The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

He Cao felt that Chen Chu looked down on him.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was really his illusion.

As expected, He Cao slept all morning.

Successfully got a 1,000-word review, which will be handed in tomorrow.

If you dare to miss a word, the proofreader will criticize you in person!

Damn! You only know this one trick, right! ?

You think I... just write it.

After returning home at noon, He Cao couldn't help playing the piano again, and found that it was not an illusion at all. The feeling from last night did not disappear, but was still strong.

"What the hell!"

"Am I the rare piano genius?"

"The kind that blooms late?"

Because his touch and rhythm control became more and more proficient, He Cao became more and more convinced of this.

Then he really tried to play the third piano concerto, but his hands couldn't keep up with the rhythm at the end of the first part.

But He Cao was not disappointed, but extremely excited.

Because before that, he couldn't even play the first bar of the third piano concerto well!

As a result, He Cao played the piano wholeheartedly this afternoon. When the class was about to start, he had already mastered the first part of the third piano concerto!

Originally, He Cao wanted to share this joy with Chen Chu, but when he thought of Chen Chu's calm expression in the morning, he didn't say anything. He planned to tell Chen Chu when he had learned all the third piano concerto. Then he thought about Chen Chu looking at him in disbelief and saying, "He Cao, you are simply a genius! I was wrong, teacher!" He Cao couldn't help but grin. In the afternoon, physical education class. "Mr. He, did you really play the first part of the third piano concerto?" "Do you think I'm kidding you?" He Cao raised his eyebrows, took out his mobile phone and took out the video he took: "Look, look..." Lu Yang and others quickly took the mobile phone and took a look. He Cao really played the first part smoothly, and there were not many places where it was stuck. Everyone knew how difficult the third piano concerto was, so they were naturally surprised. "Mr. He, you're awesome!"

"If you keep practicing, you might be able to surpass Lao Chen's level!"

"That's for sure." He Cao took back his phone, coughed and said, "But no one of you can tell anyone about this, I'm going to make a big splash then!"

"Okay, okay, then we can wait..."

Suddenly, shouts came from the court.

"He Cao, watch your head!"

He Cao subconsciously turned his head and saw the basketball coming towards him. He instinctively raised his hands and caught the ball with a snap, his head buzzing.

"Fuck! You're going to kill me!" He Cao cursed angrily.

Yang Tianyu ran over to get the ball and said quickly: "Surprisingly, you are a piano player, your hands are really flexible and your reaction speed is quite fast!"

He Cao raised his eyebrows: "That's right!"

"How about you play ball with us?"


He Cao was bored sitting there, so he just went over to play ball with everyone.

Zhou Feng in the court saw He Cao's reaction just now and was thoughtful.

However, He Cao's skills were naturally very poor, and naturally he could not be a match for the physical training students. He just helped dribble the ball and occasionally pretended to learn jump shots outside the three-point line, and he made two of three shots.

It's a pity that there were no girls shouting, otherwise this would be perfect.

"Okay! Your skills have improved a lot compared to before!"

"That's right."

Zhou Feng, who was standing aside, glanced at He Cao with a strange look in his eyes.

Others only thought that He Cao's skills had improved a lot, but Zhou Feng saw something more special.

Although He Cao's skills were poor, his awareness was very advanced. He had never played basketball before, but he was able to find a gap among a group of physical training students to get the ball.

Because Zhou Feng knew what He Cao's level was, after all, they had played basketball together before, which was extremely unreasonable.

Old Chen?

Zhou Feng shrugged his shoulders, as if nothing had happened.

This day felt like a new world for He Cao.

Perhaps because He Cao's self-confidence was a little inflated when playing basketball, he felt that he seemed to be able to play basketball well, and his shooting touch was getting better and better, so that in the end he even made ten out of ten shots.

That was fine, but when he returned to the classroom for class, He Cao felt

It's really different.

Chemistry class, damn, I actually know how to balance this chemical formula! ?

