After writing SCP-2639, there was only one keyword left [maintaining the status quo], and he had already thought about which one to write, which was SCP-1915 with the same code name as this one! And he is also planning to write a story that is highly related to this SCP project in his past life, and is even more famous than this one... that is,"The Stars Will Not Wait". And this time, he's not just writing words. He also wants to make videos. Because there was a major breakthrough in AI video production technology a few days ago, making videos has become easier and more convenient, and the funds required have also dropped off a cliff. And the most important thing is that through a technology that connects the human brain and the machine that he cannot explain, videos can be generated directly from the thoughts and compositions in the mind. Although it's somewhat abstract and not as good as the"150" movies, it's enough, and it's not about making money anyway. Yang Feng had seen countless secondary creations and artistic works related to the SCP Foundation in his previous life, and it would not be difficult to think of them intact. And he had already negotiated with the company yesterday and snapped up a"helmet" in advance on the condition of advertising and promoting its image, and it had already arrived. So he went out again to get the express delivery, took out the helmet and placed it next to the table, then opened the writing page and started typing.

【The following content is from the SCP Foundation Confidential Database】

【Item Number: SCP-1915】

【Object Class: Euclid

【Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1915 is to be contained within a humanoid containment cell. Internal procedures and resources are not required as SCP-1915 will create them.】

【A soldier is to escort SCP-1915 as it walks through its chosen area.】

【Expensive and important equipment is kept away from SCP-1915】

【Description: SCP-1915 is a 33-year-old high-wire man, his real name. No social relations of this individual have been discovered.】

【SCP-1915 is believed to have a powerful reality distortion ability, and uses this ability to drastically change the surrounding reality to maintain his"normal life""】

【However, its ability is limited to changing inorganic substances and limited mental control, and it cannot permanently change other living beings except itself.】

【SCP-1915 did not notice its anomalous properties and did not know that it was in containment. It believed that it was still working in the company that had already gone bankrupt, and the location where it was found was also the company's building. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"Is that a helmet?"

"It seems so, let me take a closer look... I'm so stupid! It's from that AI technology company!"

"The one that quickly generates images? Didn’t I remember it was just released? It is said that the price of helmets has skyrocketed.……"

"I guess some agreement has been reached."

"So this time player No. 100 is going to make a video?

"That's pretty good, I have to look forward to it"

"This SCP-1915 feels so ordinary! is a pure reality warper……"

"But this kind of change feels like I'm escaping from something."

"To be honest, I quite envy these reality distorters. They can change reality according to their own wishes.……"

"This special containment procedure is really economical... Just use one room, a specially planned road, and one soldier."

"There are no social SCP-1915 appeared out of thin air?"

"I think I have erased the previous ones."

【Containment process】

【Initially, it was transported to Site-17, but along the way, SCP-1915 converted the armored vehicle into a bus.】

【SCP-1915 is convinced that the SCP Foundation personnel present are passengers on the bus.】

【The agent was the driver at the time, and he briefly believed he was the bus driver. Other team members took measures, but were unsuccessful.】

【SCP-1915 was safely delivered to Site-17 on the bus.】

【Upon arriving at the prepared containment cell, P-1915 transformed it into a perfect replica of his apartment.】

【Electronics work without power, toilets are functional and have accompanying sewers】

【However, when SCP-1915 was removed, all of the above objects lost their anomalous properties.....】

【SCP-1915 considers the security personnel and researchers present to be neighbors and public servants. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Related Incidents: The day after containment, SCP-1915 ignored all containment measures, left its containment cell, and entered a maintenance tool storage room.】

【Storage room altered to provide access to SCP-1915's workshop, including telephone and internet connections】

【When confronted by security personnel, SCP-1915 apologized for"working overtime to complete the budget report," seeming to indicate a desire for more income.】

【Interview transcript】

【Interviewer: Doctor/Interviewee: SCP-1915】

【The former is A and the latter is B】

【A SCP-1915, good afternoon】

【B: Hello, but in my name"K"No sound. Are you new here?】

【A Do you know where you are?】

【B: In the office】

【AThis is not your office】

【B: Well, of course it’s not mine. I haven’t been promoted yet.】

【AI mean……】

【B: Don't worry, this kind of thing will happen. People look at me and say he should have had his own office because he is so dedicated】

【B: But no, it seems that I will spend 0.9% of my life in the workplace... What is your position?】[]

【A amount, assistant accountant】

【B: On...the third floor?】

【A Right, next to the coffee machine】

【B: Work there, right?】

【A should be】

【B: Can you tell her...for example, give me a call when you have time?】

【AI think I can---】

【B: Forget it. If she doesn't agree, don't tell her anything. At least this way I can still daydream】

【A: Well... I think the boss is looking for me, so……】

【B: Then go away and live a good life. Don't act like a weirdo next time. ]

PS: Please ask for flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes! Ask for all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!.

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