The battle was a battle, but the truth was revealed.

"Why I fought, who I was, I didn't know anything, I just fought all the way.

Someone needs me, and only this thing can make me move my body,

Then, I can't live without fighting, and I understand this."

In the picture, Jun Fengtian is displaced and drifting around.

"Until I met Lord Snake Tongtian, who told me that life doesn't have to be meaningful,

but as long as you are alive, you can find interesting things."

Snake Tongtian stroked Jun Fengtian's face.

"At that time, Lord Snake Tongtian said this,

People are born into this world with a certain meaning,

I think so, there must be some important mission,

My mission is to protect Lord Snake Tongtian and his ambition to the end."


In the sand, a long tentacle broke out of the sand.

"What is that?" Xiao Li said in surprise.


"Yuwen Zuo is now in the dark."


"If you stop here, you can't catch up with Yuwen Zuo."


Ningci's figure suddenly appeared in front of Naruto: "Yes, as you said, now is not the time to stop here,

Wait for me, I must bring Yuwen Zuo back."

Not wanting to disappoint his friends, Naruto smiled.

All the illusions just now have disappeared, looking at the entrance of the cave, he quickly chased out.




Sand bundle!

Looking at Jun Fengtian with a long tail in front of him, Sha Luo had no expression on his face and acted decisively.

The sand wrapped Jun Fengtian again.

But this time, relying on his demonized body, Jun Fengtian squeezed out unscathed.


Jun Fengtian punched and kicked away the sand spell attack and quickly approached.

"This look, with Yuwen Zuo..." Xiao Li looked at such an opponent and remembered Yuwen Zuo's state in the past.

Sha Luo's face gradually became solemn and felt the pressure.

The demonized Jun Fengtian with bone spurs all over his body was very fast.

Bang bang bang!

Facing the approaching enemy, Sha Luo raised the sand barrier to stop him.


The defense was directly broken, and Sha Luo was hammered high by Jun Fengtian.

"Is the legendary absolute defense just like this?

It's really disappointing." Jun Fengtian said.

But soon he saw the sand falling on Sha Luo's face.

I understand that the attack just now was still blocked.

And Xiao Li wanted to help, and appeared behind him to attack.


He couldn't beat him in his prime, let alone now that he was injured and the opponent was even stronger.

If Sha Luo hadn't reacted in time and blocked part of the attack potential of the tail with sand, Dugu Gang might have created a resurrection technique.

Xiao Li, out.

He also felt that he was already in the way.

"Sand that's in the way, next is you, Sha Luo."

In their astonished eyes, Jun Fengtian took out his spine.

Summer Dance!

The spine was like a thorny whip, breaking through the air and attacking Sha Luo.

Sha Luo only had time to defend himself with sand, but was still entangled.

"Summer Flower, this move will penetrate your sand defense as well."

A bone in the shape of a drill appeared in Jun Fengtian's hand.


Suddenly he vomited blood, knowing that he couldn't hold on for much longer.

Sha Luo's eyes condensed, and the sand in the gourd gushed out, facing Jun Fengtian's attack, forming a fat raccoon cat in front.

Absolute defense · Cat shield.

[Yes, woooo~~ People don't need to have a meaning in life, but as long as they are alive, they will definitely encounter interesting things! ]

[Serious brainwashing, beware of fraudulent MLM, please download anti-fraud APP. ]

[Snake Tongtian's MLM strength is stronger than the best MLM people in the world. ]

[This story is the author telling us to be careful and not to be fooled! ]

[Demonized. ]

[Xiao Li is out. ]

[Horror, little dinosaur, haha! ]

[This form is too strong, this level of sand magic, was actually broken by physical skills. ]

[Cat shield, is Chen Shisan so childish? ]

[Don't say it, this raccoon cat is really cute! ]

Tianzhiguo Base.

She Tongtian: "Dou, how long can Jun Fengtian hold on?"

"I think he's fine now. Although I've tried my best to treat him,

but the information about his body is really

Too few.

If there were medical records or treatment data of their clan,

maybe it would be different.

All I found out is why there is only one person in the Jun family,

and the bloody history of that clan that has reached this point.

With only the power of one clan, they challenged a large clan like Shui Zong,

and the fools who were exterminated!" Dou said.

"The Jun family is an incompetent but fighting-loving clan.

Only the battlefield can be their resting place.

However, such people who enjoy killing can only run rampant in the chaotic era.

Now the times have changed.

To challenge an organization as carefully led as Shui Zong with brute force,

they become fools who are eager to die." She Tongtian is very disdainful of such a family.

"Then, in such a Jun family, the best and youngest one was saved by you."

"That child has a power that even the guys of the fighting clan are afraid of,

so he has been imprisoned. "

"It's such a pity to let him die!" Dou.

"After all, who doesn't want such a rare and powerful bloodline,

He has strong and hard bones, and has the defense to defend against all physical attacks,

At the same time, once the attack begins, the bones will turn into the strongest spear. "



The drill bone attacked Sha Luo's absolute defense.

Sand flew everywhere.

Xiao Li was surprised to see it from the side.

Only after fighting with Sha Luo did he know how strong his defense was. Jun Fengtian could actually reach this level.


After a while, the drill in Jun Fengtian's hand broke into pieces.

"So hard." Jun Fengtian frowned.

"Gather the very hard minerals underground together,

Then use magic power to apply pressure to let them mix in the sand,

Is the special spell you used a bloodline spell?"

Sha Luo blocked the attack, but still did not move, and stood still.

"Jun family, now only I have the ability. ”

“The last person of the clan? Then, let’s exterminate them here today.”

“It may be true. My body is sick and I may not live long.

But I will not be exterminated.

And I am not alone…

I have always fought for the purpose and ambition of Lord She Tongtian. I will always, forever,

remain in Lord She Tongtian’s heart.” Jun Fengtian said slowly.

Sha Luo muttered: “Have you been completely brainwashed? What an empty guy.”

The chat ended here, and Sha Luo made a seal and cast a spell.


The raccoon cat that was defending just now suddenly exploded, and the sand bound Jun Fengtian.

A huge quicksand hell formed below, sucking him tightly.

Even the demonized Jun Fengtian had no way to do anything, and could only watch himself sink.

“What an amazing guy.” Jun Fengtian looked at Sha Luo.

“I will sink you two hundred meters underground,

using the pressure of the sand close to your body, so that you can’t even move your fingers. "

Jun Fengtian slowly disappeared in front of them.

[Sir, times have changed.]

[Both of them praised the bloodline of the Jun family. It was their honor.]

[Those who have no brains deserve to be exterminated. Just like the Yuwen family, they were exterminated by one person. No one else can do that!]

[That's right, it was still within the sect. It's ridiculous to think about it now!]

[So, why hasn't that guy named Feng Xiaoyao appeared in the picture yet?]

[The protagonist will appear at the end. You can tell by the name!]

[She Tongtian is exaggerating a bit. Look, Sha Luo's defense smashed your so-called strongest spear.]

[Soon the strongest defense will also die. It will be crushed to death by the power of the earth hundreds of meters below!]

[Crushed to death!]

[So Sha Luo is the monster. Jun Fengtian is no good. His performance is not as good as the other three or four!]

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