Physics class, damn, I seem to understand what the physics teacher is talking about!

Biology, geography, English, politics...

When He Cao opened the textbook, he found that he seemed to have opened a new world. Things that he didn't understand before actually began to have some understanding, and this understanding is constantly deepening.

So much so that in the early morning, He Cao was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

"That's right, absolutely right!"

"I am a genius, the kind of genius who can learn anything!"

Three days have passed unknowingly.

Geography class.

When Chen Chu talked about the key points, he tapped on the blackboard with his hand and asked, "So can anyone in the class answer this question?"

Chen Chu subconsciously glanced at Deng Wei, and was about to let Deng Wei answer this question, but found that He Cao had raised his hand.


Chen Chu couldn't help but be stunned.

He Cao's performance seems to be very positive these two days.

Many teachers praised He Cao for his good performance and for actively answering questions in class. However, Chen Chu was busy tutoring Deng Sijia and had no time to pay attention to He Cao.

"He Cao, you answer this question."


While He Cao was talking, Chen Chu silently glanced at He Cao's attributes.

[Name]: He Cao

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 15

[Virtue]: 48 (↓)

[Intelligence]: 58 (↑)

[Physical Strength]: 59 (↑)

[Aesthetics]: 72 (↑)

[Status]: Piano Soul (in this state, aesthetics improves slowly, piano control improves by 100%, and proficiency growth rate increases by 100%);

Confidence expansion (in this state, intelligence improves slowly, virtue decreases slowly);

Sports cells (in this state, physical strength improves slowly);

Born to be useful (in this state, the probability of talent activation increases significantly, and virtue decreases , the probability of bad habits increasing greatly increases, and there is a certain probability that it will evolve into arrogant)

[Bad habits]: Ignore

[Talents]: C-level piano (activated), F-level mathematics (activated), E-level language (activated), F-level politics (activated), E-level vocal music (the remaining 50 talents have been omitted, the average is F-level talent, and 17 talents have been activated)

[Learning efficiency]: 325%

[Overall evaluation]: E (↑)

"This guy has self-attacked?"

Chen Chu felt very strange in his heart, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh when looking at He Cao's long list of data.

In just three days, so many talents were suddenly activated. He is really heading towards the direction of all-round!

But there are a lot of negative states!

And the virtue is also declining rapidly.

Chen Chu didn't know what to do for a while. After all, he didn't have the power of a teacher to cleanse the designated negative state. If Xu Tianhao was asked to do ideological work, he was afraid that He Cao's state would be destroyed all at once.

After all, this state of being born with talent is quite special.

After thinking about it, Chen Chu decided to observe for a few days and see.

At least he had to wait for He Cao to activate some talents before suppressing them.

So Chen Chu didn't care about He Cao for the time being. At least the teachers' evaluations were good, and there were not many negative effects at present.

After class.

"Brother Feng, I think He Cao seems to be a little arrogant recently!"

"He also said that if he didn't practice piano, we would definitely not be his opponent if we really played basketball!"

"Look at his smug expression, it's a bit like beating him! He even looked down on people!"

"Not only that, he also said that if we really play math, Brother Feng, you can't beat him!"

Everyone surrounded Zhou Feng and complained with displeasure.

Zhou Feng frowned. Actually, he also felt that He Cao was a bit annoying these days.

He was particularly fond of showing off.

He would answer questions quickly in class, but it was a bit annoying that he would glance at the whole class after answering.

It was as if he looked down on people.

It seemed that this guy was indeed a bit arrogant.

However, Lao Chen was busy tutoring Deng Sijia recently and seemed to have no time to take care of it.

It was not a troublesome matter, so he solved it easily.

He suppressed He Cao's temper.

Let Lao Chen go to tutoring without distraction.

Zhou Feng remained calm and said to Yang Tianyu while doing the questions: "Tianyu, call He Cao over and tell him that I have something to discuss with him."

"Oh, okay..."

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