I asked you to write a book, but I didn’t ask you to reveal your criminal record!

Chapter 228 Lin Chuan is indeed very strong! (Five thousand words chapter!)

The release of Lin Chuan's "Arms Tycoon" has attracted great attention in a short period of time.

In addition to the "French Fries Novels", there are also Lin Chuan's readers at home and abroad.

In China, Lin Chuan's reader group "Everyone is responsible for abiding by the law" exploded, and many readers who had not been active for a long time also popped up.

Lao Bai, as a loyal reader of Lin Chuan and the administrator of this group, directly @all members, shouting that Lin has opened a new book!

[The criminal suspect Lin has resurrected! ]

[The new book is finally here. After such a long time, I am thirsty! ]

[Brother upstairs, it has only been more than a month since the last book was finished. Are you thirsty already? ]

[Only more than a month? Damn! I thought it had been several centuries! ]

[Let me see what the new book looks like! ]

[Brothers, guess where I read Lin's new book? ]

[I don't know where you are. I'm already at the police station. If I find anything wrong, I'll report it. Then I'll get thousands of dollars. How great! ]

[Brother, you're so fast! ]

[Brothers are out. Now there's a new way to make money! ]

[What's the way to make money? ]

[Live broadcast! What new technology the author writes about, I'll live broadcast that technology, and guarantee it'll be very popular! ]

[Are you really not afraid of being caught? ]

[What are you afraid of? If I'm caught, I'll give up the suspect Lin. Then the reward for providing clues will also be credited to my account, and I'll make two profits! ]

[Fuck, genius! ]


These 'illegals', talking all at once, flooded the readership with news in a few seconds.

[News 999+. ]

As the person involved, Lin Chuan couldn't help grinning after reading the speeches of these 'illegals'.

Especially the brother who was going to live broadcast, he also sent out the address of the live broadcast room, which was really scary.


Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I had informed Lao Sun in advance, which was considered a record, otherwise I would have been hurt by these readers.


Lin Chuan’s readers and fans mainly gathered in the ‘International Forum-Underworld’.

Ancolina can be regarded as Lin Chuan’s number one loyal fan overseas. As soon as Lin Chuan’s new book was released, she read it eagerly.

Of course.

There is also a group of people who pay special attention to Lin Chuan’s dynamics.

——Morgan Group.

‘Morgan Group Asia Pacific Branch’ is located in a corner of Southeast Asia, and the prosperous city has become its shelter.

It is hidden in the high-rise buildings, and there is no iconic building outside. At first glance, it is just an ordinary company, not very eye-catching, but the security guard at the door has a cold look, and multiple cameras are staring at each intersection. Any wind and grass nearby are captured by this behemoth.

At this time.

An Audi A8 drove into the interior in a steady manner, and a woman got out of the car.

This woman is very beautiful, with an oval face, a straight nose, and a face shape very similar to Yu Keke. Her skin is also very white. She is not old, about 27 or 28 years old.

It is Yu Keke's sister, Yu Qin.

She walked into the office with a graceful step.

In the office.

Lucas, the head of the Asia-Pacific region of Morgan Group, has been waiting for a long time.

"How is the negotiation going?"

As soon as Yu Qin entered the door, Lucas came up and asked.

"'Shania Weapons Research Company' opened a lion's mouth, which is 30% higher than our estimated price." Yu Qin looked a little unhappy, sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face.

These days.

She personally negotiated with the 'Shania Weapons Research Company' to discuss the patent transfer of the most advanced 'long-range box rocket launcher' they are researching.

Yu Qin attaches great importance to this 'long-range box rocket launcher'.

It has broken through more than ten key bottleneck technologies, has great lethality, and is suitable for various war zones. The theoretical range originally evaluated was 300 kilometers. Yu Qin learned after in-depth contact that the range can reach 350 kilometers, which is 50 kilometers more than the most advanced "HIMARS rocket launcher" in the United States!

In Yu Qin's plan-

It is imperative to take down Shanya's "long-range box rocket launcher". It can not only save Yu Keke from the death penalty, but also produce and sell it to some armed forces in the Middle East, killing two birds with one stone.

