The two of them were very close.

"This is Wang Jiayou, a junior whom I met when I was in college."

Jiang Ning introduced Zhang Mengqing as a pet doctor.

Although Jiang Ning only used the word "junior" to lightly mention their relationship, Zhang Mengqing could see that the two boys should have a good relationship.

Because when she was standing at the door holding the kitten just now, she vaguely heard Jiang Ning and Wang Jiayou discussing something about "repeatedly watching" and "trying to understand".

They should be discussing something related to academics, right?

This alone is enough to prove that the two have a good relationship.

"Hello, Dr. Wang." Zhang Mengqing smiled politely.

"Hello, hello."

Faced with Zhang Mengqing's greeting, Wang Jiayou responded quickly.

When he spoke, his eyes would always subconsciously look at Jiang Ning.

Wang Jiayou thought Jiang Ning came alone, but he didn't expect that there was a girl with him.

The most important thing is that this girl is fair-skinned, beautiful, generous and dignified, and has more temperament than those female anchors with hundreds of thousands or millions of fans on the Internet.

At this moment, Wang Jiayou was overwhelmed with emotions.

We clearly agreed to be single together, so how could the senior secretly find a partner?

It's hard to be single, but it's even more painful for a friend to be single.

It hurts! It hurts so much!

Jiang Ning didn't know that the junior was acting, and continued to introduce: "Yuzi, this is me..."

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

Before Jiang Ning could say "my sister's class teacher", Wang Jiayou had already started to answer.

After he called her sister-in-law, he deliberately raised his eyebrows at Jiang Ning, his eyes full of pride.

How is it, senior?

Didn't my buddy embarrass you? !

Jiang Ning thought that his junior was quite considerate, and he was very satisfied with the call of sister-in-law.

But unfortunately, Zhang Mengqing is not his girlfriend now. The two of them are at most good friends.

Oh, now there is an additional layer of cat friends, the kind that they can play with cats together when they have time.

"You misunderstood, this is my sister's class teacher." Jiang Ning hurriedly explained.

"My sister's class teacher? Sorry, sorry..." Wang Jiayou was dumbfounded, and after reacting, he kept apologizing.

He was really smart, but his cleverness backfired and he made a big mistake.

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Mengqing shook her head.

She looked as gentle as usual, but her slightly flushed face showed that she was not calm at the moment.

Could it be that she and Jiang Ning really looked like a couple standing together?

It seems that everyone thinks so.

From a psychological point of view, when a person starts to think about such questions, he is actually considering whether the two people are suitable.

However, Teacher Zhang did not realize this.

She is ready to be single for the rest of her life, so she won't fall in love with anyone.

Yeah. Absolutely not!


"Yuzu, we came here this time to ask you to help give this kitten a comprehensive physical examination."

Jiang Ning carried the dirty 'Princess in distress' to Wang Jiayou.

Facing Wang Jiayou, who was wearing a white coat and smelled of disinfectant, the kitten looked very scared, tucked its tail and cried timidly.

Wang Jiayou reached out to take the kitten and gently stroked the little guy's head: "Fortunately you came in time, if it was a little later... I would have gone off work."

"The little guy is so cute, what's its name?"


Zhang Mengqing realized that she hadn't named the kitten yet.

"Jiang Ning." She called softly.

Jiang Ning was stunned: "Ah? The kitten wants the same name as me?"

"No, it's not." Zhang Mengqing hurriedly shook her head to deny it, blaming herself for not expressing it clearly.

"I want to ask you, what is the name of your ragdoll cat?"

Zhang Mengqing is not good at naming animals, so she wants to refer to Jiang Ning's practice.

"My cat is called Tangyuan." Jiang Ning replied.

"Why did you think of naming it Tangyuan?"

Jiang Ning began to recall the past: "Because it was already past ten o'clock in the evening when I brought it home. At that time, I didn't have dinner yet, so I just cooked some glutinous rice balls to fill my stomach."

