The money was so much that it was not enough.

"Hello, the total is 8.5 yuan. Do you need a bag?"

"No, thank you."

"Welcome to visit next time."

Zhang Mengqing walked out of the convenience store slowly with a sandwich and mineral water.

She had only drunk a little kelp soup at dinner just now, and had not eaten anything else.

Worried that her work status would be affected in the evening, she decided to buy some food near home to fill her stomach after hesitation.

It is now six o'clock in the evening, and there is still an hour before the evening self-study of Xingming Middle School.

This week's evening self-study is relatively relaxed. Basically, the instructors lead the students to sing on the playground. "Unity is Strength" is an indispensable program in this link.

Or several companies get together to play carrot squats, and see who can persist to the end.

In short, the evening self-study during military training is all entertainment. Everyone sits on the playground and enjoys the evening breeze, enjoying their youth.

For the class teacher, the night of military training is also a rare rest time, because they don’t have to make lesson plans, correct homework, and guide students to do questions before the formal class.

Some class teachers even become hands-off shopkeepers, and simply don’t come to the evening self-study, leaving the students to the instructors.

However, this situation will definitely not happen to Zhang Mengqing.

Because young teachers have two major characteristics, the first is motivation, and the second is responsibility.

Even if the school’s evening self-study does not require the class teacher to come forward, she will think about going around the class.

"First solve the dinner, and then go to the classroom."

Zhang Mengqing thought so, and came to a pavilion alone.

Usually during the day, retired old teachers will gather here to play chess and cards.

But at this time, everyone is busy picking up grandchildren or going home to cook. After the end of the song, it is quiet.

She stretched out her slender white fingers and gently opened the outer packaging of the sandwich.

This sandwich was mixed with chicken and fried eggs. The moment the package was opened, a pleasant smell of bread wafted out.

Zhang Mengqing was preparing to eat dinner today, and suddenly there was a rustling sound in the bushes, and then a petite figure came out.


It was a cross between a British shorthair and a blue and white cat. It looked very small and should be only a few months old.

It looked very cute, and its dusty face looked a bit like a princess in distress in the story.

At this moment, it raised its head and looked at Zhang Mengqing quietly with a pair of clean and bright big eyes.

To be precise, it was staring at the sandwich in Zhang Mengqing's hand. The three words "I want to eat" were already written on its face.

"Little guy, you haven't eaten dinner either?" Zhang Mengqing squatted down and got closer to the kitten.

One person and one cat really felt like a wanderer in the world.

"Meow." The cat called softly, looking pitiful, which made me feel sorry for it.

Zhang Mengqing had never raised a cat before, so she didn't know what foods were not allowed to be fed to cats.

To be safe, she took out her mobile phone and searched the Internet for information, confirming that chicken and fried eggs were safe foods and could be fed to cats appropriately.

"Eat it, eat it, you're welcome."

She tore the fried eggs and chicken into fingernail-sized pieces and placed them in front of the cat.

The little guy first came up carefully to smell it, and after confirming that there was no danger, he ate it in big mouthfuls.

It looked like it hadn't eaten for several days, eating voraciously and impatiently.

While the kitten was eating, Zhang Mengqing slowly reached out and tried to touch its head.

The cat was docile and well-behaved, and didn't dodge. It probably understood the rules of the underworld that "since it accepted your feeding, it will let you touch it."

Zhang Mengqing didn't expect the kitten to be so obedient, and immediately had the idea of ​​taking it home.

It just so happened that my parents talked about holding a grandson every now and then. If I bring this furry child home, it would be considered to help my parents realize the wish of my grandparents.

When the kitten had almost finished eating, Zhang Mengqing cleaned up the garbage on the ground and turned around to throw it into the trash can.

"Little guy, I'm leaving. Do you want to go home with me?"

Zhang Mengqing gave the kitten the right to choose. If the little guy didn't want to go with her, she wouldn't force it.

Any relationship should be a two-way choice, even if it's a pet.

The kitten looked up and looked at Zhang Mengqing quietly. It looked like it was thinking. After a moment, it followed with its short legs.

Although I don't know if it's true

It understood Zhang Mengqing's words, but one thing is certain, it can still distinguish between a full meal and a full meal.

"Thank you for choosing me, don't worry, I will take good care of you!"

Zhang Mengqing smiled brightly and made a serious promise.

She was about to take the kitten home, and suddenly the kitten seemed to have lost all its strength and fell straight to the ground.

Its chest rose and fell violently, and its eyes were empty and scattered, as if its life had come to an end.

Zhang Mengqing was stunned. She had checked the information and confirmed that the kitten could eat fried eggs and chicken. How could this happen...

Her first reaction was to rush the kitten to the pet hospital, but the map showed that the nearest pet hospital would take at least half an hour to drive there.

According to the current situation, it is unknown whether the kitten can survive for half an hour.

The kitten must be given first aid!

However, as a new cat owner, she could not cope with such an emergency at all and could only seek off-site assistance.

Zhang Mengqing first thought of her best friend. She remembered that her best friend had raised several cats and must have experience in this area.

However, her best friend is now abroad and she doesn't know if she can contact her.

Without time to think about it, Zhang Mengqing immediately called her best friend. However, there was a busy tone on the other end of the phone and no one answered.

What should I do...

Except for her best friend, it seems that none of her friends have cats.

No, there is another friend who has a cat.

Jiang Ning!

She has seen Jiang Ning's circle of friends, which contains many photos of kittens.

This means that Jiang Ning has experience in raising cats, and maybe he knows what to do in this situation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Mengqing quickly took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Ning.

"Jiang Ning, I'm sorry to bother you so suddenly."

"I have something urgent to ask you. What should I do if a kitten suddenly falls to the ground, breathes rapidly and loses consciousness?"

"Breathing rapidly, losing consciousness? Is it next to you? Let's make a video call and let me see the situation."

The phone was quickly hung up, and then a video call popped up.

Zhang Mengqing has always had a little-known habit.

That is, she only accepts video calls from her family and besties, and ignores video calls from other people.

But now it is a special case, and she can only make an exception once...

"Jiang Ning, are you driving now?"

Zhang Mengqing noticed that Jiang Ning in the video was sitting in the car with a seat belt on his chest.

She didn't want Jiang Ning to be distracted while driving, which was too dangerous.

"It's okay, I've already pulled over, don't worry. Let's check on the kitten."


Zhang Mengqing quickly switched the camera and aimed it at the dying stray cat lying at her feet.

"I just fed it some chicken and fried eggs, and then it suddenly fell to the ground..." Zhang Mengqing told Jiang Ning the whole story.

"It should have little to do with the food you fed it, it may be other diseases."

"The kitten's breathing is very rapid, and the possibility of heatstroke cannot be ruled out." Jiang Ning expressed his guess.

"Well, look around first to see if there is anything that can cool it down."

"I have a bottle of mineral water here, which should be useful." Zhang Mengqing responded quickly.

"Pour the water on its paws, neck and belly."

Zhang Mengqing did what Jiang Ning said: "What's next?"

"Next, send me your location, I'll come over now."

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