The bridge was covered with blood, and the water below was rippled.

The violent atmosphere permeated the entire bridge.

The water below was creating ripples.

Naruto was wrapped in the power of the evil spirit, and relying on the perception of the ancient evil spirit, he instantly sensed Bai's position.

[Oh, my sky! ]

[Classic, classic in classic! ]

[Cheating, the protagonist can't escape the fate of cheating. ]

[The ancient evil spirit appeared for the first time. ]

[Looking at this posture, it feels stronger than Duanmu Xi? ]

Seeing the picture of Naruto wrapped in orange-red jelly and looking like a fox, the audience sent out barrages.


The moment Naruto sensed Bai, the Nine-Tails's extremely strong power exploded.

The spell was so strong that even the fire spell Flame Wave could not do anything to it, but it was violently shattered.

It showed the strong power that Naruto had now exploded.

Naruto, who was possessed by the breath of the evil spirit, was very fast. No matter how Bai's mirror transfer method was transferred, Naruto could locate Bai's position based on emotional perception.

Ping! Bang!

As the ice mirrors shattered one by one, Bai could only consume mana to make up for the ice mirrors and then continue to dodge.

But who can have more mana than Naruto who was possessed by the evil spirit?

Bai was defeated by Naruto soon.

Just when the audience thought that Bai was about to be killed by Naruto in this state, a voice of "Naruto" came from a distance.

This made Naruto's keen perception heard, his body was stunned, his face was hideous for a while, and then he exited the evil spirit state.

"Huh? What's wrong with me? Why did you fall down?"

Naruto was confused and scratched his head as he looked at Bai who was lying on the ground.

He felt a burst of anger, and then Bai fell in front of him when he woke up.

Yuwen Zuo was lying on the ground, looking at the mighty Naruto with his face tilted, feeling bad.

He couldn't even beat the last one now.

"Senior Brother Zuo."

Seeing that Naruto had solved the enemy and Yuwen Zuo fell to the ground, Sakura finally recovered a little strength with weak legs and came to him.

Tears were pouring down!

She made up her mind that next time, she must not let Yuwen Zuo and Naruto play alone. As a member of the team, she must also be useful.

"Senior Brother Zuo, Naruto, I will definitely catch up with you." Sakura was firm in her inner thoughts.

[Good, ambitious, although this Sakura is a little love-brained, she is also ambitious! ]

[Yes, as an ordinary cultivator, teammates are all geniuses of blood, or protagonists with plug-ins, and new types of chasing, which is worthy of praise. ]

[No, didn't she feel weak just now? She didn't help at all. How can she chase with such a bad attitude? ]

[Indeed, it's hard to go far in cultivating immortals without a good attitude! ]

[Just because a teammate has a hand, can you improve your attitude? It's not impossible! ]

"Using the situation of a companion to improve the attitude of another person, well, this kind of bond to improve the plot of others seems a bit clever."

Judge Long Zaitian said.

Shang Tao agreed: "It's a bit far-fetched, but the reality is more exaggerated, and it's not unacceptable."

"Using an ordinary companion to set off the talents of the other two companions, the comparison is well done!" Another judge analyzed.

For the screenwriter, the setting of Xiaoying's goal in Chen Shisan's plot is indeed a bit embarrassing, but there are more embarrassing plots in reality.

None of them are unacceptable.

It's just a small flaw, not a big problem.

In the picture, continue to come to the battlefield of Duanmu Xi and others.

After feeling that Naruto's evil spirit was exposed, Duanmu Xi knew that he couldn't wait and had to resolve the battle quickly.

He also used all his strength.

Several psychic dogs cooperated with Duanmu Xi to restrict the monk who didn't want to kill.

Duanmu Xi's Sharingan kept spinning.


Between heaven and earth, the sound of countless birds suddenly resounded.

Lightning flashed on the ground!

Duanmu Xi's right hand flashed with lightning, and his left hand covered his right hand, and his Sharingan locked on the monk who didn't want to kill.


The audience only blinked an eye, and Duanmu Xi inserted lightning into the chest of the monk who didn't want to kill.


The monk who didn't want to kill fell limply on the water.

Duanmu Xi was about to continue to make up for the knife, but a figure blocked in front of him and blocked the attack.

"Master Bu Sha." Bai fell beside his master with a smile on his face.

"Bai." The monk who didn't want to kill recalled every bit of the past.

Finally, he died at the hands of Chen Shisan.

As the monk fell, the mist in the river gradually dissipated.

Duanmu Xi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Naruto was fine and the breath of the ancient evil spirit had disappeared.

Fortunately, the ancient evil spirit did not break the seal!

He lifted Yuwenzuo from the ground and said to Naruto, who was recalling the conversation with Bai:

"Let's go, the matter is settled, go back and rest first, and when they finish, return to the sect immediately."

Raikiri: An intermediate spell of lightning, used for close combat. The caster uses magic power to gather lightning at the front of the hand and solidify it. It is easy to break gold and split stone. Duanmuxi used this trick to cut lightning from the sky, so it is called Raikiri.

Those with high magic power can solidify super-large lightning.

This is an intermediate spell created by Duanmuxi of the Fire Sect when he was 12 years old. When released, it will cause a thousand birds to cry, so it is also called a thousand birds.

Summoning: A spell that can summon contracted summoned beasts regardless of distance, which is a common spell for cultivators.

Summoning beasts: The once dominant race of Xuanhuang Continent, which has been divided into countless racial branches.

Until 5,000 years ago, the evil demons from outside the domain invaded Xuanhuang Continent, planted the spirit-absorbing tree, absorbed the spiritual energy of the continent, and gave birth to the fruit of the sacred tree.

After being eaten by the first cultivator Liudao Xianren, and spreading the Taoism among the intelligent races, humans rose, and the spirit beasts withdrew from the main stage of Xuanhuang Continent.

[Duanmu Xi is worthy of being described by the author in so many words. He created his own spells at the age of 12.

I just want to ask, besides the innate Tao body in some authors' pens, who else is there? ]

[Raikiri, a spell that can cut the lightning in the sky, um, how can it be a close-range spell? ]

[Yes, it may be powerful, but isn't it a bit risky for the mage to get close? ]

[Spiritual art, isn't it just summoning art? It has to be renamed, so long-winded! ]

[Spirit beasts, the dominant race, judging from the few dogs summoned by Duanmu Xi, it is not clear at all that they once dominated a continent! ]

[Outside demons, six-path immortals, spirit-absorbing wood, appeared, high-end strong men, high-end spiritual objects! ]

[Outside demons, as the name suggests, are evil demons from other worlds. The spirit-absorbing wood they planted is probably not a good thing. It should be the final boss of Chen Shisan's story. ]

[Six-path immortal, the first immortal cultivator, is so high-end. I thought the background would be the ancient times, the ancient times, the recent ancient times, etc.! ]

[It turns out that everyone's Taoism was taught by the six-path immortal! ]

[What about the ancient evil spirits? How did these things come from? Could they be transformed by the strong among the spiritual beasts? ]

For the background of immortal heroes, five thousand years is really too short.

However, the audience likes to hunt for novelties. As long as the author can justify himself, they prefer something more fresh.

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