【B: The end?】

【A died, succumbed to serious injuries】

【B: I understand, I just... I hate to say it, but you seem to feel good】

【A. I am just relatively satisfied with the result. The rescue mission was a success. We passed through an extremely dangerous and unstable space anomaly and recovered several high-value personnel at a minimal cost of life.】

【B: (Silence)】

【A We encountered some dangerous anomalies and successfully completed our mission, regrettably losing a few capable and experienced agents, but within expectations. Instead, we performed better than initial forecasts】

【B: I understand. (pause) Thank you, I will record your words】

【AYou're welcome. (pause) Based on the terms of the mission cooperation agreement, I hope to have the opportunity to report to Hollis.】

【B: Captain Hollis has died in SCP-173~0】

【A ((Brief silence) Regretful. Hollis has shown tremendous resilience in the face of setbacks. (pause) According to the agreement, I will submit the mission report to the site administrator's office on her behalf.-】

【B: OK】

【The fourth interview record】

【Interviewee: Onru Interviewer-, Ph.D.】

【B: Why did you follow Hollis?】

【ABefore she left the team, I made sure I understood what Captain Hollis was up to, based on previous discussions. I'm worried she might not be able to retreat without my help】

【B: Your recording equipment will be disabled for a long time until you reach the Thresher area. what happened?】

【AI disabled the equipment, and there... (pause) is the server room, above the Olympia Containment Unit. I was caught off guard. That's a mistake. It was still the same room when we entered, but……】

【B: What do you mean?】

【A When we entered, I could see the hosts around me, but above them was... We stood on the cliff, overlooking the bottom... There were countless humans, screaming at the top of their lungs, their arms disconnected at the wrist, crying for silence. Empty restored to its original appearance】

【AThen... the sky disappeared, like a meteor crashing. I looked away, but Hollis did not. When I turned around I could see billions of charred corpses on the ground, and billions more beings with arms outstretched to embrace the fallen morning star, hanging from it like twisted puppets.】

【A is at Site-13... they call it Malidramagiuan, but here they call it another name, a terrible name】

【B: Why did you disable the recording equipment?】

【AI'm not sure what the cognitohazardous content inside would do to an unprotected person.】

【B: continue】

【AIt...shows us something. The ring of fire and the blue sky lit up the wind of souls, the hollow in the center of the universe screamed at me, and the long and lanky God of Nightmares walked slowly among the countless crosses on display.】

【AAnd then...what it showed Hollis, I didn't see. The runes above its head began to burn and pulse, the man tied there blistered and fester, and then I looked at the vast ocean and sky behind it...our sky. It turns to the ocean, dives into it, and the vision disappears】

【A. Hollis started running towards the machine. She told me how to start. She said she didn't know where this would take her, but she wanted to bury what she saw in the darkness. Before starting, I was terminated abnormally.】

【B: Did she say anything before you died?】

【A No, she just laughed and cried. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"Just give me the low-cost version when you come up, right? Now I have to copy it"

"People who feel reincarnation seem to have given up on humanity and emotions……"

"《Discussing the negative effects of increased combat power》"

"The doctor opposite felt like he couldn't hold himself any longer."

"But from a theoretical and intellectual point of view, it is indeed very good. In such a dangerous site, important information and important personnel were rescued, and only a few people died."

"I can only say that this is not how life is calculated."

"Another classic dilemma"

"I choose to let the train crush both sides"

"The one upstairs is a bit extreme!"

"Looking at what you said, after learning about Hollis's death, didn't Samsara's captain show obvious emotions?"

"This emotion can only be regarded as relative, right?……"

"Ouru mentioned this Olympia project. I bet it must be something very important!"

"The text description is awesome! Contestant No. 100 once again demonstrated his rich erudite talents"

"It's a pity that it wasn't made into video, otherwise it would have been another great epic." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This thing is not something you can just imagine in your mind!"

"As you said, when player No. 100 first started making videos, didn’t we think we couldn’t make it?"

"I now suspect that SCP-1730 itself is a supreme god.……"

"This guy upstairs, don’t look at everything as the supreme divinity, okay?"

"What is Malidramagiuan?"

"something that can confuse us even more"

"Bullshit literature, right?"

"What kind of protection does God have? We are high-dimensional readers!!!"

"Agree, but I think the concept of high-latitude readers can be written as an SCP project in itself……"

"Makes sense"

"I feel bad writing"

"Captain Hollis's glorious image becomes more and more stable, a true hero!"

"Just laughing and crying is so touching!!!"

The comment area of ​​the live broadcast room began to boast about Hollis, and Yang Feng also began to write the last paragraph.

【The last interview transcript】

【Interviewee: Dr. Scott, Deputy Director of Site-13 Space-Time Research Department, Interviewer: Director】

【B: Tell me about Site-13...in as much detail as possible】

【A No problem... Initially, the SCP Foundation discovered a large dead sea creature that could not be accommodated by any facility in the area, let alone studied. Therefore, the Site-19 plan originally planned to be built in the Arctic Circle was abandoned and Site-13 was built in the Arctic Circle. ]

PS: Please ask for flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes! Ask for all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!.

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