"When I sat at the dining table and started to eat, it suddenly jumped onto my legs, and then lay on it quietly, without making any noise or noise."

"I think that scene is quite warm, and I want to remember that night forever, so I named it

It's called Tangyuan."

"I see."

Zhang Mengqing nodded, and suddenly had an idea.

"September. I want to name this kitten September."

Zhang Mengqing looked at the cat, then at Jiang Ning: "Because we met in September."

Today is the first day of September, and Zhang Mengqing officially met Jiang Ning and the "Princess in Distress".

She wants to remember this day, forever and ever.


"As of now, all four paws of September have been burned to a certain extent by high temperature. "

Wang Jiayou first briefly checked the kitten's physical condition, and then told his findings.

In August and September every year, the ground temperature in Xiangjiang River is extremely high.

A blogger once did such an experiment. A raw egg dropped on the ground would be scalded in a short time.

This shows how exaggerated the summer in Xiangjiang River is.

And those homeless stray cats and dogs can only endure the high temperature of the ground to go out for food in order to survive.

Over time, their paws will be burned to varying degrees, and even more serious ones will die of heat stroke.

"You must have suffered a lot in the past. "Zhang Mengqing touched Jiuyue's chin with a distressed look on his face.

Jiuyue blinked in confusion, not knowing why Zhang Mengqing suddenly felt sad.

After a while, he stretched out his head and gently rubbed Zhang Mengqing's palm, hoping to use this method to make Teacher Zhang feel better.

The world is broken, and the kitten is mending it.

"Yuzi, in addition to the burn on the sole of his foot, is there any problem with Jiuyue's other parts?" Jiang Ning asked.

Wang Jiayou shook his head: "I carefully checked its eyes, nose and ears, and found no problems for the time being."

"But further physical examinations are still needed to know the results, and blood routine tests must be done."

"My suggestion is that it is best to keep Jiuyue in the pet hospital for observation for seven days. As long as everything is normal after seven days, you can take it home. "

Wang Jiayou provided Jiang Ning and Zhang Mengqing with a solution to the problem from a professional veterinary perspective.

Jiang Ning knew that the solution provided by Wang Jiayou was reasonable, but he had no say because the final decision was made by Zhang Mengqing.

"Teacher Zhang, what do you think?" Jiang Ning asked.

"Okay, let's decide it this way."

Although Zhang Mengqing wanted to take the kitten home right now, she still accepted the treatment plan of the pet hospital for the sake of the kitten's health.

"Then I'll give it a bath first, and then apply ointment to the burned paw. "Wang Jiayou stood up and began to look for cotton swabs and ointment.

After that, he carried the dirty kitten into the shower room, turned on the shower and adjusted the water temperature.

When the temperature was right, he poured water on the kitten little by little, slowly wetting its fur.

Because Jiuyue is a stray cat, it has never taken a bath before.

If you wet it all at once, it might be scared or even have a stress reaction.

So the process of bathing it must be slow, so that it can adapt to the new environment little by little.

"Old Wu...Old Wu...Old Wu..."

Jiuyue huddled in the corner and shivered, her fur all over her body wet, looking weak, pitiful and helpless.

"Don't think that I will be soft-hearted if you meow. To be honest, I have been killing fish in RT-Mart for ten years, and my heart has long been as cold as my knife. "

Wang Jiayou made some foam in his hands and smeared it on Jiuyue's back.

During this time, he also rubbed a foam spiral ball and put it on Jiuyue's head, which looked like a kitten wearing a white hat.

Then he used a shower to rinse the foam off the kitten, and the gray dirty water flowed into the sewer along the floor drain.

"Look how dirty you were before. Now that I've washed you clean, you will feel more comfortable sleeping at night." Wang Jiayou said to Jiuyue.

"Meow meow meow."

One person and one cat, everyone speaks their own language, and even the language is not mutually intelligible, but it does not hinder the chat, which is really magical.

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