The battle was won, and the battle was won.

Earth Dragon Song, Fire Dragon Song: Intermediate spells of earth and fire, extremely powerful, under the control of Hong Rizhan's five elements, can easily create compound spells.

Wanjian Qifa: Intermediate spell without attributes, an offensive spell with magic tools, with the attribute of large-scale attack, developed by Hong Rizhan.

Immortal Reincarnation: Advanced psychic spell, one of the notorious necromancer series spells in Xuanhuang Continent, a spell to play with souls, created by the second generation of the Fire Sect, and classified as a forbidden spell by the first generation, and forbidden to use.

Two figures appeared in front of everyone.

"Could those two adults be..."

"Those two adults?"

The Anbu looked at the two people with a surprised look.

"How are you going to deal with them, Master?

No, the third generation of the Lord of Fire." Snake Tongtian said with a smile.


"Okay, classmates, please move quickly."

Iruka walked on the road with a group of children.

The cute emperor looked gloomy: "I'm really unlucky today. My favorite colored pencils are broken just like that."

Udon: "Evacuation training is better than self-study."

The cute emperor: "Senmaru has been very quiet since just now, what's going on?"

Hong Senmaru walked in front, doing a lot of analysis in his mind.

"After the whole school studied together for a long time, the whole school is doing evacuation training together again.

This is really weird."

"Okay, stop and line up." Iruka looked solemn and glanced around from time to time.

"Teacher Iruka's expression must have something wrong,

And..." Hong Xianwan's eyes fell on the sun in the sky.

"Listen, students, you are not allowed to leave here without permission." Iruka said.

"I noticed the rainbow just now." Hong Xianwan looked at the rainbow surrounding the sun.

Grandpa once said that rainbows have always been a symbol of snakes and are also called ominous signs.

At that time, he thought it was a lie, but now...

Looking at the teacher's solemn expression, the huge column of smoke rising from the venue, and the weird self-study and evacuation training.

"Something must have happened."

He thought to himself.


Da Da!

Two people walked out of the coffin.

Dugu Jian said: "It's been a long time since we last met, Monkey."

Dugu Fei chuckled: "It's you, you are old, Hiruzen."

"I didn't expect to meet you two brothers again because of this kind of thing. I feel very sorry." Hong Hiruzen said solemnly.

“I never thought that, that summoning technique, She Tongtian actually played the trick of the necromancer.” The captain of the Anbu muttered.

The Anbu members wondered: “Who are those two?”

“Be prepared, the first generation fire master senior, the second generation fire master senior.” Hong Rizhan said.

“Yes, those two are the first and second generation masters of the Fire Sect,

The black-haired one is the first generation, and the white-haired one is the second generation,

They are all praised as the strongest monks, and they have built the current fire master seniors of the Fire Sect.” The captain of the Anbu explained to the team members.

“Is it this young man who summoned us with the forbidden technique through the Impure World Reincarnation? What a great guy.” Dugu Fei looked at She Tongtian with interest.

Dugu Jian: “In this case, Rizhan, we have to fight you.”

“That’s enough for the old people to chat about family matters, let’s get started.”

She Tongtian said slowly.

"No matter what era, we have to fight."

"You like it very much!"

Hong Rizhan sweatdropped: "Dare to fool the dead, play with time will not end well."

She Tongtian smiled and took out two flying knives tied with talismans.

[Hong Xianwan's analytical ability is very strong. He noticed things that others didn't notice. ]

[He has this analytical ability at a young age. He will definitely be amazing when he grows up. ]

[I used to have this ability when I was a child. Since I lent my light to Tiga, my ability is now dim! ]

[Necromancy, a spell to play with the dead, no wonder it is listed as a forbidden spell. ]

[Three against one, Hong Rizhan is finished, there is no way he can win! ]

[Indeed, I can only think of one person who can fight three, and that is Mr. One Against Ten. ]

[And he has consciousness, not a puppet-type spell like corpse refining. 】

【I have also seen this scene in Dugujian. Will Hong Rizhan be crushed to death by the Buddha's hand? 】

【Wood Spirit

The body versus the body of the five elements, who has the strongest physique! 】

【Even if they are equally matched, they can't win. On the other side, there is Dugu Fei, a master of forbidden techniques, and She Tongtian, a disciple who is better than his master.

No matter how you look at it, it's impossible to win. 】

Da Da Da!

"Things have turned out like this.

That guy Yuwen Zuo is so anxious."

In the forest, three people and a dog leaped between the trees, and Naruto understood what happened.

"Then why was I sent to track? It's so troublesome."

Shikamaru looked impatient.

Da Da!

Sakura: "There's nothing we can do about it, because this is the order of Teacher Duanmu Xi."

The three people and the dog ran hurriedly in the grove.

Pike suddenly shrugged: "This way."




On a roof, several figures of Yinzong monks stood.

He looked at the monk card about Naruto in his hand and put the things away.

"Naruto, let's go."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Several people turned into black shadows and disappeared into the jungle.


"How long will it take to catch up?" Naruto asked.

Pike: "I don't know, they are also moving at a very fast speed."

"Damn it."

Naruto was impatient.

Shikamaru was even more impatient.

"You guys, go faster." Pike.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you found Yuwen Zuo?"

Pike: "No, there are two teams behind us, 8 people, no, there is another person,

There are 9 people chasing us."


Swoosh, swoosh!

"Hey, hey, there are already pursuers! This is not a joke." Shikamaru gritted his teeth.

Behind them, two teams of Yinzong monks were also chasing.

Looking at the slight footprints on the tree trunk, one of them carved a mark on the tree.


"It seems that the other party still has not accurately grasped the exact location of us and others, and can only leave a mark." After he left, another sound cultivator landed here.

He looked at the knife marks on the tree trunk.


It made a rustling sound through the leaves in the woods.

Pike stopped on the ground.

"Hey, why did you stop?" Naruto said anxiously.

Pike: "Shut up and follow me."

He slowly stepped back, stepping on the footprints left before.

"Go back according to the footprints left.

In their eyes, the footprints will suddenly disappear."

[I like this dog, I will buy a bully dog ​​now, hehe! ]

[There is a mission in front and a pursuer behind, Naruto is really in a difficult situation! ]

[Shikamaru is in a difficult situation, he could have pretended to sleep freely, but now he has to come to help. ]

[Pike is so smart, he actually thought of this way, but even in the world of immortal cultivation, they can't fly, and it's also difficult to walk backwards according to the footprints! 】

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