I asked you to write a book, but I didn’t ask you to reveal your criminal record!

Chapter 241 The ultimate fantasy of the online writer (please subscribe)

At this time, Shen Jianhua's face was red from drunkenness, and even his breath was full of alcohol.

Before Lin Chuan could answer, Shen Qianqian snatched Shen Jianhua's wine glass and snorted: "Old Shen, you have grown up!"

"Qianqian, what are you doing?" Shen Jianhua was drunk and looked at his daughter, a little confused.

"If you drink more, I will have another uncle!" Shen Qianqian also put away the wine bottle.

At this time, Shen's mother poured Shen Jianhua a cup of tea: "Don't drink, if you lose your composure in front of Xiaolin, how can you be the factory director?"

When Shen Jianhua heard this, he temporarily suppressed his drunkenness: "Xiaolin, I am talking nonsense after drinking, don't mind it."

Lin Chuan first glanced at Shen Qianqian, and then responded: "Brother Shen, I don't mind it."

"Brother Lin, hahaha!"

Shen Jianhua immediately laughed, and the drunkenness rushed to his head again.

Shen Qianqian's face turned green. Lin Chuan was about to become her uncle, but she couldn't let Lin Chuan be a generation older than her for nothing, so she said, "Xiao Lin, you've drunk too much!"

"I only drank three cups."

Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows at Shen Qianqian, "And you should call me Uncle Lin, not Xiao Lin."

"Yes, disrespectful!" Shen Jianhua immediately agreed.

Shen Qianqian secretly clenched her fists and was angry, but she had no way to deal with her Uncle Lin.

Shen Jianhua drank very happily during this meal.

Lin Chuan also ate very happily.

After eating and drinking, Shen Jianhua was already drunk and was helped back to the room by his mother. Shen Qianqian took Lin Chuan out of the house and took a walk outside.

"Let's go out for a walk."

Shen Qianqian said so.

Lin Chuan touched his slightly swollen belly and agreed happily.

The two walked out of the house. It was already past six in the evening. The sunset in the sky fell on this slightly old neighborhood. The shadows of the two were stretched very long, all the way to the curb opposite.

The floral skirt before was stained with the smell of food from the kitchen.

So Shen Qianqian changed her clothes.

- She changed into a light white spinning shirt and a denim skirt that was not over the knee. She was tall, with a thin waist and long legs. Walking in the afterglow, she looked like a girl in a comic.

"What are you looking at?"

Shen Qianqian turned her head and looked at Lin Chuan.

Not far from the community, there is a riverbank along the Anling River, and on it is a riverside trail for pedestrians to walk.

Shen Qianqian leaned on the railing. On this river that runs through Anling City, the autumn evening breeze blew in her face. She did not tie her neat ponytail as usual, but let it down, and it swayed slightly in the evening breeze.

To be honest, she is really beautiful.

In Lin Chuan's opinion, Shen Qianqian's appearance is impeccable. Even those popular young actresses who put on makeup should only be able to compete with her.

Especially her long legs, which can only be described in two words.

- Perfect.

So, after drinking three or two cups, Lin Chuan lowered his head and looked at her for a few more times. When he heard Shen Qianqian talking, he subconsciously replied: "I'm looking at her legs."


Shen Qianqian immediately spat.

Lin Chuan laughed awkwardly, then explained seriously: "I'm very puzzled. You are a criminal policeman. You should exercise a lot and be on duty frequently. Logically, the muscle lines of your legs should be very obvious, but why can't you see them?"


Shen Qianqian didn't believe Lin Chuan's words, "Do you think I'm Xinxin?"

Lin Chuan laughed, and the slight drunkenness had not yet dissipated: "You know, I'm not interested in women. My profession makes me pay more attention to details."

"Really?" Shen Qianqian approached Lin Chuan and stretched out her legs, "How about touching it?"

"Is it okay?"

Lin Chuan took a look at the slender, white and delicate legs and asked with a smile.

"You wish! I'm not a casual girl!"

Shen Qianqian snorted.

"Twenty-five years old, I'm really not a little girl anymore." Lin Chuan agreed and joked.


Shen Qianqian took a deep breath and calmed down her desire to fight.

-Don't do it, you can't beat him!

In fact, a twenty-five-year-old is not necessarily very mature. Rather than saying twenty-five, it is better to say that she is a college student who has just graduated for two years.

So, Shen Qianqian is still a little childish.

Especially in front of Lin Chuan.

