I asked you to write a book, but I didn’t ask you to reveal your criminal record!

Chapter 203 I still can't get a web writer? (Subscribe)

Anzhou Pharmaceutical, General Manager's Office.

It was late at night, and Yu Keke had just come out of Youran Villa, but she did not go home to rest, but returned to the company.

At this time, Anzhou Pharmaceutical was already silent.

Yu Keke sat in the office, made a cup of coffee, leaned back in the chair, and looked a little lost and disappointed.

"This man is too vigilant!"

Yu Keke murmured.

Yes, in these days, she had been in contact with Zhang Xinxin many times, and spared no effort to work on the little landlady, in order to break through the little landlady, and then use this to gain Lin Chuan's favor.

The two often talked about drug research and development, novel creation, corporate planning, and even some private topics, she and the little landlady had whispered.

The relationship warmed up and progressed rapidly.

Now, she thought she and the little landlady had become half a bestie.

She also unconsciously guided the little landlady to whisper in Lin Chuan's ear and improve Lin Chuan's favorability towards her and Anzhou Pharmaceutical, in order to get Lin Chuan to enter Anzhou Pharmaceutical.

As long as Lin Chuan entered Anzhou Pharmaceutical, or a company she controlled, then she would have countless opportunities to make Lin Chuan sink into the quagmire and unable to clean up.

Finally, become her man!

What she didn't expect was that this plan didn't work for Lin Chuan.

Tonight, Yu Keke knew that Lin Chuan didn't have any heartbeats for her proposal, and Lin Chuan's questions were just polite to her.

As for the reason for the politeness.

It may be because she is a good friend of Zhang Xinxin.

Or, Anzhou Pharmaceutical is a partner of 720 Company.

As for getting Lin Chuan to enter Anzhou Pharmaceutical, or other companies, it seems that there is no way!


Yu Keke took a sip of coffee, rested her right hand on the armrest of the chair, supported her delicate face, and sighed softly.

What you can't get is always in turmoil!

Now, she was thinking about how to make Lin Chuan willing to serve her.

"Should we consider using tough measures?"

Yu Keke muttered.

As the night deepened, the moonlight outside the window was very pale, dim and weak, and she could faintly hear the trees downstairs swaying with the evening breeze.

Ring, ring, ring——

A ringtone disrupted her thoughts.

The phone rang.

Yu Keke glanced at the caller ID, curled her lips, pressed the answer button with a lack of interest, and asked in English: "What?"

The voice of the speaker on the phone was very cold, and there was a bit of accusation.

"Coco, how did you leak the formula of our new addictive drug!"

Yu Keke frowned: "Lucas, what do you mean?"

The new addictive drug is a secret of the Asia-Pacific Division of Morgan Group. It took several years to develop and was developed this year.

Once launched, it was popular.

Now, the new addictive drug has become one of the important economic sources of the Asia-Pacific Division of Morgan Group.

Now, Lucas, the head of the Asia-Pacific region of Morgan Group, actually said that Yu Keke leaked the formula of the new addictive drug.

This is a serious crime within the Morgan Group!

"Isn't what I said clear enough?" Lucas said coldly on the other end of the phone.

"I am currently planning to build several large pharmaceutical factories in Hanjiang. At that time, we can eat up 1/3 of the addictive drug market in the entire Asia-Pacific region. How could I leak its material formula?"

Yu Keke sat up, looking serious, with a bit of coldness in his voice.

"Look at the International Forum."

Lucas snorted coldly on the phone.

Yu Keke frowned, put his mobile phone aside, and immediately turned on the computer. A pair of hands were placed on the keyboard, and his slender and white fingers tapped quickly.

Not long after, the screen jumped to the 'International Forum'.

"There is a section on the International Forum called 'Underground World'. The materials, production steps, and corresponding symptoms of new addictive drugs are all on it!" Lucas said in a deep voice.

Yu Keke tapped the keyboard lightly.

A string of English letters for ‘underground world’ appeared in the search box, and then she pressed the enter key.

Two boxes appeared in the section ‘International Forum - Underground World’.

[Hacker Kingdom]

[Black Ice]

Yu Keke’s fingers on the keyboard froze, and her eyes fixed on the two boxes.

She didn’t know about ‘Black Ice’.

But how could she not know about ‘Hacker Kingdom’?

This is Lin Chuan’s novel!

