After being scolded, Yue Ying felt guilty.

Actually, she had no idea about this matter, she just said it in a fit of anger.

Seeing Sun Chong's angry face, she naturally didn't dare to mention it. She laughed dryly and quietly left the room.

Sun Chong had a headache, pacing around the room with his hands behind his back, frowning.

If they didn't hurry up, they would have to let these tough guys go.

These guys were all foreign spies. In order to catch them, Jiangnan National Security had been preparing for nearly three years, dispatching hundreds of people and consuming a lot of manpower and material resources.

However, these guys didn't leave any physical evidence. Their actions were so meticulous and their anti-detection awareness was so strong that it was unprecedented.

"After hunting geese all day, they were actually pecked in the eyes by wild geese?" Sun Chong couldn't help but slapped his hand on the table: "By then, where will the entire Jiangnan National Security have a foothold? Where is the prestige of our China?"

Interrogation experts from all over the country were invited, and Sun Chong also made bold statements to the higher-ups, but nothing was found out. The incident was reported internationally, so these guys were very stubborn, arrogant, and extremely bad. They refused to explain any information, and even asked to drink Louis XIV during their detention, otherwise when they were released, they would definitely say that the National Security abused them.

Drink Louis XIV!

In the past, you guys would have no idea how many layers of skin you had been peeled off.

Sun Chong got angry just thinking about it.

However, personal honor and disgrace are trivial matters. If you can't produce any strong evidence to prove the charges, it will be a disgrace to the national prestige if you release them!

So this matter cannot be sloppy at all.

Sun Chong has invited another group of experts, but he is still unsure.

It is not that the interrogation experts are not competent, but that they are powerless.

There are no witnesses or physical evidence, and the prisoners refuse to cooperate and confess. Their attitudes are more arrogant than each other. They have even studied psychology. The interrogation experts have no idea where to start.

If this group of interrogation experts can't do anything, Sun Chong is afraid that he will have to resign.

The next morning, the interrogation experts finally arrived in Jiangnan, and Sun Chong went to greet them in person.

In fact, the news that Jiangnan National Security caught a few tough guys has long been spread.

But because there has been no progress after inviting several waves of interrogation experts, it is difficult for Sun Chong to invite anyone again.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a very difficult job.

The enemy is strong and we are weak. Whether in terms of evidence or psychology, we are at a huge disadvantage.

Going to Jiangnan is basically to embarrass yourself.

Sun Chong had to talk his mouth off to invite the old interrogator this time.

Lu Qinghai, a doctoral supervisor in interrogation psychology, is one of the interrogation consultants for major police academies in China and also the tutor of the academy where he graduated.

In the car, Sun Chong couldn't hide his helpless expression: "Mr. Lu, this time I've run into a tough guy."

Lu Qinghai, who was already gray-haired, looked very energetic. Seeing Sun Chong's helpless expression, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's really very tricky. I've learned about the situation before coming here, and I've communicated with my colleagues who came before. To be honest, I can only grasp 30%!"

"30%..." Sun Chong smiled bitterly: "Is it so low?"

"It's considered high." Lu Qinghai glared at Sun Chong unhappily: "The people you arrested have all been brainwashed since childhood, and have high-intensity psychological hints and suicidal tendencies. If you ask them too quickly, it's easy to get into trouble. If you don't ask them too quickly, they won't take it seriously."

"I know that too." Sun Chong felt the pressure: "These people have been involved in international issues. I haven't slept for almost half a month."

"I'll try my best, but don't hold too much hope."

The interrogation lasted less than half an hour.

Lu Qinghai walked out of the interrogation room angrily, with a cold face, looking through the glass at the person inside who was clearly handcuffed but extremely arrogant. He really didn't know how to continue.

Verbal intimidation was useless. The other party was almost fearless and could hardly find any entry point. Moreover, there was very little information about the enemy in his hands, and he could not analyze any problems at all.

Sun Chong on the side waved his hand, indicating that the person should be taken away first, and then walked up to Lu Qinghai: "Teacher..."

Lu Qinghai raised his hand to stop Sun Chong's words, frowned and said: "I'll take a rest and continue in the afternoon. Let me think about it carefully."

Sun Chong nodded slightly and said no more.

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