The evening breeze on the river blew over, slightly cool. Lin Chuan wore a white shirt and held a suit jacket in his hand, and walked along the riverside trail with Shen Qianqian.

They walked for about half an hour.

Shen Qianqian raised her hand and pointed: "Cross this road and you will reach my place. Do you want to go up and sit? I will make you some tea to wake you up. I see you are a little drunk."

She did not live with her parents.

The house that Shen Jianhua was assigned was not large and had only one bathroom, which was not convenient.

So, the couple decided to buy a suite for Shen Qianqian.

It is also much closer to the police station, saving a large part of the journey. After all, criminal police are on call 24 hours a day and may be on a mission at any time. If you live far away, you will have to wait for three or four traffic lights on the road, which will delay the mission for more than ten minutes.

"Isn't this bad?"

Lin Chuan looked in the direction Shen Qianqian pointed and shook his head again.

He was an online writer and knew very well that according to the development of the plot, the next plot might be a melodramatic plot. This was unacceptable. This was unacceptable.

He had not yet gotten over the hurdle in his heart.

He had a strange feeling towards Shen Qianqian. If you want to say that he liked her, he definitely had some.

Men are naturally attracted to beautiful girls.

Moreover, Shen Qianqian is not ordinary beautiful, and has a fatal temptation for any boy.

Especially those legs, Lin Chuan felt that he couldn't stand it!

"Are you thinking about something bad?" Shen Qianqian turned her head and looked at Lin Chuan with a pair of eyebrows furrowed.

"No, no, don't slander others!"

Lin Chuan hurriedly shook his head and thought to himself, does this girl have mind-reading skills? As soon as he glanced at her legs, she immediately asked.

When Shen Qianqian saw Lin Chuan's appearance, she couldn't help but smile: "You are not afraid of slanting shadows if you are upright, why don't you go upstairs?"


Lin Chuan hesitated a little, not knowing how to talk.


Shen Qianqian spat and pursed her lips, "Let's go. I won't eat you. I still have something to discuss with you."

Lin Chuan glanced at Shen Qianqian's back and thought to himself, the evil body is not afraid of the evil shadow. He even dared to fight with giants in the underground world such as AW, Parkson Group, and Morgan Group. Is her home a tiger's den?


Don’t be a coward!

Then, the two of them crossed the road, walked into the garden path of the community, got on the elevator, opened the door, and walked into Shen Qianqian's home.

This is a very typical single apartment for girls.

There is one room and one living room. The items in the living room are neatly arranged. There is no TV, but a projector. There is a small table in the middle. There is a special storage shelf next to the projector, with a small hanging on it. The doll is very eye-catching.

Lin Chuan felt that this doll looked familiar, so he picked it up and took a closer look: "This little yellow duck seems to be..."


Shen Qianqian immediately put the little yellow duck away and put it in the room, like a treasure that Lin Chuan would not touch.

"It's for you after all." Lin Chuan still remembered that this was a little doll he won back at a roadside stall where they were doing balloon shooting not long after they met.

"Sit down, I'll make you some tea."

Shen Qianqian did not answer the question, but turned around and went to make tea.

It didn't take long.

After the tea was brewed, Shen Qianqian held a thermos cup, poured a cup of light tea, and handed it to Lin Chuan: "Here, I think you are almost drunk today."

"Why does this thermos cup look like the style used by middle-aged men?" Lin Chuan took it and looked at it with interest.

"Last time during the May Day holiday, I caught a dozen fraudsters with you. The only prizes given out by the company were this thermos cup and a pen." Shen Qianqian pursed her lips.

Lin Chuan smiled and said: "This thermos cup is also very good, pragmatic."

Made of stainless steel, it's really hard to break.

——It belongs to the kind of 'a cup is passed down to three generations, and it will still be there when people leave'.

Lin Chuan took two sips of tea, which was light and a little warm, and then said: "What did you want to discuss with me?"

This time.

Shen Qianqian took out a document: "Do you remember the 'National Weapon Innovation Design Competition'?"

Lin Chuan nodded: "Remember."

"This is the final document. Regarding the 'modular new rifle' we designed, I want your signature." Shen Qianqian pointed to the document and said.

"You want me to sign?" Lin Chuan was a little confused.

"Yes, we designed this gun together, of course you have to sign it." Shen Qianqian smiled brightly and said matter-of-factly.

"I've been eliminated, why do I still sign?" Lin Chuan waved his hand and took another sip of tea.

