I asked you to write a book, but I didn’t ask you to reveal your criminal record!

Chapter 173 How come it is exactly the same as described in the novel? (5,000 words)


Old Yao was startled again.

Even Professor Qi, who was involved in Feng Shui, couldn't help but frown.

If Qin Sisi said she saw it in a novel before answering, he would sneer at it.

Who reads novels as real?

Fiction is fiction, of course.

However, Qin Sisi's answer was word for word and accurate. She even knew that the Onmyoji technique was missing in the sixteen formulas passed down from generation to generation.

This is something that only a few people in the tomb robbing family know.

Qin Sisi nodded: "Yes."

Lao Yao asked Professor Qi again, and asked: "Are the sixteen words Xiao Qin just said true?"


Professor Qi coughed slightly, his face returned to calm, and then he said: "These sixteen words are true, but Xiao Qin should only understand one, not the other."

"Please give me some advice, professor." Qin Sisi faced the professor and accepted his teachings humbly.

Lao Yao also leaned his ear, ready to listen to the professor's lecture.

Professor Qi's face glowed red, and he felt very happy when he saw the archaeological team members' curious eyes in the car, so he couldn't help but start to share:

"Miss Xiao Qin also said just now that the yin and yang part of these sixteen characters is missing, leaving only the feng shui part. You will often hear a few limericks."

"——Looking for the dragon and sharing the gold to look at the entangled mountain. One layer of entanglement is a layer of barrier. If the door is closed with eight layers of danger, it will not produce the yin and yang and the eight trigrams."

"Do you understand what it means?"

After saying that, Professor Qi looked at everyone.

Lao Yao and others shook their heads, expressing confusion.

Qin Sisi looked at Professor Qi, then pursed her lips and said nothing.

Professor Qi looked at everyone's confused look and smiled: "Captain Yao, you must strengthen training in this area."

Lao Yao smiled: "That's how it should be."

Professor Qi continued: "These limericks are not made up by tomb robbers out of thin air. They come from the work "Shaking the Dragon" by Yang Junsong, a Feng Shui master in the Tang Dynasty. In fact, the real meaning of these verses is to depict The interior structure of the tomb.”

"Oh?" Lao Yao raised his eyebrows, very curious.

Professor Qi raised his hand, gestured, and said with a smile: "Captain Yao, I have entered many large tombs. You should know that there are layers of walls in the tombs. These walls are like levels. Break through. After these levels, you can see the big shot in the tomb, that’s exactly what it said.”

Lao Yao suddenly realized it and said repeatedly. "I see, I've learned a lesson."

"Some novels from the outside world portray this sentence as magical, which is biased." Professor Qi said with a cheerful smile.

At this time.

He looked at Xiao Qin, who had just been eager to answer, and asked casually: "Miss Xiao Qin, do you have any other opinions?"

Qin Sisi was a little embarrassed and looked at Professor Qi and then at Lao Yao.

Lao Yao nodded.

Professor Qi then said: "Miss Xiao Qin, you are responsible for academic exchanges. I don't blame you if I make a mistake."

Qin Sisi took a deep breath and said, "This is not my opinion, but someone else's. The first half of what he said is the same as what Professor Qi said."

"What about the second half?"

Professor Qi couldn't help but ask.

"The second half..."

Qin Sisi paused and looked at Professor Qi: "Professor Qi, he said, 'Look for the dragon to divide the gold and look at the winding mountain. One layer of entanglement is a layer of pass.' It's not just the structural layout of the tomb, but also about Feng Shui. You can think of heaven and earth as It is a large tomb, with mountains and mountains surrounding the main tomb. If you can explore this point, it will be an introduction to Feng Shui geography. "

Professor Qi's expression changed slightly, and his thoughts quickly became more active.

Exploring this point is the introduction to Feng Shui geography?

In other words, I haven’t started yet?

What nonsense is this?

Well, what he said makes some sense.

Heaven and earth are like a big tomb, surrounded by mountains and earth.


Professor Qi looked out the window, and flashes of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

Lao Yao looked at Qin Sisi and asked quietly: "Did this also come from reading a novel?"

