Soon, Chen Chu followed Yue Ying into a black minivan.

As soon as the door was opened, seven or eight fully armed special forces members were sitting inside.

The driver's seat was not visible, as it was separated by a soundproof wall, and the entire minivan was a closed space.

Chen Chu froze in place and did not dare to move.

Yue Ying on the side smiled quickly: "Teacher Chen, don't be nervous, because this mission is confidential, all relevant personnel will be arranged by special forces members to escort the whole journey, get in the car!"

"Okay, okay..."

Chen Chu hurriedly got in the car, and Yue Ying took a file bag from the co-pilot seat, and after closing the door, he took out the confidentiality agreement and handed it to Chen Chu, saying: "Teacher Chen, I will tell you the details after signing the confidentiality agreement, but once you sign, you must not disclose any information to the outside, otherwise we will hold you accountable."

Chen Chu nodded slightly, without hesitation, and after glancing at the content of the confidentiality clause, he signed his name and pressed his fingerprint.

After confirming that the confidentiality agreement was effective, Yue Ying told Chen Chu what happened.


Outside the parking lot.

Three cars drove in together and soon blocked the entrance of the parking lot.

Seeing this, the security guard was about to come out of the security booth, when suddenly he saw dozens of people get off three cars at once, and many of them pulled out steel pipes and other things from the trunk, looking aggressive.

Seeing that something was wrong, the security guard was so scared that he dared not move. He followed two or three young men to the security booth, pointed at the security guard with a steel pipe and said, "Turn off the surveillance! I'll kill you if you dare to make a sound!"

The security guard did not dare to resist, so he did as he was told and quickly turned off the surveillance in the underground parking lot.

"You three stay here!"

"Got it, Brother San!"

The leader was a fat middle-aged man, who led people to the underground parking lot while smoking a cigarette.

"Brother San."

As soon as he got out of the parking lot, the person who had been following him came up to him.

Brother San looked around and asked, "Where are the people!?"

"In that car, they haven't left yet!" The person who was following him quickly pointed to the all-black passenger car.

The third brother sneered, took a deep puff of cigarette and threw it on the ground, waved his hand and walked towards the car with his men.

The special forces member in the driver's seat looked at a group of ferocious guys coming and couldn't help showing some doubts.

At this time, the third brother had already led people over.

"Surround, drag the people out!"

At the command, everyone rushed up and immediately surrounded the car, each of them with ill intentions.

Brother San saw the special forces member in the driver's seat at a glance. He walked over without saying a word and knocked on the black car window. After a while, the car window gradually rolled down. The special forces member in plain clothes was ready for battle and looked at Brother San and said, "What's the matter?"

"Get down!" Brother San snorted coldly: "Otherwise I'll smash your car!"

The special forces member was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously, "Can you smash it?"

Hmm... A bulletproof car specially modified from Tiger 307 for hiding and camouflage, can you smash it?

However, this sentence sounded like a naked provocation to Brother San! ?

"Smash it for me!"

At Brother San's command, everyone immediately smashed the car.

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

No matter how hard everyone tried, they couldn't break the car window. Instead, everyone in the car had heard the noise, but because the bulletproof glass couldn't see outside, they didn't know what happened.

All the special combat players immediately became alert and immediately put on a fighting attitude, and Yue Ying moved quickly. As soon as the jacket was lifted, he quickly pulled the gun and blocked Chen Chu. He didn't stop. He frowned, and immediately compared with a few gestures. Suddenly, but just like this, he greeted Yue Ying's eyes. "..."


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