The seduction technique created by Naruto has attracted a large number of old perverts.

There are male perverts and female perverts.

They all have their own ideas.

And they comment on the barrage.

With a super attractive point of view, it attracted a large number of viewers in an instant.

When Chen Shisan looked at the number of viewers again, the number of viewers had reached more than 100,000.

Suddenly, he was more confident.

Sure enough, there is a market for adaptation. Although this kind of fairy tale is different from others, many people watch it!

In fact, he also wanted the transformation technique, and he practiced it for a long time back then.

But Chen Shisan did not pause and continued the plot.

Soon it was the day of the graduation exam, and all the sixth graders gathered in the classroom.

The rules of the exam are very simple. You just need to draw one of the three body techniques.

As long as the student can release it successfully, he will be qualified to graduate and become an outer disciple of the Fire Sect.

[That's it? ]

[This exam is too easy. How can you learn it after six years of study! ]

[I don't think it's easy. In a plot, when you feel it's going smoothly, it means that a turning point is coming. ]

[I guess so. As a special character, the protagonist will never be so smooth! ]

The audience discussed it on the barrage.

Who is not a reader? Some simple routines are still known.

Sure enough, on the day of the exam, Naruto drew the question of the clone technique.

Naruto's face fell immediately.

It seems that he drew the question he least wanted to draw.

The audience was very curious. Would the clone technique be much more difficult than the transformation technique? Aren't they called the three body techniques together with the transformation technique and the substitute technique?

They should be about the same difficulty!

And in six years, he still can't learn three spells?

In the examination room, under Iruka's supervision, Naruto stood beside with a serious face.



Another figure appeared beside Naruto, and Iruka looked speechless.

The audience looked even more speechless.

Under Chen Shisan's fabrication, Naruto's plot in the exam was well presented to the audience, just like the original picture.

So the audience saw very clearly that Naruto's clones were like soft noodles.

After appearing, they twisted and piled up on the ground.

"Fifth Naruto, failed." Iruka looked at this scene and could only declare failure.

"Teacher Iruka, his athletic ability and physical strength are good, and he has also completed the clone technique, so let him pass!" Teacher Mizuki smiled beside Iruka.

It seems that he is making suggestions for his students.

Iruka was helpless, looking at the clone collapsed on the ground: "Teacher Mizuki, everyone has at least three clones, but Naruto only has one, and it is useless. I can't let him pass."

Unsuccessful candidates, on the battlefield, will only die.

Naruto walked in the school, looking at other candidates who passed the exam, and they all happily discussed the exam.

He was very disappointed, and he also wanted to pass the exam.

But I don't know why, he can use the transformation technique very well, but the clone technique has not made any progress.

Naruto sat on the swing in the school, looking at the lively classmates in the distance, his eyes were confused.

"I can stand on my own."

"Well done, you are worthy of being my son. Congratulations on your graduation. Mom will cook noodles for you tonight."

"Hey, look at that child."

"That's the child!" Two student mothers looked at Naruto on the swing.

"It seems that he is the only one who failed."

"Humph, that's what he deserves."

"It would be terrible if that kind of person became a monk! After all, that child is..."

"Next is the forbidden sentence!"

The two looked at Naruto's figure with disgust.

Naruto's strong ability to perceive evil and his sensitive ears heard the conversation between the two.

His face became darker and darker, and his face was full of disappointment.

[It's miserable, it's really messed up, everyone passed the exam, only he didn't pass! ]

[Every time I see Naruto's disappointment, I want to stab the third generation of fire master. ]

[That teacher Mizuki is not bad, but he hasn't spoken to Naruto yet. Teacher Iruka is too unreasonable! ]

Just as the audience was discussing, Mizuki appeared on the screen.

He took Naruto to a platform overlooking the residential area of ​​the Fire Sect.

"Teacher Iruka is definitely not deliberately making things difficult for you." Mizuki

The way Mizuki comforted Naruto was so handsome, the audience thought. This is a qualified teacher!

Iruka looked good, but he was actually a conservative person, the audience thought.

"Why only me?" Naruto didn't understand, and his sunny smile disappeared at this moment.

Mizuki's blue hair fluttered in the air: "Maybe he hopes that Naruto you can really become stronger."

"After all, you are both orphans!"

"But... I really want to graduate!" Naruto said.

Mizuki smiled: "Hehe, then there is no way, I will tell you a big secret."

"Secret..." Naruto looked at him blankly.

After writing here, Chen Shisan seemed to be thinking and stopped for a while.

【? ? ? Stop now, little dog. 】

【Indeed, what is the secret? It's really disgusting! 】

【Hiss! This teacher Mizuki must be an important person. Looking at his modeling, he is so handsome! 】

【And the way he speaks is also very gentle! 】

[He really looks like the protagonist! ]

[Could it be that the immortal master hidden in the Fire Sect came here to accept him as a disciple because he noticed the protagonist's difference? ]

[It's possible, otherwise I can't imagine where the next plot will go. ]

[In the sect, there is no adventure from heaven. Well, maybe Naruto will pick up a peerless martial arts from the library and make great progress. ]

More than 100,000 viewers are speculating.

How exactly does Chen Shisan want to progress the plot?

Shuimu's portrait on the screen is really handsome, and it has attracted a wave of Shuimu fans!

And he just came out when the protagonist needed it the most.

Some people even speculated that Shuimu was the protagonist of the previous generation of the Fire Sect. He was originally practicing in seclusion, and when he saw that the protagonist needed it, he ran out to help.

On the judges' bench, the three screenwriters frowned.

They couldn't see what Chen Shisan wanted to do?

"Guess how he's going to develop the plot, I can't think of it! Young people's thinking is good!" Long Zaitian sighed.

As for the plot that Chen Shisan has revealed now, I really don't know how to develop it, but I can still get some inspiration from my experience.

It should be to continue to release new characters!

Only by adding more character plots can the protagonist's plot continue under this situation.

"Old man, maybe he is still worried about how to write the next plot! Haha." Judge Shang Tao laughed.

Looking at Chen Shisan's distressed look, with a little teasing joke.

"It's really possible." Another judge thought it made sense.

Although these contestants are all screenwriters with some foundation, there are no famous screenwriters.

The creative competition is only held for new screenwriters.

So he felt that it made sense that he couldn't think of a plot.

Just at this time, on the big screen, Chen Shisan finally started writing.

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