"You must sign!"

Shen Qianqian was categorical and had the aura to tell the truth.

"Uh, why?" Lin Chuan frowned.

"Just sign it." Shen Qianqian pouted and thought to herself, if the two names 'Linchuan + Shen Qianqian' appear together, this gun will be regarded as the 'culmination' of me and you. If I use this gun in the future Snipe the enemy with a gun, and you must be sure to shoot accurately!

In this way, I am satisfied!

Lin Chuan would never be able to imagine Shen Qianqian's thought of being romantic.

Lin Chuan looked at Shen Qianqian. Her eyes were bright and clear, with a hint of ardent expectation, and his image was in her pupils.

"Okay." Lin Chuan agreed.

"You sign here." Shen Qianqian was overjoyed, with a smile on her face, pointing to the position on the document, and said to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan looked down and saw that it was the signature place, and asked, "I'm signing here, where are you signing?"

"I'll sign it under yours."

Shen Qianqian pointed to the location below the signature place, which was reserved in the document.

"No, I should be next!" Lin Chuan knew the order of signatures.

"You're on top, it doesn't matter, this is your work too." Shen Qianqian pursed her lips and said.

"I have to stay down."

"I wish you were on top!"

"Qianqian, you should be on top!"

"No punishment, you are on top and I am on bottom. This is the most suitable."


The two of them were arguing, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little charming.

The up and down issues between Shen Qianqian and Lin Chuan suddenly seemed a little strange.

The light in the living room is not that bright white, but has a warm light yellow. At this time, it is reflected between the two people, and the shadows are very close to each other.

Shen Qianqian wears a light white spinning shirt and a denim skirt, giving her a playful and intellectual beauty.

Her facial features were particularly delicate under the light and shadow. Every inch of her skin was white and tender, in the prime of youth, like a delicate and beautiful flower. It seemed that Lin Chuan could pick this beautiful flower like a hungry wolf with just a thought.

Lin Chuan took a deep breath.

Regarding Shen Qianqian, in addition to some good feelings, he also had an indescribable feeling.

Xinxin gave him a sense of being well-behaved and obedient. It was very comfortable to get along with her without any pressure.

As for Shen Qianqian, this rose of Anling gave him a feeling that she was always by his side.

——As long as he looked back, she was there in full bloom.

This is a habit.

Humans are creatures that rely heavily on habits. Habits are also a kind of comfort zone and a nest that makes people not want to leave.

Hackers are used to using a keyboard, and killers are used to using a knife. Once these things are gone, their hearts will be empty, and they always feel that something is missing and they are not used to anything.

Lin Chuan suddenly sighed.

——It would be great if this was a fantasy novel.

You don't have to think so much, you can marry whoever you like, there are no rules and regulations, and the secular world will not look at these with strange moral judgments.

Or, it's okay to be born in Saudi Arabia.

It is said that people there can marry four wives.

Lin Chuan didn't delve into it, just heard it from others, but Shen Qianqian in front of him once again put him in a dilemma.

'Oh, I'm still too good! '

Lin Chuan sighed in his heart. When he wrote a book and failed, he couldn't even pull a girl's hand properly.

Now, it should be the ultimate fantasy of an online writer!

"Don't worry about this issue anymore, I'll sign first." Shen Qianqian realized that something was wrong, and took the lead in breaking the silence and charm, picked up the pen, and quickly signed her name on the document.

Lin Chuan signed directly below Shen Qianqian's name without saying a word.

You can't worry about who is on top and who is on the bottom anymore, otherwise, you will have to spend the night here tonight.

"Lin Chuan, do you think I'm a casual girl?" Shen Qianqian suddenly asked, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

If Lin Chuan had really pounced on her just now...

Her wish would have been fulfilled, and she might not have worried about these things anymore.

But Lin Chuan didn't.

This made her feel even more empty, as if she was praying in the void, and even the devil didn't respond to her.

Lin Chuan took a sip of tea and said solemnly: "Of course you are not."

Shen Qianqian pursed her lips, supported herself on the sofa with both hands, took a deep breath, and smiled: "Okay, we're done, let's go downstairs, I'll take you home."

When she said this, her heart was in a knot.

Shen Qianqian suddenly regretted that she met Lin Chuan on the case, otherwise, she might have gotten ahead of Xinxin.

"Okay." Lin Chuan nodded.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two got up, the sound of knocking on the door rang.

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