
Youyou was amused by her nonsensical idea again.

Not to mention defeating the fraud gang, just escaping from the fraud gang is enough to shock the eyeballs and gain a large amount of traffic.

How could an ordinary person destroy a fraud gang?

Moreover, the level of danger is high.

Youyou didn't want Lin Chuan to take this risk, so she might as well forget it.

The soft light shines through the window screen and reflects on Youyou's face as white as snow, making her look peaceful and beautiful.

Youyou watched Lin Chuan's ranking getting lower and lower, with a thoughtful look on his face: "As an excellent editor, I have to help my treasure find a way."

Yes, Youyou attaches great importance to this anti-fraud essay solicitation.

And Lin Chuan was not only the ‘Platinum Enlightenment’ candidate she focused on cultivating, but he was also the seed contestant who was at the forefront of the essay competition in this event.

If you don't win a few significant awards, achieving platinum enlightenment will be out of reach.

Great authors like Tianya and Guihai are competing on the same stage as thousands of small authors. Don't they also want to win this heavy award and add a highlight to their writing 'resume'?

After thinking about it, Youyou decided to promote it through regular live video broadcast.

Last time.

"This Killer is Too Professional" promoted live by blogger Su Qianqian brought a lot of traffic conversion to Lin Chuan.

Having made up her mind, Youyou immediately contacted Su Qianqian.

Su Qianqian often collaborates with Qihang Novel, so it is not difficult to contact Yuyou.

"Hello Qianqian, I am Youyou, the editor of Qihang Novel."

"Hello, Yoyo."

"I have a book here that I hope can be promoted by your live broadcast. How can we cooperate?" Youyou asked.

Su Qianqian replied: "Which book is it?"

""All or Nothing"."

Youyou sent the titles of Lin Chuan's works.

After a while, Su Qianqian replied again: "No problem, I happen to be on air tonight and can promote this book."

"That's great." Youyou showed a hint of joy on her face and asked, "How do you charge?"

"No charge." Su Qianqian replied.

"/Doubt.jpg." A trace of surprise appeared on Youyou's pretty face.

Free book promotion?

Generally, if you take the initiative to contact a blogger to request book promotion, the blogger will charge some promotion fees, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand.

Bloggers with millions of fans like Su Qianqian have a relatively high reading conversion rate, usually starting in four figures.

This is a means for bloggers to monetize their traffic.

All the bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

It's just a good meal, don't complain.

On the other end of the network, Su Qianqian explained: "I really like the book "This Killer Is Too Professional" he wrote before. I've just finished reading it."

Su Qianqian usually receives very few business orders.

Basically, she recommends her favorite books to her fans.

Such as "The Shining", "Bone Jigsaw", "Burial Time", etc.

Sometimes I have nothing to recommend, so I just watch horror and thriller movies with my fans, which often scares the fans to the point of trembling.

Youyou smiled and muttered: "Lin Chuan, you have a big face. Big bloggers with millions of followers have become fans of You." ’


She turned back to Su Qianqian and said: "That's great. This time he wrote about anti-fraud, but the perspective is a little different. It is narrated from the perspective of a fraud salesperson in the factory. There will be some in it. It’s a bloody scene, I wonder if you can accept it?”

"Totally OK!"

Su Qianqian's eyes lit up and she thought to herself, it's just what I want!

Six o'clock in the evening.

Kuai Dou live broadcast, Su Qianqian starts broadcasting.

The background of the live broadcast room is still a familiar study room, full of books.

Su Qianqian was wearing a simple light green spinning shirt, her smooth black hair was casually tied into a ponytail, she had an oval face, fair skin, and her eyes were full of agility and purity.

She sat there quietly, and the charm of a Jiangnan water town came to her.

Su Qianqian started broadcasting.

A group of fans quickly poured into the live broadcast room.

Most of the viewers came not for the live content, but for Su Qianqian's appearance.

[Qianqian, you are a little weird today, so cute. 】

[Qianqian’s wife, I went for an infusion last night. Do you know what it was? I miss you all night. 】

[We met again after three years. 】

Su Qian smiled slightly and replied: "Didn't it just start broadcasting yesterday? Why is it three years later?"

The audience responded immediately——

[One day is like three autumns. 】

Su Qianqian snorted, pursed her lips and smiled: "If you use these words to coax girls, you have already caught them."

【How can it be? In other words, if you are willing to listen, the last time I said this to a girl, she slapped me in the face and called me a bitch. 】

[Yes, not gentle at all. I still like Qianqian, who is intellectual and gentle. 】

[A first sight leads to a lifelong mistake! 】

Su Qianqian smoothed her hair and smiled.

She interacted with the viewers in the live broadcast room on a daily basis, and then entered the live reading session.

Live reading is something that few people are doing.

Because just looking at it seems boring and boring, and it is easy to get tired of aesthetics.

But here in Su Qianqian, there is a different flavor.

This lilac who grew up in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the novels she reads and the videos she watches can scare the audience into jumping up and punching the computer screen.

But she remained as still as a clock and smiled gently, thinking it could be more terrifying.

The contrast effect is full!

The live broadcast effect is perfect!

[Qianqian, what book do you recommend today? 】

[I want to see the big brother on the list carrying the train overnight. 】

[I am number one on the list. It is impossible for me to carry the train and walk. Qianqian is not afraid. I am not afraid. 】

[Nonsense, did you faint in the toilet last time? 】

[Spread rumors, spread rumors properly! I, a brave old man, want to protect Qianqian. 】

Su Qian smiled slightly and got to the point: "Today, we are reading a book by an old friend."

