After everyone left the examination room, Gong Liangxi came to Naruto's seat.

He picked up Naruto's test paper.

"I didn't expect someone to pass the written test by handing in a blank paper. Fifth Naruto, what an interesting guy!" Looking at the blank test paper, Gong Liangxi was a little surprised.

[This is a bit slow. It's almost time to start over there, but I just came back. Is this a plot that I remembered at the last minute? ]

[This is not normal. When writing a story, you must delete and modify it. ]

[This must be another fantasy of Chen Shisan when he was studying. He can pass the exam by handing in a blank paper! ]

[I am a college student. I also need this. Alas! ]

[The protagonist who is unlearned and unskilled, Chen Shisan is just promoting a bad outlook on life. He deserves to be beaten! 】

【You can't eat grapes, so you say they're sour, right? 】

A plot was suddenly added, but the audience didn't feel it was abrupt.

Because this is how a story should be told. If everything is written smoothly without any modification, they will doubt whether the author has received the test questions.

And this small plot shot reflects the current shortcomings of the protagonist.

And it's also quite interesting.

Death Forest.

"Don't stand behind me with murderous intent, if you don't want to die early." Nalan Hongdou said to the person behind him.

The person behind him retracted his long tongue: "Sorry, I'm the kind of person who gets excited when I see blood, and you cut off my important hair, which is really exciting."

Others were terrified when they saw the examiner's unhesitating action and the examinee's long tongue.

What kind of weird guys are these.

"Then, before the second exam starts, I'll give this to you." Hongdou took out a stack of contract-style papers from her body.

"It's a consent form. Those who want to participate in the competition must sign here first."

"Why?" Naruto said.

"Someone may die later. We must get prior consent for this, otherwise it will become my responsibility." Hongdou said the frightening words with a smiling tone.

All the candidates looked solemn.

"Then let's start the explanation of the second competition.

In short, you are asked to launch an extreme wilderness survival challenge here."

The consent forms were distributed one by one.

"First, we will explain it in the order of the terrain of this training ground. This 44th training ground is a circle surrounded by 44 locked entrances.

There are rivers and forests, with a tower in the middle. It is about 10 kilometers from the tower to the door. Within this limited range, a certain wilderness survival project will be carried out.

The content is that everything can happen, the battle for the jade slip." Hongdou introduced.

"The battle for the jade slip?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Yes, the Jade Slip of Heaven and the Jade Slip of Earth are the battles for the two kinds of Jade Slips.

Of the 26 teams that passed the first competition, half of the 13 teams took the Jade Slip of Heaven, and the other half of the 13 teams took the Jade Slip of Earth.

I will give each team a Jade Slip. Simply put, it is a battle between each other."

Yuwen Zuo: "What are the conditions for passing the exam?"

"Take the two kinds of Jade Slips and come to the center of the tower with three people." Hongdou.

Sakura said: "In other words, half of the 13 teams whose Jade Slips were taken away will undoubtedly be eliminated."

"But it must be within the time limit. The second exam will take 120 hours, so you will have to fight for five days." Hongdou continued.

"Five days?"

"What about food?" Dingci was shocked, it was almost fatal.

"Be self-sufficient. The wild is a natural treasure house, and there is enough food." Hongdou heard it.

Kabuto pushed his glasses: "But, there are man-eating monsters, poisonous insects and poisonous plants everywhere."

"Why is it like this?" Choji was desperate.

Ino: "Stupid, that's why it's wilderness survival!"

Ningji: "Besides, 13 teams, 39 people qualified, this is impossible in the first place."

Xiao Li showed an interested expression: "The distance of action will be longer every day, and the time to recover will be shorter and shorter. It's really serious!"

Yuwen Zuo: "And there are enemies all around, and we can't even be careless and get a good sleep."

"In the battle for the jade slip, not only will some people get injured, but there will also be people who can't stand the severity of the wilderness survival project and give up." Hongdou said.

Shikamaru: "Ah, can you give up halfway?"

"As a rule, no one is allowed to give up halfway, 5 days

Please spend your time in the forest, haha! "Hongdou denied him.

Shikamaru: "As expected, it's really troublesome."

"Then, relatively speaking, the conditions for being eliminated are, first of all, the team that cannot bring three jade slips of heaven and earth to the tower within the specified time.

Second, teams that have lost members or whose members are unable to act.

Then, add one more, the contents of the scroll must not be read until it reaches the tower. "Anko said with a smile.

Naruto: "Then what if I watch it halfway?"

"That is, when you see it, please imagine it for yourself." Hongdou said.

Everyone looked confused as to why this was happening.

"If you are promoted to become inner disciples, you will also have the opportunity to have access to super-secret documents. This is to see if you are trustworthy.

That's it for the instructions. Exchange the three consent forms and jade slips in the hut over there, then decide which entrance you want to go to, and then everyone sets off together. "

Speaking of this, Hongdou breathed a sigh of relief: "One last piece of advice to everyone, don't die."

【call! This rule is a bit stifling! 】

[Yes, I first asked the disciple to sign a consent form and told everyone that he might die, which put great pressure on the disciple.

Secondly, he talked about the need to be self-sufficient in eating at the training ground, and to guard against monsters, poisonous insects and poisonous weeds, which put enough pressure on survival.

Third, they have to compete with other teams, which increases the sense of oppression caused by death.

Fourth, teammates must not die or become incapacitated. They must believe in their abilities and take care of the team.

It’s hard to imagine that this is a game setting that Chen Shisan can complete in a short period of time! 】

[When you say this, I feel suffocated and filled with mental pressure! 】

[And you can’t give up halfway, it’s absolutely amazing. How did he come up with this? 】

[Nima, it’s better to threaten the disciples, don’t die, I don’t know if it’s advice or pressure! 】

"Can you come up with such a perfect game setting in a short period of time?" Long Zaitian said to Shang Tao.

Shang Tao pondered for a while: "The setting is simple, but it is a bit difficult to make it logical and give the audience great emotions!"

He told the truth, even if he was known as a master screenwriter, he would not be able to complete these settings in a short time.

This kind of plot must be carefully considered and constantly revised.

"I wonder if he will revise the script again in the end. If this setting is not changed after the plot is over, it means that the thinking is in place. This would be too scary!" said the unknown judge.

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