Maybe Shanya knew Yu Qin's purpose, so it increased the price by 30%.


Lucas murmured, "You are an expert in arms, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? Now that Keke's sentence has come out, the death penalty, this 30% premium can only be accepted." Yu Qin held his breath.

"What about this "long-range box rocket launcher", the subsequent pricing?"

Lucas asked.


In the field of arms, Lucas completely regards Yu Qin as an authority.

Yu Qin pondered for a while: "The wool comes from the sheep, and the price of this 'long-range box rocket launcher' has also increased by 30%."

Lucas hesitated for a moment, frowning slightly: "Increase by 30%...Isn't the price of the rocket launcher too high?"

"There is only one store, no other branches."

Yu Qin threw out such a sentence.

After the negotiation ended today, she spread the news in her arms channel that the long-range box rocket launcher with a range of 350 kilometers could be sold.

The Middle East's 'Has Armed Forces' showed a strong desire to buy, and have made an appointment with Yu Qin for a face-to-face meeting tomorrow.

"Okay, you decide on the arms." Lucas shrugged and casually agreed.

"I have already obtained the drawings and patents of the rocket launcher. Now I will pass these things to Coco through special channels." Yu Qin looked at Lucas and said.

Lucas nodded and immediately began to contact people.

They have been planning for many years and have multiple secret channels in their hands. It is not difficult to pass some things to Yu Keke.

With the drawings and patents of the rocket launcher, Yu Keke can be pulled back from the gates of hell.

This is Yu Qin's main purpose.

Death penalty to suspended death sentence, then to life imprisonment... She is too familiar with these operations.

"Is there any special news about Lin Chuan?"

Yu Qin lit a cigarette, pinched it between two fingers, and asked with his legs crossed.

"He has no special movements, just released a new book today." Lucas also heard from his subordinates.

Yu Qin blew out a puff of smoke: "What special news is the release of a new book?"

"Then there is nothing."

Lucas shook his head.

In the office, the two fell silent.

Yu Qin took two more puffs: "Where did Lin Chuan publish that book? Let me see."

"I'll ask."

Lucas immediately started asking, and after getting the news, he replied to Yu Qin: "There are currently three versions. The Chinese version was published in his country, and the English version was published in the 'Qihang Novels International Edition'."

"What about the other version?" Yu Qin asked.


Lucas smiled, "It was pirated by the French Fries Novel Company. Many people in Southeast Asia are using this software to read novels."

He is quite familiar with the behavior and habits of local people.

"Lucas, bring me a copy too, let me see what Lin Chuan wrote." Yu Qin flicked the ash and said.

She remembered that Yu Keke had told her——

Yu Keke wanted to recruit an online writer, and the novels of this online writer were all his criminal records, and his level of crime could also be seen from the novels.

‘Hass Armed Forces’ asked her to meet tomorrow, and now she was still bored, so she might as well read Lin Chuan’s novel.

As the saying goes, ‘Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles’. Knowing this online writer will help her take action in the future.

Not long after.

A staff member came with a tablet and placed it in front of Yu Qin.

Yu Qin flipped through it casually.

In this tablet, both the overseas version of the novel “Qihang” and the French Fries novel were downloaded.

Yu Qin didn’t care which one was genuine or pirated, and just clicked on a software.

Then, she entered Lin Chuan’s pen name.

——Mr. Lin.

A series of books popped up on the novel platform immediately, and the top one was the new book “Arms Tycoon”.

Yu Qin was half leaning on the sofa, looking lazy.

After the translated version of the words “Arms Tycoon” came into her sight, she suddenly became interested in this book.

She didn’t know whether this book was Lin Chuan’s autobiography.

But the words "arms tycoon" are her identity, and she wants to see what Lin Chuan can write.

She clicked on "Arms Tycoon" lightly.

The content of the novel was suddenly presented to her-

'My name is Lin. '

'In a turbulent and turbulent world, I am named "Arms Tycoon". '

'Mr. Lin, in the eyes of many people, represents power, wealth, and technology. '

'It also represents legend. '

'I stand in the afterglow of my old age, recalling this life experience, and I also feel it is bizarre and incredible. '

'If I say it out, no one may believe it. '

'I was the boss of a toy factory, but because of an unexpected decision, I embarked on the road of selling arms. '


This is the first time Yu Qin has read Lin Chuan's novel. She reads this opening chapter carefully, or rather, she is savoring it.

