"What happened to the company?"

Lin Chuan frowned and walked out of the room with doubts.

The little housekeeper looked a little anxious and handed the phone to Lin Chuan: "This is Li Qing's phone number."

During this time.

Lin Chuan was busy with weapons production at the Anling Toy Factory, so most of the affairs of the 720 Company were handled by the lessor.

Li Qing also reported directly to the tenant.

Lin Chuan answered the phone: "Li Qing, what's wrong with the company?"


Li Qing's voice came out on the phone, his tone a little urgent, "About two minutes ago, an overseas IP launched a large-scale attack on our company and major partners!"

"What specific form?"

Lin Chuan walked out the door while talking on the phone.

The little housekeeper understood immediately, took a suit jacket for Lin Chuan, and followed Lin Chuan.

"DDOS denial of service, Trojan horses, and malicious programs are all there." Li Qing reported truthfully.

"Where's our firewall?"

Lin Chuan walked out of the house quickly and took the elevator down to the underground garage.

On the phone.

Li Qing immediately replied: "Our firewall is still in effect, but the scale of attacks from the other side is very large. It is difficult for our technical staff to intercept them all. What we are most afraid of now is that they bypass the firewall and directly steal the data of our partners."

"Okay, I get it."

Lin Chuan nodded, "You activate the emergency plan first, I will be at the company soon."

Overseas IP!

Most likely AW!

Lin Chuan's heart moved slightly. Ancolina had just reminded herself that AW had already taken action. This speed was too fast!

It is indeed a large organization in the hacker circle!

There is strength in numbers. This is absolutely true. Regarding AW, although Lin Chuan has the world's top super skills, he cannot withstand the crowds on the other side.

At the same time, there was a sudden attack on 720 Company and its partners, making it difficult to prevent them.

The scale is so large that it is difficult for ordinary technicians to cope with it.

But network offensive and defensive battles, especially the grievances between hackers, are rarely a gentleman's battle, that is, a letter of challenge: agreeing on when and how to fight, and there are witnesses.

If so, well, it's game!

Most of the hackers appear in masks and cloaks without even showing their faces. They pursue efficiency more and win directly without talking.

It's quiet at night.

The streets were deserted, with the occasional car speeding by, shuttling under the dim street lights and disappearing into the night.

The little charter woman's driving skills are very good.

She looked focused and had glaring eyes, like a professional racing driver. She held the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator, arriving at the 720 Company as quickly as possible.

Lin Chuan walked into the company and directly entered the technical department. The rapid footsteps made the personnel in the technical department look at him sideways and stood up one after another:


Li Qing also stood up: "Chairman, come here, I will ask Karl to report the current situation to you."

Lin Chuan sat down and nodded slightly.

Karl stood next to Li Qing.

As a technical department manager, he was the first discoverer of this network attack and defense:

"Chairman, it's my turn to be on duty tonight. At first, Xingyao Internet Cafe contacted our technicians and said there was a problem with their network, so I sent two technicians there. Within a minute, Xinghua The company called and their network was under attack. Our early warning signs suddenly appeared in dense numbers. I reported it to Director Li immediately. "

Lin Chuan roughly understood the situation and looked away from Karl:

"Li Qing, apart from network fluctuations and network outages, have any partners suffered any losses so far?" Lin Chuan asked.

"Our firewall is currently the key defense method. They should not be able to break through it within half an hour." Li Qing made his own assessment.

Lin Chuan nodded and asked, "Where is our company?"

"Our company has a super firewall, and they won't be able to break in for a while, but our partners have been attacked too much. I'm worried that some of their companies won't be able to survive."

Li Qing looked a little embarrassed.

As a network security supplier, once their network security defense line is breached, it will have a great impact on 720's reputation and influence.

This is a crisis of confidence!

Lin Chuan is the chairman of 720 and the strongest technical staff of 720 Company.

After understanding the general overview.

He immediately sat in front of the main console and started operating.

Li Qing, Karl and others all watched how Lin Chuan turned the tide.

Especially Carl.