[Old friend...Qianqian, don't scare me? 】

[Qianqian’s wife, I get scared when you talk about old friends. Can I read this book in your arms? 】

[I am your loyal fan, but I am afraid that you will have to take responsibility! 】

[All the beads in your abacus fell into my face! 】

[What old friend? 】


Su Qianqian took out her mobile phone, opened the Qihang Novel app, and said with a smile: "Do you still remember "This Killer is Too Professional"?"

[Assassin, professional? 】

【Fuck! After I read that book, I couldn't eat for a week! 】

[My lover...ah, when I killed the chicken, I handled it very cleanly! 】

[Did criminal suspect Lin write a new book? 】

【Very punishing! I admit I'm excited! 】

Su Qianqian continued: "This time I brought one of his anti-fraud novels, "All or Nothing", to participate in the anti-fraud essay competition."

Subsequently, Su Qianqian and the novel pages of "All or Nothing" appeared on the left and right on the live broadcast screen.

‘Ten years ago, I entered the KK factory. ’

‘Ten years later, I finally escaped. ’

‘There is no dream of getting rich overnight, nor is there the luxury of heaven and earth. ’

'On the contrary, it is hell, a prison, a gathering place for sin. ’


The audience followed Su Qianqian's reading progress and entered the novel world of "All or Nothing".

The content of Chapter 15 is not much.

In just 20 minutes, I have read the latest chapter.

[This is gone. Is the author too short? 】

[I also want to see how he deceived the fish? 】

[Qianqian’s wife, are you sure this is an anti-fraud novel? Why does it feel like the author’s autobiography? 】

[I agree with what the brother above said! 】

[First person + fraud salesperson’s perspective + autobiography, why do I feel like A Ming’s book? 】

【Which book is A Ming? 】

["The Years I Was Deceived into the Factory". 】

at this time.

Ah Ming, the author of "The Years I Was Deceived to Enter the Factory", is also live streaming on the Kuai Dou video platform.

The traffic-drawing video he posted today has already reached 2 million views.

So he decided to go live.

While typing words, answer readers’ questions at the same time, thereby stabilizing the popularity.

In Ah Ming’s live broadcast room, the actual number of people online is: 4,000+.

[Author, is your book "Those Years of Being Deceived into the Factory" really your autobiography? 】

[That book is so realistic! 】

[Author, how did you return to China? 】

[Author, you are very cruel. I feel like I am the one who was deceived. 】

[The author updates quickly and can’t sleep at night. 】

【love it! The author enters the game with his own body, which is better than half the world! 】

[Author, the fraud you wrote is too real. Can I call the police? 】

Ah Ming was wearing a black T-shirt, with special effects on his face, and smiled: "Thank you brothers for your support. I have published some of these fraud cases, which are all based on real events. I hope you can take them as a reference." Please don’t make the same mistake I did and don’t be deceived.”

[Just for this sentence of the author, I must give the author a good review! 】

[Author, won’t your book be banned if you write like this? 】

[If this is reported, it should be a 404, right? 】

[I don’t think so. I just saw a similar book next door. 】

【akin? 】

[Yes, the novel is called "All or Nothing". It is also written in the first person + being deceived into a factory to work as a fraudster. It is also very real, and it feels like you are immersed in it when you read it. 】

The audience in Ah Ming's live broadcast room were startled.

Is there another fraudulent salesperson who escaped from the factory?

For a while.

The audience in the live broadcast room were very curious and rushed into Lin Chuan's "Desperate" for a quick browse.

At this glance, the more they look, the more they resemble each other.

The opening chapters of both novels are about being tricked into a factory and seeing the person in charge of the factory beating those who escaped and warning the new comers...

[Isn’t this too similar? 】

[I very much suspect that Mr. Lin also ran away from the fraud factory! 】

[They both escaped from the fraud factory and started writing novels. Is it really such a coincidence? 】

[What does the brother upstairs mean? 】

[Look at the novel by the author Lin. 】

["The Wife", "This Killer Is Too Professional", "Hacker Kingdom", and "Desperate", the previous few books have done pretty well, what's the matter? 】

[Look at the release time, from March to now, there are four novels with a word count of up to 4 million words! 】

[There is another doubtful point. He has a very wide career span, con man + killer + hacker + fraud salesman. Doesn’t he need to check the information? 】

[Hiss, what do you want to express? 】

[This is complete plagiarism! 】

【ah! Lin and A Ming both released it on the same day, so it should be difficult to plagiarize, right? 】

[You underestimate plagiarism monsters too much. Didn’t Ah Ming say that just now? He has published some related cases before. 】

[No, no, no, no, no, you said "Desperate" was plagiarized, and it still has the prototype of plagiarism. But in the previous books, which books did Lin plagiarize from? 】

[Then I don’t know. Only the plagiarist knows this. 】

[You just start spreading rumors, right? ? ? 】

In the live broadcast room, a group of rumormongers soon appeared, and some even went to the anti-fraud center webpage and clicked the report button.


On the virtual network, you can see the diversity of species, and they don't need logic at all!

Just open your mouth and come!

There is no guarantee that there is a black hand behind the scenes.

"Don't spread rumors! Everything must be based on evidence!"

Editor Youyou was in the live broadcast room with her fingers on the keyboard and quickly typed out rebuttal sentences, but she was soon drowned in the barrage.

There is suspicion of plagiarism.

Just the word "suspect" has a powerful lethality.

Most passers-by will not see the subsequent clarification video and will only remember that the author seems to be a plagiarism monster.

An author who is writing a book can accept comments such as "poor writing", "a mess of plot", and "crazy characters".

But I cannot accept the word 'plagiarism'.

Because, 'plagiarism' is the biggest stigma given to an original author.


Naked slander!

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