Qin Sisi nodded.

"Who is the author of the novel?" Lao Yao asked.

"Linchuan, he released a new book two days ago." Qin Sisi replied.


Lao Yao murmured and sighed, "It's a pity that he is on an archaeological mission. There is no signal in the deep mountains and forests here. Otherwise, we can see what novels he wrote."

"It won't be too late to wait until the archaeological mission is completed." Qin Sisi smiled.

"Okay, okay."

Lao Yao said three good words in a row, and he obviously had expectations in his heart.

And it’s a very strong expectation.

Whether it was the previous 'searching for dragon positioning', 'the art of hearing soil', 'two-finger caving', or the 'Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secretary' 'Insights from the Tomb of Heaven and Earth' that Qin Sisi just relayed, they all made his eyes light up, as if A door to a new world opened.

This will definitely have a huge promotion effect on archaeology!

Lao Yao secretly made a plan in his heart.

After completing the mission, he not only had to read Lin Chuan's novels, but also visited him in person to learn from this master-level figure.

Two off-road vehicles of the archaeological team traveled through the Taiyi Mountains.

The dazzling sunlight falls in the dense woods, shines through the gaps, and shines on the ground, forming mottled light and shadow.

Between light and darkness, the chirping sounds of different birds and beasts came from the depths of the Taiyi Mountains.

Occasionally, you can see a few wild raccoons running out, and even see one or two wild pythons entwined, basking in the warm sun.

Arrived here.

The off-road vehicle can no longer move forward.

The group had to pick a good place to park the car, then unload the luggage and equipment from the car and walk there.

"Check the tools, medicines, and instruments!"

"Be careful of wild animals in the deep mountains, don't easily provoke some ferocious animals."

"Follow the team, don't fall behind!"

"Follow me!"

Lao Yao put on a straw hat with a wide brim, and the brim drooped down, blocking most of the sunlight. He wore overalls and carried a backpack, which contained tools, instruments, and medicines needed for archaeology.

In his hand, he held a map.

This is a rubbing of a broken ancient map found by historians when sorting out ancient books. It records a tomb of a prince of the State of Lu during the Warring States Period.

However, it is a long time ago.

The archaeological team 9 made a precise comparison with the modern map and circled a large area.

Now, we have to go to that area.

"Xiao Qin, you just joined our team nine. This is your first mission. Stay with me first to avoid getting lost."

Lao Yao reminded.

In his heart, he still has a certain intention to support this archaeologist from Anling.

The future is promising.

As for now.

Although she has listened to a lot of theories from Lin Chuan and read Lin Chuan's novels, there is a big gap between theory and reality.

It's like a teacher teaching quadratic equations in class, and directly testing advanced functions in the exam.


Xiao Qin needs to practice more!


Qin Sisi nodded seriously. She was wearing a long-sleeved gray dress, overalls, a pair of mountain boots on her feet, and a backpack on her back, looking very capable.

The archaeological team trekked through mountains and rivers and crossed mountains and ridges.

Heading towards the destination.

It was not until about three o'clock in the afternoon that they arrived at the destination.

At this time.

Everyone stood on a high place, on the one hand to repair, and on the other hand to observe the terrain.

The main person observing the terrain was, of course, Professor Qi.

Professor Qi put his palms over his eyes, blocking the slanting sunlight, and looked around.

I saw that the middle of this place was flat, and the surrounding mountains were like the backbone of a beast, rolling enthusiastically.

In the distance, five layers of mountains overlapped, hidden in the sea of ​​clouds and fog, like a giant dragon lying, magnificent and grand.

"I think this is a dragon head!" Professor Qi looked at it for a long time, and said to Captain Yao beside him.

Captain Yao raised his eyebrows and showed a hint of joy: "Dragon head?"

Professor Qi nodded and said, "Yes, I know a little about Feng Shui. If there is a tomb in this area, then this is undoubtedly the best area."

Old Yao's heart moved slightly, and he immediately called the person in charge of detection and began to use modern instruments for detection.

At this time.

Qin Sisi was stunned.