“Black Ice, is this Lin Chuan’s new novel?”

She was puzzled, took a deep breath, and then followed Lucas’s instructions and clicked into ‘Black Ice’.

Immediately, a large number of forum posts appeared in front of her.

[\u003cSticky Post\u003e Summary of Prison-related Techniques Extracted from “Black Ice”! Essence Post! ]

[\u003cSticky Post\u003e Author’s Statement: “Black Ice” is just a novel, and the author himself is not engaged in related industries! ]

[Drug dealer was arrested for advertising under anti-drug propaganda video! ]

[Outrageous! Since I read Mr. Lin's novel, I have quit addictive drugs! 】

[A brief discussion of the 'methods of quitting drugs' and 'drugs for quitting drugs' that appear in "Black Ice". 】


In the general manager's office, the evening breeze came in through the window, making a humming sound.

Yu Keke's eyes were fixed on the first \u003cpinned\u003e post, her brows half tight, and her right hand controlled the mouse and clicked gently.

The 'common drugs', 'No. 1 drugs', 'No. 2 drugs', 'No. 3 drugs', etc. described in "Black Ice" all appeared in her sight.

"Look at Drug No. 3. Is it our 'new addictive drug'?" Lucas's voice came out while the phone was still talking.

Yu Keke did as he was told.

In an instant, the web page completed the jump, and the post about the 'No. 3 addictive drug' in the 'International Forum - Underground World' section suddenly came into Yu Keke's sight.

[Name: New drug (No. 3 drug). 】

[Raw materials: α-bromopropiophenone, methylamine,,,. 】

[Equipment required for production: flask, stirrer, thermometer, gas mask, PH paper. 】


‘Materials’, ‘Equipment’, ‘Procedures’, ‘Dosing symptoms’, ‘Hardness to the body’, etc. are clearly presented in the post.

Yu Keke leaned forward, his right index finger kept sliding the mouse wheel, his pupils tightened, and his eyes focused on these English letters!

At this time, her face was full of surprise, and her heart was filled with waves, which she could not calm down for a long time!

She finally understood why Lucas insisted that it was the formula of the 'new addictive drug' that she leaked.

Because, as you can see from these posts.

The so-called ‘Addictive Drug No. 3’ comes from an online novel.

——"Black Ice".

This novel was published on the international Internet, that is, the overseas version of Qihang Novel. The author is named ‘Mr. Lin’. Upon closer inspection, it is indeed Lin.

That is Lin Chuan.

During this time, Yu Keke has been trying every means to recruit Lin Chuan.

Lucas, the head of Morgan Group's Asia-Pacific region, had every reason to suspect that she had leaked secrets during her dealings with Lin Chuan.

This possibility is very, very big.

"Lucas, I have to explain to you that this was never leaked from me!" Yu Keke took a deep breath and said calmly.

"Not you?"

Lucas asked rhetorically.

"It's definitely not me. Look at the 'Black Ice' section. There are all kinds of 'addictive drugs'. Except for No. 3, which is our 'new addictive drug', there are no No. 1, No. 2, etc." appeared in the industry.”

Yu Keke calmed down in a short time and asked her question.

On the other side of the phone, Lucas was silent for a while.

About five or six seconds later.

He then said: "But it is undeniable that the emergence of this sector has been seen by other peers, and they will inevitably conduct research on it. Once our 'new addictive drugs' are developed by our peers, our advantages will be lost." live."

Yu Keke also fell silent.

She believed that although several key materials were blocked in the post, it could not withstand the hysterical and crazy experiments of her colleagues.

As long as there are enough experiments and enough time, it is very possible for a 'new addictive drug' to be developed by peers!

"Close this section first and then delete these posts."

Yu Keke thought for a while and made a suggestion.

At this time, her heart was a little confused.

She never expected that Lin Chuan would quietly publish a novel overseas, and the No. 3 addictive drug described in this novel was exactly the same as the new addictive drug she controlled!

"I've ordered specialized hackers to do it."

Lucas replied in a deep voice, "What you should be thinking about now is that Lin Chuan you want to recruit is already being targeted by several colleagues. This is a very dangerous sign!"

Yu Keke's expression froze.

Lin Chuan holds detailed information on a variety of 'addictive drugs'. If he cannot be recruited by them and instead joins other organizations or even the police department, it will be a fatal blow to them.