In his sunken eye sockets, a pair of eyes stared closely at Lin Chuan's profile, wanting to see how Lin Chuan resolved this crisis.

——Obviously, this cyber attack was organized by his organization!

In the plan, this was just an appetizer.

Lin Chuan, including Zhang Xinxin, Li Qing and others present, would not have thought that the real mastermind behind the scenes was right next to them, watching them deal with it openly.

Lin Chuan deliberately taught Li Qing: "Li Qing, our company is currently short of manpower. It is unrealistic to provide all partners with reliable defense methods."

Li Qing understood and nodded: "Then how should we deal with it?"

"Attack is the best defense!"

Lin Chuan's face was calm, and he did not show any anxiety. His rich experience and powerful technology gave him enough confidence.


His eyes fell on the computer screen, and his ten fingers skillfully touched the keys on the keyboard and began to operate.

The first step was to enter the management background of the firewall.

The purpose was to monitor the opponent's attack method and the source of the attack.

On the screen.

Dense arcs of light, different colors, fell on the 720 firewall, with different light spots on it, corresponding to each partner.

Who was attacked by what type was clear at a glance.

Lin Chuan's speed was very fast.

In just two seconds, he intercepted the attack data of Xingyao Internet Cafe and Xinghua Company. The most critical thing was not the type of attack, but the source of the attack.

The best defense is attack.

If you want to defend in this way, the most critical step is to find the source of the attack, that is, the initial IP that launched the attack!

"Chairman, I found that they are a bit like the first opponent we met in the 'Forbidden City E-sports Internet Cafe', especially the scale and type of attack." Li Qing said while watching Lin Chuan's operation.

Lin Chuan nodded: "Yes, this large-scale and orderly network attack is indeed very similar to AW's style, but the challenge of the defeated general is broken."

His tone was a bit understated.

But Carl behind him frowned, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

His Chinese level was not good, but he could understand roughly.

Lin Chuan's words made him feel contemptuous.

No, contempt!

This feeling is like Lin Chuan standing on the highest mountain of hackers, squinting his eyes, looking down at him, and treating him like an ant!

If he was not in 720 Company now, but in AW headquarters, or Morgan Group, he would definitely be furious!

It is a shame for a top hacker in the world to be called a defeated general in person.

In the hacker circle, family background and background are not considered, only technology is considered!

Even if a prince with a headscarf becomes a hacker, hackers will not look up to him if his skills are not strong enough.

At this point, there is a kind of pure technology and worship of technology!

From Ankolina's worship of Lin Chuan, we can see some clues.

Therefore, technology is the dignity of a hacker!

Especially for a top hacker like Carl!

'Lin Chuan, I just wanted to give you an appetizer, but now I have changed my mind! ' Carl was behind Lin Chuan, secretly clenching his fists, angry in his heart.

"Carl, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, the little landlady caught a glimpse of Carl from the corner of her eyes, "You seem to be a little uncomfortable."

Carl quickly put away his mind, squeezed out a smile, and said: "Tonight, my girlfriend took me to eat hot pot, which was very spicy. I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, but it doesn't matter, work is important!"

The little landlady took the attitude of sympathizing with her subordinates: "If you feel uncomfortable in your stomach, go back and rest first. The chairman is here, and those defeated generals are not worth mentioning."

What pot is not open!

Carl's face immediately became a little unnatural!

Even this financial director who doesn't understand technology thinks that I am defeated by Lin Chuan and treats me as a minion!


Carl gritted his teeth slightly, and the anger in his heart was about to erupt like a volcano.

He wanted to PK with Lin Chuan for 300 rounds immediately, and abuse Lin Chuan 700 times, to prove his absolute gold content as one of the top ten hackers in the world!

"Carl, don't bear it, go back and have a rest."

On the side.

Li Qing also saw Carl's abnormality and patted his shoulder with his hand.


Carl nodded, said goodbye to everyone immediately, walked out of the company quickly, drove away from the company, and stopped in a remote corner.


He assembled a small computer in the car at a rapid speed, about the size of a palm, and connected it to the AW headquarters in a secret way!

"I'm Carl."