She looked at the five layers of mountains in the distance, and then looked at the gourd-shaped terrain here. At the mouth of the gourd, there was a waterfall of about ten meters falling.


This terrain seems familiar!

She suddenly remembered the description in Lin Chuan's "Tomb Raiders Notes".

She read it three times and it left a deep impression on her.

Although she didn't remember the specific description completely, it was roughly like this:

'After walking for a long time, we finally came to an area with a gourd terrain. '

'I looked around. '

'In the distance, there are five layers of mountains, one after another, rising up, and the last layer of mountains is bulging in the middle. '

'At the mouth of the gourd, there is a waterfall of about ten meters. Under the waterfall, there is a small stone pool, surrounded by winding stone banks covered with moss. There is a withered old tree next to it, which was broken by lightning. '

'I said to my third uncle, this is the dragon head, and the underground is the tomb. '

'But my third uncle shook his head and began to explain to me. '

'This place is far away from the main tomb. According to the method of finding dragons, this is indeed the dragon head, but this is a fake dragon head. ’

‘The person who designed this tomb is also an expert in dragon hunting, so he specially set up this trap for later tomb robbers to drill. ’

‘I guess there is a fake tomb below, which is full of traps. Once you enter, you may not be able to get out. ’


Qin Sisi's heart trembled. She looked at the place that was almost the same as Lin Chuan's description, and couldn't help frowning.

“Xiao Qin, go to Hulukou to explore.”

Old Yao shouted.

Qin Sisi immediately came back to her senses, picked up the detection instrument, and walked towards Hulukou.

The sound of the waterfall came into her ears.

Here, she really saw the small stone pond.

She saw the winding stone bank covered with moss.

She also saw a withered old tree broken by lightning.


Qin Sisi took a deep breath and looked at the old tree that was broken by lightning, and was stunned: "How could it be exactly the same as described in Lin Chuan's novel?"

If the terrain of Hulukou, the five-layer mountain range, and the bulge in the middle of the top mountain range, are everywhere.

Small stone pools are also common.

But this old tree that was broken by lightning made her doubt.

This place is almost exactly the same as the description in Lin Chuan's novel.

Reality, fiction?

For a moment, Qin Sisi fell into the "Zuowang Dao".

In a daze, she seemed to feel that she was in Lin Chuan's gold-touching world.

But, that’s a novel!

How come Lin Chuan's novels are so similar to this one?

She frowned tightly and looked around again. She really couldn't figure out what was going on?

At this time.

The voice of an archaeological worker reached her ears: "I have found something here!"

Qin Sisi walked over quickly.

Lao Yao and Professor Qi also gathered around.

The archaeological worker looked at everyone, pointed to the detection instrument in his hand, and immediately said: "It has a different reaction! I detected a large area of ​​air."

He used a sound wave detector, which used sound waves to transmit into the ground.

Different sound wave patterns represent different substances.

Sound waves pass through the air and through the soil, which are two completely different patterns.

This is where modern instrumental archeology comes in handy.

Lao Yao and Professor Qi looked at each other.

There was a hint of pride and pride in Professor Qi's face, and he smiled.

Old Yao was overjoyed: "Explore again, explore again, explore more areas."

Immediately, several other archaeological team members also took detection instruments and expanded the detection range.

It didn't take long.

The archaeological team has completed its exploration.

"Team Yao, preliminary detection shows that about fifteen meters deep below, there is a relatively empty tomb, sealed and without a water layer."

Captain Yao immediately had a smile on his face and said happily: "Well done!"

Dragon head, tomb.

Complete elements.

It seems that this archaeological mission is much easier.

"Captain Yao, do we want to open the tomb now?" Professor Qi was also a little pleased.

Before coming, they had already informed the local cultural relics bureau that they could open the tomb at any time.

Using satellite phones, they can call local police and cultural relics bureau staff for assistance.


Lao Yao was about to speak.

Unexpectedly, a voice interrupted him: "Captain Yao, you can't open."

The speaker was Qin Sisi.

Lao Yao, Professor Qi and others all turned to look at Qin Sisi.

"What's wrong, Xiao Qin?" Lao Yao frowned slightly, with a puzzled look on his face.

