The old man was very tired.

"Walking on the hot spring." Li Changshou said.

Naruto looked at him suspiciously: "Walking on the hot spring, can you do it?"

"Of course." He roared.

"Well, I heard Duanmuxi say that you have been trained to climb trees without hands, and this counts as the practice of that exercise."

"What do you mean? And I don't remember the past anymore." He had completely forgotten.

"If you climb a tree, you need to transfer the right amount of mana to the right place and keep the right amount of mana.

Because the tree is fixed, you just need to stick to it.

That is the practice of training mana concentration.

When floating on the water, you need to continuously transfer the right amount of mana to the water surface from your feet, and this amount must be controlled to keep your body suspended on the water surface.

Controlling mana is more difficult than maintaining it.

This is a tailor-made practice to release a certain amount of mana and release spells."

"I don't understand it at all." Naruto sighed and was confused.

"Let me show you.

First, concentrate the mana on your feet, and then continue to release a certain amount of mana to maintain your own weight."

Li Changshou walked freely on the hot spring.

"How is it, that's it."

Naruto was stunned. He could actually stand on the water.

"Oh, I'll try it too."

Naruto followed Li Changshou's method, condensed a little bit of mana under his feet, and then maintained a certain amount, and walked out.


"It's so hot, so hot, so hot..."

Naruto fell into the hot spring and was scalded and flew up.

"I forgot to tell you, the water temperature here is 60 degrees. If you keep failing, you will become scalded pork."

"Damn it, I can do it."

Naruto climbed up and continued to practice.


Keep going!


Even though he fell down again and again, Naruto did not slack off or give up practicing because of the boiling hot spring.

Instead, he took out all his strength and vowed to learn to tread water.

Practice again and again, and fail again and again.

[Hey, what a good teacher. I thought all the cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation were all fighting and killing! ]

[The prejudice in people's hearts is a mountain! ]

[Who was the last person I saw teaching his disciples seriously?

It was Yao Lao. It really is true!

Others are either teachers who teach without self-awareness like the master, or teachers who throw a book of exercises and let the protagonist learn by himself.

It is really rare for Naruto to have such a teacher! 】

【Look, this is called professionalism. 】

Looking at Naruto like this, Li Changshou also fell into deep thought.

Chen Shisan's mind turned, and the camera changed.

"You are really motivated today, young master."

Hong Xianwan kept exercising his body under the setting sun.

Looking at this scene, Li Changshou finally felt comforted.

He thought: "It seems that my educational philosophy has finally taken effect."

"Usually, it is time to sneak attack the master!" He said to Hong Xianwan with a smile.

Hong Xianwan said seriously: "I will never sneak attack again."

"Really, you finally understand me. Doing what I say is the fastest shortcut to becoming the master."

"There is no shortcut." Hong Xianwan's tone is so sonorous.


"Brother Naruto said that if you want to become the leader of the sect, you must have such awareness." Hong Xianwan grinned at him.



Finally, after failing again and again, Naruto stood on the water with both feet, although a small part of his legs seeped into the water.

"I think I understand a little bit." Naruto moved left and right, and found that he really did not sink.

"You have mastered the control method of the law so quickly. I didn't expect you to grow so fast!

Indeed, there is no shortcut to doing anything. I seem to have misunderstood you.

You are a teacher who knows how to educate better than me, not a demon fox.

You are an amazing sect cultivator."

Li Changshou pushed his glasses, looked at Naruto who was working hard in front of him, and expressed his inner thoughts.


Naruto pointed behind him and shouted, and fell into the water with a splash.

"It's so hot!"


"What is that?"

Li Changshou turned his head and looked in the direction Naruto pointed. A white-haired old man was squatting by the wall of the hot spring, looking at something through the wall.

There was also a strange laugh.

"Although I don't know who you are, I will never allow shameless behavior."


Li Changshou stepped on the water and rushed up


Sensing the movement, the white-haired old man slowly turned his head and looked at Li Changshou who was rushing over.




A huge orange toad appeared at his feet, and he sat on the toad's head.

"This is..." Li Changshou was shocked.


The toad stretched out its long tongue, rolled him up and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Don't make a noise, really, what if we are discovered?"

The old man was wearing a wide robe with a silver-white tone, gray lace on the edge of the clothes, and his white hair was scattered. He looked like a man.

"The sultry pervert was knocked down, what's going on, that super pervert."

Thinking so, Naruto still came to Li Changshou as soon as possible to see his situation.

"Hey, sultry teacher."

Crouching behind his butt, he pondered for a while and made a tiger seal.

"The thousand-year secret of the Fire Sect, the thousand-year kill."


He put his hands together and hit his butt.

However, Li Changshou did not react at all.

"No reaction at all, this guy is really weak."

Then he looked at the old man and the toad under his feet.

"What's the matter with that big frog, who are you?" he shouted.

It seemed that he had asked the right question.

"Good question, I am the toad spirit of Miaobo Mountain, Lingxian Sudao, commonly known as the Toad Immortal, come and see me."

The old man posed a handsome pose, and the toad under his feet also cooperated.

"Immortal?" Naruto was puzzled.

Their sect leader did not dare to call himself an immortal, but this lustful big pervert was so bold.

"It's me."

The toad turned into smoke and disappeared under his feet, standing on the ground with an immortal look.

"Hey, lustful immortal, what should I do now?

The guy who originally taught me to practice was beaten like this by you."

Naruto said unceremoniously.

"That's because this guy disturbed me to collect materials."

"Collect materials?"

"Yes, I am a famous writer, I want to write a novel, this one."

The old man took out a book and said to Naruto with a smile.

Looking at the familiar cover, Naruto remembered the book that teacher Duanmu Xi often held in his hand.

"Ah, that book is..."

"Do you know this book?" The old man was stunned and asked.

He thought: "It seems that I am quite famous."

A wretched smile that did not match his immortal style appeared at the corner of his mouth.

[So who is Li Changshou's excellent teaching ability or Naruto's genius, it took less than half a day to complete it! ]

[Both, otherwise Duanmu Xi would not teach that climbing a tree is so difficult. ]

[Makes sense. ]

[Fuck, this immortal style, white hair, and fluttering clothes are actually peeking at the female pool, it's simply! ]

[Even if it's okay, at least change into clothes with worse appearance, the contrast is too big. ]

[It's still an old man. Although he has no wrinkles, his smile is too vulgar. Can you imagine the scene where the Sword Master of Shushan peeked at Ling'er taking a bath and laughed vulgarly, and was finally discovered by Li Xiaoyao? ]

[Bah! I'm going to beat you up for ruining my classic. ]

[Can you not be so perverted? ]

[If I remember correctly, this book is about the heaven of the immortal world, a pornographic book? ]

[What kind of person, what kind of book, is not a good thing, bah! ]

[Is Chen Shisan crazy about women, so there are so many perverts? ]

[That's right, if you want to see me, just take off all your clothes for you to see! ]

[Hey, can you show me the building above? ]

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