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Chen Chu looked at the teachers who had just turned into demons and were still wriggling on the ground. He couldn't help but feel a chill and asked, "Master Bi, are these teachers okay?"

"Not only It's okay, they still have to thank me for helping them kill their inner demons!" The Nine-bend Yellow River Pen in his hand transmitted a voice: "The place I brought you to is called the Inner Demon Realm. Everyone's inner demons will appear here. If Killing the inner demon can lead people to be good. Of course, this place is also extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be devoured by the inner demon and lose your mind. "

"But I, Master Bi, will protect you. The inner demons of your heart can't hurt you."


"These inner demons are divided into strong and weak, especially those little guys in your class, the inner demons are quite powerful, with your current ability, there is no way to deal with them. Ways to get rid of their inner demons!"

Chen Chu finally understood his current situation.

"Master Bi, you can't kill their inner demons?"

"If I were in my prime, it would be easy, but I have been asleep for too long, and my strength is only one tenth of what it is now." Master Bi said in a deep voice: "Dealing with one or two is not a problem, But if there are too many, I can't handle it, not to mention that you are such a burden. "

Chen Chu scratched his head awkwardly.

Because he was so lucky, he drew the Nine Bends of the Yellow River Pen.

According to the normal process, One should grow to a certain level before entering the world. Now, there is no self-protection power.

"But it's not a big problem. Anyway, I came here to kill Wang Lebang." Jiuqu Yellow River Pen said again: "Kill After we get rid of his inner demon, we can leave immediately. "

Chen Chu nodded slightly, looked around and found that the corridors of the school were also full of inner demons, of different sizes and shapes, heading towards Class 7 from afar. Look, this is really shocking.

The demons in Class 7 are all mixed up, not even in human form. It feels like countless lumps of flesh intertwined together, and it is impossible to tell who is who.

"Master Bi, what's going on?"

Chen Chu didn't dare to say anything. He stood at the entrance of the office holding the Nine-bend Yellow River Pen. Fortunately, with the Nine-bend Yellow River Pen's deterrence, the ordinary inner demon in front of him did not dare to attack actively, but retreated.

"The inner demon is too powerful and twisted, Everyone is in a mess, you have to find a way to draw out Wang Lebang's inner demons. "The Nine-Curved Yellow River Pen said in a deep voice: "Otherwise I won't be able to do it. If all the inner demons of Class 7 are drawn out, You will definitely not survive."

"How, how to lead?" Chen Chu was confused.

"How should I know this? You figure it out yourself."

That's not what you said before you came!

What a domineering statement! I can just cut it and it's done. Why do you still want me to be the bait after all this time?

Fortunately, after thinking for a while, Chen Chu came up with an idea.

Holding the Yellow River pen, Chen Chu approached the door of Class 7. When he was close enough, he shouted at the door: "Wang Lebang, I'm going to tell your grandmother about your school!"

Just one sentence Suddenly, there was a huge noise inside Class 7, and even the ground began to tremble. Then a large mass of twisted flesh squeezed out from the door of Class 7, roaring and snarling in the direction of Chen Chu.

Just One part of the flesh ball could be seen to be Wang Lebang's hideous face.

Slip away!

Chen Chu immediately ran away, and after Wang Lebang's inner demon squeezed out, it almost filled the entire corridor. The huge flesh mass extended densely packed arms, eyes, and teeth, rushing around.

The inner demons that blocked the way were so scared that they jumped downstairs in an instant, not daring to block Wang Lebang at all.

Chen Chu quickly used his teacher's domineering power, but Wang Lebang's inner demon only paused for a moment and then rushed towards Chen Chu.

Domineering power is ineffective! ?

Chen Chu was stunned, and then he heard The system prompt sounded.

[The domineering level is too low to shock]

Chen Chu's face changed slightly, and then he released the epic education skills.

"Wang Lebang, stop right there!"

With a roar, the huge fleshy demon barely He stopped in front of Chen Chu.

Fortunately, I have epic teaching skills!

Chen Chu just breathed a sigh of relief, but heard Jiuqu Huanghe Bi said anxiously: "Are you crazy!?"


Suddenly, Chen Chu felt the ground shaking The mountain shook.

The flesh ball in front of him suddenly swelled wildly, and even grew an extremely strong arm and smashed towards Chen Chu.

Suddenly, the Nine-bend Yellow River Pen turned into a golden light blocking the front, but even so, an extremely powerful force still knocked Chen Chu out on the spot.

Blood flew everywhere!


Chen Chu fell hard on the aisle, feeling that his internal organs were churning, and he was also confused.

How could the epic education technique not work! ?

[The epic education technique is only effective for creatures with thinking ability. It is not only ineffective for the inner demon, but also makes its emotions more confused]

I TM...

I actually gave Wang Lebang a strengthening BUFF!

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