"This may not be the big tomb we are looking for." Qin Sisi swallowed and said solemnly.

"Isn't it the main tomb we are looking for?" Old Yao frowned and his face became even more confused.

At this time.

Professor Qi couldn't help but question: "Miss Qin, this is the dragon's head mentioned in Feng Shui. The tomb is located at the dragon's head. There must be princes, generals and figures in ancient times. Moreover, the staff also used a sound wave detector to detect the tomb. How come it’s not the big tomb we’re looking for?”

Everyone agreed.

Qin Sisi pursed her lips.

In fact, she was also very conflicted.

On the one hand, it is Lin Chuan's novel, which is clearly fictitious. Lin Chuan also said that it is a magical novel.

On the other hand, the existence of the tomb has actually been detected now.

Which side should I believe?

However, somehow, there was a voice deep in Qin Sisi's heart telling her.

——Believe in Lin Chuan for now.

Well, for now.

Moreover, if the underground tomb is really as described by Lin Chuan, it is a fake tomb with many mechanisms. If it is opened rashly, it is very likely to cause personal injury to the archaeological team.

This should be avoided at all costs.

"Professor Qi, Captain Yao, I guess this is probably a fake tomb specially designed by the owner of the tomb for tomb robbers. It has many mechanisms." Qin Sisi said according to Lin Chuan's statement.

"Fake tomb?"

Everyone was suddenly startled.

"Yes, according to our speculation, the owner of this tomb is of noble status. So when designing this tomb, he must have thought that tomb robbers would visit him in the future. Therefore, the designer designed this tomb based on the dragon-seeking method. The purpose of a fake tomb is to trap tomb robbers," Qin Sisi said solemnly.

Lao Yao frowned and fell into short thought.

Professor Qi asked in return: "Miss Qin, what you said does make some sense, but this is a natural geomantic treasure. This is a fake tomb, so where is the real tomb?"

Lao Yao thought for a while about what this little girl who had just joined the Archaeological Team 9 said, and then asked: "Xiao Qin, where did you know this?"

Qin Sisi looked hesitant: "Lin Chuan has said a similar case."

She originally wanted to say that this was what was described in Lin Chuan's novel, but she swallowed it back.

She was thinking two ways.

First, no one would regard the descriptions in novels as reality.

If I said it was written in a novel, no one would believe it.

Second, Qin Sisi had a terrible suspicion in her heart.

——Lin Chuan has been here.

But it was difficult for her to make a judgment before she was sure.

That's why she said that Lin Chuan had told about a similar case.

Of course.

For safety reasons, if the main tomb is not found, it is not too late to take safety measures and open this tomb.

With the giant Buddha of Lin Chuan as his name, even captain Yao had to pay attention to it.

"What Lin Chuan said..."

Old Yao thought for a while and asked, "Then where do you think the real tomb is?"

Qin Sisi pursed her lips, looked at Lao Yao, Professor Qi and others, raised her hand and pointed: "There."

Everyone looked in the direction Qin Sisi pointed.

That is a gourd mouth.

A waterfall of more than ten meters rushed down, forming a small stone pool below, but that was the end.

"Little Miss Qin, there is no way there." Professor Qi couldn't help but say.

Qin Sisi shook her head: "This is a fake dragon head. When I was exploring at the gourd mouth just now, I found that there was another cave there. There should be a way to go forward."

Lao Yao's expression moved slightly, and he immediately called two people, took their equipment, and walked towards the gourd mouth.

They were very fast.

Not long after, they arrived at the small stone pool.

After groping for a while.

Lao Yao shouted: "Come here quickly, bypass this small stone pool, pass through the gourd mouth, and there is another cave!"

Everyone was shocked.

Professor Qi was stunned, then took a deep look at Qin Sisi, and said in a daze: "Little girl, it's not simple."

Qin Sisi pursed her lips, and ripples appeared in her heart.

There is really another cave!


How come this place is exactly the same as described in Lin Chuan's novel?

Two chapters totaling 10,000 words, June 4th day of 10,000 words! Brothers, feel free to subscribe!

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