"

"Old Chen, don't keep me in suspense, tell me!"

"It's that kind..." Chen Chu immediately showed an expression that all men understand: "The kind that makes men can't help but take off their clothes..."

A group of boys saw Chen Chu's expression and couldn't help but laugh.

"Really? Old Chen, is it so exciting?"

"Our bodies are not mature yet, it's not good to take us to that kind of place!"

"But today we can make an exception, don't worry, we will never tell anyone else!"

"I didn't expect that you, Old Chen, look so serious, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also betray the revolution!"

"I like it, hehe!"

"That is..."

For a long while.

A certain elderly health steam room.

Chen Chu was already sweating all over, and the strong heat was blowing in his face. He couldn't help but pick up a towel and wipe his face.

"Huh... I haven't sweated for a long time... It feels so good..."

"How do you feel? Is it exciting enough? Do you feel that all the pores in your body are trembling?!"

"Do the cells feel like they are beating?"


So, what are we expecting! ?

You said that the result of taking us to play exciting things is to take us to sweat steaming? ? ? ? ?

And what's the matter with so many old men around?




Chen Chu walked out of the room after steaming for about 20 minutes, and instantly felt much more relaxed.

As for the resentful eyes of the people in Class 7, Chen Chu simply pretended not to see them, went over to get a glass of water, and then soaked in the bathtub for a while.

Oh~~~ Comfortable~~~

Chen Chu drank water while watching the movie on the opposite projection, not to mention how relaxed he was.

A group of boys couldn't help but curse in private.

"This... is too boring! There is nothing but sweat steaming and bathing... and a group of old men!"

"Why do I have to meet a group of old men naked!"

"Where is the most basic trust between people? Old Chen is too dog!"

But at this time, Zhou Feng passed by everyone.

"Since you are here, make the best of it."

Zhou Feng walked into the bathtub with a tablet in his hand and sat next to Chen Chu to do math problems.

As soon as Zhou Feng sat down, Chen Chu turned his head and looked at the students.

"Why are you all standing there? Come and take a bath!"


A group of people reluctantly entered the swimming pool, and it was crowded all of a sudden.

It felt even more difficult to adapt.

"Uncle, do you want a back rub? I'm a great back rubber!"

"Thank you, young man!"

"Other uncles, wait a moment, I'll rub this uncle first!"

"Hahaha, it's okay!"

"Young man, you're really enthusiastic!"

Everyone couldn't help but glance at Wang Lebang, who was carrying a towel and rubbing the uncles' backs not far away.

Turning his head, he looked at Xu Tianhao on the other side.

Xu Tianhao was sitting with an old man.

"Uncle, don't be sad. You can't force feelings. It's not that your son can't find his girlfriend, it's just that fate hasn't arrived yet. You have to treat it calmly. Don't be too harsh, and don't force it. What is his will always be his..."

The old man looked calm and nodded slightly.

"It's true that I pushed him too hard. This is not good for him, and it will hurt the relationship between us. It seems that I have to apologize to my son when I go back..."

Xu Tianhao smiled slightly: "Very good... Very good..."


(·_·)(·_·)(·_·)(·_·)Chen Chu(·_·)(·_·)(·_·)(·_·)...

"You look bored!" Chen Chu saw that everyone's expression was not right, frowned and said: "How about we play some games?"

"Play, what to play?"

"Didn't I ask you to go back and recite Shudao Difficulty? How about this, I randomly select a lucky student to recite the whole text? Isn't it interesting?"


One of them stood up suddenly.

"Old Chen is too much of a bully. Are there any kings, princes, generals, or ministers who are of the same race?"


"Rise up, people who don't want to be oppressed!"

"Get him!"

Instantly, everyone stood up with their towels off!

The bathtub was in chaos, and everyone who came was pushed into the water by Chen Chu...

"Stop him, stop him!"

"Let's go together!"

"Don't let him get away!"

Laughter continued...

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