She extinguished the cigarette butt in her hand, pressed it into the ashtray, adjusted her sitting position on the sofa, and her breathing gradually slowed down.

She could feel the charm of the words in Lin Chuan's novel.

She could even feel an arms tycoon standing at the top, overlooking the world, recalling the past in his twilight years, and telling his legendary life to an unknown audience.

Yu Qin continued to read.

'I was born in an ordinary family. '

'Since I was a child, I have been full of curiosity about weapons, especially like to make some small toys about weapons. '

'I remember very clearly that when I was eight years old, I used a homemade toy gun to break the glass window of the neighbor's house. I was severely punished and my butt was broken. '

'But my passion for guns and weapons has not diminished, but even worse. '

'However, my studies have become an obstacle to my research on guns and weapons. '

'I have to spend a lot of time every day on some useless homework. ’

‘Fortunately, I always get high marks in physics, mathematics and chemistry. My elders always say that I am too biased in certain subjects. If I can do well in other subjects, I will definitely have a bright future. ’

‘I didn’t take their words seriously. ’

‘After the college entrance examination, I was admitted to a very ordinary university. ’

‘The only thing to be thankful for is that in these four years, I can devote myself to the research of weapons, which is my hobby. ’

‘But hobbies cannot make a living. ’

‘After graduation, we were caught up in the wave of layoffs. It was very difficult to find a job in China unless we entered a factory. ’

‘Later, I went abroad and went to Southeast Asia. ’

‘I started a business there, first buying and selling toys, and later, I even opened my own toy factory. ’


Looking at it, Yu Qin became a little obsessed.

The 'Lin' inside is somewhat similar to her. She has had a strong interest in weapons since childhood.

However, her growth was much smoother than Lin's.

Because her father supported her research on weapons and gave her real guns and took her to see various types of weapons.

After growing up.

She naturally inherited her father's mantle and became an arms tycoon, responsible for the Morgan Group's military weapons supply throughout the Middle East.

My younger sister, Yu Keke, has a keen sense of medicine.

Therefore, Yu Keke started his experience in the "addictive drugs" industry.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chuan took over.

Thinking of this, Yu Qin shook his head and put aside the thoughts in his mind.

Read on.

‘This toy factory mainly produces weapon models, which are very realistic. ’

'This is due to my long-term research on weapons. ’

‘Soon, my toys gained a certain reputation among children in Southeast Asia. ’

‘Many children, by name, wanted toys from ‘Lin’s Toy Factory’. ’

‘Until one day, my toy was spotted by a militant. ’

‘His name is Karl, he is the general of the Arak armed forces in Southeast Asia, which means the leader. ’

‘I remember very clearly that a toy he was interested in was the ‘Sig Sauer P365-AXG pistol’. At that time, I produced the toy as a real weapon, and the same was true for this toy pistol. ’

‘It is made of toy-level materials. Apart from being non-lethal, it almost replicates a pistol one to one. ’

'But just such a small toy completely changed my destiny. ’

'That night. ’

‘General Karl led his men and surrounded the entire toy factory. ’


See here.

Yu Qin raised the corners of his mouth slightly and murmured in a low voice: "It's interesting to make a little toy. Because it is so realistic, it attracted special attention from the militants."

In the office.

Lucas sat not far across from Yu Qin, frowning slightly as he looked at Yu Qin's appearance.

However, he did not disturb Yu Qin.

Yu Qin's eyes were still on the novel.