AW headquarters responded to him immediately: "The network attack has not worked yet, and the data has not been implanted. Carl, do you have any latest information?"

Carl's fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, leaving a shadow, and his hand speed was no slower than Lin Chuan!

In this regard, he received unanimous praise from all his former targets.

He replied: "The latest information, Lin Chuan is going to attack us!"

"Attack us? Take advantage of our unpreparedness to launch a sneak attack, does he think it's the same as last time?" AW headquarters replied.

From the English symbols, it can be seen that AW does not recognize Lin Chuan's technology very much.

"His strategy is indeed like this!"

Carl propped the small keyboard on his legs and typed another paragraph, "And his attitude is very arrogant, shouting in 720 Company that we AW are his defeated opponents."

AW headquarters: "How dare he be so arrogant as a defeated opponent!"

"So, I decided to personally engage in a network attack and defense game with him, press him to the ground and let him know that the dignity of AW hackers is sacred and inviolable!" Carl's face was cold and his eyes were deep.

The light from the small computer reflected on his face, which looked very sinister in the dark night.

AW Headquarters: "Do you want to do it yourself?"

Carl: "Yes!"

"Do you need help?" AW Headquarters asked.

"No, this time, leave AW's defensive counterattack to me. As long as he launches an attack on our headquarters, I will intercept it immediately, and use this to directly attack his 720 firewall management background. I will completely destroy his hacker kingdom." destruction!"

Carl said angrily.

The words "defeated" are very harsh!

At the same time, it stung his dignity!

The AW headquarters quickly supported Karl's decision: "OK, now I will access the AW authority for you. You must also pay attention to confidentiality and not reveal yourself."

"Understood." Carl replied.

Carl himself is an important figure in AW.

This operation was also organized and planned by him, with the purpose of implanting some data into 720 Company. At the AW headquarters, the people who cooperated with this operation were also his people.

Therefore, Karl, who was far away in the Han River, immediately obtained managerial authority.


Successfully connected to the AW headquarters network!

"Old comrade, this time, you are participating in a battle of honor!" Late at night, in a deserted corner, Karl gently stroked his small computer.

This computer has been with him for many years and is very affectionate!

Soon, a notification box suddenly popped up in the middle of the computer screen. The box was filled with dense English letters, as if responding to him.

--Notice! Notice! Outsiders are trying to attack our network!

This piece of warning message did not make Karl frown.

On the contrary, he was even more excited!

"Here we come, Lin Chuan!"

Karl immediately devoted himself to it, opened the protective wall, opened his own program library, and went all out to analyze Lin Chuan's attack.

I have to say.

Carl's reputation as one of the top ten hackers in the world is really not for nothing.

It only took him ten seconds to analyze Lin Chuan's attack type - a network sniffing program.

This is a very subtle attack method.

It works by secretly viewing packets passing through the Internet to capture passwords or the entire contents.

The specific attack method used by Lin Chuan is to disguise the listener program as ordinary data flow, monitor the network data flow, and thereby obtain the user name and password entered by the user when connecting to the network system.


Carl tapped the keyboard of the small computer with both hands. This network sniffing program could be eliminated easily for him.

"Is it just this little trick? Is there no other way?"

A smile appeared on Karl's lips.

As he wished.

Lin Chuan's attacks followed one after another.

--Notice! Notice! Outsiders are trying to attack our network!

The red line notification box appears again.

With this first experience, Karl analyzed Lin Chuan's attack faster, intercepted and eliminated it.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time.

Karl intercepted Lin Chuan's five consecutive attacks accurately, which was perfect.

Karl operated with one hand and touched his chin with the other hand, with some contempt on his face. This battle seemed to have predicted his victory.

"Don't you have anything else to do? Then I'm going to start!"


Karl's hand touching his chin was also placed on the keyboard.

At this time.

On the screen of the small computer, a red line notification box appeared again——Attention! Notice! Outsiders are trying to attack our network!

Carl was about to operate.


The screen of the small computer flickered, and then a familiar picture appeared in his sight again.

On the screen, there is a red flag!

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