Steel Plant.

Shen Jianhua was surprised and confused.

He had seriously thought about the transformation of the military factory that Lin Chuan mentioned, but unfortunately the conditions of the Anling Iron and Steel Plant did not allow it.

But now, Lin Chuan said that he could solve the two major problems of 'military factory qualification' and 'military industry technology'.

Hope instantly ignited in his heart.

No one has a greater affection for this steel plant than he does.

After he was discharged from the army, he plunged into this steel plant and witnessed its transformation from a backward production workshop to the modern factory it is today.

He is a participant and a creator.

Now that the steel factory is about to go bankrupt, he is more reluctant to give up and heartbroken than the workers who are waiting for work.

Lin Chuan's words suddenly gave him a hint of unrealistic fantasy.

Yes, it's fantasy.

‘Military factory qualifications’ and ‘military industry technology’, no matter which one they are, cannot be mastered and solved by ordinary people.

Lin Chuan, he is just an online writer.

Shen Jianhua often heard about Lin Chuan's feats from his daughter.

For example, survey the scene, solve crimes at the speed of light, arrest fraudsters, destroy antique fraud gangs, etc.

He knew how powerful Lin Chuan was in some aspects.


‘Military Factory Qualification’ and ‘Military Industry Technology’ are completely different fields from these!

It involves the economic development plan of a region and the level of scientific and technological productivity of the region, which is a macro-level thing.

It's not as simple as just catching one or two criminals!

Of course, catching criminals is not easy!

Therefore, Shen Jianhua looked at his daughter, trying to get some inside information from her face.

Unfortunately, Shen Qianqian was also confused.

She had not heard Lin Chuan mention these things, but she had only heard that Lin Chuan proposed the idea of ​​'transforming the military factory'.

At this time, she couldn't help but ask her father: "Lin Chuan, I haven't heard you say this before."

Lin Chuan felt the gazes of the Shen family's father and daughter and smiled:

"After you mentioned the situation of the steel plant last time, I began to think about whether there is a remedy. As you know, the steel plant is the steel pillar of Anling City. If it collapses, Anling's heavy industry will be in ruins."

Shen Qianqian continued: "So, what do you want to do for Anling City?"

Lin Chuan nodded happily: "The collapse of the steel pillars involves all aspects. The number of jobs in the entire industry chain will be reduced by at least half. Public security issues will arise again. This thing will also trouble your police station. I am cooperating with the police station. Relationships, of course, must also be considered for the police department.”

Shen Qianqian was startled and opened her mouth.

What this old friend said seems to make sense.

The collapse of the steel plant seemed to have nothing to do with her. In fact, there was a hidden thread involving her.

"So, are you thinking about me...our police station?" Shen Qianqian asked in a daze with her eyebrows half-tightened.

"All of them."

Lin Chuan responded.

The impact of this is too wide-ranging.

Big changes at the macro level will be vividly reflected in the details at the micro level. To be honest, Lin Chuan would have to give Shen Qianqian a cram school.

Here, he also had Xinxin in mind.

In short, if the steel plant can be transformed into a military industrial enterprise, it will only be 500% beneficial to him, Xinxin, Shen Qianqian, the steel plant, and even Anling City!

Win-win in many aspects!

In the steel factory, Shen Jianhua's rough hands touched the machinery next to him.

He had also anticipated various impacts on the current situation of the steel plant, so he knew clearly that 'transformation' was not Lin Chuan's hot-headed idea, but a well-thought-out initiative.

Thinking of this, Shen Jianhua secretly looked at the handsome young man standing next to his daughter.

At 1.86 meters tall, she is half a head taller than Shen Qianqian. She has a clean face and a light smile. She is dressed simply, but the words she raises and gestures make people feel like a spring breeze. There is also an extraordinary feeling between her eyebrows, like a spring breeze. .

Shen Jianhua nodded with a hint of appreciation in his eyes: "Xiao Lin, what you said is very good. It's just 'military factory qualifications' and 'military industry technology'. How do you plan to solve it?"

