After experiencing tie-dyeing, Jiangning and his group went to a nearby pottery museum. This pottery museum is a treasure shop recommended by Duoduo, a little guide. There is no need to wait in line, and there will be no crowds. The most important thing is that the price is affordable. Even on holidays, the shop owner will not raise the price, which can be said to be quite conscientious. When entering the store, the owner will first distribute two pieces of clay to each person. After going through a simple tutorial for novices, it is time for guests to use their imagination and creativity as they please. Here you can use clay to make water cups, ceramic dolls, and even Ultraman artifacts. There is nothing that cannot be reproduced by clay. This quiet and warm atmosphere is a comfort zone for people with social phobia, because they don't have to deal with people, they just have to take care of the clay in their hands.

Zhang Jinqing rarely relaxed and was completely immersed in the fun of handicrafts.

"It's so cold, I'm playing in the mud in the Northeast~ Although the Northeast is not big, I don't have a home in Dalian~"

At this time, Jiang Wan next to her suddenly hummed a song.

She thought the song was quite appropriate, so she couldn't help singing it.

"What's wrong, Jin, is there something on my face?"

Jiang Wan noticed that Zhang Jinqing was looking at her, so she asked curiously.

"No." Zhang Jinqing shook her head.

"I guessed that you would sing while kneading clay, but I didn't guess that you would sing this song... It feels quite unexpected."

"Really, right, do you want to sing with me?!" Jiang Wan excitedly invited.

Zhang Jinqing blushed and shook her head: "No, no, just sing for me."

"Okay, then I'll show my ugliness~"

Jiang Wan is a complete community cow. When Zhang Jinqing said to listen to her singing, she really cleared her throat and sang more seriously.

"A Jin, what are you pinching?"

After a while, Jiang Wan came to Zhang Jinqing's side, with a curious look on his face.

"Clay cat." Zhang Jinqing replied.

Clay cat is a folk animal of Yunnan and Yunnan.

It is said that the tile cat can eat all demons and ghosts, and it also has the function of gathering energy and bringing blessings.

Zhang Jinqing thinks that the meaning of the tile cat is very good, so he specially made one as a souvenir.

"Xiao Wan, what are you pinching?" Zhang Jinqing's attention stayed on Jiang Wan's hand.

"This is a Pokémon's Poké Ball."

Jiang Wan happily shared the fruits of his labor with his good friend.

"It looks so powerful." Zhang Jinqing sighed.

The most important thing is that Jiang Wan made a Poké Ball by hand, which looks quite realistic.

As long as the clay is fired and painted, it is basically done.

"I will make another Pikachu later to match the Poké Ball!"

In Jiang Wan's view, the pottery museum is simply a paradise for anime figures.

If you want any figure, just make it yourself.

But she is not capable enough, so she can only make low-level figures such as Poké Balls.

If she had the patience and ability, she would make an Iron Man figure at least.

Jiang Ning and Zhang Mengqing were not idle either. The two decided to make a water cup for each other.

Because drinking water is an indispensable thing in everyone's daily life.

And drinking water with a water cup made by your partner, even if the two people are separated and not together, there will be a sense of participation in being by your side.

This is a very meaningful thing.

There are many finished water cups in the pottery museum for tourists to refer to and replicate.

However, Jiang Ning deliberately avoided the samples and did not even look at them.

Because after seeing the shapes and styles of those samples, the water cups made will subconsciously imitate and borrow from them.

There is no creativity and no style of his own.

Jiang Ning wants to make a unique water cup that belongs to Teacher Xiao Zhang alone.

"Brother, did you make a Teacher Puff from SpongeBob SquarePants?"

Jiang Wan's face came closer and looked carefully at the clay in Jiang Ning's hand.

After she finished making the Poké Ball, she walked around and looked very busy, busy looking at everyone's work.

"Teacher Puff?" Jiang Ning was stunned.

The water cup he made can't be said to be exactly the same as Teacher Puff, but it can be said that there is no relationship.

How can it be seen as Teacher Puff?

What went wrong?

"Yes, aren't these the dots on Teacher Puff's face?" Jiang Wan pointed to the pattern on the water cup.

Jiang Ning looked melancholy: "What kind of eyes do you have, kid? These are stars, hanging in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star."

"It's obviously the stars I made that don't look good, and you blame me for my poor eyesight."

Jiang Wan pouted in dissatisfaction, she didn't want to take the blame.

She paused, then said: "Are you going to make a water cup related to stars for your sister-in-law?"

"You changed your name to sister-in-law so soon." Jiang Ning laughed dumbly.

"Of course! You are holding hands and making water cups for each other. If you don't change now, when will you change!"

During the two days of the trip, Jiang Wan observed carefully and clearly.

Knowing that Jiang Ning and Zhang Mengqing's relationship is more than friendship, they have reached the level of lovers.

So there is nothing wrong with her changing her name to sister-in-law.

"Brother, you haven't answered my question yet. What kind of water cup are you going to make for your sister-in-law?" Jiang Wan looked curious.

Jiang Ning paused for a moment, and then recited an ancient poem: "After being drunk, I don't know the water in the sky, and the boat is full of clear dreams that press down the stars. ”

Because the "Meng Qing" in Zhang Mengqing's name is very similar to "Qing Meng", he thought of these two lines of poetry at the first time.

Then a picture automatically appeared in his mind, a wooden boat floating on the vast lake, the lake reflecting the moon and the stars, and the green mountains on both sides looming...

It's just that Jiang Ning's pottery skills are really limited, and the effect is not satisfactory.

Because even his sister couldn't see that the pattern on the cup is stars.

While it hasn't been finalized yet, hurry up and save it.

Jiang Ning flattened the clay with a slap, and then started again.

It was also in this process that he gradually figured out the trick, and the remade water cup was much better than the first time.

At least you can see the wooden boat, the lake, and the reflected stars.

Jiang Ning was quite satisfied with the finished product, and called the judge Jiang Wan to help score.

"I can only give you 82 points for this water cup, because the remaining 18 points are given to you in the form of 666. "

Jiang Wan nodded repeatedly, thinking that her brother still had some talent in pottery.

If he doesn't write books in the future, maybe he can change his career to become a pottery master?

After Jiang Ning got his sister's affirmation, he took his work to find Zhang Mengqing.

Teacher Zhang's progress in making water cups was slower. She was also not satisfied with her work. She made it several times, but she couldn't achieve the desired effect.

"Do you need help?"

Jiang Ning put down the water cup in his hand, moved a small stool and sat next to Zhang Mengqing.


Teacher Zhang caught me writing late last night and scolded me, so yesterday's update will be put in the daytime today.

In the future, try to update during the day and don't stay up late.

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