The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

Naruto was looking through the spoils.

And the pharmacist Dou asked Yuwen Zuo: "What's going on? Are you injured? Such a deep wound."

Yuwen Zuo covered the exquisite seal: "Nothing."

"Got it, got it, look, it's the Jade of Heaven."

Naruto took out the enemy's jade slip, and his face showed excitement.

Dou was also happy for them: "Great."

Yuwen Zuo was behind him, looking at his profile: "This guy... must be hiding some secrets."


Naruto and others finally came to the bottom of the tower, and Yuwen Zuo walked forward with the support of Sakura.

At this moment, two fire sect monks emerged from the bushes.

"What? It's you guys." Pharmacist Kabuto looked back.

One of the men with glasses said, "You're too slow, Kabuto."

"I ran into a little problem, sorry." Kabuto apologized sincerely.

Naruto saw Kabuto's teammates and thanked Kabuto: "But it's also thanks to you that we have collected all the jade slips."

"No, it's the result of your own efforts. The last one was amazing, Naruto." Kabuto didn't forget to praise Naruto.

The female audience outside were dazzled. This is what boyfriends should look for, gentle and considerate.

Only Yuwen Zuo looked at him with a feeling that something was wrong.

"Then, let's do our best."


Kabuto gave Naruto a thumbs up to encourage him.

To make Naruto happy.

Naruto opened the door on his side and walked in with his teammates.

On the other side.

"Did you gain anything?"

"Yeah, more than I expected. In the second round, all his data has been recorded here.

This is what you want."

Dou took out a monk card and said.

"So, how is the situation?"

A pale hand took the monk card.

"You really care about him, Lord She Tongtian."

Team Dou looked at She Tongtian leaning against the wall.

She Tongtian smiled: "I want to hear your opinion as a sound cultivator."

Dou pushed his glasses: "It's not necessary. Isn't all the decision-making power in your hands?"

She Tongtian was very satisfied: "I just like your cleverness."

"Thank you for your hard work."

After a puff of smoke, She Tongtian disappeared in front of them.

[Yuwen Zuo's observation ability is still good. ]

[People with pupil technique bloodline are useless if they don't have good observation ability. ]

[It's a pity that he has two brushes, but no hair! ]

[Looking at the picture fabricated by Chen Shisan, the attitude of Yaoshi Dou towards She Tongtian seems very casual? ]

[It feels like he is not a subordinate, but a partner! ]

[She Tongtian has a good temper, he is not angry! ]

[Isn't this nonsense? As the boss of Xuanhuang Continent, how can he not have a mind state? ]

The other room.

"No one is here." Naruto looked at the empty space.

Yuwen Zuo let go of the hand that was holding Xiaoying's shoulder: "Xiaoying, I'm fine now."

"Damn, what a pity! What are you doing!"

Feeling the person she likes leaving, Xiaoying roared in her heart.

Looking at the emptiness, Naruto asked: "Well, what should we do?"

"Ah, look over there."

Xiaoying pointed to a calligraphy hanging on the wall.

"Ruo Wutian... I don't understand it at all!" Naruto muttered a few words and didn't understand.

"If there is no sky, then know wisdom and prepare for opportunities.

If there is no land, then pursue the original and seek profit.

If you open the two books of heaven and earth, the dangerous path will return to the right path, this is the ultimate secret;

Become a leader..." Sakura finished reading it.

Only Naruto was confused: "What does it mean?"

"It seems that there are still a few words missing there, which should refer to the jade slip.

This should be asking us to open the jade slip of heaven and earth." Sakura analyzed.

Recalling what Kabuto said at the beginning, the two of them were a little nervous holding the jade slip.

But they still resisted the possible trap and opened all the jade slips.

Nothing happened.

Looking at the word "人" on the jade slip, Naruto asked: "What, this is."



Suddenly, a lot of smoke came out of the word "人" on the jade slip.

Yu Wenzuo looked at the above formula and had reacted, and reminded: "That is a summoning technique, throw away the jade slip quickly."

Naruto and Sakura quickly threw the jade slip out.

Under the tense gazes of several people.


Two jade slips emitted a puff of smoke, and a figure appeared in the smoke.



Zuo was also stunned: "You, who are you?"

The smoke dissipated, and a figure with his arms crossed appeared, with a horizontal scar on his nose.

"Hey, long time no see." Iruka stood on two jade slips and greeted them.

"Hey, what's going on." Seeing that it was the class teacher, the three were shocked.

Iruka: "It seems that you have suffered a lot!"

"Eh? What's going on, Iruka teacher, you will appear with summoning?" Naruto asked.

"Because at the end of the second round of the competition, some inner disciples will welcome the big competition disciples, and I just happened to become a very important messenger for you."

He explained, and took out a watch from his body and looked at the time on it.

"Oh, the time is about to end, everyone, congratulations on passing the second round of the competition."

Iruka put away the watch and congratulated them.

"Although I really want to treat you to Ichiraku Ramen to celebrate your passing the competition..."

Before he finished speaking, Naruto interrupted: "Great."

He rushed up and hugged Iruka.

"Hey, Naruto, listen to me..."

But Naruto didn't care about that. He showed a very excited expression, and his hands and feet kept moving as if he had ADHD: "Ramen, eat ramen, I'm amazing, I'm awesome, I want to eat ramen."

"Huh, this guy is really energetic!" Yuwenzuo and Sakura finally relaxed and sat on the ground.


"Really, you still can't calm down." Iruka scratched his head.

Yuwenzuo thought of something: "Huh, so that's it. If we peeked at the jade slip during the exam, what would you do, Mr. Iruka?"

Naruto also set his eyes on the jade slip on the ground.

Iruka picked up the jade slip and praised: "Yuwenzuo, you are still as sharp as ever.

You guessed right, the rules of this game are to test your ability to actually complete the task,

That is to say, if someone violates the rules and opens the jade slip."

"What will happen if it is opened?"

"According to the order, the disciple who sees the content inside will lose his will on the spot until the end of the second round of the game."

Yuwenzuo heard it and said: "Humph, it's a good thing I didn't open it to see it!"

Naruto was shocked: "Brother Dou, thank you."

Sakura also wiped the cold sweat: "It was too dangerous!"

[Fuck, I was also deceived. I thought that the two fire sect extras were really caused by some hundred-year sleeping technique in the jade slip! ]

[That calligraphy thing, not to mention Naruto doesn't understand, I don't understand it either. Is Chen Shisan so educated? It looks quite impressive. ]

[Finally passed, such a long passage! ]

[Can you actually communicate with psychics? ]

[With this spiritual power, everyone can travel everywhere faster than taking a plane? ]

[There should be restrictions, right? Look at what contestant number one wrote, the teleportation array needs top-grade spiritual stones! ]

[This is all thanks to Dou, otherwise they would not have the chance to become inner disciples this year! ]

[Just be happy, I wonder if someone is thinking about you behind the scenes, hehe! ]

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