Lin Chuan always only does things he is sure of.

Now, he is fully prepared: "Uncle Shen, I can provide you with the technology. As for the 'Arms Factory Qualification', why not take advantage of this 'National Weapon Innovation Design Competition' and mention it directly to the organizer."

"How dare you think that!"

Shen Qianqian opened her mouth and looked at Lin Chuan in surprise.

Good guy!

Others enter the competition to design weapons.

This guy took part in the competition and asked the organizer for the ‘Arms Factory Qualification’. He really wanted to be an arms tycoon!

"Who is the organizer of this competition?" Shen Jianhua frowned and asked.

Shen Qianqian knew this competition very well and immediately answered: "The organizers are the National Weapons Research Institute and the National Ordnance Industry Institute."

"If you can talk to two units, it is indeed not difficult to qualify for the military factory."

Shen Jianhua's eyes suddenly brightened, but the light in his eyes soon dimmed, "If you want to be recognized by these two units, what level should the weapons used in the competition be?"

Shen Qianqian also sighed softly, with a hint of loneliness on her face: "My gun is probably dead."

"There's a show!"

Lin Chuan chuckled, "If you improve it further, your gun will have a good chance."

Shen Qianqian looked down at the drawing of the gun she designed and shook her head: "This is the upper limit of my level."

"This gun still has room for improvement." Lin Chuan encouraged.

"Then change it again."

Shen Qianqian pursed her lips, nodded solemnly, and then brought the topic to Lin Chuan's rocket launcher, "Can your rocket launcher really work?"

"Of course." Lin Chuan gave an affirmative reply.

This rocket launcher is being snatched up by armed forces in Southeast Asia and the Middle East in the virtual world.

Some countries spend a lot of money to dismantle their "long-range box rocket launchers" and purchase their technology at a high price.

A certain military power also extended an olive branch to him.

These achievements are not enough to be appreciated by outsiders.

"Then give it a try."

As the director of the steel plant, Shen Jianhua took a deep breath and said.

In this situation, what else could he ask for?

Xiaolin's rocket launcher model drawings do look very professional. Compared with Qianqian's 'modular new rifle', it is more likely to be recognized by the two organizers.

Treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

What if it happens?

Soon, the three of them were involved in making models of weapons for the competition.

Shen Qianqian's 'modular new rifle' still needs to be optimized, so Lin Chuan's 'long-range box rocket launcher' is made first.

This time the model production was naturally led by Lin Chuan.

Steel factory, inside the office.

Lin Chuan inserted the USB flash drive, exported the model drawings, and designed the production process based on the machines currently available in the steel plant.

Outside the office.

Shen Jianhua pulled his daughter aside and glanced back at Lin Chuan.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Qianqian looked at the mysterious Shen Jianhua and asked in confusion.

"Let me ask you something." Shen Jianhua laughed dryly.

"Then you can ask. After asking, I will help Lin Chuan." Shen Qianqian's heart is still with Lin Chuan and she wants to help Lin Chuan make a weapon model of the 'long-range box rocket launcher'.


Shen Jianhua's expression changed, "How long have you and Xiao Lin known each other?"

Shen Qianqian frowned slightly, wondering: "It's been almost half a year. Are you worried about Lin Chuan? Dad, you don't have to worry. He is the key protection target of our Anling police. Just relax."

"It's been more than half a year. So, Xiao Lin is very good?" Shen Jianhua asked again.

"of course."

Speaking of Lin Chuan, Shen Qianqian's eyebrows were raised and she smiled, "Dad, you may not think he is young, but he has a lot of skills."

Mentally, she added.

——Although he knows how to do it, it’s not very serious.

Shen Jianhua said a long "Oh" and continued to ask with interest: "So, are you two friends now?"

Shen Qianqian immediately took a step back, curled her lips, and complained: "I thought you were worried about Lin Chuan's skills, but it turns out you have other intentions!"

"Qianqian, this is not for other purposes. You know, what dad is most concerned about right now is you and the steel factory."

Shen Jianhua sighed slightly.

