A very fat monster with a small head crawled out of the big egg dropped by the transport plane some time ago, shaking off the broken eggshell.

"What the hell is this?"

The hunter observed, and then asked his partner next to him in shock. Finally, the two of them discussed it and decided to strike first.

They fired, but they found that the bullet was useless against the monster in front of them. The latter also discovered them and rushed over.

The last picture showed the two hunters screaming, shooting and retreating until they retreated to the wall with no way to retreat and were torn apart by SCP-3199.

Comment area in the live broadcast room

"Good guy, the Global Occult Alliance has become the protagonist’s spiritual support, right?"

"To be honest, I can no longer imagine the situation of Blue Star, which is ravaged by thousands of supernatural beings..." 403""

"Just mix together all the apocalyptic literature and works you have read"

"So why do we have to go to SCP-579? At the moment, I feel like the protagonist has been suddenly implanted with a target."

"My evaluation is the author's will"

"Here comes the linkage again. SCP-5000 is the one with the most linkage so far, but the core of SCP-3078 feels simplified in this short clip."

"It's just a show, how do you expect it to be profound?"

"SCP-3179 Let me educate those who don’t understand this plot. The Church of the Broken God is actually not united. They have three factions. The difference lies in their different interpretations of the existence and image of the Broken God, and this SCP project is one of them. explain"

"After listening to what was said upstairs, I now understand"

"SCP-The image of 3199 is too disgusting and terrifying. How did contestant No. 100 come up with this uncanny valley image?"

"This was not written by him, and the painting process of that image was also posted online."

"To be honest, it was so disgusting that I felt like vomiting."

【I've been seeing something weirder than usual lately.】

【First of all, there are"Flickers". They are made by the SCP Foundation, but I don't know how. Anyway, there are a lot of things I don't know.】

【Those are statues of soldiers in MTF uniforms with empty eye sockets and their arms are blades like you'd see on a mantis or something】

【They are harmless when you look at them, but the moment you look away, they start to move, and very quickly】

【I once saw a statue that cut through an entire group of people in just one second with just a puff of smoke blocking the view.】

【This thing poses a high threat to me. They can't see me, but they can sense that there is something in front of them. Then they will start to chop everything in sight. I want to avoid them as much as possible.】

【The second thing I saw was... well, even weirder】

【It's above the horizon, like a stretched person, or, maybe, like the space around it is stretched, and it's stretched with the space, like some kind of bad repair. Picture special effects】

【Its body rises straight from the ground into the clouds, while its chin swings at a right angle. There are also those gaps, the black gaps in the space around its body, just like the wings. It just floats forward and moves forward】

【There were people from the SCP Foundation there too, but they were having a fierce battle with that thing. To be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable now that I see the SCP Foundation playing anomalies.】

【Maybe they, like me, managed to escape before this all started, but I decided not to have any contact with them】

【Can't take this risk】

【Now I have to go to SCP-579, I think this is the most important thing at the moment】

【I saw a child die today. Could have saved her. No hope】

【I'm such a scumbag. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"Isn't this thing a replica of SCP-173?"

"Mass-produced 173 big peanuts, right? Now I have to admire the SCP Foundation."

"Among the guys above, how can there be any reason why the mass-produced machine is better than the prototype?"

"And he can also sense the protagonist, which is not much better than SCP-173……"

"I think this image is okay, at best it’s a bit permeable."

"Just don’t meet her at night"

"It really looks like a poorly retouched special effect, but it already has a sense of image.........."

"So why are the SCP Foundation guys fighting this stretched guy? Just leave it alone, right?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Could it be that he remembered his duty of containment, control and protection?"

"The guy upstairs knows irony"

"Seeing that the SCP Foundation is really taking care of it makes me uncomfortable... I really can't stand it when I see this."

"I think there's either a big conspiracy or a shocking twist."

"Is it possible that this group of people is in the same situation as the protagonist?"

"Just watch Contestant No. 100 and continue writing!"

"Now I feel that the protagonist is too conscientious and responsible. There is no need to blame the child's death on himself."

"You're right, the protagonist is too kind, but it's a pity that such a good person has to suffer such hardships"

"You saw the keyword again, right? SCP-3008, has that sentence of yours become a joke?"

"Upstairs, of course!"

【What the SCP Foundation does is becoming more and more abstract.】

【1: SCP-4290 was resurrected by a sample of SCP-008 that had been transformed using SCP-914. The beast masters of the Serpent's Hand fought with it, but the document did not clearly record the result.】

【I heard that the Outcast's Library has been stripped out of this universe, but I think they took the initiative to run the 3.5 route. 】

A huge, burning humanoid entity stood up from the lake and rushed into the distance. He felt an unparalleled hunger and wanted to find food.

Since the Global Occult Alliance and other resistance organizations were all destroyed at this time, and the remaining group of Serpent Hand warriors were not effective enough, SCP-4290 rushed into the remaining survivor community and started feasting.

In the depths of the universe, the super-large building complex of the Exiled Library began to gradually disappear from a thin film.

【2: The SCP Foundation uses time anomalies to turn every day into Christmas, so now SCP-4666 can attack anyone. It’s really a shadow of childhood. ]

PS: Please ask for flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes! Ask for all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!.

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