Lucas didn't wait for Yu Keke's reply, and continued: "No matter what your attitude is towards Lin Chuan, there are only two roads in front of him now."

His voice was dark and there was cruelty in his tone.

There are two ways, Lucas has not said clearly.

However, as a listener, Yu Keke knew it well.

One, join them.

Two, disappear.

This is a kind of "destroy if you don't get it" approach. It is better to be broken than to be destroyed. It is the norm in the underground world of gray and black areas.

All for morbid gain.

"I'll try one last time. If it doesn't work, let him disappear." Yu Keke's eyes narrowed, and his delicate and beautiful face suddenly became cold.

"how long it takes?"

Lucas asked.

"Two days." Yu Keke took a deep breath, and then said, "Delete the post first. I don't want to see it again tomorrow."

"Small problem." Lucas didn't care.

He has a team of professional hackers at his disposal to target those comments and related information that are detrimental to them on the Internet.

He was very familiar with this.

"Don't underestimate Lin Chuan, his hacking skills are also very strong!" Yu Keke reminded.

“I still can’t win an online writer?”

Lucas smiled, "Besides, no matter how powerful his network skills are, he is only one person!"

The Morgan Group maintains a large number of top hackers and pays them a large amount of money every year. The salary of each top hacker is in millions or even tens of millions.

This so-called ‘underground world’ was just created by an online writer.

Could it be that this large group of top hackers still can’t take it down?

Isn't that a joke?

In the gaming industry, it is possible for a team to have epic reinforcements and the team's top salary, but not be able to beat a player with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, and suffer a double defeat!

But this is absolutely impossible to happen in the hacker circle.

Hackers don't look at popularity, but at technology!

This is where Lucas’ confidence lies in the online world!

the other side.

Yu Keke hung up the phone.

Then, he was stunned.

The moonlight outside the window was hazy, and the rustling wind spread to the room, making her feel a little confused.

"You will get too much, and you will either be a partner or an enemy."

Yu Keke let out a long sigh.

Qingxiu District, Linjiang Prefecture.

The little renter parked the shared electric car in the parking space outside the community, then walked into the community and returned to the small house.

"Xinxin, let me sort out some information."

Lin Chuan stretched and said hello to the little tenant.


Zhang Xinxin pursed her lips and smiled.

Immediately, she also held her notebook and began to create secretly.

Lin Chuan walked into the exclusive 'office-coding room', turned on the computer, and prepared to sort out the various 'addictive drugs' that appeared in "Black Ice" and then send them to Xia Qingqing to provide information help to the police.


The speaker of his computer made a 'ding dong ding dong' sound, and the button icon in the taskbar flashed continuously.

Lin Chuan clicked the button, and Ancolina's chat box popped up.

"Idol, hurry!" Ancolina sent a message with the expression 'worried.jpg'.

Lin Chuan moved his fingers slightly and tapped on the keyboard: "Ancolina, why are you so anxious?"

"Our 'underworld' is under attack!"

Ancolina replied immediately.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan frowned: "Who is attacking our 'underground world'?"

At this moment.

[Ancolina requests a voice call. 】

——KouKou pop-up prompt.

Lin Chuan put on his headphones and clicked to answer.


Ancolina's voice reached Lin Chuan's ears, a little soft, like a spring breeze.

"Ancolina." Lin Chuan smiled, "How is the situation now?"

Ancolina's tone was a little excited: "Idol, their offensive is getting more and more fierce. I have no way to trace their position now."

"Well, can you hold on?"

Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows lightly and asked.

"I'm alone, and it's a bit difficult to support myself." Ancolina didn't try to be brave, but said truthfully.

If one on one, she is not afraid at all.

But the opponent seemed to be an organization, and its offensive was getting stronger and stronger, so Ancolina directly turned to her idol Lin Chuan for help.

"Do not worry."

Lin Chuan comforted him, his tone appeared confident and calm.

"With the God of Hackers taking action, of course I won't be in a hurry."

Ancolina's soft laughter came from the earphones, "However, the scale of their attacks is getting bigger and bigger. They are not like scattered top hackers, but organized and premeditated network intrusions!"

"Lend me your authority, and I'll fight back while you position yourself!"

Lin Chuan has rich experience in network offensive and defensive warfare, so he immediately made a judgment.

He wants to know even more, who wants to invade the 'underground world'?

What's the purpose?

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