Since the steel factory went downhill, his mood has also dropped. At a certain moment, he suddenly realized that he was getting old.

As people get older, they will inevitably think too much.

Besides the steel factory, what he missed was Shen Qianqian.

However, Shen Qianqian has been working for such a long time, and her career is booming. She often performs meritorious services and receives awards from her unit.


In terms of relationships, there has been no movement.

Will this not make the old father anxious?

"Dad, you don't have to worry about this." Shen Qianqian glanced in the direction of the office and said immediately.

The most annoying thing for young people is the urge to get married and have children.

Shen Qianqian is no exception.

Love is not something you can have just by thinking about it. Even if you want to force it, you may not have it!

Moreover, the marriage market is not in recession right now!

Shen Jianhua was angry and old, so he said one more thing: "Qianqian, I see Xiaolin..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Qianqian.

"Stop it!"

Shen Qianqian immediately made an 'X' with both hands and said, "I have a girlfriend, so don't make random connections!"


Shen Jianhua, the old father, was suddenly speechless and couldn't talk to him, so he just said something secretly in his heart.


"You should worry less about young people's affairs. Just wait until your steel factory turns into a military factory. If you really have nothing to do, go dance in the square with your mother. Otherwise, there will be many old men in the square. Please be careful. "Okay." Shen Qianqian pouted slightly and teased her father.

Shen Jianhua grinned: "Excellent men are always confident. In this regard, Xiao Lin and I are very similar."


Shen Qianqian suddenly choked on her breath and coughed violently.

This dad is so shameless!

Well, in this regard, he is quite similar to Lin Chuan!

After chatting, the Shen family father and daughter walked back to the office and worked with Lin Chuan on the model production of the 'Yancheng box-type rocket launcher'.

Lin Chuan has a "horrendously rich" weapon production experience.

Therefore, model making is not difficult.

Long-range rocket launchers have quickly become a popular military weapon due to their "multi-shot joint launch" of rockets, fast firing speed, fierce firepower, good surprise, and strong maneuverability.

For example, the HIMARS rocket launcher is one of the "hot items".

The "long-range rocket launcher" that Lin Chuan wants to make is somewhat similar to the gun designed by Shen Qianqian, and introduces the "box-type modular" design.

Such a design has long been in reality.

"Box-type modular" can make the rocket body sealed in the launch box like a missile.

Once a war occurs, a launch box can be quickly installed on the launcher of the rocket launcher for quick use and greater convenience.

Therefore, the long-range box-type rocket launcher has also become one of the mainstream development directions of rocket launchers.

"Lin Chuan, your "box-type modular" design seems to be very strong." Shen Qianqian compared her "modular new rifle" and immediately felt the difference.

Lin Chuan smiled and explained: "The box-type rocket launcher I designed can achieve precise strikes at different distances by replacing rockets of different calibers."

"How many kilometers can it reach at most?"

Shen Jianhua asked on the side.

Lin Chuan pointed at the rocket launcher model on the computer, and then cut out the model of the rocket, with a touch of confidence on his face: "I prepared three different caliber rockets this time. Theoretically, it can achieve accurate strikes within 600 kilometers!"

"Although I don't understand it very well, it seems very powerful."

Shen Qianqian didn't know much about rocket launchers, but when she heard "600 kilometers", she just felt very powerful.

Shen Jianhua didn't understand it very well either.

"Uncle Shen, I'm done here, and I can make the model." Lin Chuan knew that the father and daughter of the Shen family didn't have much contact with rocket launchers, so he skipped this topic and went directly to the production process.

"Okay." Shen Jianhua nodded.

Out of the office.

Shen Qianqian walked side by side with Lin Chuan.

She turned her head, looked at Lin Chuan, and sincerely asked: "Lin Chuan, when your model is made, help me optimize my rifle again, I also want to do something for the steel plant."

Lin Chuan looked at Shen Qianqian's bright and clear eyes, and smiled: "Of course no problem."

The preliminary round is coming.

The production of weapon models became the top priority for Lin Chuan and Shen Qianqian.

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