Although I was humiliated by the system for no apparent reason, the reward was really tempting.

Three major illusions in life: my phone vibrates, she likes me, I can kill her back.

So what if it's a legendary difficulty?

Chen Chu thought he could give it a try and kill the system back. He took the roll call list and left the office, heading for Class 7 of Grade 1.

Not long after the bell rang, other classes had already quieted down, but Class 7 of Grade 1 was still noisy, and some even played music, making a lot of noise, but no one dared to persuade them.

After a while, Chen Chu finally arrived at the door of Class 7 of Grade 1.

When ordinary students see their teachers, even if they are a little naughty, they will quiet down and sit back honestly.

Good guy, Chen Chu just arrived at the door, but was greeted with a wave of boos.

"Tsk, such a young head teacher!? I don't know if he can handle it!"

"He looks like a fool!"

"Oh, our new head teacher is a little handsome!"

"Tsk, you are the most coquettish!"

"Hate it!"

Chen Chu glanced at them, and some of them were either smiling at him or making fun of him. What's more hateful is that some of them put their legs on the table and gave him the middle finger openly.

Chen Chu couldn't help but frowned. Class 7 of Grade 1 is indeed well-deserved.

Not to mention class, they can't even maintain discipline. No wonder the previous head teacher had a heart attack.

If it were normal, Chen Chu would definitely shout for silence with a stern face.

However, this would definitely be useless for Class 7 of Grade 1, so there's no need to try.

So Chen Chu simply didn't bother to shout, and walked into the classroom and stood directly on the podium, picked up a piece of chalk and wrote his name on the blackboard.

"Chen Chu?"

"Oh, it's so funny, this name is too common, there are so many of them on the street!"

"He is a Chinese teacher, how can he choose a name so casually?"


Good fellow!

These few words directly raised Chen Chu's blood pressure.

No, calm down.

Chen Chu suppressed his anger, forced a smile, and said loudly: "Dear students, from today on, I am your new class teacher, my last name is Chen and my name is Chu."

There was a burst of boos from the audience, and no one cooperated at all.


No, I can't swear, I am a people's teacher...

But this is not listening to people at all! There is no way to hold a class meeting!

Those who should chat are chatting, and those who should play with their phones are playing with their phones. No one takes Chen Chu seriously at all.

Some people even whispered, "Work harder, we'll be able to break the record soon, and try to drive the newcomer away in the first class!"

"Hahaha, interesting."

Chen Chu couldn't help but look dark.

Okay, you're going to play this trick on me, right?

I just wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but I didn't expect to be treated like this!

No more pretending, I'm going to show my cards!

You are so disrespectful, from today on I'm going to teach you what it means to respect your teachers!

Chen Chu's eyes were stern, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Be quiet!"

As soon as his mind moved, he was full of domineering!

In an instant, Chen Chu felt that his abundant physical strength was rapidly fading, and he felt that his body began to feel a little soft and weak.


In an instant, an invisible terrifying domineering aura swept in all directions, covering everyone in Class 7.

The students who were still talking and laughing suddenly stiffened, their expressions were wooden, and even a little frightened.

I felt as if I had fallen into endless darkness in an instant, with only a pair of huge scarlet eyes staring at me fiercely.

The whole audience was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Chen Chu was also very tired, and secretly reached out to hold the desk to avoid showing any abnormality. At a glance, everyone in Class 7 didn't dare to move, and they were so scared that they didn't dare to breathe.

The deterrent effect was very significant!

Chen Chu snorted coldly: "Everyone return to your seats immediately!"

At this moment, the whole class of 7 was in chaos, and they hurriedly moved and returned to their seats, but many people didn't dare to look up at Chen Chu's direction.

What the hell! Why should I be afraid of this guy! ? It's just a new guy!

Many people were resisting in their hearts, but when they thought of the despair and fear just now, the resistance was instantly suppressed.

Chen Chu glanced at everyone coldly, took out the roll call list, and said in a deep voice: "Now, let's start the class meeting and call the roll. When your name is called, shout "Here."

"Xu Tianhao."


Xu Tianhao in the room didn't want to agree, but he had to bite the bullet and yelled.

Chen Chu immediately activated the Teacher's Eye.

[Name]: Xu Tianhao

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 15

[Status]: Hate learning, awe (lasts one hour)

[Bad habits]: laziness, smoking, drinking, racing, swearing, fighting, watching short videos... (Too many bad habits, can't be displayed)

[Talent]: None.

[Learning efficiency] -147%

[Overall evaluation] I don't even want to give F, a bad student fighter.

Chen Chu: ? ? ? ?


It's okay to have so many bad habits, but how can this learning efficiency be negative?

Chen Chu named another person: "Sun Jiaojiao!"

A girl with a gentle appearance raised her hand cautiously and answered.

Chen Chu was delighted. At first glance, she looked like a top student, so she must not be too bad.

[Name]: Sun Jiaojiao

[Gender]: Female

[Age]: 15

[Status]: Extremely hate learning, awed (lasts one hour)

[Bad habits]: Laziness, smoking, drinking, premature love, clubbing, extravagance, aggressiveness... (too many bad habits to display)

[Talent] F-level dance.

[Learning efficiency]: -247%

[Overall evaluation]: Tired, destroy it, hurry up.

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