‘The siege by Arak’s armed forces made me a little panicked. ’

‘Especially Karl, he was wearing a black combat uniform, with dark skin, a tall build, and a gun on his waist. He looked like a monster in the night, which put a lot of pressure on me. ’

‘He pointed to the ‘Sig Sauer P365-AXG pistol’ in my hand, said that my pistol was very finely made, and wanted to place a big order with me. ’

'Later, Carl recalled that he must have been crazy to find a toy factory to make guns. ’

'However, fate is so strange, like a torrent, pushing us in an unknown direction. ’

'That night. ’

‘The Arak armed forces headed by Karl did place a big order with us. ’

‘Sig Sauer P3P5 submachine gun, HK433 assault rifle, etc. ’

‘And Carl gave me a big deposit. ’

‘He also expressed the hope that he and I can cooperate for a long time. ’

'After working with him, I realized that the reason why he asked me to cooperate was actually an arms supplier from Southeast Asia who relied on his unique supply channels to charge exorbitant prices. Therefore, he wanted to set up an arms dealer of his own. . ’

‘And I am his attempt. ’

'As it turns out, he succeeded. ’

‘After Carl gave me the order, I took the lead in making the ‘Sig Sauer P365-AXG pistol’. ’

‘This pistol is a classic. ’

‘I can even tell you its detailed data one by one now. ’

Below, there is indeed attached a piece of relevant data on the ‘Sig Sauer P365-AXG pistol’.

Look further down.

This is the production process of the ‘Sig Sauer P365-AXG pistol’.

‘The first step is to make the gun body. ’

‘The frame of this pistol is made of aluminum alloy. I remember I was very excited. The machine was debugged by myself to ensure that it was foolproof. ’

'Fortunately, my technique is very strong. ’

‘The gun body is formed, and this piece of aluminum alloy has begun to take shape as the slide mount. ’

‘The second step is to finely cut the gun body into a complete shape. ’


Lin Chuan wrote in great detail about the production process and related data.

For example, the processes of hollowing out the gun body, anti-corrosion of the gun body, loading the receiver, making the barrel, etc. are all introduced one by one.

Some key steps are omitted by routine.

Otherwise, it can be called the production manual of the ‘Sig Sauer P365-AXG pistol’.


The production process of weapons such as the 'MP5 submachine gun' and 'HK433 assault rifle' also caught Yu Qin's eyes.

at this time.

Yu Qin had gradually changed from a half-lying position to a sitting position. His originally lazy expression actually showed a serious look.

Of course she knew the production process of these weapons.

She was puzzled as to how Lin Chuan could describe it in such detail, making her feel like she had walked into the production workshop of a military factory.

To know--

It is extremely difficult for words to convey a picture and make people immersed in it.

However, she could clearly feel this in Lin Chuan's description.

Not only the manufacturing process of weapons, but also Lin Chuan knew clearly what kind of equipment had what effect and how to control it in the military factory.

At this time, Yu Qin was already very suspicious of Lin Chuan's identity.

Is he really just a writer of online articles?


Judging from this novel alone, Yu Qin knew that Lin Chuan was at least a weapons expert.

"No wonder, no wonder."

Yu Qin temporarily came out of the novel "Arms Tycoon" and repeated.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked from the other side.

Yu Qin took a deep breath: "No wonder Yu Keke is obsessed with him and must bring him into the group. Lin Chuan is indeed very strong."

Lucas' expression suddenly changed: "You don't have the same idea as Coco, do you? This is too dangerous!"

"What do you think I think?" Yu Qin asked.

"You two sisters are really crazy. Coco has fallen into Lin Chuan's hands. If you want to bring him into the group, wouldn't you be sending yourself to death?" Lucas warned bluntly.

Yu Qin's expression remained unchanged and he smiled softly: "I have to say, he is a weapons genius..."

"No! No! No!"

Lucas crossed his arms and interrupted Yu Qin loudly, "Quickly put away this dangerous idea of ​​yours!"

There was a hint of coldness in Yu Qin's eyes: "Just because I admire him doesn't mean I will let him go."

"That's good. I thought you were the same as Coco. That's really crazy."

Lucas was glad he heard this answer.

Otherwise, he really has to suspect that the aesthetics of the two sisters of the Yu family are completely made from the same mold, completely replicating them one to one.

Two sisters from the Yu family, don’t give them away one after another!

Sorry, brothers, it’s a little late. I’ll give you 5,200 words, and I’ll still have 10,000 words tomorrow! Asking for a follow-up order!

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