The truth is, the truth is.

Chen Chu took a deep breath and said after a while: "The real murderer is... Li Qian."

"The judgment is successful, please continue."

The system prompted.

"First of all, the physical examination report shows that Li Qian has bruises and scratches all over her body. The earliest injury was at least two months old, and she was violated and has great psychological problems.

"In the photo, Tian Xiao is scolding Li Qian. Based on my understanding of Class 7, Tian Xiao should have bullied Li Qian for a long time and beat her. "

"But I rule out the possibility that Class 7 violated Li Qian for two reasons. First, there is no violation among the bad habits of the students in Class 7. Second, the entry and exit registration form of the security room has six records of Qi Chao accompanying Li Qian out of the school after the evening self-study. In summary, I am sure that Li Qian has been violated by Qi Chao for a long time."

Because the clues provided by the copy are limited, Chen Chu can only make a judgment based on his understanding of Class 7.

"Judgment successful, please continue."

Hearing that the system has successfully judged, Chen Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Because of the long-term bullying and violation, Li Qian could not bear it, but she was cowardly and did not dare to resist until..." Chen Chu put one hand on the love letter: "Tian Xiao took the initiative to find Li Qian and asked her to hand the love letter to me, giving Li Qian a chance to retaliate! "

Seeing that the system did not make a judgment, Chen Chu continued: "After some thought, Li Qian determined the revenge plan, handed the love letter to Qi Chao, and told Qi Chao that the other party was Tian Xiao. Qi Chao then went to meet Tian Xiao at the agreed time. "

"When Qi Chao arrived, Tian Xiao took advantage of the mistake and deliberately played him. Qi Chao agreed, and Tian Xiao took pictures of the evidence and used it to threaten Qi Chao. Based on my understanding of Class 7, Tian Xiao must have asked Qi Chao to find a way to deal with me, preferably to get me fired. "

"Qi Chao pretended to agree and snatched the phone when Tian Xiao was not prepared. During the tug of war, Tian Xiao tore off Qi Chao's buttons, and Qi Chao also grabbed the evidence, but he used too much force, causing Tian Xiao to fall from the building. ”

Actually, Chen Chu relied on some guessing here.

After all, he is just a Chinese teacher, not a criminal investigation student.

It is impossible to determine whether Qi Chao wanted to force himself on her or Tian Xiao succeeded in threatening Qi Chao and then a fight occurred, causing Tian Xiao to fall from the building. It is also unknown whether Qi Chao did it intentionally or negligently.

However, Chen Chu tends to believe that Tian Xiao succeeded and threatened Qi Chao.

Because if Qi Chao wanted to force himself on her, Tian Xiao would not have called for help at that time.

“The judgment is effective, but there are some deviations. Qi Chao has emotional regulation disorder. Tian Xiao’s threat caused Qi Chao to get angry. Qi Chao killed people to silence them, so he deliberately pushed Tian Xiao off the building.”

“Please continue!”

How do I know this?

Chen Chu rolled his eyes.

“System, you are cheating! You didn’t give any clues, how can I infer that Qi Chao has emotional regulation disorder?”

“There are teachers’ physical examination reports in Director Sun’s office as clues. "

Chen Chu: "..."

Fuck you...

Which bastard went to Director Sun's office? He didn't even find it!?

Um... It was me...

That's fine.

Chen Chu's mouth twitched. He was thinking about looking at the documents at that time, and then he remembered that Director Sun did have the teachers' physical examination report, and Chen Chu himself had submitted it twice.

Okay, I admit defeat.

Chen Chu could only continue to speculate.

"Qi Chao ran away, and Li Qian saw everything. "Chen Chu paused: "Well, there are three entrances in total. Li Qian should be hiding in one of them. After seeing Tian Xiao fall from the building, she hurried over to take a look, and at the same time found the button on the ground and took it away. "

"Qi Chao didn't notice that the button fell, and just wanted to evade responsibility. Because Tian Xiao wanted to mess with me, he set the target of the frame-up on me. After wiping off the fingerprints, he stuffed the love letter into my student handbook. "

"After Tian Xiao fell from the building, the police immediately blocked the school. Qi Chao made an anonymous report. The police found the love letter in the student handbook and took me away for investigation." Chen Chu frowned and said, "It is impossible to convict me with just a love letter. I should have an alibi."

There are many doubts here. Logically, I should not feel guilty, and the police will not directly convict me. Qi Chao must have found some evidence to confirm the fact that he killed someone, or something interfered with the police's judgment.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Chu reluctantly said the last guess: "However, the students in Class 7 should know that Tian Xiao is going to mess with me, so they explained the situation to the police and interfered.

The police judged that I was the main suspect. "

"The judgment was successful."

Chen Chu: "..."

Class 7 is really a rip-off!

"Because of the testimony of Class 7, I panicked and didn't want to sit and wait for death. I wanted to find out the truth and clear my name. So I used epic education skills to escape from prison and carried a gun. I was chased by the police, which further confirmed my identity as a suspect. I fled in a hurry and was finally shot dead by the police. "

"As soon as I died, the police reported it, and Qi Chao finally relaxed and continued to be his chemistry teacher. "

"Little did they know that Li Qian turned evil because of Tian Xiao's death. When she found that she could also take revenge, the emotions that had been pent up for a long time finally broke out and began to retaliate against Class 7. "Chen Chu said in a deep voice: "The chemical formula found in the laboratory has a more beautiful handwriting. It was not written by Qi Chao, but by Li Qian. ”

“Li Qian is also a top student, and she should have a unique talent in the field of chemistry. Perhaps she often goes to the laboratory to communicate with Qi Chao, and this may be one of the reasons why Qi Chao violated Li Qian. ”

“After Li Qian developed a hallucinogen-like existence, it led to the collective jumping of Class 7…” Chen Chu paused: “In the end, Qi Chao also inhaled hallucinogens and had hallucinations, and finally died. As for Li Qian…she did not die, but survived and started a new life.”

When the system prompted 94% of the evil spirits before, Chen Chu calculated that there were three evil spirits including Tian Xiao, but until the final stage, Li Qian did not appear.

This is also the point that Chen Chu finally figured out, Li Qian is not dead.

In fact, the last three evil spirits left are Tian Xiao, Qi Chao and…himself!

He was already dead in the copy, and now he appeared in the school. He is a conscious body, and he is also one of the evil spirits.

After a while, the system prompt sounded.

“Judgment successful.”

“Settlement in progress…”

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